Lawmakers Who Hailed 9/11 Heroes Still Shun Bill To Help Them


Registered Democrat.
Aug 9, 2015
Seriously? At least sanders has his priorities straight.
Lawmakers Who Hailed 9/11 Heroes Still Shun Bill To Help Them
WASHINGTON -- Most members of Congress had something to say about never forgetting the heroes of 9/11 as the 14th anniversary of those attacks passed Friday, but by the end of the day, only about a third of federal lawmakers had signed onto new legislation to aid those ailing responders.

The old law to help those responders passed nearly five years ago. It begins expiring next month, yet legislation to extend that aid remains stuck in Congress. More than a dozen lawmakers threw their support behind the bill over the last week, but that brings the numbers to only 145 out of 435 House members and 37 of 100 senators.

That’s far fewer than the majority required to pass a long-term version of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, and head off interruptions in care to more than 33,000 ill 9/11 responders around the country.

Yet many of the legislators who wrapped themselves in declarations of “Never Forget” on the Friday anniversary are among those who have not backed the bill, or even voted against the original measure.

Indeed, a quick search through Twitter on Friday found the only one of the Senate’s 2016 White House aspirants who didn’t declare “Never Forget,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), is also the only one to back the bill helping sick responders.
Seriously? At least sanders has his priorities straight.
Lawmakers Who Hailed 9/11 Heroes Still Shun Bill To Help Them
WASHINGTON -- Most members of Congress had something to say about never forgetting the heroes of 9/11 as the 14th anniversary of those attacks passed Friday, but by the end of the day, only about a third of federal lawmakers had signed onto new legislation to aid those ailing responders.

The old law to help those responders passed nearly five years ago. It begins expiring next month, yet legislation to extend that aid remains stuck in Congress. More than a dozen lawmakers threw their support behind the bill over the last week, but that brings the numbers to only 145 out of 435 House members and 37 of 100 senators.

That’s far fewer than the majority required to pass a long-term version of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, and head off interruptions in care to more than 33,000 ill 9/11 responders around the country.

Yet many of the legislators who wrapped themselves in declarations of “Never Forget” on the Friday anniversary are among those who have not backed the bill, or even voted against the original measure.

Indeed, a quick search through Twitter on Friday found the only one of the Senate’s 2016 White House aspirants who didn’t declare “Never Forget,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), is also the only one to back the bill helping sick responders.

"The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act allocated $4.2 billion to create theWorld Trade Center Health Program, which provides testing and treatment for people who worked in response and recovery operations as well as for other survivors of the 9/11 attacks."

Holy sheep dip, how much more money do they need? They can already can get a cash settlement and get on permanent disability like everyone else has to.

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