Lawsuit filed to get the gun used by Michael Byrd to murder Ashli Babbitt

So, you're a fucking liar.

I just watched BLM Byrd execute Babbit again, not a word spoken - he opened fire on an unarmed woman.

Time mark 28:37
I mentioned that, you twat.

Now, on Byrds side of the door, there is no audio, so we can't say for FACT, either way, if Byrd shouted a warning.
I'll post it again for you and then you can make up yet ANOTHER excuse of why you think, "There's a gun" "He's got a gun" isn't actually a warning.
She was warned by her own side.
Proof? Link? How do you know they weren't Antifa? BLM? Admit it, you don't know shit. Go back and stock some shelves and STFU.
It's in the video, the video you refuse to acknowledge.
truth hurts.

34:00 her 'friend' shouts, I need help. Not a single rioter attempts to help.
These were trump supporters, your fake claim of antifa of blm.....serious.
No.....they're saying that he was murdered by a cop in cold-blood.
Trust me....if this was a real insurrection that cop wouldn't have gotten away with this.
There would have been an exchange of gunfire.
You all aren't understanding me. As far as I know no one is disputing that Byrd shot and killed Ashli so what is expected that obtaining or examining the firearm used in the shooting will provide?

It's not like 'who' shot her or the circumstances surrounding her shooting are in dispute, I don't understand what having physical possession of the firearm used can provide them since who and how she was killed is not at issue.

That's what's I'm asking.
Well that part sorta worked, at least he did not hit the officers that were already at the top of the stairs when he fired.

That's another reason the shooting was unnecessary.....the professionals were already there and calming things down as they advanced. Another three or four seconds and it would have all been over.

But no, Byrd had to "get it on" and murder someone.
No, the shoot was to prevent her from making it to the other side of the door she was in the process of breaching and then turning around and opening the door for the rest of the mob.
You all aren't understanding me. As far as I know no one is disputing that Byrd shot and killed Ashli so what is expected that obtaining or examining the firearm used in the shooting will provide?

It's not like 'who' shot her or the circumstances surrounding her shooting are in dispute, I don't understand what having physical possession of the firearm used can provide them since who and how she was killed is not at issue.

That's what's I'm asking.
Nobody's disputing that she wasn't murdered by a cop with a history.
The problem seems to be that he's not being held accountable for his crime.

Until this kind of nonsense changes....the "Let's Go Brandon" chants will grow louder and louder.
Judicial Watch isn't entitled to anything. The officer that defended Congress is a hero. His gun will remain in his possession, to hopefully kill many more just like the violent perpetrator he put down.

Ashli Babbit is the perfect example of letting your alligator mouth overload your canary asshole.

The officer did make one mistake. He had way to many rounds left in that magazine. He should have made an example out of at least another 5 or 6. But I'll give him credit for showing some restraint.
Well his first shot neutralized the threat, so mission accomplished.
No, the shoot was to prevent her from making it to the other side of the door she was in the process of breaching and then turning around and opening the door for the rest of the mob.
OMG. We all saw the video.

There were cops standing in front of the door blocking the protesters....and nobody tried to break thru till those cops, like on cue, stood to the side to let them start breaking thru it.
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Nobody's disputing that she wasn't murdered by a cop with a history.
The problem seems to be that he's not being held accountable for his crime.

Until this kind of nonsense changes....the "Let's Go Brandon" chants will grow louder and louder.
He didn't commit a crime so what you all are asking for is that he be punished to satisfy your blood lust.
I'm surprised this byrd knuckledragger hasn't taken a large caliber round to throat coming out of a crack house.

I would have lost a dollar on that bet.
There cops standing in front of the door blocking the protesters....and nobody tried to break thru till those cops, like on cue, stood to the side to let them start breaking thru it.
Those officers were threatened by the protestors who essentially told them that they didn't want them to get hurt (in other words, let us do what we want and you won't get hurt).

If it seemed like it was on cue that they moved out of the way, maybe it was in a way. From my perspective, they moved out of the way and let them continue on with their crime spree, yes knowing that their were armed officers on the other side of the door who could stop them since they couldn't, IF NECESSARY.

When you get to the point in your life where while in the commission of one or crimes, you're telling cops to get out of your way so they don't get hurt, you deserve what comes next if you persist in the advancement of your crimes.
He didn't commit a crime so what you all are asking for is that he be punished to satisfy your blood lust.
my blood lust?
You're projecting again.

That cop is guilty of using deadly force without being in a situation where he should have feared for his life.
That's called murder.
And it's worse that when they killed George Floyd....because it was intentional.
Yup, babbitt was just a trespasser until she tried to enter, with MULTIPLE warnings, the restricted zone.

She had apparently ZERO reason to enter this restricted zone, but she made a deadly choice, to enter anyway. Why? What was her intent?

Armed, Unarmed, Man, Woman, Person, TV or Camera.

She was breaking the law.

There was no "restricted zone", as the cops blocking the door and window, stepped aside.
And it is also obvious in the video, that Bryd never opened his mouth.
He never said a word of warning.
It was other rioters seeing the gun Bryd pointed, that yelled warnings.
And the shooting was a criminal felony if for no other reason than the 2 cops were right in the line of fire, if the bullet had missed Ashli.

In case you have not heard, breaking the law does not allow the police to shoot you.
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There was no "restricted zone", as the cops blocking the door and window, stepped aside.
And it is also obvious in the video, that Bryd never opened his mouth.
He never said a word of warning.
It was other rioters seeing the gun Bryd pointed, that yelled warnings.
And the shooting was a criminal felony is for no other reason than the 2 cops were right in the line of fire, is the bullet had missed Ashli.

In case you have not heard, breaking the law does not allow the police to shoot you.
So which is it?
1) stepped aside.
2) the 2 cops were right in the line of fire.
my blood lust?
You're projecting again.

That cop is guilty of using deadly force without being in a situation where he should have feared for his life.
That's called murder.
And it's worse that when they killed George Floyd....because it was intentional.
So Byrd using deadly force defending the lives of members of Congress is WORSE than Chauvin cutting off Floyd's air supply for more than 8 minutes because it was intentional? Well what Chauvin did WAS intentional. This defies logic.

I'm not projecting at all. You are a part of a group that wants Byrd punished for having shot Ashli because you erroneously believe that the shooting was unwarranted and part of the reason you all persist in this misconception is because you don't understand or don't care what the difference is surrounding what patrol officers do and what professional protection officers do.

The fact that the officers on the other side of the door from Byrd gave up on trying to prevent the mob from advancing further after having just been threatened by them was exactly the right thing to do as far as I'm concerned.

People too stupid to stop what they're doing when someone of authority is pointing a weapon at them and telling the to proceed no further deserve what they get. On the other hand you call cheer and support the police when they shoot people in the back who are trying to get away from them on the premise that they should have obeyed the officer. Do you see the hypocrisy in that stance?
And it is also obvious in the video, that Bryd never opened his mouth.
So show the point in the video (Timestamp, with the image) where you can actually see Byrd's mouth.
You can't. Why do you continually make up shit (LIES)?
So which is it?
1) stepped aside.
2) the 2 cops were right in the line of fire.

Did you even watch the video?
Bryd was to the left and on the far side of the door.
The cops moved off to the right of Ashli and the window, but were infront of the window.
That made the 2 cops EXACTLY in the line of fire from Bryd to Ashli, behind Ashli.
If the bullet had missed Ashli, it likely would have killed one of the cops.

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