Law Suit By Sandy Hook Parents Against Remington Arms Dismissed

These people suing this gun manufacture are basically saying that money can replace their kids…

I don't think they're saying that, but to sue someone who had nothing to do with it sure shows they're willing to prostitute the death of their kids for a quick buck
No, nimrod it's 10,000 in a single attack. And thank you for bringing up Paris, every anti gun law in the world was in effect in Paris. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. And look at that, just like we have been saying, those laws didn't work one dammed bit. The bad guys got the guns they wanted and murdered over 100 people. People who were not allowed to defend themselves and who were at the mercy of the attackers.

Thanks to your bullshit philosophy MORE people were murdered in Paris because assholes like you prevent them from defending themselves.

OK........So, the threshold for a terrorist attack is "10,000"...well, hell, there goes that allegations that 9-11 was a terrorist attack.

Second, those bastards in Paris did NOT get their guns anywhere in France....they got them in Belgium which is just a car ride away.....The equivalent of "banning" assualt weapons in Delaware and having a bastard drive that same kind of weapon from Virginia.
I don't think they're saying that, but to sue someone who had nothing to do with it sure shows they're willing to prostitute the death of their kids for a quick buck

Sure....then maybe they can use those "quick bucks" to put back together their children....many torn apart into 4 pieces from those cute guns.......before burying them.

According to you nitwits, are 9-11 families ALSO looking to cash in on some quick bucks from the Saudi government?
I don't think they're saying that, but to sue someone who had nothing to do with it sure shows they're willing to prostitute the death of their kids for a quick buck

Sure....then maybe they can use those "quick bucks" to put back together their children....many torn apart into 4 pieces from those cute guns.......before burying them.

According to you nitwits, are 9-11 families ALSO looking to cash in on some quick bucks from the Saudi government?

Let "me help" you, imbecile. "Damn" you're seriously "fucking" stupid
No, nimrod it's 10,000 in a single attack. And thank you for bringing up Paris, every anti gun law in the world was in effect in Paris. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. And look at that, just like we have been saying, those laws didn't work one dammed bit. The bad guys got the guns they wanted and murdered over 100 people. People who were not allowed to defend themselves and who were at the mercy of the attackers.

Thanks to your bullshit philosophy MORE people were murdered in Paris because assholes like you prevent them from defending themselves.

OK........So, the threshold for a terrorist attack is "10,000"...well, hell, there goes that allegations that 9-11 was a terrorist attack.

Second, those bastards in Paris did NOT get their guns anywhere in France....they got them in Belgium which is just a car ride away.....The equivalent of "banning" assualt weapons in Delaware and having a bastard drive that same kind of weapon from Virginia.

The WHOLE of Europe is a "gun free zone" for the civilian population dumbshit. All of the laws that you want to enact here in the USA WERE in effect in Paris. Your laws did fuckall except make it easier for the scumbags to kill more people because you disarmed everyone EXCEPT the scumbags. That's how your bullshit laws work, fool.
The WHOLE of Europe is a "gun free zone" for the civilian population dumbshit. All of the laws that you want to enact here in the USA WERE in effect in Paris. Your laws did fuckall except make it easier for the scumbags to kill more people because you disarmed everyone EXCEPT the scumbags. That's how your bullshit laws work, fool.

Well, if you ever got outside of your trailer park, you too would know that you can drive from Turkey or Syria or Iraq all the way to Paris with guns in your car trunk.....So, I agree that ONE European country banning military style weapons does little good.

BTW, following your advice, EVERY single person best got around carrying an assault weapon......Perhaps bringing back those good old Far West days where Colt advertise his guns as the "equalizers."............LOL
Okay, enough with flinging out buzzwords and hoping they stick. Guns are NOT "weapons of mass destruction". That term refers strictly to nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons.

Of course you may have in your mind an actual number of dead people before you bestow your definition of an WMD...

So, is it 50 dead in Orlando by guns......or is it 130 in Paris by guns????

Actually, I have in mind that words have definite, set meanings. "Weapons of mass destruction" is a specific phrase, with a specific definition, which would be nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons.

I don't blame you for wanting to think with your glands. If my brain was as faulty as yours, I'd be looking for an alternative, too. I, however, have a fully functioning brain, and think with it.
At what point did you think you had a vote in MY personal safety and security?

actually and truthfully, I couldn't give much of a crap .......

Yeah, you give so little a crap that you're in here, raving about what people should and shouldn't be allowed to own and demanding that the government infringe on their rights for you.

Liar, liar, sweatpants on fire.
The only problem is that there is a law that exists that says they cannot sue.
Yeah, it's a legal concept called "culpability", and it protects EVERY manufaacturer of EVERY legal product.
... and somewhere along the line, those culpable for accepting bribes from manufacturers, even manicured the laws so that the products of generous manufacturers would be classified as legal. A very neat package. That's an illegal concept called "corruption".

And somewhere along the line, when you prove that any of that is the case here, we'll discuss it. Until then, please hold your breath waiting for me to treat your unsubstantiated allegations as facts that I must address.
Because liberals want to cost EVERY industry they don't approve of so much money just protecting themselves from liberal attacks that it's impossible to do business.

"Good" point.......We in the US would not want to lose our status as the biggest weapons' manufacturer in the world, DOUBLING what Russia produces.

