Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...

You know, we couldve saved a whole bunch of time, money and lives if only the republicans didnt have that fucking jingoistic blood lust after 9/11.

You all had it. The Iraq invasion was very much bipartisan.

Not all of us. Not even the members of Congress. See:

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The R's vote in lock-step for war; the D's. not so much. The majority of D's in the H. of Rep. voted NO; in the Senate only a few more voted yes than voted no. All but one of the R's in the H. of Rep. voted for war.

And remember that these votes were predicated on lies contrived and propagated by the Bush administration.
You all had it. The Iraq invasion was very much bipartisan.

Not all of us. Not even the members of Congress. See:

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The R's vote in lock-step for war; the D's. not so much. The majority of D's in the H. of Rep. voted NO; in the Senate only a few more voted yes than voted no. All but one of the R's in the H. of Rep. voted for war.

And remember that these votes were predicated on lies contrived and propagated by the Bush administration.

That's what drive me crazy about Republicans. Just because the President made a comprehensive effort to SELL the entire US the idea of going to war in Iraq and just because a relatively small number of Democrats BOUGHT what the President was SELLING, it has now, somehow become the Democrats fault that we invaded Iraq.

Makes me crazy. And I have to say that the Bush administration put on a pretty good sales presentation. Full of lies and bullshit but they stuck with it and closed the sale.

More and more people seem to be coming around to the fact that the Middle East is a fucked up place with strange politics. Let's stay the fuck out of it and let them sort their own house.

More like Laura is saying this because its obama in the white house. the idea she is being honest is laughable

That's another possibility, i.e., that she's just trying to maneuver into a position that will be the opposite of the President's.

That's standard practice in the rightwing propaganda industry.
More and more people seem to be coming around to the fact that the Middle East is a fucked up place with strange politics. Let's stay the fuck out of it and let them sort their own house.

More like Laura is saying this because its obama in the white house. the idea she is being honest is laughable

That's another possibility, i.e., that she's just trying to maneuver into a position that will be the opposite of the President's.

That's standard practice in the rightwing propaganda industry.

Yeah...and a left wing practice too.

Too bad more Americans can't understand that our political class and most of our media, are entirely corrupt and criminal.
Iraq was wrong, period, and the military analysts, once again, were wrong, so the responsibility is Bush's. No one else. Ever. That is how the history books will record it.
Iraq was wrong, period, and the military analysts, once again, were wrong, so the responsibility is Bush's. No one else. Ever. That is how the history books will record it.

I have no problem blaming Bush and you are right, historians will blame him. Though those of us knowledgeable on the issue, know the Ds put up little resistance to W's push for an aggressive war, against a nation that had not attacked us.

You should hold some animus toward the Ds for failing to do their job. No? Few in Congress voiced objections. However, one man strongly opposed and voiced it repeatedly...guess who? Ron Paul...and no doubt you hold no respect for him.

Ds in the Senate who voted for it include Biden, Kerry, Clinton, Schumer, Rockfeller, Feinstein...all heroes of the Left today. You guys would love to see Mrs. BJ Bubba win the WH in 2016, which is completely crazy.
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Iraq was wrong, period, and the military analysts, once again, were wrong, so the responsibility is Bush's. No one else. Ever. That is how the history books will record it.

And let the historical record show that Democrats supported Bush...
The same mentality was used when the US kept bases in Japan, Germany and South Korea.

However when we get involved and then do not fortify the are things like Vietnam, Afghanistan and happen and it happened again in Iraq.

Iraq is not in the same category as Germany, Japan and S. Korea. Germany declared war against the US, Japan declared war against the US, and they both attacked the US. S. Korea was under US protectorship status N.Korea attacked the USA and a peace treaty still does not exist only a cease fire..
Iraq had a peace treaty with the US and the end result was that we should leave according to the Iraqi leaders. So we did....Not the first time the US vacated a place that they have controlled before, why is it such a big deal now?

Therein lies the ignorance of left wing America. It is not our place to determine whether Iraq or Afghanistan wants us there. It is our place to determine whether the national security of the United States of America requires us to be there. It is far past time to cease the blame game, and figure out what is best for us today and tomorrow.

