Lawmaker gets it right - control your intake of semen

Bullshit. If that was "the mother's body" then there would be no need for the egg to be fertilized. It is not a baby until it is fertilized with The Father's Genetic material, and at that point since we are talking about who has a right to their bodies and genetic material the father has 1/2 ownership of the now fertilized egg.

Instead you make EMOTIONAL ARGUMENTS rather than actually rely on The Science.
Wrong... The father gave away his tadpole which now resides inside the woman body... if you give blood you don't own the body of the recipient of your blood donation. Sperm is alive and then dies... Its not murder. Eggs ovulate, it isn't murder. Fertilized eggs are developing cells and part of a woman's body... Her choice on what to do from there.
Yeah if shoe fits I’m going to call you pitiful. I mean say what you want about my insecurity. You’re still an idiot either way.

Okay so in the situation of a deadlock between the mother and father, the father automatically wins? What sense does that make? Obviously the mother would have the edge because she wouid be carrying the kid for 9 months at the peril of her own health.

Also, now that abortion can be made illegal in red states your logic about the man having no say makes no goddamn sense. So yeah, obviously the man should be held accountable for his actions. This was true either way but luckily now you see the flaw in your simple logic.
Got it.

Very mature and insightful.
Lol I love in this mindless rant of yours you still don’t put any responsibility on the man involved. Your misogyny is quite glaring I gotta say.

I guess you’re trying to assume that women use abortion as birth control which really does not make any sense whatsoever. It does not matter if this woman happens to be dumb, she is going to realize that it is impractical and expensive and instead rely on the condoms, the pill or IUD. But guess what? Pregnancy still happens in those cases! Birth control fails even when used properly. Now this woman who was being responsible to begin with has to carry a kid at the detriment of her own health. And the man that you absolve of any responsibility can choose to do NOTHING if he wants to.
That kid isn’t born yet. He doesn’t have to give a shit and assist her in the pregnancy demands. The law doesn’t compel him to.

But since you are sure this fetus is a baby, should child support begin as soon as she gets pregnant?
If you read what I actually posted it said that it applies (auto correct changed applied to apples) to both parents.

If one of my sons knocked up a girl we would have taking responsibility and would have done everything possible to care for the child before having it aborted, including raising the child ourselves if necessary.
If you read what I actually posted it said that it applies (auto correct changed applied to apples) to both parents.

If one of my sons knocked up a girl we would have taking responsibility and would have done everything possible to care for the child before having it aborted, including raising the child ourselves if necessary.
Not all children have supportive parents like your son has
I never said it did. It got rid of the protections allowing women's health clinics to provide this kind of care nationwide. So now states can outlaw it like we are seeing.

I actually don't have a huge problem with the SCOTUS argument on a legal basis. We have a constitutional system that is set around Congress legislating policy for these kind of things. The reps need to step up and do their jobs on the Abortion and Border issues amongst many others. But I'm not holding my breath for them to do this.
Well too bad one of the Moon Bat Presidents didn't appoint you to the Supreme Court. You would have convinced the other Justices with your ironclad logic, wouldn't you?
Well too bad one of the Moon Bat Presidents didn't appoint you to the Supreme Court. You would have convinced the other Justices with your ironclad logic, wouldn't you?
Maybe I’ll go for that position in a few years… we’ll see. I promise not to lie during my confirmation hearing. Ok?
Not all children have supportive parents like your son has
They don't have to be responsible because you stupid immoral Libtards have given them an easy way out by allowing them to murder the child.
They don't have to be responsible because you stupid immoral Libtards have given them an easy way out by allowing them to murder the child.
No they don’t have to be, yet many will be. Many are now after making the choice to have the baby.

So what efforts do you support to help provide a safe and prosperous life for these forced deliveries?
If you read what I actually posted it said that it applies (auto correct changed applied to apples) to both parents.

If one of my sons knocked up a girl we would have taking responsibility and would have done everything possible to care for the child before having it aborted, including raising the child ourselves if necessary.
Well it wouldn’t matter what you end up doing. Plenty of men don’t give a shit about the woman’s pregnancy needs.
No they don’t have to be, yet many will be. Many are now after making the choice to have the baby.

So what efforts do you support to help provide a safe and prosperous life for these forced deliveries?
It is not my responsibility to take care of your children. it is your responsibility.

My only responsibility is to keep you from killing them. It is a humanity thing. You probably don't understand.

This is how genocide gets started. By dehumanizing the people you want to eliminate. Once you successfully dehumanize your opponent then normal people start to believe its ok to exterminate them.

Islam 600AD to present = Infidels are to be eliminated by jihad.
America 1800's = Slaves are not human they are property its ok to own one and kill them if needed.
Hitler 1930's = Jews are vermin and lower than cockroaches.
America 1973 = Babies are not human until the female decides it is until then they are nothing but parasites and a clump of cells.

Once you get the population to accept that, that's when you start seeing the gas chambers and box cars.

It is not my responsibility to take care of your children. it is your responsibility.

My only responsibility is to keep you from killing them. It is a humanity thing. You probably don't understand.
See there you go displaying your ass backwards logic. You feel it your responsibility to keep mothers from aborting but once the baby is born you don't want to be responsible for anything. Why do you feel obligated to save the life but not the abuse and torture of that life? Did you watch the Carlin clip I posted. Probably not... here it is again. Its quick, give it a listen. Much truth in the skit.

This is how genocide gets started. By dehumanizing the people you want to eliminate. Once you successfully dehumanize your opponent then normal people start to believe its ok to exterminate them.

Islam 600AD to present = Infidels are to be eliminated by jihad.
America 1800's = Slaves are not human they are property its ok to own one and kill them if needed.
Hitler 1930's = Jews are vermin and lower than cockroaches.
America 1973 = Babies are not human until the female decides it is until then they are nothing but parasites and a clump of cells.

Once you get the population to accept that, that's when you start seeing the gas chambers and box cars.
Unborn babies are not anybody's opponent. If you look at the demographics of mothers and families that have abortions then they are more so YOUR opponents politically speaking. I hope you are planning on backing up your abortion bans with massive amounts of social services because those communities are going to need them.
Liberals howled at her commonsense statement. I mean, unless she's being raped, a woman can most certainly control how much semen enters her body. Worried about an "unwanted pregnancy," don't let semen in your body. Pretty simple, basic stuff.
Yes, by taking care of their the right thing, not the easy thing.
Is that your plan? Say those words. Maybe get some bumper stickers and pay for some billboards and then everybody will just magically start doing that?!

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