Law professor: Slippery slope to legal incest and polygamy

Sorry, just because you "think" so, doesn't make it true.

Of course we've accomplished something...but there is still more to accomplish. Repealing the rest of DOMA is a first step.

Look, there is something that you need to understand about me (and most likely) most folks of my age. I believe, with all my heart, that we ALL have an inherent RIGHT to happiness. I don't care what your political leanings are, I don't care what color you are, I don't care if you are straight or gay. I don't care if you are a man or a woman. life is short as hell and we ALL have a right to go through it with someone we love.

I have no problem whatsoever with civil unions for gay folks. Never have. What I have a problem is when gays DEMAND that "straight" folks accept their lifestyle and endorse it with "marriage". Again, it is nothing more than a stunt, perpetrated by outlandish behavior that seeks to destroy the institutions like the Church and the nuclear family.

Again, no matter what gays do, they will ALWAYS be looked at as "pretenders" looking for validation for a perverse lifestyle that a very small segment of society indulges in. Conservatives, while turning a blind eye to your behavior, will never recognize your "marriages" as valid. They will ALWAYS look at them as "phony".

Get used to it.

Get used to gay and straight folks not giving a shit if you want to endorse anything or not endorse it.
You do not have to endorse a damn thing when the county court gives them a license.
YOU will not even know it is happening.
You believe they are perverted, you say so time and time again so why the non stop bull shitting us with the rank rhetoric that began this speech?

Perverts. Nothing less.
I played ball with a big un man mountain OL in high school for 3 years. Our team was the first integrated team in the county in the mid 60s. "Caterpillar" Bulldozer Chatham hated blacks and said so daily. He was a senior my sophomore year.
I was raised right to respect everyone and not judge them so having to listen to 'CatDozer in the locker room every day was not pleasant.
But he was not trying to bull shit us with rank rhetoric.
We knew where he stands.
You folks call gay folk perverts here all the while you claim you have no problems with them except gay marriage.
Look, there is something that you need to understand about me (and most likely) most folks of my age. I believe, with all my heart, that we ALL have an inherent RIGHT to happiness. I don't care what your political leanings are, I don't care what color you are, I don't care if you are straight or gay. I don't care if you are a man or a woman. life is short as hell and we ALL have a right to go through it with someone we love.

I have no problem whatsoever with civil unions for gay folks. Never have. What I have a problem is when gays DEMAND that "straight" folks accept their lifestyle and endorse it with "marriage". Again, it is nothing more than a stunt, perpetrated by outlandish behavior that seeks to destroy the institutions like the Church and the nuclear family.

Again, no matter what gays do, they will ALWAYS be looked at as "pretenders" looking for validation for a perverse lifestyle that a very small segment of society indulges in. Conservatives, while turning a blind eye to your behavior, will never recognize your "marriages" as valid. They will ALWAYS look at them as "phony".

Get used to it.

Look, there is something that you need to understand about me. I will always look at folks like you as close minded petty bigots. If you
are what being conservative is about, I curse conservatism.

Oh, thats OK cowboy...I curse communists like you, every day.

I'm a constitutional conservative... the exact opposite of communist. You've been under water too long I think you need some oxygen.
8th and 9th grade our school was not integrated and the racial jokes were non stop with 'CatDozer as the the 8th grade team and JV practiced all on the same field and used the same locker room.
Hate and prejudice was around for a long time and one has to see the negative it promotes to really understand the ignorance it promotes.
I learned that at a young age.
Funny, the Tea Party folks in my neck of the woods are focused ON ONE ISSUE ONLY.
And that is taxation.
Randall, uh, my man, Tea Party folks accept gay folks with open arms in their club here.
Calling them perverts is an ignorant thing to do.
But of course some folks like to join clubs without understanding the mission.
Gee, some of us here have been saying exactly that only to be derided.

When "marriage" means whatever anyone wants it to mean then it has no meaning at all.

It's perfectly acceptable for a government to define marriage as limited to two people. Government has to set rules for how life applies to benefits, which is the true burr under the saddle on this issue, it can limit participation to pairs, it just can't make any specific requirements on them.

Current rules for Social Security sharing state that people have to be married for 10 years if it ends in divorce for the marriage to count.

The rules just have to apply the same for everyone.
Modern recognition does not negate the existence of recognized same seix unions in indigenous peoples throughout Europe and the Americas.


The case you quoted was talking about modern recognition. Same sex unions were performed by indigenous peoples throughout Europe and the Americas. You might have noted the references at the end of the link I provided?

I didn't quote a case.

No one "performed" weddings in Indian tribes, couples did it themselves.

By the way, look up Baker v Nelson and admit that there is actually a SCOTUS decision about same sex marriage before Perry v Schwarzenegger and Golinski.

(Sorry it took me so long to dig it up again.)
Definition of SO-CALLED
1: commonly named : popularly so termed <the so–called pocket veto>
2: falsely or improperly so named <deceived by a so–called friend>

Since 'berdache' is both the common, popular term used, and since 'berdache' is also considered by some to be inappropriate or improper,

by describing the term as 'so-called' I modified it precisely.

Don't disrespect my efforts to properly use the language.

You used the wrong word even though you knew it was wrong? I guess that you are just stupid.

It is not wrong, your infantile grasp of English usage notwithstanding.