Obama himself said that Iraq was stable, and relatively peaceful, before he decided to withdraw all troops. Therefore, he owns the situation that currently exists, and we need to work from there. What is in our national interest today?

I contend that we cannot afford to allow ISIS to take over Iraq and Syria and establish their radical Islamic Caliphate. I also contend that it would be morally wrong to abandon the Kurds to the tender mercies of this Caliphate. In addition, I contend that we should leave the Baghdad government to their own fate, and concentrate on how we can help the Kurds, and possibly the Sunni's, run ISIS out of Northern Iraq.

I believe this can be successfully accomplished without US ground forces, if we have the balls to provide air support and military intelligence for Kurdish ground operations. Run them back into Syria, where they can be successfully contained.

The United States population may be war weary, but the radical Islamists are not, and that means we have to keep up the fight, or eventually lose the war.

The middle eastern muslim countries have never been a threat to the continental USA. They have no long range missiles capable of reaching here, no navy to speak of, no long range bombers. These wars are about USA interfering where it doesn't belong. Exactly what George Washington advised against.
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Better late than never. I give her credit for being honest. Now we just need more Neocons and Communists/Progressives to come around. A humble Non-Intervention Foreign Policy is the way forward.
Iraq was better off before Obama took over.

If she can't see that then she is a stupid bitch.

Obama fucked up all the gains we made in Iraq.
Iraq was wrong, period, and the military analysts, once again, were wrong, so the responsibility is Bush's. No one else. Ever. That is how the history books will record it.

And let the historical record show that Democrats supported Bush...

...based on intel given to them by Cheney and his neocon cabal. Grow up Sport :thup: [MENTION=20981]Rozman[/MENTION]

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Iraq was better off before Obama took over.

If she can't see that then she is a stupid bitch.

Obama fucked up all the gains we made in Iraq.

what were these "gains we made" in vietraq. :eusa_eh: We merely "kept a lid on it" to the tune of TRILLIONS in borrowed taxpayer dollars & 4,500+ casualties you idiot.
Cocksucker.....tell us why Obama and Biden claimed "Iraq was their greatest achievement." :eusa_whistle:

Very strange that they played up "safe and secure" Iraq after talking up Bush initiating the drawdown and them finishing the job 100% with no US troops "bogged down in Iraq."

Did Obama lie, cocksucker?

Iraq was better off before Obama took over.

If she can't see that then she is a stupid bitch.

Obama fucked up all the gains we made in Iraq.

what were these "gains we made" in vietraq. :eusa_eh: We merely "kept a lid on it" to the tune of TRILLIONS in borrowed taxpayer dollars & 4,500+ casualties you idiot.
Iraq was better off before Obama took over.

If she can't see that then she is a stupid bitch.

Obama fucked up all the gains we made in Iraq.

what were these "gains we made" in vietraq. :eusa_eh: We merely "kept a lid on it" to the tune of TRILLIONS in borrowed taxpayer dollars & 4,500+ casualties you idiot.

That oil pay for the War yet? Probably not, huh?
Iraq was wrong, period, and the military analysts, once again, were wrong, so the responsibility is Bush's. No one else. Ever. That is how the history books will record it.

And let the historical record show that Democrats supported Bush...

Based on patriotism, lies and shifting rationales.

The Democrat's excuses they were lied to just as thin as the evidence they accepted when they voted for it. Man up to taking responsibility for your own actions.
Cocksucker.....tell us why Obama and Biden claimed "Iraq was their greatest achievement." :eusa_whistle:

Very strange that they played up "safe and secure" Iraq after talking up Bush initiating the drawdown and them finishing the job 100% with no US troops "bogged down in Iraq."

Did Obama lie, cocksucker?
You certainly are with your argument. :9:
Of can't explain Obama taking credit for Iraq being safe and secure in 2010-11 and now blaming Buuuuuuuuush for a mess in Iraq today.....because you are a lying, stupid sack of shit.

You certainly are with your argument. :9:
Maybe Fox is really fair and balanced and the left doesn't understand the concept. Were Berliners better off under Russian domination than under Hitler? We sacrificed about 300k in WW2 to liberate Germany and the Baltic states and then we gave it away to the Russians. Not much different from the negligence after the victory in Iraq.

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