Law professor: Slippery slope to legal incest and polygamy

Polls are notoriously unreliable. Let me ask the question and I'll give you the answer you want.
In actual elections gay marriage has won a little but lost a lot.
We saw how public acceptance of the normalization of same sex marriage went during the Chick Fil A "boycott".

Huh? The boycott failed because folks rallied around free speech, not because they rallied around attacking same sex marriage.
Did you miss the polls showing that we, as a country, have gone over the 50% mark, not just in acceptance of our relationships and the view that they are moral, but to majority acceptance of marriage equality for gays and lesbians?

You are right ---------------- and THAT, kiddos, is how slippery slopes are supposed to work. Homosexual leaders of the homosexual agenda campaign have understood that from the beginning. Slippery slopes are HOW change overwhelms the norm.

There have been lots and lots of slippery slopes bringing us the benisons of Big Change: Long marriages changed to All Change Partners! like in a square dance. World-class public education changed to Lowest Common Denominator and parents of smart children fleeing to private schooling. Fathers supporting their families changed to women having to work and bring up their illegitimate babies by themselves, usually in poverty. Parents paying for college education for children smart enough to make it changed to forcing all the El Stupidos to put themselves in debt for 30 years to pay for college themselves -- and then not even getting a degree in 40% of the cases. And bringing Lowest Common Denominator to all our nation's colleges in the process. Oh, nice.

Many, many slides down the slippery slope. Now we are seeing the complete normalization of any imaginable sex perversion. Hey, whatever, enjoy.



Slide, slide, slide, let it slide.
What is your basis for your belief that gays are the scum of the earth?

What is your basis for saying I used that phrase? It's not typical of my writing, I don't think....I don't remember saying that. I realize you would not, of course, want to pretend I posted words I didn't, so I'll expect you to back that up with the post in which I used that language.

Shooooooooooooooooooooo.......I don't think I EVER say "gay," even. Not since 1982, when I realized that word just would not come out of my mouth, because "gays" had spread AIDS all over the world and America, in many cases on purpose then and now, and there is nothing at all gay about AIDS.

I expect you are quoting someone else and attributed it to me by mistake.
Polls are notoriously unreliable. Let me ask the question and I'll give you the answer you want.
In actual elections gay marriage has won a little but lost a lot.

Yeah, go with that delusion. Keep thinking the rest of the country hates the gays like you do. The world will go on around you.

Headline: Queen gives royal stamp of approval to gay marriage.
Polls are notoriously unreliable. Let me ask the question and I'll give you the answer you want.
In actual elections gay marriage has won a little but lost a lot.

Yeah, go with that delusion. Keep thinking the rest of the country hates the gays like you do. The world will go on around you.

Headline: Queen gives royal stamp of approval to gay marriage.

Yeah it's a delusion all right
Gay Marriage Ban Passes In North Carolina : It's All Politics : NPR
Did you miss the polls showing that we, as a country, have gone over the 50% mark, not just in acceptance of our relationships and the view that they are moral, but to majority acceptance of marriage equality for gays and lesbians?

You are right ---------------- and THAT, kiddos, is how slippery slopes are supposed to work. Homosexual leaders of the homosexual agenda campaign have understood that from the beginning. Slippery slopes are HOW change overwhelms the norm.

There have been lots and lots of slippery slopes bringing us the benisons of Big Change: Long marriages changed to All Change Partners! like in a square dance. World-class public education changed to Lowest Common Denominator and parents of smart children fleeing to private schooling. Fathers supporting their families changed to women having to work and bring up their illegitimate babies by themselves, usually in poverty. Parents paying for college education for children smart enough to make it changed to forcing all the El Stupidos to put themselves in debt for 30 years to pay for college themselves -- and then not even getting a degree in 40% of the cases. And bringing Lowest Common Denominator to all our nation's colleges in the process. Oh, nice.

Many, many slides down the slippery slope. Now we are seeing the complete normalization of any imaginable sex perversion. Hey, whatever, enjoy.

Not in my world. My father was with my mother till the day she died. I've been with my wife for thirty years.

Some of what you call a slippery slope is actually civilized behavior.

