Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...

All because Obama dropped the ball all so he could appease his far left base for the 2012 elections.

all because Obama honored the agreement between Bush and Maliki in 2008 and you're an idiot.

For those who say “but Bush negotiated the agreement under which Obama ended up completely pulling out of Iraq,” there is no question that everyone involved in those Bush negotiations expected that the next president would forge a new agreement with the Iraqi government when the time came, and that it would involve leaving some residual forces there. But it was clear that Obama had no interest in doing so; he barely participated in the talks and pulled out when the going got the least bit rough.

More far left propaganda not based on fact!
The far right reactionary drone bots are responsible for this horrible situation.

(1) Put together an international effort to crush ISIS.

(2) Send GWB and the leading neo-cons to The Hague.

So you going to condemn Obama for his illegal wars?

For those who say “but Bush negotiated the agreement under which Obama ended up completely pulling out of Iraq,” there is no question that everyone involved in those Bush negotiations expected that the next president would forge a new agreement with the Iraqi government when the time came, and that it would involve leaving some residual forces there. But it was clear that Obama had no interest in doing so; he barely participated in the talks and pulled out when the going got the least bit rough.

Another far left Obama propaganda drone downed with facts.
All because Obama dropped the ball all so he could appease his far left base for the 2012 elections.

Damn Obama for invading Iraq and taking out Saddam Hussein and plunging the country into anarchy!

Another far left propaganda bomb that miss it's target by light years.

Another shining example that the history of Iraq started in 2003 according to the far left.
Nobody here has the brains to ask Where is the Iraq army? Why are they not defending their freedom or whatever kind of mess they had? If they want to keep it, is it not their job to defend it? You can blame this guy or that guy but in the end where is the Iraqi army in this?
All because Obama dropped the ball all so he could appease his far left base for the 2012 elections.

all because Obama honored the agreement between Bush and Maliki in 2008 and you're an idiot.

For those who say “but Bush negotiated the agreement under which Obama ended up completely pulling out of Iraq,” there is no question that everyone involved in those Bush negotiations expected that the next president would forge a new agreement with the Iraqi government when the time came, and that it would involve leaving some residual forces there. But it was clear that Obama had no interest in doing so; he barely participated in the talks and pulled out when the going got the least bit rough.

More far left propaganda not based on fact!

More far right reactionary drone bot drivel.

Maliki would not budge on SOFA, thus no extension.
Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...

I totally agree! I've been saying that for many years. Saddam was a dictatorial asshole - but he knew his environment and kept the lid on that cesspool of tribal lunatics. Saddam was a secularist. There has been much bad press about how he gassed the Kurds. Well, Saddam thought he had good reason - because the Kurds were very actively trying to topple him.
Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...

I totally agree! I've been saying that for many years. Saddam was a dictatorial asshole - but he knew his environment and kept the lid on that cesspool of tribal lunatics. Saddam was a secularist. There has been much bad press about how he gassed the Kurds. Well, Saddam thought he had good reason - because the Kurds were very actively trying to topple him.

If Saddam were around today, annihilating ISIS, he'd win the Lesser of Two Evils Man of the Year award.
All because Obama dropped the ball all so he could appease his far left base for the 2012 elections.

all because Obama honored the agreement between Bush and Maliki in 2008 and you're an idiot.

For those who say “but Bush negotiated the agreement under which Obama ended up completely pulling out of Iraq,” there is no question that everyone involved in those Bush negotiations expected that the next president would forge a new agreement with the Iraqi government when the time came, and that it would involve leaving some residual forces there. But it was clear that Obama had no interest in doing so; he barely participated in the talks and pulled out when the going got the least bit rough.

More far left propaganda not based on fact!

those Bush negotiations expected that the next president would forge a new agreement with the Iraqi government when the time came,

really? Bush EXPECTED ? and you live in a world based on conjecture.
The far right reactionary drone bots are responsible for this horrible situation.

(1) Put together an international effort to crush ISIS.

(2) Send GWB and the leading neo-cons to The Hague.

So you going to condemn Obama for his illegal wars?


It's odd that you keep saying that when you've also complained that Obama didn't act soon enough;

you're calling something illegal that you wanted Obama to do, apparently illegally, months ago.

She's right, the whole Middle East is worse off.

It's more unstable, it's more susceptible to terrorist groups, Israel is in worse danger, Iran is emboldened and more dangerous.

This is what happens when we continue to stick our military nose in the middle of a 17th-century civilization that already hates us.

Will we learn, or will we not?

The same mentality was used when the US kept bases in Japan, Germany and South Korea.

However when we get involved and then do not fortify the are things like Vietnam, Afghanistan and happen and it happened again in Iraq.

Iraq is not in the same category as Germany, Japan and S. Korea. Germany declared war against the US, Japan declared war against the US, and they both attacked the US. S. Korea was under US protectorship status N.Korea attacked the USA and a peace treaty still does not exist only a cease fire..
Iraq had a peace treaty with the US and the end result was that we should leave according to the Iraqi leaders. So we did....Not the first time the US vacated a place that they have controlled before, why is it such a big deal now?

Therein lies the ignorance of left wing America. It is not our place to determine whether Iraq or Afghanistan wants us there. It is our place to determine whether the national security of the United States of America requires us to be there. It is far past time to cease the blame game, and figure out what is best for us today and tomorrow.

