Laura Ingraham discovers Bush is to blame for ISIS: ‘Iraq is worse than before we went in’


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Laura Ingraham discovers Bush is to blame for ISIS: ‘Iraq is worse than before we went in

Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham lamented over the weekend that Iraq was worse now because President George W. Bush had invaded the country in 2003.

During a panel segment on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace asked Ingraham if President Barack Obama had made the correct decision by ordering airstrikes against ISIS, a group of Islamic radicals who are taking advantage of a power vacuum in Iraq to slowly seize control of the country.

“It’s really hard, I don’t think you can judge how he did right now,” she admitted. “We’re almost in an impossible situation. The America people really have no appetite for America to reengage. They don’t want us to go into Syria.”

“He’s now reluctantly seeing the perils of inaction,” the radio host continued. “If we do nothing here, then what? I mean, let’s say Iraq does fall, which I think is a possibility. Iraq may fall. If, indeed, there are no boots are the ground, not going to happen, can’t happen.”

Ingraham added that she was “not saying” she wanted to see U.S. forces return to Iraq: “I don’t know if there’s a good solution right now, which is a horrible thing to say for the United States of America.”

Later in the segment, Ingraham pointed out that al Qaeda — through its ISIS offshoot group — was “becoming the Islamic state.

“We tried to do all these things in Iraq, now Iraq is worse off!” she exclaimed. “I mean, I hate to say that, but Iraq is worse than before we went in to Iraq. Christians are gone, there’s no sense of order at all.”

“Saddam Hussein is gone. That’s a good thing, but what’s left? A more embolden Islamic state.
So what's the theory on what the region would look like today if Saddam et al were just left to run the show in Iraq ?
whoa, six years later and still everything is Bush's fault

what a shocker eh? ain't been nothing that's been the man/child Obama's fault yet

Miraculous just like he is. but he hasn't stopped the seas rising yet or healed the planet...he be working on that while on the golf course
whoa, six years later and still everything is Bush's fault

what a shocker eh? ain't been nothing that's been the man/child Obama's fault yet

Miraculous just like he is. but he hasn't stopped the seas rising yet or healed the planet...he be working on that while on the golf course

Saddam Hussein was strong enough to prevent groups like ISIS from running amok. When we took down Hussein and killed nearly a million Iraqis, we created a power vacuum that ISIS is filling. The same is true of Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

We will be paying for the Iraq war for generations--it was a monumental policy disaster. Thanks, Cheney.
whoa, six years later and still everything is Bush's fault

what a shocker eh? ain't been nothing that's been the man/child Obama's fault yet

Miraculous just like he is. but he hasn't stopped the seas rising yet or healed the planet...he be working on that while on the golf course

Saddam Hussein was strong enough to prevent groups like ISIS from running amok. When we took down Hussein and killed nearly a million Iraqis, we created a power vacuum that ISIS is filling. The same is true of Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

We will be paying for the Iraq war for generations--it was a monumental policy disaster. Thanks, Cheney.

why are telling me this? shouldn't you be applauding laura Ingraham and raw story? at least for this week, next week people like op and raw story will hate her again
It had nothing to do with obama's abrupt withdrawal or the utterly foolish support for ISIS early on in Syria.
whoa, six years later and still everything is Bush's fault

what a shocker eh? ain't been nothing that's been the man/child Obama's fault yet

Miraculous just like he is. but he hasn't stopped the seas rising yet or healed the planet...he be working on that while on the golf course

Saddam Hussein was strong enough to prevent groups like ISIS from running amok. When we took down Hussein and killed nearly a million Iraqis, we created a power vacuum that ISIS is filling. The same is true of Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

We will be paying for the Iraq war for generations--it was a monumental policy disaster. Thanks, Cheney.

Well ya---he gassed em. So why are we forcing Assad to get rid of all of his ?
whoa, six years later and still everything is Bush's fault

what a shocker eh? ain't been nothing that's been the man/child Obama's fault yet

Miraculous just like he is. but he hasn't stopped the seas rising yet or healed the planet...he be working on that while on the golf course

Saddam Hussein was strong enough to prevent groups like ISIS from running amok. When we took down Hussein and killed nearly a million Iraqis, we created a power vacuum that ISIS is filling. The same is true of Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

We will be paying for the Iraq war for generations--it was a monumental policy disaster. Thanks, Cheney.

Well ya---he gassed em. So why are we forcing Assad to get rid of all of his ?

