Law professor: Slippery slope to legal incest and polygamy

Why has public acceptance of gays and lesbians serving in the military gone up over the last 20 years?
Why was that?
Was it because they can do the job?
Why is it that public acceptance of gay marriage gone up over the last 20 years?
Was it because society has learned that gay folk are not really any different than the average good citizen?
And what do the majority of folks that did not want gays in the military and do not want to allow them legal rights to marry have in common?
You see sports fans, there is this dude out there, a very conservative Constitutional scholar. Someone that is a Reagan man, a close legal adviser to him, a lifetime Constitutional lawyer, a man that argues dozens of cases before SCOTUS and was also a top legal Constitutional legal adviser to George W. Bush during his term.
A man that is on the Board of Directors of the conservative journal The American Spectator and was extremely critical of Bill Clinton and his administration.
"The very idea of marriage is basic to recognition as equals in our society, any status short of that is inferior, unjust and unconstitutional"
"Another argument, vaguer and even less persuasive, is that gay marriage somehow does harm to heterosexual marriage. I have yet to meet anyone who can explain to me what this means. In what way does allowing same sex partners to marry diminish the marriages of heterosexual couples?

Pretty much the statements and question I have been asking all you old mother hen gossiping, rumor spreading busy body bats here.
And to date have not received any credible explanations or answers.
Who is this man that said those things above?

Ted Olsen?
My "attitude"? My "attitude" is the norm. Yes, you are right. In another 30-40 years (after I am long gone, thank God!) Homosexuals may, indeed, be the "norm".

But for right now - right here and now - and, until us baby boomers die out, they are freaks. They are play acting. So, no matter how you want to frame your argument, you come at it as a pretender. Equal to me? Of course. But NEVER in marriage. NEVER. Women will ALWAYS need a man and men will ALWAYS need a woman. It's called "life".

See? No matter how hard you try to convince yourself that you are "normal" just ain't so.....
Bull shirt. Homophobes are not the norm and never were the norm. I think you protest to much. Why don't you just come out of the closet?

Let me're a fudge packer? Why doesn't that surprise me? I stand by my statement.

>>> Let me're a fudge packer?

>>> Why doesn't that surprise me?
Probably because you have a homophobic disorder.

>>> I stand by my statement.
Stand proud. Jesus is patting you on the back, way to go! Are you a racist too, or is this your favorite phobia?
Why has public acceptance of gays and lesbians serving in the military gone up over the last 20 years?
Why was that?

That's simple: because the volunteer military needs more cannon fodder. Normal males are not volunteering in sufficient numbers, so they'll take women and homosexuals. Why not? They die from Afghanistan IED's just as bloodily as anyone else, which seems to be the main function of the military now.

There is no real need for the military now and these pointless long social-work wars are losing favor so it hardly matters who the soldiers are.

Besides, it's a good example of slippery slope. The homosexual agenda just keeps steaming along, and eventually you've got homosexual soldiers.
Why has public acceptance of gays and lesbians serving in the military gone up over the last 20 years?
Why was that?

That's simple: because the volunteer military needs more cannon fodder. Normal males are not volunteering in sufficient numbers, so they'll take women and homosexuals. Why not? They die from Afghanistan IED's just as bloodily as anyone else, which seems to be the main function of the military now.

There is no real need for the military now and these pointless long social-work wars are losing favor so it hardly matters who the soldiers are.

Besides, it's a good example of slippery slope. The homosexual agenda just keeps steaming along, and eventually you've got homosexual soldiers.

wow... just wow.

Cmon you are better than this. Perhaps you should seek out and talk to a few gay people before you talk about them like they are scum of the earth.
In what way does allowing same sex partners to marry diminish the marriages of heterosexual couples?

It makes normal marriage nasty, as it's being lumped in with various and sundry assorted sex perversions.

There already is very little normal marriage left, and there will be less and less and less. Why should normal people want to be married if all that means is something nasty homosexuals do?

I am guessing that within ten years the only people who get "married" will be a catalog of sex perverts. The government will have to reorganize old-age pensions on a completely different basis, and high time, too.
Why has public acceptance of gays and lesbians serving in the military gone up over the last 20 years?
Why was that?

That's simple: because the volunteer military needs more cannon fodder. Normal males are not volunteering in sufficient numbers, so they'll take women and homosexuals. Why not? They die from Afghanistan IED's just as bloodily as anyone else, which seems to be the main function of the military now.

