LaVoy Finicum, armed with a handgun, reached for his waistband just before he was shot

At :19 it sure looks like he is going for a gun. Even if he did not have one I cant blame the officer for shooting him.

You say shooting is justified. I say it's an execution.

They were shooting at the car. LaVoy gets out, they shoot him, and then when the people in the car did nothing, they just continue to pepper the car with gunfire for 8 minutes. Why?
Which "mutants" should be "put down hard"? It's hard to get a handle on the radical left's alleged appreciation of the difficult assignment of Police Officers. Should Cops determine which "mutants" should be "put down hard" or should the government classify certain citizens as "mutants" so they can "put them down hard"?
You know who didn't get shot and killed that day?

All the people that weren't armed to the teeth and running through FBI roadblocks who had just held a federal facility for weeks.

Mind, make the connections, for future reference.
Which "mutants" should be "put down hard"? It's hard to get a handle on the radical left's alleged appreciation of the difficult assignment of Police Officers. Should Cops determine which "mutants" should be "put down hard" or should the government classify certain citizens as "mutants" so they can "put them down hard"?

If a man resists arrest, refuses to surrender to a lawful arrest warrant, leads the police on a high speed car chase, tries to run a police blockade, and then caught running from his vehicle by police, tries to reach into his pocket to pull out a gun and murder cops....

......yes, the police can shoot such a man. A choice between an Oregon State Patrolman and a wanna be cop killer? I'll pick the Patrolman's life every time.
Oh, and the Patrolman's actions were found to be fully justified by an investigation.

Though Kosher's ilk have apparently made about 80 'very specific threats' against the Oregon State Patrolmen.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If these stupid militia fucks think that when they start trying to kill our police and our soldiers that we're going to take up arms and *join* them, they are sorely mistaken.

At :19 it sure looks like he is going for a gun. Even if he did not have one I cant blame the officer for shooting him.

You say shooting is justified. I say it's an execution.

They were shooting at the car. LaVoy gets out, they shoot him, and then when the people in the car did nothing, they just continue to pepper the car with gunfire for 8 minutes. Why?

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

The remarkable disclosure came as a team of local investigators released findings that two state troopers shot Finicum three times in the back during the chaotic scene at a police roadblock Jan. 26. One bullet pierced his heart, an autopsy showed.

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

At :19 it sure looks like he is going for a gun. Even if he did not have one I cant blame the officer for shooting him.

You say shooting is justified. I say it's an execution.

They were shooting at the car. LaVoy gets out, they shoot him, and then when the people in the car did nothing, they just continue to pepper the car with gunfire for 8 minutes. Why?

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

The remarkable disclosure came as a team of local investigators released findings that two state troopers shot Finicum three times in the back during the chaotic scene at a police roadblock Jan. 26. One bullet pierced his heart, an autopsy showed.

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

Every single shot fired by a State Patrolman was found to be justified.

A prosecutor ruled the fatal shooting was legally justified, saying state law allows use of deadly force when officers believe a person is about to seriously injure or kill someone. Finicum kept moving his hands toward a pocket that contained a loaded handgun. Although he was shot from behind, Finicum had a trooper in front of him armed with a Taser who was thought to be in danger.

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

And none of the bullets fired by the Feds hit the wanna be cop killer Finnicum.

All of which you know. But really hope we don't.

At :19 it sure looks like he is going for a gun. Even if he did not have one I cant blame the officer for shooting him.

You say shooting is justified. I say it's an execution.

They were shooting at the car. LaVoy gets out, they shoot him, and then when the people in the car did nothing, they just continue to pepper the car with gunfire for 8 minutes. Why?

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

The remarkable disclosure came as a team of local investigators released findings that two state troopers shot Finicum three times in the back during the chaotic scene at a police roadblock Jan. 26. One bullet pierced his heart, an autopsy showed.

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

Every single shot fired by a State Patrolman was found to be justified.

A prosecutor ruled the fatal shooting was legally justified, saying state law allows use of deadly force when officers believe a person is about to seriously injure or kill someone. Finicum kept moving his hands toward a pocket that contained a loaded handgun. Although he was shot from behind, Finicum had a trooper in front of him armed with a Taser who was thought to be in danger.

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

And none of the bullets fired by the Feds hit the wanna be cop killer Finnicum.

All of which you know. But really hope we don't.

Ever heard of home court advantage?

At :19 it sure looks like he is going for a gun. Even if he did not have one I cant blame the officer for shooting him.

You say shooting is justified. I say it's an execution.

They were shooting at the car. LaVoy gets out, they shoot him, and then when the people in the car did nothing, they just continue to pepper the car with gunfire for 8 minutes. Why?

