Lawyers' Group Calls for Disciplining Trump Legal Team over 'Dangerous' Fraud Allegations

So what.
a bunch of dem lawyers

Actually the article makes no mention of political parties. As you know from. y'know, actually "reading' it.

It isn't about "parties"; it's about ETHICS. Two entirely different things.

No it's about Progs not wanting anyone but themselves access to the process.

Again, "Progs" split the scene a hundred years ago AND there's no reference to any political or sociopolitical movements or spokespersons in this article whatsoever. I'm sure it must chafe your diaper that you don't get to play with your favorite red and blue action figures but tough titty.

This is simply a thousand attorneys stating the obvious about massive ethical turdplopping and opining that there should be consequences, since if any of them pulled this level of stunt, there would be.

Not sure how you pull friggin' "Progs" out of that. :cuckoo:
So what.
a bunch of dem lawyers

Actually the article makes no mention of political parties. As you know from. y'know, actually "reading' it.

It isn't about "parties"; it's about ETHICS. Two entirely different things.

No it's about Progs not wanting anyone but themselves access to the process.

Again, "Progs" split the scene a hundred years ago AND there's no reference to any political or sociopolitical movements or spokespersons in this article.

This is simply a thousand attorneys stating the obvious about massive ethical turdplopping and opining that there should be consequences, since if any of them pulled this level of stunt, there would be.

Not sure how you pull friggin' "Progs" out of that. :cuckoo:

"Thousands of Attorneys" is meaningless. You got a bunch of TDS lefty ball grabbers to bitch about Trump.

Big fucking whoop.
So what.
a bunch of dem lawyers

Actually the article makes no mention of political parties. As you know from. y'know, actually "reading' it.

It isn't about "parties"; it's about ETHICS. Two entirely different things.

No it's about Progs not wanting anyone but themselves access to the process.

Again, "Progs" split the scene a hundred years ago AND there's no reference to any political or sociopolitical movements or spokespersons in this article.

This is simply a thousand attorneys stating the obvious about massive ethical turdplopping and opining that there should be consequences, since if any of them pulled this level of stunt, there would be.

Not sure how you pull friggin' "Progs" out of that. :cuckoo:

"Thousands of Attorneys" is meaningless. You got a bunch of TDS lefty ball grabbers to bitch about Trump.

Big fucking whoop.

Maybe the reason your posts come out so clueless is that you didn't bother to read the source article. Or even, apparently, the post you just quoted ("a thousand", not "thousands")

There's nothing in there about Rump. Rump is not an attorney. Good luck getting that foot out of your mouth but hey --- you put it in there.
So what.
a bunch of dem lawyers

Actually the article makes no mention of political parties. As you know from. y'know, actually "reading' it.

It isn't about "parties"; it's about ETHICS. Two entirely different things.

No it's about Progs not wanting anyone but themselves access to the process.

Again, "Progs" split the scene a hundred years ago AND there's no reference to any political or sociopolitical movements or spokespersons in this article.

This is simply a thousand attorneys stating the obvious about massive ethical turdplopping and opining that there should be consequences, since if any of them pulled this level of stunt, there would be.

Not sure how you pull friggin' "Progs" out of that. :cuckoo:

"Thousands of Attorneys" is meaningless. You got a bunch of TDS lefty ball grabbers to bitch about Trump.

Big fucking whoop.

Maybe the reason your posts come out so clueless is that you didn't bother to read the source article. Or even, apparently, the post you just quoted ("a thousand", not "thousands")

There's nothing in there about Rump. Rump is not an attorney. Good luck getting that foot out of your mouth but hey --- you put it in there.

Maybe it's because I know this is just clickbait "Trump bad because a few people said so" bullshit.

You link a claim by TDS suffering idiots and somehow try to equate it with an actual point. It's all you got, you couldn't come up with an original thought if someone put a gun to your head and gave you a cheat sheet.
So what.
a bunch of dem lawyers

Actually the article makes no mention of political parties. As you know from. y'know, actually "reading' it.

It isn't about "parties"; it's about ETHICS. Two entirely different things.

No it's about Progs not wanting anyone but themselves access to the process.

Again, "Progs" split the scene a hundred years ago AND there's no reference to any political or sociopolitical movements or spokespersons in this article.

This is simply a thousand attorneys stating the obvious about massive ethical turdplopping and opining that there should be consequences, since if any of them pulled this level of stunt, there would be.

Not sure how you pull friggin' "Progs" out of that. :cuckoo:

"Thousands of Attorneys" is meaningless. You got a bunch of TDS lefty ball grabbers to bitch about Trump.