There is no real need for the military now and these pointless long social-work wars are losing favor so it hardly matters who the soldiers are.

Besides, it's a good example of slippery slope. The homosexual agenda just keeps steaming along, and eventually you've got homosexual soldiers.

Would make sense if a large % of interpreters, technical and officers that are homosexual THAT WERE ALREADY IN THE MILITARY during DADT were not there.
Hate to bust your thesis there Moe but military enlistments are at the highest now than ever.
The Department of Defense supported open service of gays and lesbians TO RETAIN THE TALENT they already had.
You sure have a low opinion of the military and the brave citizens that volunteer to serve.
Why has public acceptance of gays and lesbians serving in the military gone up over the last 20 years?
Why was that?

That's simple: because the volunteer military needs more cannon fodder. Normal males are not volunteering in sufficient numbers, so they'll take women and homosexuals. Why not? They die from Afghanistan IED's just as bloodily as anyone else, which seems to be the main function of the military now.

There is no real need for the military now and these pointless long social-work wars are losing favor so it hardly matters who the soldiers are.

Besides, it's a good example of slippery slope. The homosexual agenda just keeps steaming along, and eventually you've got homosexual soldiers.

Did you miss the polls showing that we, as a country, have gone over the 50% mark, not just in acceptance of our relationships and the view that they are moral, but to majority acceptance of marriage equality for gays and lesbians?

There have always been gays serving in our Nation's military. You, obviously (and thankfully) have not.
In what way does allowing same sex partners to marry diminish the marriages of heterosexual couples?

It makes normal marriage nasty, as it's being lumped in with various and sundry assorted sex perversions.

There already is very little normal marriage left, and there will be less and less and less. Why should normal people want to be married if all that means is something nasty homosexuals do?

I am guessing that within ten years the only people who get "married" will be a catalog of sex perverts. The government will have to reorganize old-age pensions on a completely different basis, and high time, too.

My marriage of 37 years is not nasty.
I feel bad for you that your marriage is nasty and getting nastier with gay marriage.
Gay folks are a very small percentage of the population. As with all other small populations of people who are different than the rest they are an easy target for the mob to blame and piss on. People should really examine why they are shitting on others before they take a dump.
In what way does allowing same sex partners to marry diminish the marriages of heterosexual couples?

It makes normal marriage nasty, as it's being lumped in with various and sundry assorted sex perversions.

There already is very little normal marriage left, and there will be less and less and less. Why should normal people want to be married if all that means is something nasty homosexuals do?

I am guessing that within ten years the only people who get "married" will be a catalog of sex perverts. The government will have to reorganize old-age pensions on a completely different basis, and high time, too.

:lol: Does anyone still wonder why anti gay marriage arguments keep losing in court?
In what way does allowing same sex partners to marry diminish the marriages of heterosexual couples?

It makes normal marriage nasty, as it's being lumped in with various and sundry assorted sex perversions.

There already is very little normal marriage left, and there will be less and less and less. Why should normal people want to be married if all that means is something nasty homosexuals do?

I am guessing that within ten years the only people who get "married" will be a catalog of sex perverts. The government will have to reorganize old-age pensions on a completely different basis, and high time, too.

HUH? You think the title "married" means not gay? Is that why you got married to prove you are heterosexual? HUH?
We saw how public acceptance of the normalization of same sex marriage went during the Chick Fil A "boycott".

Saying something is true doesn't make it true.
Did you miss the polls showing that we, as a country, have gone over the 50% mark, not just in acceptance of our relationships and the view that they are moral, but to majority acceptance of marriage equality for gays and lesbians?

You are right ---------------- and THAT, kiddos, is how slippery slopes are supposed to work. Homosexual leaders of the homosexual agenda campaign have understood that from the beginning. Slippery slopes are HOW change overwhelms the norm.

There have been lots and lots of slippery slopes bringing us the benisons of Big Change: Long marriages changed to All Change Partners! like in a square dance. World-class public education changed to Lowest Common Denominator and parents of smart children fleeing to private schooling. Fathers supporting their families changed to women having to work and bring up their illegitimate babies by themselves, usually in poverty. Parents paying for college education for children smart enough to make it changed to forcing all the El Stupidos to put themselves in debt for 30 years to pay for college themselves -- and then not even getting a degree in 40% of the cases. And bringing Lowest Common Denominator to all our nation's colleges in the process. Oh, nice.

Many, many slides down the slippery slope. Now we are seeing the complete normalization of any imaginable sex perversion. Hey, whatever, enjoy.

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