Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...


She's right, the whole Middle East is worse off.

It's more unstable, it's more susceptible to terrorist groups, Israel is in worse danger, Iran is emboldened and more dangerous.

This is what happens when we continue to stick our military nose in the middle of a 17th-century civilization that already hates us.

Will we learn, or will we not?


Who better to understand Iraq than a republican talk show host. And of course most republican talk show hosts with all their military experience were beating the war drums at one time. Lyndie England and Jessica Lynch have more military experience than all those republican neocons combined.
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So how is Fox having a stream of liberals on the network speaking their own views not an "unrestrained POV?" Do you actually ever watch Fox? Or you just comment from what liberals tell you?

I have Fox on about three hours a day along with MSNC or CNN.

I believe you that you think you're a Republican, but be honest. You voted for Kerry and Obama twice, didn't you? You justified it with reactionaries and neocons and such, but you voted Democrat, didn't you?
Kaz, I voted overwhelmingly for GOP candidates.

You didn't, did you? You did not even vote for Bush or McCain or Romney, did you?

The far right reactionary drone bots continually lose ground in the GOP, as does the libertarian wing.
Now we know for sure which of those Democrats voted for Romney because they loved the ideas he and Obama share but just couldn't bring "him"self to overcome "his" inate racism.
some people can be incorporated to our capitalistic society but not poor dirt farmers. they don't have a real stake in it so when you pull up in suvs with cool sunglasses and uzis, phones and cool alien tools like that trying to take over their country by force or coup, it just wont do. they will take to their tribal defensive ways and still today can keep alive and still fight. you are asking proud self sufficient people to bow and get at the bottom of our pyramid scheme that has destroyed their world with wmds. I'd do the same thing, probably most of you all would to. you gotta see where they are coming from. you know. national and tribal pride? kill or be killed way of life? conquer or die? live by the pen or sword? then don't have many pens and half of them can barely write
but we gave them plenty of fire power. because the enemy of our enemies is our friend till our enemies are defeated then our fake friends become our new enemies. dah
Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...

It sure is. Thank the Bushes.

So during the W Presidency, how many times did you tell Republicans to just "get over" Clinton, he's no longer President?

So what? What's your point, sparky? Clinton balanced the budget and did NOT start TWO wars. Therefore, what was there to blame Clinton for? NaziCons were too busy trying to impeach Clinton while ignoring Osama bin Laden was gaining terrorist power. Clinton warned Bush about Osama bin Laden - but Bush and Rice ignored those warnings. It is documented.
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Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...

It sure is. Thank the Bushes.

So during the W Presidency, how many times did you tell Republicans to just "get over" Clinton, he's no longer President?

So what? What's your point, sparky?

Your hypocrisy, like when you said for Bergdahl you would wait for all investigations to complete before having any opinion while in Ferguson you call it "1st degree murder" now.
NaziCons were too busy trying to impeach Clinton while ignoring Osama bin Laden was gaining terrorist power. Clinton warned Bush about Osama bin Laden - but Bush and Rice ignored those warnings. It is documented.

You're babbling, what does this have to do with anything?
Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...

It sure is. Thank the Bushes.

So during the W Presidency, how many times did you tell Republicans to just "get over" Clinton, he's no longer President?

So what? What's your point, sparky?

Your hypocrisy, like when you said for Bergdahl you would wait for all investigations to complete before having any opinion while in Ferguson you call it "1st degree murder" now.

Why do you keep omitting that I also said "at face value"?
Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...

It sure is. Thank the Bushes.

So during the W Presidency, how many times did you tell Republicans to just "get over" Clinton, he's no longer President?

So what? What's your point, sparky?

Your hypocrisy, like when you said for Bergdahl you would wait for all investigations to complete before having any opinion while in Ferguson you call it "1st degree murder" now.

Why do you keep omitting that I also said "at face value"?

A distinction without a difference. And you said once "at face value" and hammered it being murder for page after page.
Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...

It sure is. Thank the Bushes.

So during the W Presidency, how many times did you tell Republicans to just "get over" Clinton, he's no longer President?

So what? What's your point, sparky?

Your hypocrisy, like when you said for Bergdahl you would wait for all investigations to complete before having any opinion while in Ferguson you call it "1st degree murder" now.

Why do you keep omitting that I also said "at face value"?

A distinction without a difference. And you said once "at face value" and hammered it being murder for page after page.

And it's still murder.
A distinction without a difference. And you said once "at face value" and hammered it being murder for page after page.

And it's still murder.

Exactly, when you can suck Obama's balls and say you have no opinion you do that, when you can suck Obama's balls and declare blacks are under siege from white cops committing "murder" you do that.


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