Big fucking whoop.

Maybe the reason your posts come out so clueless is that you didn't bother to read the source article. Or even, apparently, the post you just quoted ("a thousand", not "thousands")

There's nothing in there about Rump. Rump is not an attorney. Good luck getting that foot out of your mouth but hey --- you put it in there.

Maybe it's because I know this is just clickbait "Trump bad because a few people said so" bullshit.

You link a claim by TDS suffering idiots and somehow try to equate it with an actual point. It's all you got, you couldn't come up with an original thought if someone put a gun to your head and gave you a cheat sheet.

I feel sorry for you that you've bound yourself so inextricably to this whole White Knight cult fantasy, but that's your responsibility. The fact remains there's nothing whatsoever in the story about any "TDS".... and "Progs"... any "political parties".... any "idiots" or anything else you want to so desperately reach to pretend it's about. For the Nth time, and you'd actually KNOW this if you'd read it, this is simply a story about a thosand-plus attorneys/judges/legal scholars putting their names to a statement of disapproval of the way a group of contemporarily-active attorneys are conducting themselves, because that's what professionals do. THAT'S IT.

And there ain't a damn thing you or anyone else in your White Knight cult can do about it, so go ahead and have a good cry. You're wasting my time.
So what.
a bunch of dem lawyers

Actually the article makes no mention of political parties. As you know from. y'know, actually "reading' it.

It isn't about "parties"; it's about ETHICS. Two entirely different things.

No it's about Progs not wanting anyone but themselves access to the process.

Again, "Progs" split the scene a hundred years ago AND there's no reference to any political or sociopolitical movements or spokespersons in this article.

This is simply a thousand attorneys stating the obvious about massive ethical turdplopping and opining that there should be consequences, since if any of them pulled this level of stunt, there would be.

Not sure how you pull friggin' "Progs" out of that. :cuckoo:

"Thousands of Attorneys" is meaningless. You got a bunch of TDS lefty ball grabbers to bitch about Trump.

Big fucking whoop.

Maybe the reason your posts come out so clueless is that you didn't bother to read the source article. Or even, apparently, the post you just quoted ("a thousand", not "thousands")

There's nothing in there about Rump. Rump is not an attorney. Good luck getting that foot out of your mouth but hey --- you put it in there.

Maybe it's because I know this is just clickbait "Trump bad because a few people said so" bullshit.

You link a claim by TDS suffering idiots and somehow try to equate it with an actual point. It's all you got, you couldn't come up with an original thought if someone put a gun to your head and gave you a cheat sheet.

I feel sorry for you that you've bound yourself so inextricably to this whole White Knight cult fantasy, but that's your responsibility. The fact remains there's nothing whatsoever in the story about any "TDS".... and "Progs"... any "political parties".... any "idiots" or anything else you want to so desperately reach to pretend it's about. For the Nth time, and you'd actually KNOW this if you'd read it, this is simply a story about a thosand-plus attorneys/judges/legal scholars putting their names to a statement of disapproval of the way a group of contemporarily-active attorneys are conducting themselves, because that's what professionals do. THAT'S IT.

And there ain't a damn thing you or anyone else in your White Knight cult can do about it, so go ahead and have a good cry. You're wasting my time.

Deny Deny Deny. Again this post is nothing more than TDS masturbation, something you have made a hobby of.

They signed something that made them feel all soi and fuzzy in their pajamas, ooooh so fucking brave!
Yahoo Nooz

>> “I would like my right to practice law to mean something,” Laurence Tribe, a Harvard University law professor and leading constitutional scholar, told Yahoo News. “And if you can just use your law license to fling bullshit around, if you can use your law license to take up the time of the court, consume their resources, and undermine the credibility of the legal profession on which the rule of law largely depends in this country — then that’s a terrible thing.”​
Tribe and more than 1,000 current and former attorneys, retired judges and justices, law professors, former bar association presidents and concerned citizens have signed an open letter calling on bar associations to disavow the Trump campaign attorneys’ conduct, and on disciplinary authorities to investigate, the advocacy group Lawyers Defending American Democracy announced this week.​
A license to practice law is not a license to lie to the public on behalf of a client, whether doing so endangers one individual or the entire body politic,” the letter says. “American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct 4.1(a) and 8.4(c) put lawyers at risk of sanctions for engaging in dishonesty, deceit and misrepresentation — in or out of court.”​

The group calls out Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, his campaign’s senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis, and lawyers Victoria Toensing, Sidney Powell and Joseph diGenova. DiGenova, a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, said during a broadcast interview that Christopher Krebs, the administration’s election security director who was fired by Trump for denying that the Nov. 3 election was tainted by fraud, should be “taken out at dawn and shot.” <<​

It;s WAY PAST time. These klowns should be disbarred if not jailed.

