LAX Shooter's Note States He Was A "Pissed Off Patriot" And Made NWO References

"As he embarked on his shooting spree, dressed in fatigues and carrying a high-powered rifle, Ciancia asked several cowering members of the public if they were TSA, witnesses claimed. He found his target, shooting dead 39-year-old agent Gerardo Hernandez, the first TSA officer to be killed in the line of duty since the agency's creation".

Read more: LAX Shooter Hated The Government - Business Insider

yep.......except photo he is wearing zero "fatigues"......and then of course, the pool of ketchup!!! LMAO....these mofu's don't even try hard anymore!! - Photo of LAX Gunman Released

yup no camo whats up with that reporting

These people have gotten to such a point of absurd.....test runs to see how much they can push the envelope on the fakery. Of course, just a coincidence that there was a drill there just 3 weeks ago!! Boston......Sandy Hook.......always drills on or around the day of the event, which is completely lost on the hopelessly duped. Like I said, they don't even try to be creative anymore......the use of blood substance at Boston and here at LAX = beyond laughable.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

The individual vs. the illusion of consensus reality

by Jon Rappoport

July 26, 2013

The individual vs. the illusion of consensus reality « Jon Rappoport's Blog
The shooter called himself a "pissed off patriot" which is common in the teabagger circles, the same as the NWO reference which is often parroted by Beck and other right wing propaganda masters.

Also Loughner was a right winger, he shot a democratic politician in the head and killed numerous of her democratic supporters.
Who told you this? the same ones who has called every shooting in the country right wing involved but later to find out it was was someone who was left wing?
We know Dorner was an obama supporter what facts do you have to support your position?

Read the link in the OP,..Holy shit are you stupid,...:cuckoo:
Dumb fuck who in the hell told you he was right wing? The media? it's always right wing with them when in the end they have been proven time and time again wrong. And lougnher work of giffords campaign two times He was a democrat.
Americans are so fucking stoopid...........

Watch this vid and ask yourself, "Perhaps I am the dummy here?":lol::lol::lol:

[ame=]LAX SHOOTING DUMMY - 100% Proof of Hoax - LAX False Flag MUST SEE! - YouTube[/ame]
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"As he embarked on his shooting spree, dressed in fatigues and carrying a high-powered rifle, Ciancia asked several cowering members of the public if they were TSA, witnesses claimed. He found his target, shooting dead 39-year-old agent Gerardo Hernandez, the first TSA officer to be killed in the line of duty since the agency's creation".

Read more: LAX Shooter Hated The Government - Business Insider

yep.......except photo he is wearing zero "fatigues"......and then of course, the pool of ketchup!!! LMAO....these mofu's don't even try hard anymore!! - Photo of LAX Gunman Released

This entire story reeks.

He may have been in fatigues, but they still don't let soldiers carry guns on commercial planes. If he was carrying the type of weapon they said he was carrying and he asked people on the concourse if they were TSA, then why didn't at least one of them step quietly into one of the shops and have someone call security?

And when he found TSA, did they just stand there and let him take aim with a large weapon and shoot? WTF? Were they just frozen in time? Could no one have dived under the weapon at his feet and taken him down?

I know airports. In addition to our own Barkley regional here, I have been in Nashville International, Atlanta, Ottawa, Hong Kong, Beijing, Dallas-Fort Worth, Philadelphia, JFK in New York, Dulles in DC, Reagan in DC, Miami, Orlando, Cairo Egypt, Albuquerque, St. Louis, Kansas City, San Antonio, and Las Vegas. How in the hell did this happen?

What is reported to have gone down is just on the back side of beyond. This whole story is bizarre. I mean, seriously, doesn't ANYONE have any questions other that his party affiliation? Have none of you been in an airport?
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"As he embarked on his shooting spree, dressed in fatigues and carrying a high-powered rifle, Ciancia asked several cowering members of the public if they were TSA, witnesses claimed. He found his target, shooting dead 39-year-old agent Gerardo Hernandez, the first TSA officer to be killed in the line of duty since the agency's creation".

Read more: LAX Shooter Hated The Government - Business Insider

yep.......except photo he is wearing zero "fatigues"......and then of course, the pool of ketchup!!! LMAO....these mofu's don't even try hard anymore!! - Photo of LAX Gunman Released

yup no camo whats up with that reporting

These people have gotten to such a point of absurd.....test runs to see how much they can push the envelope on the fakery. Of course, just a coincidence that there was a drill there just 3 weeks ago!! Boston......Sandy Hook.......always drills on or around the day of the event, which is completely lost on the hopelessly duped. Like I said, they don't even try to be creative anymore......the use of blood substance at Boston and here at LAX = beyond laughable.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

The individual vs. the illusion of consensus reality

by Jon Rappoport

July 26, 2013

The individual vs. the illusion of consensus reality « Jon Rappoport's Blog

"As he embarked on his shooting spree, dressed in fatigues and carrying a high-powered rifle, Ciancia asked several cowering members of the public if they were TSA, witnesses claimed. He found his target, shooting dead 39-year-old agent Gerardo Hernandez, the first TSA officer to be killed in the line of duty since the agency's creation".

