Lawmaker Who Supported Welfare Drug Testing Charged With 2nd DUI

A Georgia state lawmaker who supported legislation to drug test welfare recipients was arrested last week, suspected of driving under the influence, Raw Story reports.

Georgia state House Rep. Chuck Sims (R-Ambrose) was pulled over in Coffee County, Ga., on April 2 after being spotted driving erratically by a police officer, the Douglas Enterprise reported. Sims also was cited for DUI in 2010; that DUI charge was later dismissed and he pleaded guilty to reckless driving, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“Just as I do not intend to seek any special treatment, I hope that I am not unfairly pre-judged based on rumor and speculation," Sims said in a statement after being released on bond, the AJC reported. "I am confident that as facts of this situation are revealed, the interests of justice will be served.”

In 2012, Sims joined his GOP colleagues in the Georgia Legislature to pass a bill requiring applicants for welfare benefits to pay for and pass a drug test.

"Commonsense legislation like [this] lets the people of this state know that their legislature is hard at work for them,” said state Rep. Michael Harden (R-Toccoa), the bill's sponsor, upon its passage.

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal (R), a supporter of the welfare requirement, has halted implementation of the law, pending the federal court's ruling on similar legislation in Florida.

In February, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit upheld a lower court's ruling that the Florida statute violated the Constitution's ban on unreasonable searches

Chuck Sims, Georgia Lawmaker Who Supported Welfare Drug Testing, Charged With DUI

Is the congressman on welfare? No? Then there's no hypocrisy, no problem, and no point to this thread.

If you're referring to Michele Bachman the answer is yes she does on 2 fronts, so before you dismiss the rest of my examples try doing your own research dumb ass. Your choice if you want to remain ignorant to the truth, but because you don't know any different you can't just dismiss this or the story in whole.
So what?

Is there any point at all to the OP?

Is the moral of the story that you have to be a teetotaler to propose legislation?
No one really thinks that drug testing to receive unemployment or welfare is a bad idea in principle right? The one thing bad about it is that it would be very expensive.
A Georgia state lawmaker who supported legislation to drug test welfare recipients was arrested last week, suspected of driving under the influence, Raw Story reports.

Georgia state House Rep. Chuck Sims (R-Ambrose) was pulled over in Coffee County, Ga., on April 2 after being spotted driving erratically by a police officer, the Douglas Enterprise reported. Sims also was cited for DUI in 2010; that DUI charge was later dismissed and he pleaded guilty to reckless driving, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“Just as I do not intend to seek any special treatment, I hope that I am not unfairly pre-judged based on rumor and speculation," Sims said in a statement after being released on bond, the AJC reported. "I am confident that as facts of this situation are revealed, the interests of justice will be served.”

In 2012, Sims joined his GOP colleagues in the Georgia Legislature to pass a bill requiring applicants for welfare benefits to pay for and pass a drug test.

"Commonsense legislation like [this] lets the people of this state know that their legislature is hard at work for them,” said state Rep. Michael Harden (R-Toccoa), the bill's sponsor, upon its passage.

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal (R), a supporter of the welfare requirement, has halted implementation of the law, pending the federal court's ruling on similar legislation in Florida.

In February, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit upheld a lower court's ruling that the Florida statute violated the Constitution's ban on unreasonable searches

Chuck Sims, Georgia Lawmaker Who Supported Welfare Drug Testing, Charged With DUI

Is the congressman on welfare? No? Then there's no hypocrisy, no problem, and no point to this thread.

If you're referring to Michele Bachman the answer is yes she does on 2 fronts, so before you dismiss the rest of my examples try doing your own research dumb ass. Your choice if you want to remain ignorant to the truth, but because you don't know any different you can't just dismiss this or the story in whole.

Hey dumbass, did Bachmann get arrested for DUI too? No? Then wtf are you babbling about? Do you even know?

Is the congressman who was arrested for DUI in, you know, THE ARTICLE YOU CREATED THIS THREAD ABOUT, on welfare yes or no? No? than you thread is pointless, nit wit.
WOW, hilarious.

So he wants other people who basically get free money from the govt to be tested. But he basically gets free money from the govt, but cant seem to keep drugs (yes, alcohol is a drug) out of his system while driving.

And seeing he's a congressman from the bible belt, WHO KNOWS what kinds of substances he's been snorting out of the bellybuttons of hookers...
WOW, hilarious.

So he wants other people who basically get free money from the govt to be tested. But he basically gets free money from the govt, but cant seem to keep drugs (yes, alcohol is a drug) out of his system while driving.

And seeing he's a congressman from the bible belt, WHO KNOWS what kinds of substances he's been snorting out of the bellybuttons of hookers...

Is that a bad thing? I think not.
I guess that failing the test will disqualify him from using publicly funded roads
drug test all welfare recipients ....get rid of the fraud !!

Then you should drug test the banksters, oil execs, farmers, State Governors, Michele Bachman and others who receive Government Welfare too, but it's called "subsidies", agree or disagree?

Now that partial group of individuals I named would really help get rid of the fraud. B:clap2:

I still dont see what the problem is, in the real world a majority of workers are drug tested.....
Lawmaker Who Supported Welfare Drug Testing Charged With 2nd DUI ...

So what? Apples and oranges again.
Solve the problem drug test all politicians. Senate, congress and the white house.
Talk about Karma

It's true, Karma is a bitch!!!! :clap2:

I love how douche bags like you think drug testing for WELFARE benefits is not a common sense step. Heck I think people should have to jump through major hoops to get on and MAINTAIN welfare benefits. I believe they should have to show proof of necessity every month, and be out of the program in 1 year. After that they have to wait 5 years to reapply for benefits!

Lastly, and most controversal, while on welfare, you should be restricted from voting!
A Georgia state lawmaker who supported legislation to drug test welfare recipients was arrested last week, suspected of driving under the influence, Raw Story reports.

Georgia state House Rep. Chuck Sims (R-Ambrose) was pulled over in Coffee County, Ga., on April 2 after being spotted driving erratically by a police officer, the Douglas Enterprise reported. Sims also was cited for DUI in 2010; that DUI charge was later dismissed and he pleaded guilty to reckless driving, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“Just as I do not intend to seek any special treatment, I hope that I am not unfairly pre-judged based on rumor and speculation," Sims said in a statement after being released on bond, the AJC reported. "I am confident that as facts of this situation are revealed, the interests of justice will be served.”

In 2012, Sims joined his GOP colleagues in the Georgia Legislature to pass a bill requiring applicants for welfare benefits to pay for and pass a drug test.

"Commonsense legislation like [this] lets the people of this state know that their legislature is hard at work for them,” said state Rep. Michael Harden (R-Toccoa), the bill's sponsor, upon its passage.

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal (R), a supporter of the welfare requirement, has halted implementation of the law, pending the federal court's ruling on similar legislation in Florida.

In February, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit upheld a lower court's ruling that the Florida statute violated the Constitution's ban on unreasonable searches

Chuck Sims, Georgia Lawmaker Who Supported Welfare Drug Testing, Charged With DUI

Is the State Rep on welfare?
I guess that failing the test will disqualify him from using publicly funded roads
drug test all welfare recipients ....get rid of the fraud !!

Then you should drug test the banksters, oil execs, farmers, State Governors, Michele Bachman and others who receive Government Welfare too, but it's called "subsidies", agree or disagree?

Now that partial group of individuals I named would really help get rid of the fraud. B:clap2:

Do you know the difference between a worthless piece of shit who takes money while giving nothing back to society verses someone who provides jobs?
Did he pay for his "under the influence substance" with an EBT card?

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