Latino Movement USA Led By Marxist - Juan Jose Gutierrez - Key International ANSWER M


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
May 1, 2006 - San Francisco, CA - - Juan Jose Gutierrez is the director of Latino Movement USA and a member of the steering committee of the Los Angeles branch of International A.N.S.W.E.R, a hard core Marxist organization which was responsible for organizing the huge illegal alien protest in Los Angeles on March 25 and is intimately and inextricably involved in the planning and exectution of similar protests today, appropriately the traditional day to support the "International Workers of the World."

Mr. Gutierrez is being given great exposure today; he was this morning even on happy-talk-television Fox & Friends, identified only as being associated with Latino Movement USA.

We have obtained an MP3 of an address that Mr. Gutierrez made at an LA forum hosted by the Party for Socialism & Liberation [PSL] March 10, 2006:

From the PSL website - "Director, Latino Movement USA, Gutierrez was an invited guest at the inauguration of new Bolivian president Evo Morales. He discusses the huge changes happening now in Bolivia with this inauguration the first indigenous President in Latin Ameria who declared the "colonial period was over" as millions watched live on television."

Download Gutierrez' Speech

Greeting the audiences as "comrades" Mr. Gutierrez' main point was explaining why the election of Evo Morales in Bolivia should be seen as an important victory for those who support the world-wide Marxist revolution and that Morales should not be seen simply as a Bolivian "nationalist," but as a hard-core Marxist warrior.

Gutierrez talked fondly about the Nazi regime in its infancy visiting Bolivia to acquaint itself with the mystical and power symbols of the native peoples and stated that the Bolivians that he talked to believed that the only reason why the Third Reich failed was that the Nazis turned the swastika upside down.

Gutierrez talked about Morales having become the "...supreme leader of the indigenous [American] peoples..."

Gutierrez stated that the election of Morales meant an "end of colonialism" and the "beginning of a new era" [which Gutierrez suggested was code for the continuing worker's revolution] and that Morales' understood what he was saying was a "message being addressed to entire native American population" and "setting forth a course for all the peoples of the continent..."

While observing the "crowning" of Morales, Gutierrez "could not think of anything else but of the fact that...that 39 years before that day and the age of 39 Ernesto Che Guevara’s life was taken by...agents of the CIA."

Lest one get the impression that Guevara was not an internationalist, that, "he wasn’t a real Marxist," Gutierrez suggests we look to, "Fidel [who] in his introduction [to Che's revolutionary tract] Bolivian his introduction Fidel said the people of the communist party of Bolivia who fail to support Che in his quest to ignite the revolution in the South American countries ...[have] nothing more than a prehistoric mentality..."

Gutierrez, director of Latino Movement USA and key member of International ANSWER then states, "I don’t think he could have said it better...people throughout the world who never forgot the message of Che."

Gutierrez feels that what Che did, what Fidel did was, "nothing more than what Evo Morales was doing there," and that "Che's ideology [was] nothing more than a continuation of the ancient ways of life...that remain alive today"

Continuing on Gutierrez concludes his remarks about his first day in Bolivia saying that "it goes without saying that I felt Che's revolutionary presence ...there becoming alive...the time has come to take up the banner of reigniting revolutionary fervor across the continent and across the world."

Addendum from the ANSWER website, use the above to parse the following for it true meaning:

"A.N.S.W.E.R. believes that all working people should back the demand: "Amnesty! Full Rights for All Immigrants!"
Corporations and politicians want to brutalize the people who work the hardest to keep society functioning - immigrant workers...They want to repress immigrants so their corporate allies get more profits. Repressive laws and terror campaigns allow them to exploit immigrants even more, driving down wages and working conditions for all workers. That's why racist politicians and media hacks are scapegoating immigrants for everything wrong in society. But immigrants aren't the real cause of unemployment or crime - it's the rotten system that puts profit over people.

A.N.S.W.E.R. says to Congress and all the anti-immigrant racists that "No Human Being is Illegal!" Racism against immigrants emanates from the same forces behind the criminal war to conquer and control the wealth of Iraq.

There is a force strong enough to defeat the racist warmongers - the united people's movement. That is what changes history.

