Law professor: Slippery slope to legal incest and polygamy

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you have the same cheese already, your problem is that you insist on calling it married cheese.

I do now (almost) thanks to the SCOTUS. My marriage license (it says that, on the certificate) is almost treated exactly like yours. It will be when Section II is killed by the SCOTUS.

Do you ever post in threads that aren't about gay sex?

Do you? You wind up in the same "gay" threads...every time. At least I AM gay.
I object to all forms of human perversion. I may hate the act, but I do not hate the person. I truly believe that you cannot help yourself. You have an illness. Whether its from birth or environment is up to science.

Once again, everything is about sex to her. You and Rabbi agree on that issue and nothing else matters, so you are the same to her. I mean I'm a guy and I think about sex a lot, but I do think about other things during the day. It must get tired for her to think of nothing else, probably it's what makes her so bitchy.

Orientation isn't about the act if sex. You think about sex when someone tells you they are gay. That's YOUR problem. Do you do that with straight people when you know they are married?

If they are asking for free government cheese for sleeping with someone of the opposite sex, then you're damn straight I do.

That you are gay means zero to me. I just don't see why it has to be the topic of everything you post about.
I do now (almost) thanks to the SCOTUS. My marriage license (it says that, on the certificate) is almost treated exactly like yours. It will be when Section II is killed by the SCOTUS.

Do you ever post in threads that aren't about gay sex?

Do you? You wind up in the same "gay" threads...every time.

Actually no, I don't. A small percent of my posts are in gay threads. I see you all over those, and see you almost never anywhere else.
While I did serve before and after DADT was enacted, it was never dishonestly.

BS. you were a lesbian on active service which was against the UCMJ. You lie as bad a Bodey.

I never once had to lie. I was never asked if I was gay. Why does honorable service upset you so?

You were when you went through MEPS...oh yea you will say you did not turn lesbian until after MEPS. Same standard lie. I served in the Navy from 1979 until 2003. I saw all the games you lesbians played and I had the pleasure to help boot of few of you out. :clap2:
Once again, everything is about sex to her. You and Rabbi agree on that issue and nothing else matters, so you are the same to her. I mean I'm a guy and I think about sex a lot, but I do think about other things during the day. It must get tired for her to think of nothing else, probably it's what makes her so bitchy.

Orientation isn't about the act if sex. You think about sex when someone tells you they are gay. That's YOUR problem. Do you do that with straight people when you know they are married?

If they are asking for free government cheese for sleeping with someone of the opposite sex, then you're damn straight I do.

That you are gay means zero to me. I just don't see why it has to be the topic of everything you post about.

You don't have to got it with your marriage license. My legal marriage license cannot be treated differently than yours. This is bad how?
BS. you were a lesbian on active service which was against the UCMJ. You lie as bad a Bodey.

I never once had to lie. I was never asked if I was gay. Why does honorable service upset you so?

You were when you went through MEPS...oh yea you will say you did not turn lesbian until after MEPS. Same standard lie. I served in the Navy from 1979 until 2003. I saw all the games you lesbians played and I had the pleasure to help boot of few of you out. :clap2:

I was asked if I had ever "engaged in homosexual activity". I had not.
Do you? You wind up in the same "gay" threads...every time.

Actually no, I don't. A small percent of my posts are in gay threads. I see you all over those, and see you almost never anywhere else.

I'm gay. Duh. And you might want to check my post history. :rolleyes:

I guess you wouldn't know about guys since you aren't one and you don't live with one. But we aren't that ambitious unless there's the potential for sex in it.
I never once had to lie. I was never asked if I was gay. Why does honorable service upset you so?

You were when you went through MEPS...oh yea you will say you did not turn lesbian until after MEPS. Same standard lie. I served in the Navy from 1979 until 2003. I saw all the games you lesbians played and I had the pleasure to help boot of few of you out. :clap2:

I was asked if I had ever "engaged in homosexual activity". I had not.

you served while being gay before it was legal. You served dishonestly and you know it end of story.
Orientation isn't about the act if sex. You think about sex when someone tells you they are gay. That's YOUR problem. Do you do that with straight people when you know they are married?

