Latinos for Trump - Anti-Communist Rally in Florida

So some Trump supporters hijacked part of the Latino's anti communist parade. Big deal. All those people weren't there to support Trump.
You will know when you suffer. Freedom is vigilance. And we have not been.
These people know what they are talking about - they escaped communist hell and will never want to see it again. Very impressive and American peaceful protest. Good place to remind again that, Biden has no condemned communists, Antifa or BLM.

Because you lied to them.

We lied what their own eyes saw?

No - it is you that is lying.
Just what do you think they saw?

They saw you and the other tRumplings lying about Joe Biden being a socialist, that's what they saw.

They saw the results of communism.

And then they saw Joe Biden unable to condemn communism, Antifa or BLM on the debate stage. "It's just an idea!"

No one is pleased with this. Except the hard left anti-Americans of course.
Lol, what?

Now you're just making shit up.

100 million dead people. You can read about it too, death cult apologist.
Well that's a lie. Democrats have never killed a hundred million people.

Republican'ts have crossed the 200,000 mark for this year though.

No one said democrats have killed million - they are responsible for bulk of the virus deaths though.

They however, have an alliance with the far-left communist murder cult, calling for the murder of millions Olbermann style.
So some Trump supporters hijacked part of the Latino's anti communist parade. Big deal. All those people weren't there to support Trump.

Bad news (for you)...

Pretty much everyone was there to support president Trump.

I doubt that, and you probably do too.

Well, you can see the pictures. With that amount of Trump flags it should have been clear to all what is taking place. A preparation for the Trumpslide.

The last parade I watched had a dog trainer with a bunch of poodles with hats and coats and walking on their hind legs. They only took a minute to pass by and the rest of the parade continued. If I only showed you pictures of those dogs, would you think it was just a parade for dogs, and the marching bands and twirlers didn't exist?
Isnt it funny that this voting block of Cubans and Venezuelans see right through the Democrat bullshit lies.

They are WHITE SUPREMACISTS.....right liberals? :laughing0301:

They have lived through it, they know what's up.

I grew up in Miami and my High School Spanish teacher was a political prisoner of Castro and had macete cuts up and down each arm. He told us to alwaus appreciate the freedoms we have in America and he was proud to live here.

Fuck you communist Democrats.

You wouldn't recognize a real communist if he pissed on your foot.

Don't need to, we recognize you ass-wipes shitting in the streets.
So some Trump supporters hijacked part of the Latino's anti communist parade. Big deal. All those people weren't there to support Trump.

Bad news (for you)...

Pretty much everyone was there to support president Trump.

I doubt that, and you probably do too.

Well, you can see the pictures. With that amount of Trump flags it should have been clear to all what is taking place. A preparation for the Trumpslide.

The last parade I watched had a dog trainer with a bunch of poodles with hats and coats and walking on their hind legs. They only took a minute to pass by and the rest of the parade continued. If I only showed you pictures of those dogs, would you think it was just a parade for dogs, and the marching bands and twirlers didn't exist?

Either a parade or a rally for Biden.
So some Trump supporters hijacked part of the Latino's anti communist parade. Big deal. All those people weren't there to support Trump.

Bad news (for you)...

Pretty much everyone was there to support president Trump.

I doubt that, and you probably do too.

Well, you can see the pictures. With that amount of Trump flags it should have been clear to all what is taking place. A preparation for the Trumpslide.

The last parade I watched had a dog trainer with a bunch of poodles with hats and coats and walking on their hind legs. They only took a minute to pass by and the rest of the parade continued. If I only showed you pictures of those dogs, would you think it was just a parade for dogs, and the marching bands and twirlers didn't exist?

Obviously the rally had nothing to do with Trump. It was flag merchants and cartoonists uniting.
You communist Demonrats can fool bubblehead millenial faggots, you cannot fool those who fled Cuba and Venezuela.
Go ahead liberals....try to convince Cubans that BLM and ANTIFA arent communist scum. Think they will buy it?
You communist Demonrats can fool bubblehead millenial faggots, you cannot fool those who fled Cuba and Venezuela.
When all else fails, call your opponent a communist.
China wants Biden to win, Putin says democrats are similar to Soviets, Biden makes a deal with Bernie to run, and Biden supporters are actually calling themselves communists, so -----?
Isnt it funny that this voting block of Cubans and Venezuelans see right through the Democrat bullshit lies.

They are WHITE SUPREMACISTS.....right liberals? :laughing0301:

They have lived through it, they know what's up.

I grew up in Miami and my High School Spanish teacher was a political prisoner of Castro and had macete cuts up and down each arm. He told us to alwaus appreciate the freedoms we have in America and he was proud to live here.

Fuck you communist Democrats.
There aren't enough Communist, socialists or Marxist to even count in this country and there never will be. Some dumb fuck has to define them themselves to even make it a comment. The thing is it already has a definition and that definition says their definition is brain dead stupid.
how can any latino who came here to escape people like castro want to vote for Biden who wants to turn the USA into Cuba
100% stupid and a waste of bandwidth. All it really says for the person who promotes this silliness , is how brain dead stupid they are.
Unfortunately the Cubans who fled are dying off the their children are drinking the liberal Koolaid.
Unfortunately the Cubans who fled are dying off the their children are drinking the liberal Koolaid.
Maybe because what Dems offer is better then the hate and lies that make the republican party run and keep it in existence. Dem' care about people and don't hate our government like the right does. The right exist for the transfer of all wealth to the golden few at the top, which is the killing blow to capitalism. If your concerned about the economy the last thing you want to do is vote in a Republican as president, they are a total disaster for the economy. Let me see, what should we do, take care of people in need that need it or tax cuts for the ungodly wealthy for the last people on earth that needs it. You haters are all the same, you offer nothing for this country other then total complete lies, total bullshit. Your nothing but a bigoted hate group that you want people to think is a political party. In my lifetime there has never been a group as ugly and anti=American as this right wing group, They need to be gotten rid of. They are detrimental to democracy and they are trying to force in a dictator who's name is Trump.

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