Fascists are like they, they hate when people can appeal to the law
Yahoo Nooz

>> “I would like my right to practice law to mean something,” Laurence Tribe, a Harvard University law professor and leading constitutional scholar, told Yahoo News. “And if you can just use your law license to fling bullshit around, if you can use your law license to take up the time of the court, consume their resources, and undermine the credibility of the legal profession on which the rule of law largely depends in this country — then that’s a terrible thing.”​
Tribe and more than 1,000 current and former attorneys, retired judges and justices, law professors, former bar association presidents and concerned citizens have signed an open letter calling on bar associations to disavow the Trump campaign attorneys’ conduct, and on disciplinary authorities to investigate, the advocacy group Lawyers Defending American Democracy announced this week.​
A license to practice law is not a license to lie to the public on behalf of a client, whether doing so endangers one individual or the entire body politic,” the letter says. “American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct 4.1(a) and 8.4(c) put lawyers at risk of sanctions for engaging in dishonesty, deceit and misrepresentation — in or out of court.”​

The group calls out Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, his campaign’s senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis, and lawyers Victoria Toensing, Sidney Powell and Joseph diGenova. DiGenova, a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, said during a broadcast interview that Christopher Krebs, the administration’s election security director who was fired by Trump for denying that the Nov. 3 election was tainted by fraud, should be “taken out at dawn and shot.” <<​

It;s WAY PAST time. These klowns should be disbarred if not jailed.

Ha ha ha....,

a bunch if crying lawyers complaining about lawyers not playing fair, which is hysterical since most lawyers don't play fair in court where their many objected attacks on the witness and defendants are repeatedly overruled by the judge.

TDS in full display is what is evident.

Don't know shit about the legal system huh.

That's OK, you play with your GI Joe dolls and let the adults take this one, Hunior.
So what.
a bunch of dem lawyers

Actually the article makes no mention of political parties. As you know from. y'know, actually "reading' it.

It isn't about "parties"; it's about ETHICS. Two entirely different things.

No it's about Progs not wanting anyone but themselves access to the process.

Again, "Progs" split the scene a hundred years ago AND there's no reference to any political or sociopolitical movements or spokespersons in this article.

This is simply a thousand attorneys stating the obvious about massive ethical turdplopping and opining that there should be consequences, since if any of them pulled this level of stunt, there would be.

Not sure how you pull friggin' "Progs" out of that. :cuckoo:

"Thousands of Attorneys" is meaningless. You got a bunch of TDS lefty ball grabbers to bitch about Trump.

Big fucking whoop.

Maybe the reason your posts come out so clueless is that you didn't bother to read the source article. Or even, apparently, the post you just quoted ("a thousand", not "thousands")

There's nothing in there about Rump. Rump is not an attorney. Good luck getting that foot out of your mouth but hey --- you put it in there.

Maybe it's because I know this is just clickbait "Trump bad because a few people said so" bullshit.

You link a claim by TDS suffering idiots and somehow try to equate it with an actual point. It's all you got, you couldn't come up with an original thought if someone put a gun to your head and gave you a cheat sheet.

I feel sorry for you that you've bound yourself so inextricably to this whole White Knight cult fantasy, but that's your responsibility. The fact remains there's nothing whatsoever in the story about any "TDS".... and "Progs"... any "political parties".... any "idiots" or anything else you want to so desperately reach to pretend it's about. For the Nth time, and you'd actually KNOW this if you'd read it, this is simply a story about a thosand-plus attorneys/judges/legal scholars putting their names to a statement of disapproval of the way a group of contemporarily-active attorneys are conducting themselves, because that's what professionals do. THAT'S IT.

And there ain't a damn thing you or anyone else in your White Knight cult can do about it, so go ahead and have a good cry. You're wasting my time.

Deny Deny Deny. Again this post is nothing more than TDS masturbation, something you have made a hobby of.

They signed something that made them feel all soi and fuzzy in their pajamas, ooooh so fucking brave!

Whatever that means, there's STILL nothing you can do about it.

At some point you might want to take a moment to ask yourself why you're throwing a tantrum over "what today's news is". Because that's a little weird.

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