Lawyer dismissed for not wearing pants in courtroom


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
James Lee Bright is a lawyer based in Dallas, Texas. The criminal law attorney says that Judge Etta Mullin discriminated against him because he wasn’t wearing pants in her courtroom and that she’s punishing his client for it.
Now, as KDFW FOX 4 News reports, Bright is asking to have Judge Mullin removed from his case.
This whole matter started last week when Judge Mullin refused to let Bright inside her courtroom for wearing shorts instead of pants. He was not allowed in the courtroom the following Monday either. Bright isn’t wearing shorts because he particularly wants to, but rather, because he needs to. He got knee surgery two weeks ago and as he told KDFW, “I have tubes that come out of my leg that make it prohibitive to wear (pants). This connects to my ice machine that is a way of taking down the swelling in my leg. I’m also incapable of putting on long pants by myself.” Bright says that Judge Mullin refused to hear him out and now he’s crying foul.
Lawyer dismissed for not wearing pants in courtroom

You can't make this stuff up.
The judge should have understood and made an exception in this case. Something tells me these two have a prior history of hostility with each other. I have no evidence to back up that claim by the way, just a hunch.
Judge f*cked up. She didn't make accommodations for a person with a disability. Judicial Complain made.. Her insurance goes up. She doesn't get elected to higher office.

By the way it's not "her court" it's Our Court. We merely give her permission to Judge Cases in it.
By the way it's not "her court" it's Our Court. We merely give her permission to Judge Cases in it.

Sounds good in theory but, in actaul practice, any court is very much the judge's court, subject to just about whatever the judge wants to do with it when it comes to decorum, procedure, dress standards, etc.
That's where you would be wrong. WE authorized the Judicial System through the Constitution to implement the Laws that WE want enforced through our Elected Representatives.

Judges take Oaths. Lawyers take oaths. Those are separate from "swearing to tell the truth" in Court and if they caught violating them they can get in big trouble. If you know where to complain to.

Don't let Judges and Lawyers intimidate you. They work for us not themselves.
Working in health and being familiar with the equipment he's talking about, the judge is certainly discriminating against him.

If he wasn't wearing pants without good reason, then I'd support the judge.

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