LAX Shooter's Note States He Was A "Pissed Off Patriot" And Made NWO References

I suspect that many more of these events will take place in the coming years. As long as the media continues to blast them all over the place there will be copycats.

I also think that all of the hateful rhetoric that is being used by politicians, the constant confusion being caused by government programs under the current administration, it's no wonder that some unstable individual is going off. The same kind of thing happened while Clinton was president, but never at this scale. This time it's much worse.
"I don't regret setting bombs" and "I feel we didn't do enough" Bill Ayers
Broad member, friend, neighbor, held fund raiser in his home for none other than Barrack hum hum hum hassien obamer

Over 40 years ago and he didn't kill anyone

What does that have to do with extremist rightwing radicals that spout the same hatred you do?

Bigreb is an idiot doing what he does best of trying to do everything he possibly can to deflect away from another one of his fellow right wingers terror attack on america.

Who said the LAX shooter was right wing? We do know Chris Dorner was an obama supporter
and we do know how the media has lied,
Transportation Security Administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States Department of Transportation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not true. They have been searching bags at airports for many many years. Only their name and line of authority changed. You fucking idiot.

The TSA is it's own division passed by W and the GOP like your own link states you fucking idiot.

You are the fucking idiot and you have never been anywhere. It shows. The government has been groping and manhandling much farther back that the Bush administration. Being made 'it's own division' doesn't mean it did not exist as some other division under a different name previously.

See. That is how stupid and concrete these liberals are. They are fucking idiots. All of them.

They are dangerous idiots though. They really are brown shirts. It took me a long time to come to this. To actually call some one this way. I don't take it lightly.

But this is truly what they are.
Have you never been to an airport before? :cuckoo: There is armed police, DHS, and other security EVERYWHERE. Airports are pretty much the most highly secured places on the planet.

You're missing the point. We are there when seconds count the police are only minutes away. I am saying, if a lawful citizen in line would of had to the right to carry his sidearm he or she may of stopped the attack before the police did.


It's a freakin' airport, there is armed security seconds away. You wanna-b tough guys wouldn't do a damn thing when you have an assault rifle pointed your way with your pea shooter.

Are you going to try and be a hero and risk death in front of your family? Of course not.

This one got in didn't he?

See, it shows you've never been out of the projects. When you fly, you check in at a kiosk or the front desk. No security. You pull your bag down a long area of shops and restaurants. No security. When you get near the gates, and only when you get near the gates will you find security. Depending on the airport the walk from check in to the gates varies and some are so far that they have those speedwalks (moving walkways) that carry you through the terminal. A person could have a weapon for that entire walk before they ever got to the TSA area. Once you go through security, then you are only a few feet from the gates. The walk to the gate might be quite long, and you might even have to get on a train to get to the one you are leaving from. But you have walked a VERY long distance in an airport before you get to the terminals and gates.
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This one only counts because the person shot a government official. Nobody likes the TSA except liberals and they never get groped and manhandled by them because their welfare doesn't pay enough for them to travel.

The TSA was created by W and the GOP you fucking idiot.

And we conservatives were screaming our asses off that if this power ever fell into the wrong hands it would become a nightmare.


TSA, DHS, and the patriot act, all huge government and anti-constitution bills, all created and passed by W and the GOP.

This s what happens when you give the right wing filth power, they will do everything they can to take away our rights and create their dream police state.

Hopefully you right wing idiots get your heads out of your asses one day and start thinking for yourself, instead of being obedient sheep to the right wing propaganda machine.
The TSA is it's own division passed by W and the GOP like your own link states you fucking idiot.

You are the fucking idiot and you have never been anywhere. It shows. The government has been groping and manhandling much farther back that the Bush administration. Being made 'it's own division' doesn't mean it did not exist as some other division under a different name previously.

See. That is how stupid and concrete these liberals are. They are fucking idiots. All of them.

They are dangerous idiots though. They really are brown shirts. It took me a long time to come to this. To actually call some one this way. I don't take it lightly.

But this is truly what they are.