Was anti-racism a slippery slope? Was anti-slavery a slippery slope? Is modernization a slippery slope? Was Jesus' teachings a slippery slope?

We can't stay in the caves and trees living as UN-civilized racists and bigots forever.
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Did you miss the polls showing that we, as a country, have gone over the 50% mark, not just in acceptance of our relationships and the view that they are moral, but to majority acceptance of marriage equality for gays and lesbians?

You are right ---------------- and THAT, kiddos, is how slippery slopes are supposed to work. Homosexual leaders of the homosexual agenda campaign have understood that from the beginning. Slippery slopes are HOW change overwhelms the norm.

There have been lots and lots of slippery slopes bringing us the benisons of Big Change: Long marriages changed to All Change Partners! like in a square dance. World-class public education changed to Lowest Common Denominator and parents of smart children fleeing to private schooling. Fathers supporting their families changed to women having to work and bring up their illegitimate babies by themselves, usually in poverty. Parents paying for college education for children smart enough to make it changed to forcing all the El Stupidos to put themselves in debt for 30 years to pay for college themselves -- and then not even getting a degree in 40% of the cases. And bringing Lowest Common Denominator to all our nation's colleges in the process. Oh, nice.

Many, many slides down the slippery slope. Now we are seeing the complete normalization of any imaginable sex perversion. Hey, whatever, enjoy.

Not in my world. My father was with my mother till the day she died. I've been with my wife for thirty years.

Some of what you call a slippery slope is actually civilized behavior.

Was anti-racism a slippery slope? Was anti-slavery a slippery slope? Is modernization a slippery slope?

We can't stay in the caves and trees living as UN-civilized racists and bigots forever.

Is anti pederasty slippery slope? Is anti bestiality?
Polls are notoriously unreliable. Let me ask the question and I'll give you the answer you want.
In actual elections gay marriage has won a little but lost a lot.

Yeah, go with that delusion. Keep thinking the rest of the country hates the gays like you do. The world will go on around you.

Headline: Queen gives royal stamp of approval to gay marriage.

Yeah it's a delusion all right
Gay Marriage Ban Passes In North Carolina : It's All Politics : NPR

But you DO realize that opposing marriage equality is the losing side, right? Can y'all at least acknowledge that?
You are right ---------------- and THAT, kiddos, is how slippery slopes are supposed to work. Homosexual leaders of the homosexual agenda campaign have understood that from the beginning. Slippery slopes are HOW change overwhelms the norm.

There have been lots and lots of slippery slopes bringing us the benisons of Big Change: Long marriages changed to All Change Partners! like in a square dance. World-class public education changed to Lowest Common Denominator and parents of smart children fleeing to private schooling. Fathers supporting their families changed to women having to work and bring up their illegitimate babies by themselves, usually in poverty. Parents paying for college education for children smart enough to make it changed to forcing all the El Stupidos to put themselves in debt for 30 years to pay for college themselves -- and then not even getting a degree in 40% of the cases. And bringing Lowest Common Denominator to all our nation's colleges in the process. Oh, nice.

Many, many slides down the slippery slope. Now we are seeing the complete normalization of any imaginable sex perversion. Hey, whatever, enjoy.

Not in my world. My father was with my mother till the day she died. I've been with my wife for thirty years.

Some of what you call a slippery slope is actually civilized behavior.

Was anti-racism a slippery slope? Was anti-slavery a slippery slope? Is modernization a slippery slope?

We can't stay in the caves and trees living as UN-civilized racists and bigots forever.

Is anti pederasty slippery slope? Is anti bestiality?

Because two consenting adults in a relationship is exactly the same as having non consensual sex with a minor or animal?

Again, you are probably all scratching your heads trying to figure out why courts keep finding these anti gay laws unconstitutional, aren't you? :lol:

It's what happens when you have no argument.
What is your basis for your belief that gays are the scum of the earth?

What is your basis for saying I used that phrase? It's not typical of my writing, I don't think....I don't remember saying that. I realize you would not, of course, want to pretend I posted words I didn't, so I'll expect you to back that up with the post in which I used that language.

Shooooooooooooooooooooo.......I don't think I EVER say "gay," even. Not since 1982, when I realized that word just would not come out of my mouth, because "gays" had spread AIDS all over the world and America, in many cases on purpose then and now, and there is nothing at all gay about AIDS.