Read more: LAX Shooter Hated The Government - Business Insider

yep.......except photo he is wearing zero "fatigues"......and then of course, the pool of ketchup!!! LMAO....these mofu's don't even try hard anymore!! - Photo of LAX Gunman Released

how did he buy an "assault weapon" in California

they are banned there

Queen - Another one bites the dust - Remastered [HD] - with lyrics - YouTube

That scene simply defies logic. HOW did he get through a large airport with a large weapon, identify a TSA agent after asking multiple others, and shoot with a weapon that large and no one notified security or attempted to stop him?
I'm amazed frankly that it has taken so long for someone to go el flippo on the TSA.

Well, I am too. But what stumps me is how he got through a large crowded airport and stood there taking aim with no one attempting to stop him.
is this thread a joke?

he wanted to commit suicide. he was mentally unstable. this has nothing to do with any political motivations no matter how badly lefties want to make it so. i can't believe lefties are still pulling this crap after the suicide thread.


Leftards always defend terrorists. They have been ever since they elected a radical muslim to the now black house, and he can't bring himself to say "terrorist." He doesn't want to insult any of his muslim brothers and sisters. The leftards have their marching orders, do NOT say anything bad about muslims or muslim terrorists, they are to ONLY spread hyperbole and lies about anyone even REMOTELY that can be spun as right wing.

Disgusting sons a bitches really... liars, morons and retards... anti American filth.

Longer than that. They have defended radical islam as far back as 9-11.
Once again our Conservative wing struggles with equivalencies

Chris Dorner was an Obama supporter. He did not strike out at perceived enemies of Obama, he struck out in retaliation for the treatment he received from LAPD in his firing

The LAX shooter had a hatred for government, paranoia of the NWO and specifically chose a random TSA agent as his target

Dorner retaliated on a personal grievance, the LAX shooter retaliated against hatred of the government fueled by our rightwing nutjobs

Gee in the old days you'd be proud of him. You know. Shooting the pigs and all.

What's wrong with you left wingers these days?

You aren't really left wingers at all are you? Just boot strapped big government loving minions.

Where's the fire in your belly to hit out against the machine? Like Jerry and Abbie?

You aren't left wing at all. You are pathetic. You are the machine.

The left wingers got older and settled into society. Issues that fired up the base....VietNam, Civil Rights, Women's Rights have been mostly resolved

It is the new Rightwing that has picked up the hatred. Angry they have to pay taxes, angry that they have to get healthcare, angry that a Democrat is in the White House

Doesn't seem the same, does it?

Since leftists love taxes so much, that proves leftists still don't work. They gotta keep those bennies rolling in.
This was not a political killing:

LAX shooting suspect made suicidal references to family

On Friday, a sibling of Ciancia's received a text message from Ciancia saying he was thinking about taking his life, according to the Associated Press.

A federal law enforcement official, who didn't want to be named, told USA TODAY that the alleged shooter's family was worried about his emotional well-being. They alerted local police, and those officers relayed the family's concerns to Los Angeles authorities.

"This was clearly a suicide mission,'' one of the officials said. "He did not expect to walk away from this.

In the psych world we call it 'suicide by cop.' Going to an airport and going after a TSA agent was pretty much a guarantee. The kid has been shot but, as of yet, has not died.
No, far right wing nutjobs like the shooter that commit acts of terror make patriot a dirty word.

Which shooter the obama supporter Chris Dorner or the LAX suspect which we know nothing about?

No, like GOP politician and neo-nazi JT ready that killed an entire family including an infant, or the far right wing nutcase that shot up the sihk temple.

Or the OK city bombing also done by a right wing extremist.

Or maybe it was the far right wing extremists in Chicago.

The FBI recorded 500 murders in Chicago in 2012, up from 431 in 2011
Which shooter the obama supporter Chris Dorner or the LAX suspect which we know nothing about?

No, like GOP politician and neo-nazi JT ready that killed an entire family including an infant, or the far right wing nutcase that shot up the sihk temple.

Or the OK city bombing also done by a right wing extremist.

Or maybe it was the far right wing extremists in Chicago.

The FBI recorded 500 murders in Chicago in 2012, up from 431 in 2011

Don't you follow the news? The guy wasn't from Chicago :cuckoo:
No, like GOP politician and neo-nazi JT ready that killed an entire family including an infant, or the far right wing nutcase that shot up the sihk temple.

Or the OK city bombing also done by a right wing extremist.

Or maybe it was the far right wing extremists in Chicago.

The FBI recorded 500 murders in Chicago in 2012, up from 431 in 2011

Don't you follow the news? The guy wasn't from Chicago :cuckoo:

Don't you follow the post? Obama is in office by way of Chicago. :cuckoo:
is this thread a joke?

he wanted to commit suicide. he was mentally unstable. this has nothing to do with any political motivations no matter how badly lefties want to make it so. i can't believe lefties are still pulling this crap after the suicide thread.


Leftards always defend terrorists. They have been ever since they elected a radical muslim to the now black house, and he can't bring himself to say "terrorist." He doesn't want to insult any of his muslim brothers and sisters. The leftards have their marching orders, do NOT say anything bad about muslims or muslim terrorists, they are to ONLY spread hyperbole and lies about anyone even REMOTELY that can be spun as right wing.

Disgusting sons a bitches really... liars, morons and retards... anti American filth.

Way to show just how insane you are. :clap:

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