Latino groups fear possible uprising if Supreme Court upholds SB1070

what you fools seem to NOT understand is these people are AMERICANS

Illegal aliens are NOT US Citizens and those groups are made up of those very people. Let them riot. The Cops and the National Guard know how to handle that. And for once you IDIOTS that support illegals won't be able to tell us what peaceful productive people they are.
The fastest growing portion of the population and Republicans are doing everything they can to include them into their political party.:uhoh3:
The fastest growing portion of the population and Republicans are doing everything they can to include them into their political party.:uhoh3:

we are talking about ILLEGALS here Dean.....not American citizens......
The fastest growing portion of the population and Republicans are doing everything they can to include them into their political party.:uhoh3:

Illegal means they can not vote, or are you ADMITTING the dems commit voter fraud?
At issue, among other things, is the efficacy of allowing local law enforcement to engage in activities that are the sole purview of the Federal government:

Thrusting local law enforcement agents into this thicket [of Federal immigration policy] is not a wise idea. Local police are no more competent to identity violators of federal immigration law than they are to spot breaches of other federal regulatory regimes, such as insider trading. As District Judge Marsha Blackburn noted (pp. 76-77) in discussing a similar provision of Alabama’s immigration law, inviting untrained local officers to make spot determinations about immigration status is likely to enmesh municipalities in litigation for Fourth Amendment violations. And from a public safety perspective, to say that police must investigate the status of persons they suspect of being deportable is to say it is acceptable for undocumented immigrants—or those with whom they work or live—to fear informing the authorities when they are victims or witnesses of crime.

Arizona v. United States: S.B. 1070 : SCOTUSblog

Further, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals determined that Section 6 of SB 1070 authorizes local law enforcement officers to go further than what Federal law allows, treating a civil violations as criminal:

[There is nothing in Federal immigration law] indicating that Congress intended state and local law enforcement officers to enjoy greater authority to
effectuate a warrantless arrest than federal immigration officials.

Thus, Section 6 significantly expands the circumstances in
which Congress has allowed state and local officers to arrest
immigrants. Federal law does not allow these officers to conduct
warrantless arrests based on probable cause of civil
removability, but Section 6 does
. Therefore, Section 6 interferes
with the carefully calibrated scheme of immigration
enforcement that Congress has adopted, and it appears to be

And per the Supremacy Clause of Article VI of the US Constitution:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; [i.e Federal law] and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Which would include SB 1070 or any similar law.

States do not have the authority to ignore Federal legislation, or alter it or ‘supplement’ it with state legislation. That a state perceives the Federal government is ‘failing to do its job’ does not mitigate the Supremacy Clause nor justify state preemption.
“The 1992 Los Angeles riots will be nothing compared to what we will do,” said Nuestros Reconquistos President Manual Longoria. “This is a declaration of war on Latinos!” Pablo Flores of the Aztlánian Brotherhood agreed.
Cool. I have a brand new AK-47 I've been meaning to break in. I understand it does wonders against machete-wielding rioters. :muahaha:
Voter fraud and the Democrats go hand in hand. That's why it's imperative to get some sort of ID system in place so that when you vote, you have to prove you are eligible to vote. But the idea of using a drivers license would never work since California gives drivers licenses to illegal aliens from south of the border. They want and need their votes.
When Hispanics see Republicans mistreating Hispanics, they don't see two different kinds of Hispanics.

When gays see Republicans mistreating gays, they don't see two different kinds of gays.

When blacks see Republicans mistreating blacks, they don't see two different kinds of blacks.

When Muslims see Republicans mistreating Muslims, they don't see two different kinds of Muslims.

When women see Republicans mistreating women, they don't see two different kinds of women.

and so on..............
With all that mistreatment it's a wonder they haven't all taken to the streets to administer collective punishment.

How can we encourage that?
Riots by blacks and mexicans have a definite end date. They riot until the welfare checks are due. Just like 1992. It's standing in line with that hand out. Riot over.
Obama and company are out to destroy the USA as we know it. Just wait and see if they are voted to 'serve' 4 more hellish years!
The fastest growing portion of the population and Republicans are doing everything they can to include them into their political party.:uhoh3:

A good many of them ARE Republicans.
Do me a favor, rdweeb. Head on down to Miami, find yourself a Cuban cafe and spout your anti conservative crap
Hispanics who have decided to participate in the "American Dream" are pretty solid for the GOP. It's those who came to get something for nothing that support your party.
With all that mistreatment it's a wonder they haven't all taken to the streets to administer collective punishment.

How can we encourage that?

At one time or another, they all have.

I'm sure there is more to come.
Riots by blacks and mexicans have a definite end date. They riot until the welfare checks are due. Just like 1992. It's standing in line with that hand out. Riot over.

Republicans hate those handouts. It's why they want to get rid of Medicare and Social Security.
Riots by blacks and mexicans have a definite end date. They riot until the welfare checks are due. Just like 1992. It's standing in line with that hand out. Riot over.

Republicans hate those handouts. It's why they want to get rid of Medicare and Social Security.

Provide evidence that Republicans have ever tried to get rid of SS or medicare. A bill perhaps? Link?
Riots by blacks and mexicans have a definite end date. They riot until the welfare checks are due. Just like 1992. It's standing in line with that hand out. Riot over.

Republicans hate those handouts. It's why they want to get rid of Medicare and Social Security.

Provide evidence that Republicans have ever tried to get rid of SS or medicare. A bill perhaps? Link?

Is that a joke?

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