Law Needed > To Regulate Pet Insurers & Veterinarians

No you haven't, you've whined that daddy gubmint needs to take care of your every whim and want.
What a lame post. First you complain that I haven't offered alternative, and then in the same post, you quote the alternative that I offered. ("To simply have pet health insurance be handled the same way people health insurance is handled.")
Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle) Are you OK, dude ? I mean really.

Then start a company and offer it that way.
Oh so that's what we should have to do ? in order to get a simple pet insurance policy operating on a normal sensible way, that doesn't cause millions of pets to suffer & die, huh ? Are you nuts ?

With care done first, and the doctor (veterinarian) reimbursed second. Seems simple enough. :eusa_clap: And my mission isn't to bitch. It is to promote helpful change.

Your mission is the extend your dependance on government. If you want change, make a change.
That's what we PAY elected officials to do, hadn't you heard ? Obviously, you're a small govt freak. Silly ideology, but you have a right to hold that opinion, but not in this thread, where it's off topic, and I'm getting tired of telling you about it. If I have to again , then yeah I will hit that report button. Stay on topic, or find another thread. Got it ?

Cool avie by the way.
Look guys when I became a catahoula breeder it made total sense that I bought pet insurance.

My insurance plan was private. Not sure where you are getting the whole "government thingy" As a breeder I thought it was wise.
Look guys when I became a catahoula breeder it made total sense that I bought pet insurance.

My insurance plan was private. Not sure where you are getting the whole "government thingy" As a breeder I thought it was wise.

The new little guy is another Obamunist moron wanting the government to do everything for him, including insuring his pets.

A no cash out of pocket plan makes sense, and would probably sell. But instead of demanding that Dear Leader give this to him, he can crow up and start the business himself.
My vet will work out a payment plan if I don't have the cash on hand. Many will, just ask.

I can use a credit card to cover the vet cost then pay off your credit card.

Many vets (including mine) offer a credit card from them that, as long as you make monthly payments, you will not be charged interest.

Pet owners should put aside an amount every week/month/year for their pet's medical needs and for emergencies so when they need something expensive, the money is on hand to pay for it.

I have gotten some payment slack from my vet too. Also, I should note that the PetFirst insurance company offers a scenario in which if your vet allows a payment plan, you can then fax the invoice to PetFirst, and they will immediately reimburse you for the whole amount. The you pay the vet in full, and make payments to PetFirst.

Another one is the insurance that the ASPCA recently started. On their claim form (you can see it online), there are 2 boxes. One is to check for pet owner reimburse. Other is for veterinarian reimburse (same as people insurance). Only problem is with this one, the vet has to OK it, and they generally don't (unless you can talk them into it)..

Best thing still would be for the whole industry to just do as people health insurance does.
The old story here. If they choose to let us take the fall, we kick their ass with regulation. If they ask for it - they get it.

Good suggestions you offer though. Thanks.

Well, I'm not in favor of the government running health exchanges for people so I'd be against it for pets as well.

Oh, if the pet insurance will only reimburse the owner and not the vet, the owner could charge the expense on a credit card then pay if off when they get the insurance check.

Sure, for credit card holders that's feasible. But lots of people don't have a credit card and can't get one. In fact, most people have bad credit (at least as defined by the credit reporting agencies - white collar hitmen) Not a single person I know is capable of getting a credit card. This all is why 1% of pet owners have pet insurance.
Pet insurance is awesome.

I made sure I took it out when I became a breeder.

Not understanding these responses at all.

What's so hard to understand. If you don't have the money (thousands of dollars) to pay up front for surgery, your pet dies. Got it ?
Pet insurance is awesome.

I made sure I took it out when I became a breeder.

Not understanding these responses at all.

What's hard to understand ? If you don't have the money (thousands of $$) to pay upfront for surgery, your pet dies. Got it ?
Look guys when I became a catahoula breeder it made total sense that I bought pet insurance.

My insurance plan was private. Not sure where you are getting the whole "government thingy" As a breeder I thought it was wise.

As with any govt regulation, it only comes when private companies refuse to act responsibly, and thereby HARM the public. If that were not the case, nobody would be talking about govt here. I'm still working on getting the private sector to shape though, starting with the AVMA, and am waiting for a call back from them.
Pet insurance is awesome.

I made sure I took it out when I became a breeder.

Not understanding these responses at all.

What's hard to understand ? If you don't have the money (thousands of $$) to pay upfront for surgery, your pet dies. Got it ?

Yep. That's the way it works. if you don't have the money for food, your pet starves too.

We all KNOW the way it works. Fixing it, is the topic under consideration.
Look guys when I became a catahoula breeder it made total sense that I bought pet insurance.

My insurance plan was private. Not sure where you are getting the whole "government thingy" As a breeder I thought it was wise.

The new little guy is another Obamunist moron wanting the government to do everything for him, including insuring his pets.

A no cash out of pocket plan makes sense, and would probably sell. But instead of demanding that Dear Leader give this to him, he can crow up and start the business himself.

FALSE! Taking a reading comprehension course might be useful before entering this forum. The OP suggests that pet health insurance be done as people health insurance is done. Care is given first Then, doctor is reimbursed. Notice, no mention of Obama or govt. GOT IT NOW ? All this other stuff you're bringing up is nothing but ramifications of your OFF TOPIC fixation with Reaganism.
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I feel the same about pets as i do about children.... don't have them if you cant afford to care for them.

there ARE pet insurance plans out there now.... why on earth does the government need to be involved....

unless this is just a double entendre about obamacare you are barking up the wrong tree.