You try too hard to be an asshole. Given your already well established natural propensity to display that quality, you'd be better served to just let it flow.

What makes you think I find it hard to be an asshole?
There was a reason I used the term 'so-called'.

You do know that, traditionally, Indians regarded schizophrenics and homosexuals as being touched by the gods, don't you? In other words, they just thought crazy people were special, which probably explains why you aren't smart enough to understand how you are insulting homosexuals with your arguments.

Yeah, like the midget in 'Black Robe'.

Christianity is based on the deification of some guy named Jesus because he went around telling people he was the son of God, which nowadays would simply be dismissed as 'crazy'.

Why are you insulting Christians?

I like to insult people, especially when they are pretentious and uptight.
That is not relevant. The fact is that Circe out of ignorance claimed there was never ever such a thing as same sex marriage in all the history of the human race, until just lately,

and I corrected her. Let it go.

Umm, just because you call it marraige now does not mean that it was marriage.

All marriages are just 'called' marriage. There is no supernatural source of the definitions of words.

Are you prepared to argue that there was no such thing as 'marriage' among the native people of North America? Are you prepared to argue that they just did something some people call marriage,

but because you hold the key to the special Big Book of What Words Really Mean, and since that somehow makes you the ultimate authority on definitions,

you have the power to decide whether or not it was really 'marriage'?

Go ahead. Make those arguments.

And all cars are just called cars, but not everything that is called a car is a car.
Definition of SO-CALLED
1: commonly named : popularly so termed <the so&#8211;called pocket veto>
2: falsely or improperly so named <deceived by a so&#8211;called friend>

Since 'berdache' is both the common, popular term used, and since 'berdache' is also considered by some to be inappropriate or improper,

by describing the term as 'so-called' I modified it precisely.

Don't disrespect my efforts to properly use the language.

You used the wrong word even though you knew it was wrong? I guess that you are just stupid.

Would that be like your habit of calling native Americans 'Indians'?


American implies that natives named this country after an Italian.

Being a native myself I can call them whatever I want, even if it isn't PC.
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Why has public acceptance of gays and lesbians serving in the military gone up over the last 20 years?
Why was that?
Was it because they can do the job?
Why is it that public acceptance of gay marriage gone up over the last 20 years?
Was it because society has learned that gay folk are not really any different than the average good citizen?
And what do the majority of folks that did not want gays in the military and do not want to allow them legal rights to marry have in common?

Why do you ask a bunch of irrelevant questions instead of addressing the OP?
In what way does allowing same sex partners to marry diminish the marriages of heterosexual couples?

It makes normal marriage nasty, as it's being lumped in with various and sundry assorted sex perversions.

There already is very little normal marriage left, and there will be less and less and less. Why should normal people want to be married if all that means is something nasty homosexuals do?

I am guessing that within ten years the only people who get "married" will be a catalog of sex perverts. The government will have to reorganize old-age pensions on a completely different basis, and high time, too.

:lol: Does anyone still wonder why anti gay marriage arguments keep losing in court?

Have you come up with any reason why the same arguments do not apply to incestuous relationships or polygamy?

Didn't think so, especially when you consider the fact that the court overturned a previous precedent regarding same sex marriage.
I've been married to my same sex partner of 17 years for 4 1/2. Is it wrong for me to delight in the idea that it makes Circe feel all "nasty"?

Only if you think it is wrong for redneck assholes to get hot when they imagine the two of you in bed.
Yeah, go with that delusion. Keep thinking the rest of the country hates the gays like you do. The world will go on around you.

Headline: Queen gives royal stamp of approval to gay marriage.

Yeah it's a delusion all right
Gay Marriage Ban Passes In North Carolina : It's All Politics : NPR

But you DO realize that opposing marriage equality is the losing side, right? Can y'all at least acknowledge that?

Get back to me in 200 years.
But you DO realize that opposing marriage equality is the losing side, right? Can y'all at least acknowledge that?

Probably not for long, if ever. Don't predict the future till it's here: the data from the future is bad.

Time passes, things change. Homosexuality has always been viewed everywhere as abnormal and a problem, so I would expect it to go out of fashion, probably violently, as soon as there is any major political change. Regression toward the mean.

Were you thinking the way things are this five minutes is the way things will stay everywhere, everywhen? I would suggest you keep your heads down once things start to change bigtime. Just a suggestion. But you seem smart and I am betting you already know that.....

The future looks pretty good from an equality standpoint.


We had a gay president over 100 years ago, I wouldn't bet on us having another one very soon.
All slippery slope arguments are suspect because we can stop the slide at any point. It does however open up debate on other issues when one issue is settled so to speak.

How do you stop an avalanche?

An "Avalanche", we gays are way powerful! :D

I didn't say same sex marraige was an avalanche, I was just pointing out that anyone who thinks you can stop a slide at any point is a fool.
the emonds tucker act forbids polygamy. I'm a Mormon with polygamy ancestry....believe me I would know.

lol, the Edmund-Tucker Act was repealed in 1978.

Believe me I would know...because I'm not retarded.

Now, please anyone correct me if I'm wrong, since I admit to not being certain.

Is it not currently true, under the law, that any state that wished to make polygamy a legally recognized civil marriage,

they could do so?

No, it is not.

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