Yes, that IS what they are. When I travel I carry enough cash to get home. One trip I had it in my passport case. The TSA agent took it and when she saw the money she started walking away. I asked her not to leave my sight with it and she complied. In Dallas one was going to search my purse. She took it to a table BEHIND me. I asked that one to allow me to watch her search it. She, too complied. They do not always comply when you ask them to wear clean gloves to reach down into your underwear though. IMO they don't care if they spread disease.
You're missing the point. We are there when seconds count the police are only minutes away. I am saying, if a lawful citizen in line would of had to the right to carry his sidearm he or she may of stopped the attack before the police did.


It's a freakin' airport, there is armed security seconds away. You wanna-b tough guys wouldn't do a damn thing when you have an assault rifle pointed your way with your pea shooter.

Are you going to try and be a hero and risk death in front of your family? Of course not.

This one got in didn't he?

See, it shows you've never been out of the projects. When you fly, you check in at a kiosk or the front desk. No security. You pull your bag down a long area of shops and restaurants. No security. When you get near the gates, and only when you get near the gates will you find security. Depending on the airport the walk from check in to the gates varies and some are so far that they have those speedwalks (moving walkway) that carries you through the terminal. A person could have a weapon for that entire walk before they ever got to the TSA area. Once you go through security, then you are only a few feet from the gates. The walk to the gate might be quite long, and you might even have to get on a train to get to the one you are leaving from. But you have walked a VERY long distance in an airport before you get to the terminals and gates.

Doesn't have a clue does "it"? And I'm dying laughing knowing the idiot is googling "kiosk".

The TSA was created by W and the GOP you fucking idiot.

And we conservatives were screaming our asses off that if this power ever fell into the wrong hands it would become a nightmare.


TSA, DHS, and the patriot act, all huge government and anti-constitution bills, all created and passed by W and the GOP.

This s what happens when you give the right wing filth power, they will do everything they can to take away our rights and create their dream police state.

Hopefully you right wing idiots get your heads out of your asses one day and start thinking for yourself, instead of being obedient sheep to the right wing propaganda machine.

TSA, DHS, and the patriot act, all huge government and anti-constitution bills, all created and passed by W and the GOP.

by this stance the LAX shooter was more likely a leftist
I suspect that many more of these events will take place in the coming years. As long as the media continues to blast them all over the place there will be copycats.

I also think that all of the hateful rhetoric that is being used by politicians, the constant confusion being caused by government programs under the current administration, it's no wonder that some unstable individual is going off. The same kind of thing happened while Clinton was president, but never at this scale. This time it's much worse.

george opened up pandoras box, which administration is irrelevant, the only difference is the name and their paint job.
The TSA was created by W and the GOP you fucking idiot.

And we conservatives were screaming our asses off that if this power ever fell into the wrong hands it would become a nightmare.


TSA, DHS, and the patriot act, all huge government and anti-constitution bills, all created and passed by W and the GOP.

This s what happens when you give the right wing filth power, they will do everything they can to take away our rights and create their dream police state.

Hopefully you right wing idiots get your heads out of your asses one day and start thinking for yourself, instead of being obedient sheep to the right wing propaganda machine.

What you don't get is that SOMEONE IN GOVERNMENT has been searching bags and people for years and years and years. This did not come with any of the things you named above. And a name change of the entity doing the search does not change the fact that the government has been searching airline passengers for decades. Searches were going on many many years before those things. The searches just got more personal when people got on planes with bombs in their shoes and underwear.
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It's a freakin' airport, there is armed security seconds away. You wanna-b tough guys wouldn't do a damn thing when you have an assault rifle pointed your way with your pea shooter.

Are you going to try and be a hero and risk death in front of your family? Of course not.

This one got in didn't he?

See, it shows you've never been out of the projects. When you fly, you check in at a kiosk or the front desk. No security. You pull your bag down a long area of shops and restaurants. No security. When you get near the gates, and only when you get near the gates will you find security. Depending on the airport the walk from check in to the gates varies and some are so far that they have those speedwalks (moving walkway) that carries you through the terminal. A person could have a weapon for that entire walk before they ever got to the TSA area. Once you go through security, then you are only a few feet from the gates. The walk to the gate might be quite long, and you might even have to get on a train to get to the one you are leaving from. But you have walked a VERY long distance in an airport before you get to the terminals and gates.

Doesn't have a clue does "it"? And I'm dying laughing knowing the idiot is googling "kiosk".