I expect you are quoting someone else and attributed it to me by mistake.

If calling them "nasty" and "lumped in with various and sundry assorted sex perversions" is not the same as scum of the earth then what is scum of the earth? Is there some lower form of human in your eyes under homosexuals? To your aversion to the word gay, I have no idea what you are talking about. Gay is not an epithet. If you think it is ... well that's my point.
But you DO realize that opposing marriage equality is the losing side, right? Can y'all at least acknowledge that?

Probably not for long, if ever. Don't predict the future till it's here: the data from the future is bad.

Time passes, things change. Homosexuality has always been viewed everywhere as abnormal and a problem, so I would expect it to go out of fashion, probably violently, as soon as there is any major political change. Regression toward the mean.

Were you thinking the way things are this five minutes is the way things will stay everywhere, everywhen? I would suggest you keep your heads down once things start to change bigtime. Just a suggestion. But you seem smart and I am betting you already know that.....
If calling them "nasty" and "lumped in with various and sundry assorted sex perversions" is not the same as scum of the earth then what is scum of the earth? Is there some lower form of human in your eyes under homosexuals? To your aversion to the word gay, I have no idea what you are talking about. Gay is not an epithet. If you think it is ... well that's my point.

You are here to fight, aren't you? :tongue:

I'm more interested in ideas and discussion.

Enjoy. You'll probably find a lot of takers ---- Fight Club!!
You're just like bigots 50 years ago that predicted the fall of civilization when blacks could marry whites.

Civilizations take a long time to fall; Rome took some 200-300 years to go down. White women letting black males get children on them will be raising much lower IQ children than they are or than the mean IQ; the population getting stupider could certainly have a negative effect on the greatest civilization with the greatest progress the human race has ever seen by far, the European white civilization.

Getting stupider certainly won't help.

That's the way Brazil went, miscegenation. They are wall-to-wall violent crime and poverty and garbage-picking, of course.

Nothing lasts. But it was a good run while it did last!
Do you honestly believe that there are not people out there who want incestuous marriages? Polygamous marriages? And so forth? Why will their claims be inferior to those demanding same sex marriages? Once the precedent is established that marriage can mean whatever anyone wants, then that has to go for everyone. There is no limiting principle.

Why are their claims inferior to different sex marriages?

Because traditional marriage serves a useful function to society as a whole. Gay marriage serves no such function.

Why not?
Do you honestly believe that there are not people out there who want incestuous marriages? Polygamous marriages? And so forth? Why will their claims be inferior to those demanding same sex marriages? Once the precedent is established that marriage can mean whatever anyone wants, then that has to go for everyone. There is no limiting principle.

Incest is illegal. Homosexuality is not. Next.

Homosexuality was illegal. Activists agitated to change it.
Are you really that thick?

And interracial marriage was illegal. Activists agitated to change it.

Why do we want to be such a denerate people?

It's part of the gay agenda. They want to break down traditional notions of morality and substitute hedonism. They seem to be making good progress.

Why are you so hung up on tradition and, who determines what's traditional and what isn't...the 'Taliban' believe that they're representing tradition as well?
Why not learn to think for yourself rather than blindly follow some notion of 'tradition'.
Don't be such a sheep.

It is evident how close to the thinking of the Taliban the Far Right's thinking can be at times.
If calling them "nasty" and "lumped in with various and sundry assorted sex perversions" is not the same as scum of the earth then what is scum of the earth? Is there some lower form of human in your eyes under homosexuals? To your aversion to the word gay, I have no idea what you are talking about. Gay is not an epithet. If you think it is ... well that's my point.

You are here to fight, aren't you? :tongue:

I'm more interested in ideas and discussion.

Enjoy. You'll probably find a lot of takers ---- Fight Club!!

Words have impact too. They can be just a damaging as fighting. Your ideas and discussion appeared to me, to be demeaning a class of people for which you have an obvious aversion. Isn't that a part of the discussion?
Your ideas and discussion appeared to me, to be demeaning a class of people for which you have an obvious aversion. Isn't that a part of the discussion?

No. That's part of the fight.

Fight Club!!!! :razz:

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