Lawsuit filed to get the gun used by Michael Byrd to murder Ashli Babbitt

So Byrd using deadly force defending the lives of members of Congress is WORSE than Chauvin cutting off Floyd's air supply for more than 8 minutes because it was intentional? Well what Chauvin did WAS intentional. This defies logic.

I'm not projecting at all. You are a part of a group that wants Byrd punished for having shot Ashli because you erroneously believe that the shooting was unwarranted and part of the reason you all persist in this misconception is because you don't understand or don't care what the difference is surrounding what patrol officers do and what professional protection officers do.

The fact that the officers on the other side of the door from Byrd gave up on trying to prevent the mob from advancing further after having just been threatened by them was exactly the right thing to do as far as I'm concerned.

People too stupid to stop what they're doing when someone of authority is pointing a weapon at them and telling the to proceed no further deserve what they get. On the other hand you call cheer and support the police when they shoot people in the back who are trying to get away from them on the premise that they should have obeyed the officer. Do you see the hypocrisy in that stance?

No, Chauvin may simply have been stupid enough to not realize he was killing Floyd.
It is not at all similar to Bryd deliberately aiming at Ashli's neck and pulling the trigger.
That was no accident.

Police have ZERO authority to shoot unless there is visible evidence of a weapon about to harm someone.
So show the point in the video (Timestamp, with the image) where you can actually see Byrd's mouth.
You can't. Why do you continually make up shit (LIES)?

Good point.
Now when I watch it, I see Bryd wearing a mask.
Not sure what I saw last time since it was a while ago.
It does in this particular set of circumstances. Don't believe us, try it.

There are NO circumstances where shooting is justified without a weapon.
Police do NOT have any extra authority beyond what anyone has to shoot.
And the only dangerous person there who should have been shot was Bryd.
It was the only one committing reckless endangerment and then murder.
Did you even watch the video?
Bryd was to the left and on the far side of the door.
The cops moved off to the right of Ashli and the window, but were infront of the window.
That made the 2 cops EXACTLY in the line of fire from Bryd to Ashli, behind Ashli.
If the bullet had missed Ashli, it likely would have killed one of the cops.
So when traitor babbitt was shot and killed, and fell exactly backwards,
WHICH one of the two cops did she exactly land upon?

If you say the cops were to her right, then why can't we see them when she falls to the floor?

I missed that part.
Because when she hits the FLOOR. There were no cops in site.
Did you even watch the video?
Bryd was to the left and on the far side of the door.
The cops moved off to the right of Ashli and the window, but were infront of the window.
That made the 2 cops EXACTLY in the line of fire from Bryd to Ashli, behind Ashli.
If the bullet had missed Ashli, it likely would have killed one of the cops.
But he didn't miss.
No, the shoot was to prevent her from making it to the other side of the door she was in the process of breaching and then turning around and opening the door for the rest of the mob.
Christ on the Cross.....He could had poked at her with a flag staff or some such and kept her from "breaching" or simply knocked her in the head to the same end but no, he just had to shoot her. A profound use of excessive force if there was ever one and it makes you wonder why.

I'm been in prison riots a lot more violent and while the infirmary was right busy afterwards patching everyone up nobody was ever shot.
No, Chauvin may simply have been stupid enough to not realize he was killing Floyd.
It is not at all similar to Bryd deliberately aiming at Ashli's neck and pulling the trigger.
That was no accident.

Police have ZERO authority to shoot unless there is visible evidence of a weapon about to harm someone.
Are what are you credentials that makes you an authority of when someone can use deadly force and when they can not?
So when traitor babbitt was shot and killed, and fell exactly backwards,
WHICH one of the two cops did she exactly land upon?

If you say the cops were to her right, then why can't we see them when she falls to the floor?

I missed that part.
Because when she hits the FLOOR. There were no cops in site.

Sorry, but that is really stupid.
Byrd is off to the left of Ashli and the window.
The cops are just to the right of Ashli and the window.
If you had ever actually watched the video, you see Ashli land right at the feet of the 2 cops.

Byrn is mostly shooting parallel to the door and wall, he is not shooting from down the hall.
He is right there at the wall the door is on.
It is just that he is over to the left of the doors, and Ashli is over to the right of the doors.
Depth wise, they were both touching distance from the door wall.

Maybe you need to watch it again.
I know I do not want to see it any more.
Are what are you credentials that makes you an authority of when someone can use deadly force and when they can not?

You do not need "credentials" to know the law.
The police can not possibly have any additional authority to shoot because average citizens like us are the ONLY source of ANY authority at all in a democratic republic.
The only reason police can shoot at all is because we can, and we then can delegate our authority to shoot, to them, when they are protecting us.
So Byrd using deadly force defending the lives of members of Congress is WORSE than Chauvin cutting off Floyd's air supply for more than 8 minutes because it was intentional? Well what Chauvin did WAS intentional. This defies logic.