Me too! Isn't he a hoot. I've never seen anyone so clueless. No wonder Ernie S. gets such a kick out of keeping the fools big red splats in his siggy line. LMAO
And we conservatives were screaming our asses off that if this power ever fell into the wrong hands it would become a nightmare.


TSA, DHS, and the patriot act, all huge government and anti-constitution bills, all created and passed by W and the GOP.

This s what happens when you give the right wing filth power, they will do everything they can to take away our rights and create their dream police state.

Hopefully you right wing idiots get your heads out of your asses one day and start thinking for yourself, instead of being obedient sheep to the right wing propaganda machine.

TSA, DHS, and the patriot act, all huge government and anti-constitution bills, all created and passed by W and the GOP.

by this stance the LAX shooter was more likely a leftist

LOL. Good catch.
TSA, DHS, and the patriot act, all huge government and anti-constitution bills, all created and passed by W and the GOP.

This s what happens when you give the right wing filth power, they will do everything they can to take away our rights and create their dream police state.

Hopefully you right wing idiots get your heads out of your asses one day and start thinking for yourself, instead of being obedient sheep to the right wing propaganda machine.

TSA, DHS, and the patriot act, all huge government and anti-constitution bills, all created and passed by W and the GOP.

by this stance the LAX shooter was more likely a leftist

LOL. Good catch.

sometimes it is just too easy

TSA, DHS, and the patriot act, all huge government and anti-constitution bills, all created and passed by W and the GOP.

by this stance the LAX shooter was more likely a leftist

LOL. Good catch.

sometimes it is just too easy


Yeah, and when they think airports are barricaded from the front door to the back, you know they have never been out of the projects. You don't encounter anyone but airline personnel until you get to the area where the searches are conducted. Terminals like LAX are really large. (I've been there.) You could walk several city blocks before you get to the TSA area. And not everyone at that area is TSA. The last two trips with my med pump I discovered that. They are all dressed the same, but they don't even have one who is TSA at every checkpoint. They had to summon a TSA person to look at my pump and medicine.
And we conservatives were screaming our asses off that if this power ever fell into the wrong hands it would become a nightmare.


TSA, DHS, and the patriot act, all huge government and anti-constitution bills, all created and passed by W and the GOP.

This s what happens when you give the right wing filth power, they will do everything they can to take away our rights and create their dream police state.

Hopefully you right wing idiots get your heads out of your asses one day and start thinking for yourself, instead of being obedient sheep to the right wing propaganda machine.

TSA, DHS, and the patriot act, all huge government and anti-constitution bills, all created and passed by W and the GOP.

by this stance the LAX shooter was more likely a leftist

No, he's a right winger. Those on the left hate guns, especially assault rifles, and want to take them all away, remember? :eusa_hand:
Over 40 years ago and he didn't kill anyone

What does that have to do with extremist rightwing radicals that spout the same hatred you do?

Bigreb is an idiot doing what he does best of trying to do everything he possibly can to deflect away from another one of his fellow right wingers terror attack on america.

Who said the LAX shooter was right wing? We do know Chris Dorner was an obama supporter
and we do know how the media has lied,
shit stain hates facts.
TSA, DHS, and the patriot act, all huge government and anti-constitution bills, all created and passed by W and the GOP.

This s what happens when you give the right wing filth power, they will do everything they can to take away our rights and create their dream police state.

Hopefully you right wing idiots get your heads out of your asses one day and start thinking for yourself, instead of being obedient sheep to the right wing propaganda machine.

TSA, DHS, and the patriot act, all huge government and anti-constitution bills, all created and passed by W and the GOP.

by this stance the LAX shooter was more likely a leftist

No, he's a right winger. Those on the left hate guns, especially assault rifles, and want to take them all away, remember? :eusa_hand:

So why does Obama surround himself with guns?

Hating guns doesn't mean you're not hypocritical enough not to use them. I wonder how many Obama voters are doing driveby's as we speak in Chicago?
Bigreb is an idiot doing what he does best of trying to do everything he possibly can to deflect away from another one of his fellow right wingers terror attack on america.

Who said the LAX shooter was right wing? We do know Chris Dorner was an obama supporter
and we do know how the media has lied,
shit stain hates facts.

Haters hate: that's what bigreb does. The LAX dude was a righty terrorist.
Obviously a rightwing terrorist.


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