Lawsuit filed to get the gun used by Michael Byrd to murder Ashli Babbitt

Ever hear of an FBI plant named Epps?
Sure, there are a ton of RWI comments about Epps.
What exactly did Epps do that you disagree with?
You think Epps is a:
1) FBI Plant
2) A "CI"
3) A Oath Keeper that wanted to see Government taken down

Please, tell me who "Rap Epps" is.

Go............... tell all. Don't make me guess or spectulate.
Tell me exactly who Ray Epps is.
You do not need "credentials" to know the law.
The police can not possibly have any additional authority to shoot because average citizens like us are the ONLY source of ANY authority at all in a democratic republic.
The only reason police can shoot at all is because we can, and we then can delegate our authority to shoot, to them, when they are protecting us.
But you don't know the law which is kind of my point. I at least have some credentials and I'm telling you you're wrong in your interpretation of the situation, as have many others on this site.

It's kind of interesting to watch the contortions you all go through in an attempt to make your conclusion match the circumstances, however in your case, you're STARTING with the wrong premise, well several wrong premises actually and no one can tell you any differently, even after Bryd was officially cleared. Or you'll take one thing and focus all of your attention on it as if it's the key to the whole scenario when in actuality it's irrelevant.

The following is very important.

Bryd is not a patrol officer, his job was to protect the members of congress who were holed up in the house chamber on the other side of the door Ashli was attempting to breach. The laws of self defense still apply but in THIS case, he was not primarily protecting his own life, he was protecting the lives of members of Congress. Had Ashli breached that door, then the mob would have poured in behind her or do you think that wouldn't have happened? THAT's why he shot her and it has been determined (not adjudicated) a good shoot.

And the police do not protect "us" individually nor do we delegate our right to shoot to them, that's one of the most idiotic things I've ever heard. The police derive their powers, including the powers of arrest, and use of deadly force from the state and they are not able to delegate them. I think the McMichaels who were just sentenced to life w/o the poss of parole for killing Amaud Arbery tried to use that as an argument as well by claiming they had been deputized to detain or arrest him.

You don't have to take my word for it, why don't you simply ask someone who knows whose opinions and knowledge you trust? Why are you so opposed to learning things correctly?
Ray Epps, moron. Please keep up.

Why would we expect anything less from you now? STFU idiot.
I asked you to explain about Epps, and this ^^^^^^ is what you offer.
No wonder nobody has any respect for what you post.

I'll give you another chance.
I honestly don't know SHIT about Epps, except what some posters here have mentioned, mostly about him being on the FBI list, then for some mystery, he is off the list. Deleted. That is what I know about Epps.

So, without calling you a moron, oops, i just did.
Tell me about Epps.

Who is he?
Why are threads being started about him?

Please tell. You seem very informed, so I would expect some retort other than.............. well nothing.

Go..........the floor is yours to tell us about Epps.
Nobody in Congress was being threatened.
You're just repeating the lies of the MSM and their Democrat cohorts.
Even if they were being threatened....they have a tunnel with a subway under the city that took them out of the Capital before anyone entered the front doors.
I don't need to repeat things I hear others say, I'm perfectly capable of doing my own research, evaluating the audio I hear, the video I see, the news reports I read and weighing what others who work in the security and executive protection fields have to say about what occurred on that day.

This is my state's representative to Congress and she is one of the people whose life was being threatened on that day. This video includes the sounds of the gunshot that persuaded Ashli's cohorts to turn away from the task they were intent upon just one bullet previously
Hollow points are used because the head smashes causing the bullet to tear and tumble through the tissue doing more damage.
Yeah they 'mushroom' which in addition to causing more tissue damage prevent over penetration.

Tell me something I don't know.
I asked you to explain about Epps, and this ^^^^^^ is what you offer.
No wonder nobody has any respect for what you post.

I'll give you another chance.
I honestly don't know SHIT about Epps, except what some posters here have mentioned, mostly about him being on the FBI list, then for some mystery, he is off the list. Deleted. That is what I know about Epps.

So, without calling you a moron, oops, i just did.
Tell me about Epps.

Who is he?
Why are threads being started about him?

Please tell. You seem very informed, so I would expect some retort other than.............. well nothing.

Go..........the floor is yours to tell us about Epps.
We are here to debate, You by your own admission are not up to the task "I honestly don't know SHIT about Epps," you said and my job is not to educate you. So run along.
We are here to debate, You by your own admission are not up to the task "I honestly don't know SHIT about Epps," you said and my job is not to educate you. So run along.
You don't know shit about Epps.
You have access to FBI info. No you don't.
I can admit I don't know what the FBI is doing with Epps.
You.....Cannot know either.