Why am I unsurprised that you don't consider a loss of Constitutional rights to be an important enough issue to notice, let alone mention?
Faulty analogy. The Saudi government actually has some culpability in regards to 9/11. Gun manufacturers have no culpability in Sandy Hook.

Courts, judges, evidence and juries are not needed when we have folks like you to pass judgment from your 'puter.

Seems to me YOU don't think we need courts and judgements, since as soon as they disagree with you, you try to invalidate them and replace them with YOUR computer judgements.

Or did you miss the little fact that the courts agreed with ME?
Why don't we "sue" Boeing for 9/11?

well, Boeing manufactures airplane for transportation.......Gun manufacturers produce weapons so damn powerful whose ONLY intent is to kill other human beings......Perhaps even you could see the difference in those 2 products......

.....and before you morons go off on the lame "defense" that such powerful guns are made for "target shooting" or for "hunting", the lethal nature of those guns would make you an instant idiot.
I never understand this reasoning. Guns are weapons that shoot lead bullets. My .22 will only hit targets (hopefully) but I have others to shoot people if the need arises. They may or may not die but if the gun functioned properly that's got nothing to do with the manufacturer. It beats throwing the bullets in self defense.
The WHOLE of Europe is a "gun free zone" for the civilian population dumbshit. All of the laws that you want to enact here in the USA WERE in effect in Paris. Your laws did fuckall except make it easier for the scumbags to kill more people because you disarmed everyone EXCEPT the scumbags. That's how your bullshit laws work, fool.

Well, if you ever got outside of your trailer park, you too would know that you can drive from Turkey or Syria or Iraq all the way to Paris with guns in your car trunk.....So, I agree that ONE European country banning military style weapons does little good.

BTW, following your advice, EVERY single person best got around carrying an assault weapon......Perhaps bringing back those good old Far West days where Colt advertise his guns as the "equalizers."............LOL

From Turkey, that's "true." But from Syria "or" Iraq, it's false. There are "no" border controls "within most" EU countries, but "there is" entering "the" EU
Who places someone on the secret terrorist watch list and no fly list?
NSA? I assume that individual airlines can ban someone for disorderly conduct, but wouldn't that apply to their airline alone?

Thanks for proving you're here flapping you gums when you haven't a freaking clue what you're talking about.

Any law enforcement agency can put you on either list. A federal court said flying today, is a necessary part of your liberty. The 4th and 14th amendments say you can't be denied life, liberty or property without due process. The 6th amendment gives you a right to confront your accusers. So constitutionally a person should only be placed on these lists by a judge, after the government presents evidence against you, and you have an opportunity to defend yourself and confront your accusers. Now you idiots what to also deny 2nd amendment rights based on the same unconstitutional BS?

Why do you hate the Constitution and individual rights afforded by it?
More to the point how does allowing manufacturers to be sued for the criminal misuse of their products help anyone

Manufacturers should take the less of revenue and make LESS of easily available WMDs to slaughter children...with guns that basically cuts these children's bodies into 4 or 5 parts.

Okay, enough with flinging out buzzwords and hoping they stick. Guns are NOT "weapons of mass destruction". That term refers strictly to nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons.

Technically high explosives can also qualify.
The WHOLE of Europe is a "gun free zone" for the civilian population dumbshit. All of the laws that you want to enact here in the USA WERE in effect in Paris. Your laws did fuckall except make it easier for the scumbags to kill more people because you disarmed everyone EXCEPT the scumbags. That's how your bullshit laws work, fool.

Well, if you ever got outside of your trailer park, you too would know that you can drive from Turkey or Syria or Iraq all the way to Paris with guns in your car trunk.....So, I agree that ONE European country banning military style weapons does little good.

BTW, following your advice, EVERY single person best got around carrying an assault weapon......Perhaps bringing back those good old Far West days where Colt advertise his guns as the "equalizers."............LOL

You can? Really? Soooooo what you are admitting is the very laws you want to pass here will do nothing to prevent massacres. That about cover it? YOU are admitting that the only people who will be affected by your laws are the law abiding. That about cover it? You wish you lived in as nice a trailer park as I do clown boy, just sayin...
The only problem is that there is a law that exists that says they cannot sue.
Yeah, it's a legal concept called "culpability", and it protects EVERY manufaacturer of EVERY legal product.
... and somewhere along the line, those culpable for accepting bribes from manufacturers, even manicured the laws so that the products of generous manufacturers would be classified as legal. A very neat package. That's an illegal concept called "corruption".

And somewhere along the line, when you prove that any of that is the case here, we'll discuss it. Until then, please hold your breath waiting for me to treat your unsubstantiated allegations as facts that I must address.

Agent Orange, Napalm, Depleted uranium weapons used in Irak ....... etc. I might be able to compile a very long list if you are interested.
Just heard on the news, this illegal law suit has been dismissed. Parents say they will appeal, such a waste of money, their gonna lose. Remington made a legal product and is not responsible for damages. Firearms manufactures are protected by law against these unjust suits.

Illegal? The lawsuit was not valid, the lawsuit was without merit. Illegal? Lol! More drama.
Just heard on the news, this illegal law suit has been dismissed. Parents say they will appeal, such a waste of money, their gonna lose. Remington made a legal product and is not responsible for damages. Firearms manufactures are protected by law against these unjust suits.

The legal costs are the point of all this, forcing gun makers to waste time and cash defending themselves from ridiculous lawsuits.

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