I'm not projecting at all. You are a part of a group that wants Byrd punished for having shot Ashli because you erroneously believe that the shooting was unwarranted and part of the reason you all persist in this misconception is because you don't understand or don't care what the difference is surrounding what patrol officers do and what professional protection officers do.

The fact that the officers on the other side of the door from Byrd gave up on trying to prevent the mob from advancing further after having just been threatened by them was exactly the right thing to do as far as I'm concerned.

People too stupid to stop what they're doing when someone of authority is pointing a weapon at them and telling the to proceed no further deserve what they get. On the other hand you call cheer and support the police when they shoot people in the back who are trying to get away from them on the premise that they should have obeyed the officer. Do you see the hypocrisy in that stance?
Nobody in Congress was being threatened.
You're just repeating the lies of the MSM and their Democrat cohorts.
Even if they were being threatened....they have a tunnel with a subway under the city that took them out of the Capital before anyone entered the front doors.
Yup, babbitt was just a trespasser until she tried to enter, with MULTIPLE warnings, the restricted zone.

She had apparently ZERO reason to enter this restricted zone, but she made a deadly choice, to enter anyway. Why? What was her intent?

Armed, Unarmed, Man, Woman, Person, TV or Camera.

She was breaking the law.
Cops aren't allowed to shoot someone for entering a restricted zone...
Nobody in Congress was being threatened.
You're just repeating the lies of the MSM and their Democrat cohorts.
Even if they were being threatened....they have a tunnel with a subway under the city that took them out of the Capital before anyone entered the front doors.
So in the videos seen by most everyone.
Why were congress members, like (R) Andrew Clyde, barricading the doors to the Chamber, and why were others huddled on the floor of the upper house, when ........ they have a tunnel with a subway under the city that took them out of the Capital before anyone entered the front doors.
Show the evidence that Biden stole the election from Trump...

People have been showing the evidence here for the past year, ol' Biffy! If you couldn't or didn't read all of that and just ignored it all, what do you expect me to do!
  • Never mind that last February, TIME MAGAZINE did an exposé on the election, bragging how tens of organizations over more than a year changed election laws and other things in order to steal the election! I mean, they spelled it all out down to specific individuals!
  • Never mind that as we speak, investigators in Georgia now have video and a confessee part of about 200 people part of a ballot harvesting scheme to put a million illegal ballots stuffed illegally into ballot boxes in the middle of the night!
  • Never mind that the whole DNC trended downward including Joe who under-performed Obama and Biden lost everywhere as did most democrats in 2020 EXCEPT BIDEN IN KEY SWING STATES after ballots with no signature verification or chain-of-custody showed up at 4AM to be counted in secret with no GOP watchers around!
  • Never mind that unlike every other president in history, Biden supposedly won while losing key bellwether states necessary to every national election.
  • And never mind that since the day of the election, democrats have fought tooth and nail to claim no fraud, cleanest election ever, just move on, while battling EVERY effort to check or investigate every inconsistency, calling it all baseless and debunked, lying constantly, refusing to cooperate, destroying evidence, in an election which was a textbook case of everything the Carter-Baker Commission warned were the greatest flaws in our system inviting massive corruption!
Of course, that doesn't even mention that if so popular, since in office, Joe Biden has no following, no one likes him, no one comes to his events, people everywhere mock him as a fool, even those who voted for him find him a great let-down with horrible favorability, 4 out of 5 saying Joe should not run again and 99% of the people in this country believing America is actually in decline now or at least not doing any better!

Of course, you will claim none of this is true now or matters because your CNN masters have told you to think that, so I am just wasting my time.
Judicial Watch isn't entitled to anything. The officer that defended Congress is a hero. His gun will remain in his possession, to hopefully kill many more just like the violent perpetrator he put down.

Ashli Babbit is the perfect example of letting your alligator mouth overload your canary asshole.

The officer did make one mistake. He had way to many rounds left in that magazine. He should have made an example out of at least another 5 or 6. But I'll give him credit for showing some restraint.
So in the videos seen by most everyone.
Why were congress members, like (R) Andrew Clyde, barricading the doors to the Chamber, and why were others huddled on the floor of the upper house, when ........ they have a tunnel with a subway under the city that took them out of the Capital before anyone entered the front doors.
Why indeed? Set-up? You are your own worst enemy moron.
It's in the video, the video you refuse to acknowledge.
truth hurts.

34:00 her 'friend' shouts, I need help. Not a single rioter attempts to help.
These were trump supporters, your fake claim of antifa of blm.....serious.

Relevance moron. Ever hear of an FBI plant named Epps?

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