So tell me, Since I admit I don't know what the FBI is doing with Epps.
Please me me/us. What do you know?
Why won't Concerned American teach me about Epps.
I not defending Epps and I'm not supporting Epps.
I just want to know about Epps.
From all perspectives.

So please Concerned American tell me about Epps rather than just using an emoji. You up to that?
You don't know shit about Epps.
You have access to FBI info. No you don't.
I can admit I don't know what the FBI is doing with Epps.
You.....Cannot know either.

So tell me, Since I admit I don't know what the FBI is doing with Epps.
Please me me/us. What do you know?
So why are you on here then moron. Most people on here are in search of answers. If you naively navigate your way through the happenings of the last three years and believe that there is no anti American movement at work in the US today, that is your problem. So keep your head firmly implanted where the sun doesn't shine and you will continue to have the same shitty answers.
Yup, babbitt was just a trespasser until she tried to enter, with MULTIPLE warnings, the restricted zone.

She had apparently ZERO reason to enter this restricted zone, but she made a deadly choice, to enter anyway. Why? What was her intent?

Armed, Unarmed, Man, Woman, Person, TV or Camera.

She was breaking the law.
Was there a sign posted on the door that stated “Entering this area is illegal. Trespassers will be shot?”

If not and if the officer did not see a weapon in the hands of the woman he had no reason to use lethal force to stop her. With his training he should have just grabbed her, zip tied her hands and passed her on to the other officers in the area.

Often in riots police have bricks, frozen water bottles and even Molotov cocktails thrown at them yet they don’t shoot the rooters.


DC Code, § 5–351 states

(b) A law enforcement officer shall not use deadly force against a person unless: (1) The law enforcement officer reasonably believes that deadly force is immediately necessary to protect the law enforcement officer or another person, other than the subject of the use of deadly force, from the threat of serious bodily injury or death; (2) The law enforcement officer's actions are reasonable, given the totality of the circumstances; and (3) All other options have been exhausted or do not reasonably lend themselves to the circumstances.
It goes on to state definitions of factors to be considered by a trier of fact, such as what the "totality of circumstances" means, including:

Whether the subject of the use of deadly force: (i) Possessed or appeared to possess a deadly weapon; and (ii) Refused to comply with the law enforcement officer's lawful order to surrender an object believed to be a deadly weapon prior to the law enforcement officer using deadly force;[/I]
So why are you on here then moron. Most people on here are in search of answers. If you naively navigate your way through the happenings of the last three years and believe that there is no anti American movement at work in the US today, that is your problem. So keep your head firmly implanted where the sun doesn't shine and you will continue to have the same shitty answers.
#1 I'm White
#2 Im educated, you will try to debate this. Masters Degree. You?
#3. Moron is your only retort. Look up retort.
#4. Discourse is necessary. You want discourse. Look up Discourse.
#5. I'm dealing with an idiot. Concerned American . He/she/they have proven this.
to murder Ashli Babbitt
This is a lie.

Babbitt was not ‘murdered,’ she was lawfully killed while committing an act of domestic terrorism against the American people.

As for the ‘lawsuit,’ it’s clearly a partisan stunt completely devoid of merit, just as dishonest as the lie conservatives propagate about Babbitt being ‘murdered.’
Judicial Watch isn't entitled to anything. The officer that defended Congress is a hero. His gun will remain in his possession, to hopefully kill many more just like the violent perpetrator he put down.

Ashli Babbit is the perfect example of letting your alligator mouth overload your canary asshole.

The officer did make one mistake. He had way to many rounds left in that magazine. He should have made an example out of at least another 5 or 6. But I'll give him credit for showing some restraint.

Michael Byrd is a hero and patriot who defended members of Congress from terrorists engaged in the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack.
#1 I'm White
#2 Im educated, you will try to debate this. Masters Degree.
Again, relevance?
#3. Moron is your only retort. Look up retort.
One more time, relevance. Look up relevance.
#4. Discourse is necessary. You want discourse. Look up Discourse.
I think I made that abundantly clear. My responsibility to educate you is not necessary.
#5. I'm dealing with an idiot. @Concerned American . He/she/they have proven this.
Other board members will be the judge of that. You definitely are not an unbiased judge. LOL. Clean up on aisle 12.

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