A.N.S.W.E.R. is working to build a movement that can transform society, disarm the Pentagon and win back all that has been stolen from us - from Los Angeles to Baghdad, Mexico City to Manila, Port au Prince to Gaza and everywhere. Join us in the struggle for amnesty and against war, racism and bigotry!"
Stephanie said:
May 1, 2006 - San Francisco, CA - - Juan Jose Gutierrez is the director of Latino Movement USA and a member of the steering committee of the Los Angeles branch of International A.N.S.W.E.R, a hard core Marxist organization which was responsible for organizing the huge illegal alien protest in Los Angeles on March 25 and is intimately and inextricably involved in the planning and exectution of similar protests today, appropriately the traditional day to support the "International Workers of the World."

Mr. Gutierrez is being given great exposure today; he was this morning even on happy-talk-television Fox & Friends, identified only as being associated with Latino Movement USA.

We have obtained an MP3 of an address that Mr. Gutierrez made at an LA forum hosted by the Party for Socialism & Liberation [PSL] March 10, 2006:

From the PSL website - "Director, Latino Movement USA, Gutierrez was an invited guest at the inauguration of new Bolivian president Evo Morales. He discusses the huge changes happening now in Bolivia with this inauguration the first indigenous President in Latin Ameria who declared the "colonial period was over" as millions watched live on television."

Download Gutierrez' Speech

Greeting the audiences as "comrades" Mr. Gutierrez' main point was explaining why the election of Evo Morales in Bolivia should be seen as an important victory for those who support the world-wide Marxist revolution and that Morales should not be seen simply as a Bolivian "nationalist," but as a hard-core Marxist warrior.

Gutierrez talked fondly about the Nazi regime in its infancy visiting Bolivia to acquaint itself with the mystical and power symbols of the native peoples and stated that the Bolivians that he talked to believed that the only reason why the Third Reich failed was that the Nazis turned the swastika upside down.

Gutierrez talked about Morales having become the "...supreme leader of the indigenous [American] peoples..."

Gutierrez stated that the election of Morales meant an "end of colonialism" and the "beginning of a new era" [which Gutierrez suggested was code for the continuing worker's revolution] and that Morales' understood what he was saying was a "message being addressed to entire native American population" and "setting forth a course for all the peoples of the continent..."

While observing the "crowning" of Morales, Gutierrez "could not think of anything else but of the fact that...that 39 years before that day and the age of 39 Ernesto Che Guevara’s life was taken by...agents of the CIA."

Lest one get the impression that Guevara was not an internationalist, that, "he wasn’t a real Marxist," Gutierrez suggests we look to, "Fidel [who] in his introduction [to Che's revolutionary tract] Bolivian his introduction Fidel said the people of the communist party of Bolivia who fail to support Che in his quest to ignite the revolution in the South American countries ...[have] nothing more than a prehistoric mentality..."

Gutierrez, director of Latino Movement USA and key member of International ANSWER then states, "I don’t think he could have said it better...people throughout the world who never forgot the message of Che."

Gutierrez feels that what Che did, what Fidel did was, "nothing more than what Evo Morales was doing there," and that "Che's ideology [was] nothing more than a continuation of the ancient ways of life...that remain alive today"

Continuing on Gutierrez concludes his remarks about his first day in Bolivia saying that "it goes without saying that I felt Che's revolutionary presence ...there becoming alive...the time has come to take up the banner of reigniting revolutionary fervor across the continent and across the world."

Addendum from the ANSWER website, use the above to parse the following for it true meaning:

"A.N.S.W.E.R. believes that all working people should back the demand: "Amnesty! Full Rights for All Immigrants!"
Corporations and politicians want to brutalize the people who work the hardest to keep society functioning - immigrant workers...They want to repress immigrants so their corporate allies get more profits. Repressive laws and terror campaigns allow them to exploit immigrants even more, driving down wages and working conditions for all workers. That's why racist politicians and media hacks are scapegoating immigrants for everything wrong in society. But immigrants aren't the real cause of unemployment or crime - it's the rotten system that puts profit over people.

A.N.S.W.E.R. says to Congress and all the anti-immigrant racists that "No Human Being is Illegal!" Racism against immigrants emanates from the same forces behind the criminal war to conquer and control the wealth of Iraq.

There is a force strong enough to defeat the racist warmongers - the united people's movement. That is what changes history.

A.N.S.W.E.R. is working to build a movement that can transform society, disarm the Pentagon and win back all that has been stolen from us - from Los Angeles to Baghdad, Mexico City to Manila, Port au Prince to Gaza and everywhere. Join us in the struggle for amnesty and against war, racism and bigotry!"

Nothing real subtle about a May 1st March was there?
The wall's not enough, any more. I want land mines and auto turrets.

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