Lawyer linked to ex-Trump campaign chairman sentenced to 30 days in jail

Good for Mueller.

And he "indicted" 13 Russians for "trolling" internet forums with their "extreme right-wing" (i.e. conservative) opinions. Usually an indictment requires a grand jury, but I have not heard of one in this case, and I am still not entirely sure how a lawyer can trump up an "indictment" without a grand jury under the U.S. Constitution.

They "hacked" the election because, well, they expressed opinions online that Americans were not supposed to hear. You'd better believe there is a lot of actual ballot fraud going on, and sure, there are Russians involved in that, with illegals voting in American elections and so on and so forth, but the Democrats have not the slightest interest in investigating that, because the illegals are voting Democrat so they can take away Americans' guns.

They're Democrats. They are only interested in prosecuting conservative "Russians," not liberal Russians or liberal Mexicans or Canadians or all the other libtard illegals. Plus, the Democrats still harbor that old Nazi resentment over losing World War II, which is why they continue to impose Daylight Savings Time and all sorts of other crap on us to sabotage our efficiency and sap our economy of its strength.
I'll take Mueller's opinion over yours.
So that slimeball attorney Mueller -- a "Special Counsel" -- "The Third" -- what an arrogant ass -- has spent over a year building his case for "multiple" felony indictments, and all he does is trip up some other slimeball attorney in his words so he could put the other guy in jail for 30 days for something he said. Go home already. Isn't it clear by now that the Mueller probe is 100% political and nothing to do with crime? Trump has been saying that the Mueller team is all hardened Democrats, and it is becoming very clear that Trump is right.

just so you know, lowlife, mueller has more class in his pinky than your orange sociopath and all of you trumpscum together have in your cumulative bodies.

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