The only goal the U.S. and its allies has is the permanent destabilization of Middle Eastern nations. Remember Reagan's funding of the Iraqi war machine (and its chemical weapons programs) against Iran? It was done to perpetuate the conflict and create as much havoc as possible.
It had nothing to do with obama's abrupt withdrawal or the utterly foolish support for ISIS early on in Syria.

Obama's actions are only a tiny, tiny component of the total U.S. involvement in the Middle East, and there are players that are beyond the control of the President. The U.S. has disrupted M.E. nations for decades.
whoa, six years later and still everything is Bush's fault

what a shocker eh? ain't been nothing that's been the man/child Obama's fault yet

Miraculous just like he is. but he hasn't stopped the seas rising yet or healed the planet...he be working on that while on the golf course

Saddam Hussein was strong enough to prevent groups like ISIS from running amok. When we took down Hussein and killed nearly a million Iraqis, we created a power vacuum that ISIS is filling. The same is true of Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

We will be paying for the Iraq war for generations--it was a monumental policy disaster. Thanks, Cheney.

Well ya---he gassed em. So why are we forcing Assad to get rid of all of his ?

The only goal the U.S. and its allies has is the permanent destabilization of Middle Eastern nations. Remember Reagan's funding of the Iraqi war machine (and its chemical weapons programs) against Iran? It was done to perpetuate the conflict and create as much havoc as possible.

Thanks to Obama the plan is continuing to play out in Syria. Disarm Syria and empower ISIS.
Laura gave up her conservative credentials a long time ago. She was vying for a slot on FOX and lo and behold she was slagging Romney daily on her show. Slagging conservatives on a continual basis.

Now she's just turned into another Ann Coulter doing and saying anything that will grab her a headline.

It doesn't surprise me at all that she would lay the development of ISIS and the mess in Iraq at Bush's feet.

Nor does it surprise me at the number of morons out there that will believe Bush made ISIS when in truth it was Obama/Harper/Cameron and others who have turned the ME which has always been a dog's breakfast into true FUBAR'D territory .

If these assholes hadn't been so intent on deposing Assad at any and all cost ISIS could not have become the most powerful and wealthy terror army/government on the planet.
Laura gave up her conservative credentials a long time ago. She was vying for a slot on FOX and lo and behold she was slagging Romney daily on her show. Slagging conservatives on a continual basis.

Now she's just turned into another Ann Coulter doing and saying anything that will grab her a headline.

It doesn't surprise me at all that she would lay the development of ISIS and the mess in Iraq at Bush's feet.

Nor does it surprise me at the number of morons out there that will believe Bush made ISIS when in truth it was Obama/Harper/Cameron and others who have turned the ME which has always been a dog's breakfast into true FUBAR'D territory .

If these assholes hadn't been so intent on deposing Assad at any and all cost ISIS could not have become the most powerful and wealthy terror army/government on the planet.

come on, you know there ain't nothing that is that Dear wonderful leaders fault
He's as pure as the first fallen snow
It's never ending with the left and the excuses they find for the man/child President
It had nothing to do with obama's abrupt withdrawal or the utterly foolish support for ISIS early on in Syria.

Obama's actions are only a tiny, tiny component of the total U.S. involvement in the Middle East, and there are players that are beyond the control of the President. The U.S. has disrupted M.E. nations for decades.

No way. Obama says we can reach anything.
Laura gave up her conservative credentials a long time ago.

OMG! You're too much!

Are you related to Stephanie?
Laura gave up her conservative credentials a long time ago. She was vying for a slot on FOX and lo and behold she was slagging Romney daily on her show. Slagging conservatives on a continual basis.

I fixated on your first sentence,!

But your second and third sentences show just how delusional you have become, td. You actually believe that Romney was a conservative, when he clearly was saying whatever conservatives wanted to hear, and had no history of taking those positions - in fact, he took the complete opposite positions just a few years beforehand.

I'm no fan of Ingraham but I recognize that she is an ultra-conservative who slags Republicans who are not far enough to the Right.
whoa, six years later and still everything is Bush's fault

what a shocker eh? ain't been nothing that's been the man/child Obama's fault yet

Miraculous just like he is. but he hasn't stopped the seas rising yet or healed the planet...he be working on that while on the golf course

freemason9 said:
Saddam Hussein was strong enough to prevent groups like ISIS from running amok. When we took down Hussein and killed nearly a million Iraqis, we created a power vacuum that ISIS is filling. The same is true of Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

We will be paying for the Iraq war for generations--it was a monumental policy disaster. Thanks, Cheney.

dilloduck said:
Well ya---he gassed em. So why are we forcing Assad to get rid of all of his ?

freemason9 said:
The only goal the U.S. and its allies has is the permanent destabilization of Middle Eastern nations. Remember Reagan's funding of the Iraqi war machine (and its chemical weapons programs) against Iran? It was done to perpetuate the conflict and create as much havoc as possible.

