Lawmakers may halt privatization effort on Medicaid program


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma House lawmakers will consider whether to halt progress on privatizing Medicaid for the state’s aged blind and disabled population.

After receiving direction from the Legislature, the Oklahoma Health Care Authority began soliciting proposals last year from private companies who want to take over that part of Medicaid’s mission. Under the plan, a company picked to run the program would receive money up front to coordinate and integrate care for complex treatment, like those developed to address chronic illness.

The selected company then has the incentive to drive down its own health costs and profit from the state’s payments. Ideally, that would be in the form of healthier patients, more efficient medical care and cheaper drug costs.

The problem, according to experts in Oklahoma’s health care industry, is that a new federal rule cuts off an important revenue source for states that move to a managed care system.
Oklahoma lawmakers could halt Medicaid privatization

Wow. You would think repeated fails would cause these nitwits to rethink the plan. Privatization does not work. Again.

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