Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...

It's amusing to see the schizoidRW'ers come into this thread and post under the delusion that Ingraham blamed Obama for this.

She said Booooooooooooooooooooosh! Attack her for that, 'zoids! lol
Should have let Assad, Russia, and Iran exterminate ISIL. They could have done it. Our Government's decision to fund & arm Syrian Rebels was a huge interventionist blunder. Putin warned Obama about these questionable rebel groups. He told him Assad was the safer play. But he obviously didn't listen. Should have just let Assad crush the opposition. It would have been for the best overall.

I understand what you are saying, however it is not reality of things that would have happened.

If they would have crushed ISIS they would had done it months ago when they entered Iraq.

I hear what you're saying, but we just see things much differently. I see it as our meddling being the cause of the current chaos over there. You see it as not enough meddling being the cause.

Assad, Russia, and Iran had ISIL on lockdown. It wasn't till we started meddling and arming rebel groups, that ISIL began to rise to power. It was a huge blunder.

Wrong choice of words on your part. I see it as we were already there and should have made an attempt to keep a foot hold there, like we did in Germany, Japan and South Korea.

Regardless of what anyone thinks we would have been Iraq anyways. After 1991 and the Iran leadership becoming very radicalized under the old regime, we would have been Iraq defending Saddam.

So are you saying we should not have melded in the Iraq/Kuwait disagreement?
More and more people seem to be coming around to the fact that the Middle East is a fucked up place with strange politics. Let's stay the fuck out of it and let them sort their own house.

I remember when Ingraham was Donald Rumsfeld's biggest fan. It's nice to see after all these years she's finally on the road to catching up with people like me on the ME.

Well in fairness, you Communists/Progressives have a lot of coming around to do too. Y'all have been Big Government Interventionists from day one. I don't see much difference between Communists/Progressives and Neocons. They both take you to the same place in the end. This country needs to go in a new direction. A direction that doesn't include Communist/Progressive or Neocon control.
Ingraham has for whatever reasons decided to align herself with the 75% of Americans who now believe invading Iraq was stupid.

She could be sincere, or, possibly, she could be just going with the flow of her audience, as a good media-savvy move.
The same mentality was used when the US kept bases in Japan, Germany and South Korea.

However when we get involved and then do not fortify the are things like Vietnam, Afghanistan and happen and it happened again in Iraq.

Iraq is not in the same category as Germany, Japan and S. Korea. Germany declared war against the US, Japan declared war against the US, and they both attacked the US. S. Korea was under US protectorship status N.Korea attacked the USA and a peace treaty still does not exist only a cease fire..
Iraq had a peace treaty with the US and the end result was that we should leave according to the Iraqi leaders. So we did....Not the first time the US vacated a place that they have controlled before, why is it such a big deal now?

And this is why I just call them far left Obama drones, not one fact posted in there other than far left propaganda and talking points.

More and more people seem to be coming around to the fact that the Middle East is a fucked up place with strange politics. Let's stay the fuck out of it and let them sort their own house.

I remember when Ingraham was Donald Rumsfeld's biggest fan. It's nice to see after all these years she's finally on the road to catching up with people like me on the ME.

Well in fairness, you Communists/Progressives have a lot of coming around to do too. Y'all have been Big Government Interventionists from day one. I don't see much difference between Communists/Progressives and Neocons. They both take you to the same place in the end. This country needs to go in a new direction. A direction that doesn't include Communist/Progressive or Neocon control.

I have? When was I an interventionist?
I understand what you are saying, however it is not reality of things that would have happened.

If they would have crushed ISIS they would had done it months ago when they entered Iraq.

I hear what you're saying, but we just see things much differently. I see it as our meddling being the cause of the current chaos over there. You see it as not enough meddling being the cause.

Assad, Russia, and Iran had ISIL on lockdown. It wasn't till we started meddling and arming rebel groups, that ISIL began to rise to power. It was a huge blunder.

Wrong choice of words on your part. I see it as we were already there and should have made an attempt to keep a foot hold there, like we did in Germany, Japan and South Korea.

Regardless of what anyone thinks we would have been Iraq anyways. After 1991 and the Iran leadership becoming very radicalized under the old regime, we would have been Iraq defending Saddam.