Obama himself said that Iraq was stable, and relatively peaceful, before he decided to withdraw all troops. Therefore, he owns the situation that currently exists, and we need to work from there. What is in our national interest today?

I contend that we cannot afford to allow ISIS to take over Iraq and Syria and establish their radical Islamic Caliphate. I also contend that it would be morally wrong to abandon the Kurds to the tender mercies of this Caliphate. In addition, I contend that we should leave the Baghdad government to their own fate, and concentrate on how we can help the Kurds, and possibly the Sunni's, run ISIS out of Northern Iraq.

I believe this can be successfully accomplished without US ground forces, if we have the balls to provide air support and military intelligence for Kurdish ground operations. Run them back into Syria, where they can be successfully contained.

The United States population may be war weary, but the radical Islamists are not, and that means we have to keep up the fight, or eventually lose the war.
So you going to condemn Obama for his illegal wars?


It's odd that you keep saying that when you've also complained that Obama didn't act soon enough;

you're calling something illegal that you wanted Obama to do, apparently illegally, months ago.

More far left lies and propaganda not based on reality.

For those who say “but Bush negotiated the agreement under which Obama ended up completely pulling out of Iraq,” there is no question that everyone involved in those Bush negotiations expected that the next president would forge a new agreement with the Iraqi government when the time came, and that it would involve leaving some residual forces there. But it was clear that Obama had no interest in doing so; he barely participated in the talks and pulled out when the going got the least bit rough.

Once again the far left will not condemn Obama for his illegal wars.
How is it that you believe obama should have been able to negotiate something bush couldnt when he held all the bargaining chips?
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You know, we couldve saved a whole bunch of time, money and lives if only the republicans didnt have that fucking jingoistic blood lust after 9/11.

You ever notice all their plans turn to shit then they spend the next years trying to convince everyone it was actually someone elses fault?
Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...

I totally agree! I've been saying that for many years. Saddam was a dictatorial asshole - but he knew his environment and kept the lid on that cesspool of tribal lunatics. Saddam was a secularist. There has been much bad press about how he gassed the Kurds. Well, Saddam thought he had good reason - because the Kurds were very actively trying to topple him.

If Saddam were around today, annihilating ISIS, he'd win the Lesser of Two Evils Man of the Year award.

Yep. And Maliki is no better. The Bushes totally destabilized Iraq - and Maliki was the icing on the cake.
Why are Bush, Cheney, and Rice so quiet on this current Iraq crisis? Especially Cheney, who usually can't wait to criticize Obama about everything - while defending his own record while Vice President (or President).
Congratulations, Laura! It only took you a decade and a new president of an opposing party to see the obvious.

Honest to Allah. Is this what it takes to get conservatives to shut their running mouths long enough to see past their flapping lips? The evidence that Iraq was a disaster started immediately after the initial shooting war had ended and the poorly-planned occupation had begun. Chaos reigned in the streets as pretty much all law and order had broken down and there were insufficient American soldiers to insure the overall safety of the civilian population. It's been mostly downhill ever since. But I don't recall hearing any criticism from the right.

In fact, the whole idea to go into Iraq in the first place was misguided at best. Hell, many would argue (I would be among them) that the idea that Iraq was a threat to the US was preposterous. And the notion that Iraq had some kind of nuclear capability, or was on it's way to developing one, was laughable. The ONLY conclusion is that the American people were sold a bill of goods.

But the American flag wavers and the armchair shock & awe affectionados were thrilled. Yeah, they pumped their fists in the air in celebration of something. I was never sure exactly what it was since people were quite probably dying as a result of each explosion we saw on TV. But wasn't Laura one of the Bush boosters and war supporters from day one? I mean, did she EVER express any doubts or any misgivings before, during, or after the invasion? How about in the aftermath of the invasion when the insurgency started? Did she ever offer any cautionary advice since the ME has all kinds of tribal, ethnic, and religious rivalries most Americans don't understand? Or was she one of those Gung-ho types who offered words of support from behind her microphone in her climate-controlled studio?

But Laura has seen the light now. The light of understanding from that political super nova explosion ten light years away has finally reached her. As Forrest Gump used to say, "That's a GOOD thing!"

What >I< want to know is why should I give a shit what Laura thinks about anything under the sun when it took her longer to see the obvious reality of the Iraq debacle than it took for builders to construct both towers of the World Trade Center from the time they first broke ground in 1966 to when it first opened to the general public in 1973?
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"The Iraq problem has many fathers, going back to the end of World War I. To blame Obama is pure hackery and proves both Kosh and Katzndogz are ignoramuses." We can add Kosh and paulitician, but honestly calling all four ignoramuses is really to give each of them too much credit.
Therein lies the ignorance of left wing America. It is not our place to determine whether Iraq or Afghanistan wants us there. It is our place to determine whether the national security of the United States of America requires us to be there.

In the case of Iraq, it doesn't nor did it ever.
Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...


It's what happens when you feel education is for snobs. Republicans would never educate themselves about the people of Iraq. Why bother when you think you can bully them and then lie about it afterwards and get away with it? No matter how many Americans died or were maimed or how much it cost. Think of the profits.

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