Lawsuit filed to get the gun used by Michael Byrd to murder Ashli Babbitt

So, it justifies gunning down an unarmed protester if someone doesn't have evidence of election fraud?

Should BLM affiliated police be allowed to shoot and kill white people at random as long as they can't prove Biden engaged in election fraud?
I don't think Ashli should have been gunned down...

I ALSO don't think Ashli would have ever been at the Capitol if your cult leader never pumped her full of bullshit about the election being stolen....

And why do you folks keep dodging this link??

I've posted the video, as have many others, of babbitt being verbally warned, multiple times. I'll post it again for you and then you can make up yet ANOTHER excuse of why you think, "There's a gun" "He's got a gun" isn't actually a warning.
She was warned by her own side.

Now, on Byrds side of the door, there is no audio, so we can't say for FACT, either way, if Byrd shouted a warning.


So, you're a fucking liar.

I just watched BLM Byrd execute Babbit again, not a word spoken - he opened fire on an unarmed woman.

Time mark 28:37
I've posted the video, as have many others, of babbitt being verbally warned, multiple times. I'll post it again for you and then you can make up yet ANOTHER excuse of why you think, "There's a gun" "He's got a gun" isn't actually a warning.
She was warned by her own side.

Now, on Byrds side of the door, there is no audio, so we can't say for FACT, either way, if Byrd shouted a warning.


Trespassing is not a capitol crime. To counter your inept hypocritical point, Floyd WAS warned multiple times by multiple law enforcement officers to stop resisting BEFORE he was put on the ground. Maybe they should have just shot him, would you be more likely to support that?
I don't think Ashli should have been gunned down...

I ALSO don't think Ashli would have ever been at the Capitol if your cult leader never pumped her full of bullshit about the election being stolen....

And why do you folks keep dodging this link??

Regardless. She was there and this is a clearly bad shoot.

Had Babbit been black and shot by a white cop, 90% of the nation would have burned.

But, white lives just don't matter.
So, it justifies gunning down an unarmed protester if someone doesn't have evidence of election fraud?
Where is your support for Roseanne Boyland, who was trampled by trump supporters. She fucking died at the hands of the 'rioters' and you apparently don't care about her.

Why do you NOT want her killers hunted down?
They ran over her with ZERO regard.
She was 'probably' unarmed too.
But you don't care, because it would incriminate trump supporters.
Fucking hypocrite.

So are you saying that Conservatives on this message board -- TONS OF THEM -- were not trying to justify his murder??

You can clutch your pearls and claim "I never personally said that" -- but you know damn well what I am talking about...

And..why do you morons keep dodging this link??

I thought you morons cared about voter fraud

I have called out racism on both sides, moron. You are no better or worse than any other racists on this board. Racists are assholes. You are not immune. The shoe fits so put it on, buddy.
Where is your support for Roseanne Boyland, who was trampled by trump supporters. She fucking died at the hands of the 'rioters' and you apparently don't care about her.

Why do you NOT want her killers hunted down?
They ran over her with ZERO regard.
She was 'probably' unarmed too.
But you don't care, because it would incriminate trump supporters.
Fucking hypocrite.

It's funny, when police start killing protester at random, crowds panic.

BLM Byrd is responsible for her death as well.
Regardless. She was there and this is a clearly bad shoot.

Had Babbit been black and shot by a white cop, 90% of the nation would have burned.

But, white lives just don't matter.
Had Babbitt have been black, I think she would have still been shot....

Now...since you want to do the "if Babbitt was this or that" game..

Why did you folks deflect from the fact that if these were muslims storming the Capitol, you would be doing a complete 180.....

And.......for the 5th time..why are you avoiding this link??

It's almost like your faux outrage about voter fraud is full of shit.....

No evidence is needed. She was carrying out a violent act against the US congress and killing her to stop her was completely justifiable homicide by police officer.

There could be an effort on to procure the weapon as a collector's item. Gun collectors would see it as a very hot item to have in their collection.
Yep.....they went from...." guys need to settle down" to murdering people in cold-blood in a micro-second.
Imagine what would happen to any cop if they had pulled this stunt and murdered an unarmed peaceful black protester.
They would put that pig under the prison.
Evidence of what? Is someone trying to claim that she was actually killed by a shooter on a grassy knoll?
No.....they're saying that he was murdered by a cop in cold-blood.
Trust me....if this was a real insurrection that cop wouldn't have gotten away with this.
There would have been an exchange of gunfire.
Yup, babbitt was just a trespasser until she tried to enter, with MULTIPLE warnings, the restricted zone.

She had apparently ZERO reason to enter this restricted zone, but she made a deadly choice, to enter anyway. Why? What was her intent?

Armed, Unarmed, Man, Woman, Person, TV or Camera.

She was breaking the law.

Ms. Babbitt was an unarmed veteran that was shot in cold blood.

As far as the alleged warnings that you say she was given, there is no testimony under oath to indicate that.

If the shooter wants to claim that is the reason he decided to whack the broad- for peaceful trespassing, he should testify at his trial.
BLM Byrd was intent on killing a white person. If not her, he still would have executed some white person.
I can't say that had anything to do with it or not but it's valid to investigate his connection, if any, to the BLM movement.

I have a really hard time believing that his divisive BLM bracelet "flair" went unnoticed by his supervision.
Maximum damage in what respect? Hollow points are used as defensive rounds and to prevent over penetration.
Well that part sorta worked, at least he did not hit the officers that were already at the top of the stairs when he fired.

That's another reason the shooting was unnecessary.....the professionals were already there and calming things down as they advanced. Another three or four seconds and it would have all been over.

But no, Byrd had to "get it on" and murder someone.
I wonder if this is the same 40 caliber Glock 22 the murderer negligently left on the toilet of the Capitol bathroom that time? The murderer should have been immediately removed from duty for doing something that stupid.

View attachment 585482

Judicial Watch isn't entitled to anything. The officer that defended Congress is a hero. His gun will remain in his possession, to hopefully kill many more just like the violent perpetrator he put down.

Ashli Babbit is the perfect example of letting your alligator mouth overload your canary asshole.

The officer did make one mistake. He had way to many rounds left in that magazine. He should have made an example out of at least another 5 or 6. But I'll give him credit for showing some restraint.

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