Lawsuit filed to get the gun used by Michael Byrd to murder Ashli Babbitt

Yup, babbitt was just a trespasser until she tried to enter, with MULTIPLE warnings, the restricted zone.

She had apparently ZERO reason to enter this restricted zone, but she made a deadly choice, to enter anyway. Why? What was her intent?

Armed, Unarmed, Man, Woman, Person, TV or Camera.

She was breaking the law.
This is why any defense of her actions are ridiculous. The police set up a barricade, stacking furniture in front of the already secured doors. And then several officers inside pointed their weapons at the door and shouted multiple warnings.
Was there a sign posted on the door that stated “Entering this area is illegal. Trespassers will be shot?”

If not and if the officer did not see a weapon in the hands of the woman he had no reason to use lethal force to stop her.

Ashli Babbit was outfitted just like this man.

Would yu consider him unarmed and of no threat?
I wonder if this is the same 40 caliber Glock 22 the murderer negligently left on the toilet of the Capitol bathroom that time? The murderer should have been immediately removed from duty for doing something that stupid.

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Law and Justice System

This thread is in the wrong forum, it belongs in Conspiracy Theories – it has nothing to do with the law or justice.

Indeed, justice was done when Babbitt was lawfully killed while committing her act of domestic terrorism.
Indeed, justice was done when Babbitt was lawfully killed while committing her act of domestic terrorism.

Actually, there are signs around the capitol with the following rules which she violated.

'Prohibited Items

The following restrictions apply only when visiting the House and Senate Galleries.

Packages, briefcases, backpacks or suitcases

Each Gallery operates a checkstand where visitors may store these items securely while they are visiting that Gallery.
Yep.....they went from...." guys need to settle down" to murdering people in cold-blood in a micro-second.
No, they didn't go to murdering people. The mob was smashing the doors down for a prolonged period of time and the police were yelling warnings at the violent insurrectionists. The Babbitt was repeatedly warned with a gun in her face and she made her choice to attack.
Imagine what would happen to any cop if they had pulled this stunt and murdered an unarmed peaceful black protester.
They would put that pig under the prison.
That which you envision would amount to justifiable homicide. Much, much different from the unjustifiable murder of George Floyd.

I'm willing to discuss the question further with you if you can keep it together?
No, they didn't go to murdering people. The mob was smashing the doors down for a prolonged period of time and the police were yelling warnings at the violent insurrectionists. The Babbitt was repeatedly warned with a gun in her face and she made her choice to attack.

That which you envision would amount to justifiable homicide. Much, much different from the unjustifiable murder of George Floyd.

I'm willing to discuss the question further with you if you can keep it together?
And you saw all of this?
That's not what I saw.
An unedited version of the Babbitt shooting....the one that originally aired....showed cops standing to the side on purpose....and literally daring anyone to try to break down the door....then that killer cop shot that woman in the throat without saying one word of warning.
You lied that she was warned three times.

She wasn't - BLM Byrd said nothing - just shot whitey. Summary execution. Imagine if she were black and he were white, there would still be nightly riots.

But no worries, white lives don't matter.
Such whitey rightie victimhood. :heehee:
And you saw all of this?
That's not what I saw.
An unedited version of the Babbitt shooting....the one that originally aired....showed cops standing to the side on purpose....
Standing to the side? Is that a tactic that could be suspected of bad practice?
and literally daring anyone to try to break down the door....
Daring? I could agree that was true, but I don't see it as being applicable as contrary to acceptable police behaviour. I would grant you that the police officer would have bad feelings toward Babbitt that could hasten his decision to shoot. Those perhaps being feeliings of duty to his assigned job of protectiing those in peril.
And maybe I could go one step further for you. The police officer could have felt that he was given an opportunity to kill a white woman and he grabbed the opportunity based on his personal feelings. It's a possibility but I don't see how that possibility could ever be pursued to condemn him. It's my rather careless speculation. for the benefit of closing the gap on finding common ground with you.
then that killer cop shot that woman in the throat without saying one word of warning.

Likely not exactly true but in any event the gun in her face must have served as ample warning.

In Canada we don't see any shooting by police as a desirable outcome, regardless of the nature of the victim. We are very slow to accept that, but I think we are rational about the need of a police officer to act appropriately.

In this instance, I would suggest that the police officer acted according to standards that most Americans would find acceptable. Grant me my suggestion of it not being acceptable police behaviour in Canada.

Standing to the side? Is that a tactic that could be suspected of bad practice?

Daring? I could agree that was true, but I don't see it as being applicable as contrary to acceptable police behaviour. I would grant you that the police officer would have bad feelings toward Babbitt that could hasten his decision to shoot. Those perhaps being feeliings of duty to his assigned job of protectiing those in peril.
And maybe I could go one step further for you. The police officer could have felt that he was given an opportunity to kill a white woman and he grabbed the opportunity based on his personal feelings. It's a possibility but I don't see how that possibility could ever be pursued to condemn him. It's my rather careless speculation. for the benefit of closing the gap on finding common ground with you.

Likely not exactly true but in any event the gun in her face must have served as ample warning.

In Canada we don't see any shooting by police as a desirable outcome, regardless of the nature of the victim. We are very slow to accept that, but I think we are rational about the need of a police officer to act appropriately.

In this instance, I would suggest that the police officer acted according to standards that most Americans would find acceptable. Grant me my suggestion of it not being acceptable police behaviour in Canada.
You didn't see any of it.....not in person and not on video.
No, they didn't go to murdering people. The mob was smashing the doors down for a prolonged period of time and the police were yelling warnings at the violent insurrectionists. The Babbitt was repeatedly warned with a gun in her face and she made her choice to attack.

That which you envision would amount to justifiable homicide. Much, much different from the unjustifiable murder of George Floyd.

I'm willing to discuss the question further with you if you can keep it together?
Wrong, duck. Once again you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you have no standing so STFU.
I would suggest that the police officer acted according to standards that most Americans would find acceptable
You're a moron, duck. Trespassing in a public building is not a capitol crime in the US. Michael Byrd murdered an unarmed trespasser. Now run along and straighten out the problems in your own sand box.
Yup, babbitt was just a trespasser until she tried to enter, with MULTIPLE warnings, the restricted zone.

She had apparently ZERO reason to enter this restricted zone, but she made a deadly choice, to enter anyway. Why? What was her intent?

Armed, Unarmed, Man, Woman, Person, TV or Camera.

She was breaking the law.

Yea, just simply entering is one thing. But she was trying to enter an area that had doors locked and people armed with guns. Why she continued, even unarmed, to press into this area is unknown. I think shooting her was too much but unfortunately it was done.
You're a moron, duck. Trespassing in a public building is not a capitol crime in the US. Michael Byrd murdered an unarmed trespasser. Now run along and straighten out the problems in your own sand box.
Thank you for your opinion. Please stand by until I have enough time to answer your suggestion in a manner that is deserving of your comments.

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