Wow, for a Freemason, you sure are stupid.

They oughtta kick your ass out with a pair of jackboots, idiot.
Laura gave up her conservative credentials a long time ago. She was vying for a slot on FOX and lo and behold she was slagging Romney daily on her show. Slagging conservatives on a continual basis.

I fixated on your first sentence,!

But your second and third sentences show just how delusional you have become, td. You actually believe that Romney was a conservative, when he clearly was saying whatever conservatives wanted to hear, and had no history of taking those positions - in fact, he took the complete opposite positions just a few years beforehand.

I'm no fan of Ingraham but I recognize that she is an ultra-conservative who slags Republicans who are not far enough to the Right.

Syn no she isn't ultra right. Laura is just a player. Just like the Mouth from the South Kathleen (shoot I can't remember her last name right now; a columnist that I always heard on air up here with Adler) or David Frum who have played both sides of the aisle to keep their profile front and center. There's a lot of them that play that game.

I guess I assumed others listen to her and didn't go into more detail.

All during the primaries she and Annie Coulter trashed out all of Romney's competition. They were too radical. They were too right wing. They were too out of touch and couldn't win. The only ones that could win were Romney and Christie. Over and over and over. I thought Coulter of all people had lost her freaking mind.

I'm very aware that Romney is no conservative, come on here give me a break. :lol:

So she and Annie were all pro Romney and begging that Christie be picked for the VP slot.

BUT then she started subbing for O'Reilly and a couple of slots came open at FOX.

All of a sudden during the election cycle Laura hated the ground Romney walked on. Slagged him every day. Slagged every conservative running as well. Crucified Romney for being on a jet ski. Slaughtered his performances during the debates. Gave Ryan grief when he appeared on her show.

She made a big la de da to be fair and balanced by cutting up Romney more than Obama.

Laura like I said is just a player. When she realized that the Tea Party hadn't died out she started to lean ultra right again. Tries to take credit for getting Cantor defeated when in reality of all the talkers Levin put Cantor permanently out of Washington.

He drove the on air campaign for Dave Brat. First time I've ever seen Mark really jump in.

So you see we have Laura the centrist backing Romney and against all other primary candidates. Slagging Palin to the point that Levin went NUCLEAR publicly against her and Coulter.

Then when she thought she could snag a position at FOX she becomes almost freaking left wing and now she's conservative again.

Her ratings really suffered so I guess she felt she had to become uber Tea Party.

Hope that clears up my original statement.
Laura Ingraham discovers Bush is to blame for ISIS: ‘Iraq is worse than before we went in

Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham lamented over the weekend that Iraq was worse now because President George W. Bush had invaded the country in 2003.

During a panel segment on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace asked Ingraham if President Barack Obama had made the correct decision by ordering airstrikes against ISIS, a group of Islamic radicals who are taking advantage of a power vacuum in Iraq to slowly seize control of the country.

“It’s really hard, I don’t think you can judge how he did right now,” she admitted. “We’re almost in an impossible situation. The America people really have no appetite for America to reengage. They don’t want us to go into Syria.”

“He’s now reluctantly seeing the perils of inaction,” the radio host continued. “If we do nothing here, then what? I mean, let’s say Iraq does fall, which I think is a possibility. Iraq may fall. If, indeed, there are no boots are the ground, not going to happen, can’t happen.”

Ingraham added that she was “not saying” she wanted to see U.S. forces return to Iraq: “I don’t know if there’s a good solution right now, which is a horrible thing to say for the United States of America.”

Later in the segment, Ingraham pointed out that al Qaeda — through its ISIS offshoot group — was “becoming the Islamic state.

“We tried to do all these things in Iraq, now Iraq is worse off!” she exclaimed. “I mean, I hate to say that, but Iraq is worse than before we went in to Iraq. Christians are gone, there’s no sense of order at all.”

“Saddam Hussein is gone. That’s a good thing, but what’s left? A more embolden Islamic state.


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