If they are asking for free government cheese for sleeping with someone of the opposite sex, then you're damn straight I do.

That you are gay means zero to me. I just don't see why it has to be the topic of everything you post about.

You don't have to got it with your marriage license. My legal marriage license cannot be treated differently than yours. This is bad how?

95% of my experience with government is getting reamed. That government is unfair on my behalf is unknown to me.
I do now (almost) thanks to the SCOTUS. My marriage license (it says that, on the certificate) is almost treated exactly like yours. It will be when Section II is killed by the SCOTUS.

Do you ever post in threads that aren't about gay sex?

Do you? You wind up in the same "gay" threads...every time. At least I AM gay.

How did this become a gay thread, I thought it was about legalizing incest and polygamy.
If they are asking for free government cheese for sleeping with someone of the opposite sex, then you're damn straight I do.

That you are gay means zero to me. I just don't see why it has to be the topic of everything you post about.

You don't have to got it with your marriage license. My legal marriage license cannot be treated differently than yours. This is bad how?

95% of my experience with government is getting reamed. That government is unfair on my behalf is unknown to me.

Oh, so your opposition to gays being legally married like you are is to "save" them from government? Good one. Very original.
You were when you went through MEPS...oh yea you will say you did not turn lesbian until after MEPS. Same standard lie. I served in the Navy from 1979 until 2003. I saw all the games you lesbians played and I had the pleasure to help boot of few of you out. :clap2:

I was asked if I had ever "engaged in homosexual activity". I had not.

you served while being gay before it was legal. You served dishonestly and you know it end of story.

If I was never asked, how was it "dishonest"?

Are you going to claim you never got a BJ while in the military?
You were when you went through MEPS...oh yea you will say you did not turn lesbian until after MEPS. Same standard lie. I served in the Navy from 1979 until 2003. I saw all the games you lesbians played and I had the pleasure to help boot of few of you out. :clap2:

I was asked if I had ever "engaged in homosexual activity". I had not.

you served while being gay before it was legal. You served dishonestly and you know it end of story.

My great, great grandfather served in a Michigan Regiment in the Civil War when he was 17. As was common in the day, he wrote the number 18 on the bottom of his shoe. When they asked his age, he said "I stand over 18." That was good enough for them.

My brother went to the Naval Academy. He finished in the top 10% of his class and as such was handed his diploma by Dan Quayle. The P and VP alternate each year who gives diplomas to the top 10% at Army and Navy.

Top 10% of Naval Academy class means you write your own ticket. He went nuclear subs. He was in training in Orlando, and they came and took him out of class and told him he was being kicked out of the program. He had honestly admitted he'd tried pot in high school on his application and whatever Admiral ran the program apparently had a policy that if you've ever tried drugs you can't ever have tried any drug.

Had they told him when he applied, he had endless other opportunities with his class rank. However, at this point he ended up at the bottom of the list behind even ROTC people and had to go surface warfare, the bottom choice. He served the minimum and left. He is the sort of person we need in the military. Honest, believes in his country and the mission.

I have no issue with Seawytch saying a technical truth. I'm guessing no one would support her more than my brother who had he lied like most people who had tried pot in high school did would have been fine.
You don't have to got it with your marriage license. My legal marriage license cannot be treated differently than yours. This is bad how?

95% of my experience with government is getting reamed. That government is unfair on my behalf is unknown to me.

Oh, so your opposition to gays being legally married like you are is to "save" them from government? Good one. Very original.

Um...if you don't know my view on marriage at this point, I'm not going to bother.
You don't have to got it with your marriage license. My legal marriage license cannot be treated differently than yours. This is bad how?

95% of my experience with government is getting reamed. That government is unfair on my behalf is unknown to me.

Oh, so your opposition to gays being legally married like you are is to "save" them from government? Good one. Very original.

There is also the school of thought that why shouldn't gays be allowed to marry and be just as miserable as everyone else? :D

Seriously though the whining stems from losing a wedge issue to drive voters to the polls. That probably explains why they are so determined to obstruct voting and push back on woman's rights while they still have the chance.

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