Lawyer: Top IRS official will take the 5th

"I HAVE NOT LIED, I HAVE BROKEN NO LAWS, I AM INNOCENT... and I will now plead the fifth and will not answer any questions"...

... so WHY would someone refuse to answer ANY questions if they're INNOCENT?

Throw the bitch in JAIL and see if it JOGS HER MEMORY and ability to ANSWER QUESTIONS.

WHO is she PROTECTING... herself, or possibly SOMEONE IN THE WHITE HOUSE?

Strong Constitutionalist here
Pretty disgusting. Handcuffs and Prison Jumpsuits. That's the only way we'll get truth.
That's right! Throw them all in Jail like the King of England would have done!

Fuck the Constitution! Burn that Bitch!
Are the liberals still insisting that if you haven't got anything to hide, then you've got nothing to worry about?

Naw..that's what you guys were insisting when you put up the Patriot Act.

By the way.

Lerner was a Bush appointee.

Seems that taking the fifth thing, or not testifying under a theme that the Bush administration rolled out.

She was a Bush appointee..
So was colin powell and he endorsed Obama!
And if she is a member of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU)
a 150,000 member union that represents IRS employees along with 30 other separate government agencies.
The union’s PAC endorsed President Obama in both 2008 and 2012, and gave hundreds of thousands of dollars in the 2010 and 2012 election cycles to anti-Tea Party candidates.…Putting IRS employees in the position of actively financing anti-Tea Party candidates themselves, while in their official positions in the IRS blocking, auditing, or intimidating Tea Party and conservative groups around the country.
SHE is a political driven IRS employee..
That's right! Throw them all in Jail like the King of England would have done!

Fuck the Constitution! Burn that Bitch!

She obviously doesn't understand Constitutional protections. She can refuse to testify. She has a Constitutional right to not testify. She does not have a Constitutional right to only answer questions she feels like answering. When she claimed her innocence, she was testifying. That waived her right not to testify.

We really could not have a legal system where a witness only answered questions that they felt like answering. That's why lawyers routinely tell clients not to answer any questions at all.
Is it any wonder why she took the 5th after the contemptuous threatening badgering of the witnesses in the last herring.

If you are incapable of telling the same story under cross examination then apparently your incapable of telling the truth. But then again, when was the last time you knew of a political bimbo telling the truth, when they do it ends their carrier in public service. We have a congress full of spin artists and it only stands to reason they would approve hiring birds of the same feather.
When you are given the absolute power that the IRS exercises, is there little doubt that the people who are running it have such disdain for the people who wish to accuse them of wrong doing?

Her arrogance is more than offensive. However, since I do not have the right to not be offended, but I do have the right to exercise speech, I'll speak plainly.

Ms. Lerner provided her side of the story, as many experts are stating. That means she has lost her right to the protections offered by the Constitution to not provide testimony against herself.

She needs to be subpenaed again, and told that failure to answer questions will result in a criminal charge of contempt and jail time until she does testify.
Is it any wonder why she took the 5th after the contemptuous threatening badgering of the witnesses in the last herring.
You will, of course, take that exact same position should the Democrats decide to hold 'witch hunt' investigations in the future, right?
It's good to see that for the most part, this seems to be a non-partisan effort, during this hearing.
Is it any wonder why she took the 5th after the contemptuous threatening badgering of the witnesses in the last herring.
You will, of course, take that exact same position should the Democrats decide to hold 'witch hunt' investigations in the future, right?

He will. But only if it involves herring...

blueback_herring.jpg these witch hunts, I don't blame her for pleading the fifth. Once again...NO ONE was denied tax exempt status...the combination.of the Citizen's United Ruling and the explosion of retardation....I mean....Tea Party groups caused confusion within the beaurocracy and it threw up red flags.

I'm not saying they didn't fuck up....I'm saying it wasn't a conspiracy....and that's what the right is so desperately looking pin on Obama.

but the problem that is undeniable is that her pleading the fifth just made that a whole lot easier -- whether she really has a criminal concern or not.

it certainly shreds the recent narrative from the pro-Dem media that all of this just shows how the Republicans are to gin up a scandal and that its really a tempest in a teapot (and people who wrote that really seem like morons today). This is very big and wont go away anytime soon. The damage to the credibility of the IRS will last a long long time -- as it should based on what theyve done
This was interesting to watch. She made a statement claiming her innocence, etc...but then took the 5th. One Senator quite sensible commented that the fact that she made a statement in advance of taking the 5th de facto waives the 5th. (Such a statement should be able to be addressed with follow up questions).

The fact that she also refuses to answer questions concerning the testimony she provided at earlier hearings is very suspicious.

Something strange is afoot at the Circle DC.

You mean Cirque du DC. these witch hunts, I don't blame her for pleading the fifth. Once again...NO ONE was denied tax exempt status...the combination.of the Citizen's United Ruling and the explosion of retardation....I mean....Tea Party groups caused confusion within the beaurocracy and it threw up red flags.

I'm not saying they didn't fuck up....I'm saying it wasn't a conspiracy....and that's what the right is so desperately looking pin on Obama.

but the problem that is undeniable is that her pleading the fifth just made that a whole lot easier -- whether she really has a criminal concern or not.

it certainly shreds the recent narrative from the pro-Dem media that all of this just shows how the Republicans are to gin up a scandal and that its really a tempest in a teapot (and people who wrote that really seem like morons today). This is very big and wont go away anytime soon. The damage to the credibility of the IRS will last a long long time -- as it should based on what theyve done

The facts in the case strongly suggest something much greater than a few low-level employees acting rogue.

We now know that in addition to top IRS officials, the NY Times among other media outlets were aware of the targeting of conservative groups in May of last year. We know that IRS officials lied to Congress--which is the undeniable reason why the fifth is being invoked.

We know that the WH misled, or lied, about what and when they knew of the scandal.

Lie after lie after lie--and dipshit here doesn't believe there's a conspiracy afoot. :eusa_eh:
Is it any wonder why she took the 5th after the contemptuous threatening badgering of the witnesses in the last herring.

Yes, it has nothing to do with the obvious lies of her last appearance in front of Congress. Delusional, pathetic, hypocritical...just a few words that come to mind.
Wow! January 29, 2010 Doug Shulman had a personal meeting with the President of the US.

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission came down on January 21, 2010, one week before.

Wow! January 29, 2010 Doug Shulman had a personal meeting with the President of the US.

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission came down on January 21, 2010, one week before.


Shulman went to the white house 118 times, and never discussed anything of importance with any white house staff.

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