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

The remarkable disclosure came as a team of local investigators released findings that two state troopers shot Finicum three times in the back during the chaotic scene at a police roadblock Jan. 26. One bullet pierced his heart, an autopsy showed.

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

Every single shot fired by a State Patrolman was found to be justified.

A prosecutor ruled the fatal shooting was legally justified, saying state law allows use of deadly force when officers believe a person is about to seriously injure or kill someone. Finicum kept moving his hands toward a pocket that contained a loaded handgun. Although he was shot from behind, Finicum had a trooper in front of him armed with a Taser who was thought to be in danger.

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

And none of the bullets fired by the Feds hit the wanna be cop killer Finnicum.

All of which you know. But really hope we don't.

Ever heard of home court advantage?

Ever heard of a justifiable shooting?

Remember, wanna be cop killer Finnicum resisted arrest, refused to surrender to a lawful warrant, ran from cops, lead them on high speed chase, tried to run a police blockade....and when he got stuck, tried to run on foot before reaching for a pistol to murder a police officer.

Its not the 'militia' you have to convince. Those foolish fucks will believe anything. Its the rest of us. And Finnicum's actions utterly justified his shooting.

At :19 it sure looks like he is going for a gun. Even if he did not have one I cant blame the officer for shooting him.

You say shooting is justified. I say it's an execution.

They were shooting at the car. LaVoy gets out, they shoot him, and then when the people in the car did nothing, they just continue to pepper the car with gunfire for 8 minutes. Why?

You can say what you want but the dude did not keep his hands in the air and dropped them to his waste line.

Good kill and no other way about it.

At :19 it sure looks like he is going for a gun. Even if he did not have one I cant blame the officer for shooting him.

You say shooting is justified. I say it's an execution.

They were shooting at the car. LaVoy gets out, they shoot him, and then when the people in the car did nothing, they just continue to pepper the car with gunfire for 8 minutes. Why?

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

The remarkable disclosure came as a team of local investigators released findings that two state troopers shot Finicum three times in the back during the chaotic scene at a police roadblock Jan. 26. One bullet pierced his heart, an autopsy showed.

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

Isnt it routine to investigtae any shootings that result in death?

At :19 it sure looks like he is going for a gun. Even if he did not have one I cant blame the officer for shooting him.

You say shooting is justified. I say it's an execution.

They were shooting at the car. LaVoy gets out, they shoot him, and then when the people in the car did nothing, they just continue to pepper the car with gunfire for 8 minutes. Why?

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

The remarkable disclosure came as a team of local investigators released findings that two state troopers shot Finicum three times in the back during the chaotic scene at a police roadblock Jan. 26. One bullet pierced his heart, an autopsy showed.

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

Every single shot fired by a State Patrolman was found to be justified.

A prosecutor ruled the fatal shooting was legally justified, saying state law allows use of deadly force when officers believe a person is about to seriously injure or kill someone. Finicum kept moving his hands toward a pocket that contained a loaded handgun. Although he was shot from behind, Finicum had a trooper in front of him armed with a Taser who was thought to be in danger.

FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

And none of the bullets fired by the Feds hit the wanna be cop killer Finnicum.

All of which you know. But really hope we don't.

Ever heard of home court advantage?

The law is the law. While the guy may not have had any malicious intent,t he cops do not know that.

All they know is that they man was reported to be armed and he dropped his hands to his wste.

Clean kill here, no other way about it.
While I do sympathize, and believe there is an issue, with the ranchers and water rights and such, I have zero sympathy for this guy.

If cops = keep your hands where they can see them at all times, period. It's safer for you and it makes the officers feel better too; win-win.
While I do sympathize, and believe there is an issue, with the ranchers and water rights and such, I have zero sympathy for this guy.

If cops = keep your hands where they can see them at all times, period. It's safer for you and it makes the officers feel better too; win-win.

Its not like this guy was walking down the street, nibbling on an apple and reading People magazine, minding his own business.

He was an armed occupier that had sworn that he'd never be captured....that the police had spent 7 minutes trying to get out of his vehicle to surrender to a lawful warrant. A man who then sped away from the scene, led the cops on a high speed chase, tried to run a police blockade and then tried to run on foot. And capped it all off with reaching for a pistol in his pocket to try and murder a police officer.

I'll pick a cop's life over a wanna be cop killer any day.
FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting

According to this they opened fire immediately while his hands were up missing that point was it even possible to surrender

Yes. As it would have been possible at any point leading up to Lavoy's reaching for a gun to shoot cops.

Ammon didn't have a scratch on him. Why? Ammon surrendered when the arrest warrant was executed. Lavoy refused, bolted from the scene, and tried to run a police blockade.

He created *all* of the conditions of his own death. And sealed his own fate by reaching for a gun.

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