What's hard to understand ? If you don't have the money (thousands of $$) to pay upfront for surgery, your pet dies. Got it ?

Yep. That's the way it works. if you don't have the money for food, your pet starves too.

We all KNOW the way it works. Fixing it, is the topic under consideration.

Hmm... well, I guess what you aren't comprehending here is that many of us don't see anything to 'fix'. You're bumping up against one of the realities of life - you have to take care of your pets. Some people bump against this same reality when it comes to taking care of themselves and cry foul - which is why we have the stupid policies we do regarding health insurance for humans, but that's no reason to extend the stupidity in to other areas.

If you think it is a good thing to do regardless, than I have to ask you - why not do this for every other situation we find ourselves in where we have to face unpleasant reality when we can't afford what we want? Should the government make sure we never have to suffer? Should the state feed and cloth us? Should it provide us with everything we need? Where are we going with this ultimately?
Look guys when I became a catahoula breeder it made total sense that I bought pet insurance.

My insurance plan was private. Not sure where you are getting the whole "government thingy" As a breeder I thought it was wise.

The new little guy is another Obamunist moron wanting the government to do everything for him, including insuring his pets.

A no cash out of pocket plan makes sense, and would probably sell. But instead of demanding that Dear Leader give this to him, he can crow up and start the business himself.

FALSE! Taking a reading comprehension course might be useful before entering this forum. The OP suggests that pet health insurance be done as people health insurance is done. Care is given first Then, doctor is reimbursed. Notice, no mention of Obama or govt. GOT IT NOW ? All this other stuff you're bringing up is nothing but ramifications of your OFF TOPIC fixation with Reaganism.

That is not how health insurance works, that is how hospitals work. Insurance is designed to repay you for your expenses, even if you are talking about health insurance.

It isn't your fault though, no one ever taught you how to think.
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I feel the same about pets as i do about children.... don't have them if you cant afford to care for them.

there ARE pet insurance plans out there now.... why on earth does the government need to be involved....

unless this is just a double entendre about obamacare you are barking up the wrong tree.

THE GOVERNMENT is NOT the primary point of this thread, So why does everyone keep yammering about it ? The primary point is for pet insurance to simply be like people insurance. Because when it comes to health insurance, we cannot "feel the same about pets" as we do for children, because they're not treated the same. Children can have needed surgeries to save their lives, with us paying for these surgeries out of our pockets. Pets can't. A bit weird that this far into the thread, I have to keep repeating this, only to have people instead talking about Obamacare.
Pet insurance is awesome.

I made sure I took it out when I became a breeder.

Not understanding these responses at all.

What's hard to understand ? If you don't have the money (thousands of $$) to pay upfront for surgery, your pet dies. Got it ?

and tell me..... what makes you think the pet will live even after the thousands of dollars you spend?

got it?

The diagnosis of the veterinarian + the experience that other pets survived with the surgery, and others without it, didn't. That's pretty much what all surgeries are based on. Got it ?

I feel the same about pets as i do about children.... don't have them if you cant afford to care for them.

there ARE pet insurance plans out there now.... why on earth does the government need to be involved....

unless this is just a double entendre about obamacare you are barking up the wrong tree.

THE GOVERNMENT is NOT the primary point of this thread, So why does everyone keep yammering about it ? The primary point is for pet insurance to simply be like people insurance. ...

Maybe you should catch up on the news. The reason people keep yammering about government is because it's become centrally involved in 'people insurance' - so if you want pet insurance to follow that lead, you're invoking the specter of government.
Yep. That's the way it works. if you don't have the money for food, your pet starves too.

We all KNOW the way it works. Fixing it, is the topic under consideration.

Hmm... well, I guess what you aren't comprehending here is that many of us don't see anything to 'fix'. You're bumping up against one of the realities of life - you have to take care of your pets. Some people bump against this same reality when it comes to taking care of themselves and cry foul - which is why we have the stupid policies we do regarding health insurance for humans, but that's no reason to extend the stupidity in to other areas.

If you think it is a good thing to do regardless, than I have to ask you - why not do this for every other situation we find ourselves in where we have to face unpleasant reality when we can't afford what we want? Should the government make sure we never have to suffer? Should the state feed and cloth us? Should it provide us with everything we need? Where are we going with this ultimately?

Another weird post among others like it in this thread.

1. You don't see anything to fix. SO you think it's OK for your pet to die, simply so that your vet could be paid upfront, instead of waiting a week or 2 for the insurance reimbursement to come in (as it is with people health insurance) ? Pheeeww! (high-pitched whistle)

2. What's wrong with taking care of your pet, the same way you take care of yourself. with health insurance that allows the care to come first,? (THEN the payment to the vet from the insurance)

3. With pet insurance done like people insurance we CAN afford what we want. No need to talk about what we can't afford.

4. Yes, of course, the govt should make sure we never have to suffer (American citizens that is). That's what we created it for. Of course it should provide us with everything we NEED, but now you're going OFF TOPIC and into another thread. This thread is about the way veterinarians get paid - by us upfront, or by pet insurance a week later. (and the millions of pets who are dying because it not being done the latter way).
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Pet insurance is awesome.

I made sure I took it out when I became a breeder.

Not understanding these responses at all.

What's so hard to understand. If you don't have the money (thousands of dollars) to pay up front for surgery, your pet dies. Got it ?

Life sucks, doesn't it?

That's why we speak out to change it to how it won't suck. And sometimes (not always) it takes a little govt action to make those changes.

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