So are you saying we should not have melded in the Iraq/Kuwait disagreement?

Should have just let Assad, Russia, and Iran take care of ISIL. They could have done that had we not started funding & arming rebels there. The lesser of two evils is obviously Assad. We need to go in a new direction. All this meddling has to end.
Ingraham has for whatever reasons decided to align herself with the 75% of Americans who now believe invading Iraq was stupid.

She could be sincere, or, possibly, she could be just going with the flow of her audience, as a good media-savvy move.

The far left can not post 9one fact and just follows the far left programmed narrative without question or hesitation.
I hear what you're saying, but we just see things much differently. I see it as our meddling being the cause of the current chaos over there. You see it as not enough meddling being the cause.

Assad, Russia, and Iran had ISIL on lockdown. It wasn't till we started meddling and arming rebel groups, that ISIL began to rise to power. It was a huge blunder.

Wrong choice of words on your part. I see it as we were already there and should have made an attempt to keep a foot hold there, like we did in Germany, Japan and South Korea.

Regardless of what anyone thinks we would have been Iraq anyways. After 1991 and the Iran leadership becoming very radicalized under the old regime, we would have been Iraq defending Saddam.

So are you saying we should not have melded in the Iraq/Kuwait disagreement?

Should have just let Assad, Russia, and Iran take care of ISIL. They could have done that had we not started funding & arming rebels there. The lesser of two evils is obviously Assad. We need to go in a new direction. All this meddling has to end.

Sending in US drones would be meddling. Sending funds to any nation there would be melding.

So are you saying to stop all support?
Iraq is not in the same category as Germany, Japan and S. Korea. Germany declared war against the US, Japan declared war against the US, and they both attacked the US. S. Korea was under US protectorship status N.Korea attacked the USA and a peace treaty still does not exist only a cease fire..
Iraq had a peace treaty with the US and the end result was that we should leave according to the Iraqi leaders. So we did....Not the first time the US vacated a place that they have controlled before, why is it such a big deal now?

And this is why I just call them far left Obama drones, not one fact posted in there other than far left propaganda and talking points.

For what?? ........ :cool:
I remember when Ingraham was Donald Rumsfeld's biggest fan. It's nice to see after all these years she's finally on the road to catching up with people like me on the ME.

Well in fairness, you Communists/Progressives have a lot of coming around to do too. Y'all have been Big Government Interventionists from day one. I don't see much difference between Communists/Progressives and Neocons. They both take you to the same place in the end. This country needs to go in a new direction. A direction that doesn't include Communist/Progressive or Neocon control.

I have? When was I an interventionist?

Not referring to you personally so much. But Progressivism has always been about Big Government control and Interventionism. Neo-Conservatism is just a recent off-shoot of that ideology. Communists/Progressives and Neocons actually have so much in common. Check this out. I think it helps better understand the connection between the two...

[ame=]John Stossel - Progressives And War - YouTube[/ame]
"Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein"...because GWB, DR, DC, and SR did not require the numbers of boots on the ground required to win the peace and transform the population.
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Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...because GWB, DR, DC, and SR did not require the numbers of boots on the ground required to win the peace and transform the population.

Once again the far left shows they have no concept beyond their far left programming.

They can not even acknowledge their messiahs illegal wars.

So much for their propaganda and talking points that existed in 2003 - 2009.
Wow, i have to admit i'm very surprised such a loyal Neocon has come around this way

I'm disappointed, I'm used to the left using words without knowing what they mean. Laura is a fiscal conservative, she is not a neocon.
Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...because GWB, DR, DC, and SR did not require the numbers of boots on the ground required to win the peace and transform the population.

There aren't enough boots to accomplish that. No matter when we left, it was destined to fall back into what it is. Iraq can only be held together with force as Hussien did and then we did.
All because Obama dropped the ball all so he could appease his far left base for the 2012 elections.

all because Obama honored the agreement between Bush and Maliki in 2008 and you're an idiot.
The far right reactionary drone bots are responsible for this horrible situation.

(1) Put together an international effort to crush ISIS.

(2) Send GWB and the leading neo-cons to The Hague.

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