LAX Shooter's Note States He Was A "Pissed Off Patriot" And Made NWO References

Nope I just hate your fucking guts, and what evidence do you have that the LAX is right wing? Did it come from the same people that always attaches this kind of shit to the right wing, but later have to deflect or just forget about their lie?
We know for a fact Dorner was a obama supporter Loughner was a democrat

The shooter called himself a "pissed off patriot" which is common in the teabagger circles, the same as the NWO reference which is often parroted by Beck and other right wing propaganda masters.

Also Loughner was a right winger, he shot a democratic politician in the head and killed numerous of her democratic supporters.

Actually being against the establishment and thinking that the Cops. TSA, FBI, etc. are fascists are endemic to the far left (which currently controls the DNC).

Those on the left are pro-freedom and anti-far right wing fascist huge government, though tune into any Beck or other right wing show and they will be spewing all kinds of NWO BS blaming Obama and the left.

The far right feels the need to resort to fear and violence to get their point across.
Nope I just hate your fucking guts, and what evidence do you have that the LAX is right wing? Did it come from the same people that always attaches this kind of shit to the right wing, but later have to deflect or just forget about their lie?
We know for a fact Dorner was a obama supporter Loughner was a democrat

The shooter called himself a "pissed off patriot" which is common in the teabagger circles, the same as the NWO reference which is often parroted by Beck and other right wing propaganda masters.

Also Loughner was a right winger, he shot a democratic politician in the head and killed numerous of her democratic supporters.
Who told you this? the same ones who has called every shooting in the country right wing involved but later to find out it was was someone who was left wing?
We know Dorner was an obama supporter what facts do you have to support your position?

Read the link in the OP,..Holy shit are you stupid,...:cuckoo:
The shooter called himself a "pissed off patriot" which is common in the teabagger circles, the same as the NWO reference which is often parroted by Beck and other right wing propaganda masters.

Also Loughner was a right winger, he shot a democratic politician in the head and killed numerous of her democratic supporters.

Actually being against the establishment and thinking that the Cops. TSA, FBI, etc. are fascists are endemic to the far left (which currently controls the DNC).

Those on the left are pro-freedom and anti-far right wing fascist huge government, though tune into any Beck or other right wing show and they will be spewing all kinds of NWO BS blaming Obama and the left.

The far right feels the need to resort to fear and violence to get their point across.

The far left is showing that anything that is not in their microscopic view of the world is far right.

While I don't watch beck or any of that other stuff, it sounds like they are close the hitting the mark if the far left gets all ruffled like they are.

Far left is for government control of every aspect of your life (Obamacare great example). The far left is for wealth redistribution (except for their own).

The far left has always been anti-establishment (the military industrial complex) and has often seen the police to be "fascist pigs".

So it is easy to conclude that this shooter was a far left zealot.
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stop being a hysterical ninny. very, very few on the right fringe say government is evil. the right fringe has no more influence over people's lives than the far left fringe. did not actually cite how those supposed ideals caused him to commit this crime. you just make shit up as you go along and completely ignore the fact that he wanted to commit suicide. you further fail to realize that having an opinion against the government or TSA DOES NOT in anyway shape or form indicate VIOLENCE against the government.

you do know why incite to violence is not protected and other hate speech is....right?

i doubt you do given your above post.

bump so rightwinger can hopefully get an education

When you preach hate.......Sometimes you reap what you sow

This is one of those times

once again you cannot find a concrete connection. only hyperbole and bullshit hysteria.

you're hysterical and do not help our great country.
Actually being against the establishment and thinking that the Cops. TSA, FBI, etc. are fascists are endemic to the far left (which currently controls the DNC).

Those on the left are pro-freedom and anti-far right wing fascist huge government, though tune into any Beck or other right wing show and they will be spewing all kinds of NWO BS blaming Obama and the left.

The far right feels the need to resort to fear and violence to get their point across.

The far left is showing that anything that is not in their microscopic view of the world is far right.

While I don't watch beck or any of that other stuff, it sounds like they are close the hitting the mark if the far left gets all ruffled like they are.

Far left is for government control of every aspect of your life (Obamacare great example). The far left is for wealth redistribution (except for their own).

The far left has always been anti-establishment (the military industrial complex) and has often seen the police to be "fascist pigs".

So it is easy to conclude that this shooter was a far left zealot.

What a load of tosh.
Sunshine wrote, "This guy doesn't fit the profile, Jake."

What profile? Yelling about terrorism and the NWO? The evidence of what he did at the LAX scene is clear: he was a crazy righty terrorist.

The Boston bombers were crazy leftist terrorists.

Anybody who thinks sanity is necessary for terrorism is very wrong.

Look at the loonies right and left on this thread.

how was he a righty terrorist and chris dorner was not?
Those on the left are pro-freedom and anti-far right wing fascist huge government, though tune into any Beck or other right wing show and they will be spewing all kinds of NWO BS blaming Obama and the left.

The far right feels the need to resort to fear and violence to get their point across.

The far left is showing that anything that is not in their microscopic view of the world is far right.

While I don't watch beck or any of that other stuff, it sounds like they are close the hitting the mark if the far left gets all ruffled like they are.

Far left is for government control of every aspect of your life (Obamacare great example). The far left is for wealth redistribution (except for their own).

The far left has always been anti-establishment (the military industrial complex) and has often seen the police to be "fascist pigs".

So it is easy to conclude that this shooter was a far left zealot.

What a load of tosh.

Well based on this reply it is easy to conclude that this comes from a far left Obama worshiper.
Those on the left are pro-freedom and anti-far right wing fascist huge government, though tune into any Beck or other right wing show and they will be spewing all kinds of NWO BS blaming Obama and the left.

The far right feels the need to resort to fear and violence to get their point across.

The far left is showing that anything that is not in their microscopic view of the world is far right.

While I don't watch beck or any of that other stuff, it sounds like they are close the hitting the mark if the far left gets all ruffled like they are.

Far left is for government control of every aspect of your life (Obamacare great example). The far left is for wealth redistribution (except for their own).

The far left has always been anti-establishment (the military industrial complex) and has often seen the police to be "fascist pigs".

So it is easy to conclude that this shooter was a far left zealot.

What a load of tosh.

What's a load of tosh?

Oh.........that Tosh

His writing referred to law enforcement as 'pigs.' That is a term used by left wing extremists in the 60s.

Starting in August 1968 and for a number of years afterwards, police officers were called pigs by young people, the disenchanted and even the media. This came about when a group who called themselves the Yippies, protested near the 1968 National Democratic Convention in Chicago.

When Cops Were Pigs - 1968 by Ron Kurtus - Lessons Learned from History: School for Champions

Who were the 'yippies?' From the same article:

1968 National Convention

The Vietnam War was a major issue in the 1968 National Democratic Convention, held in Chicago, Illinois. Democratic candidates for the 1968 U.S. presidential election were anti-war advocate Eugene McCarthy and supporter of the Paris Peace Talks, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey. In general, both were in favor of ending the war.

The convention was meant to select a candidate to run against Richard Nixon for the office of President.

Meanwhile, a group of anti-war protesters, extreme left radicals and anarchists attempted to protest and disrupt the convention proceedings. Led by such radicals as Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin, the group demonstrated outside the convention hall.

They called themselves Yippies, as opposed to the popular hippy movement of long-haired, free-spirited youth. YIP stood for Young International Party. It was a spin-off of the expression of hippie for the love generation.
There are some unofficial sources that say he was a democrat and participated in OWS as well as PETA. But they are unofficial as of yet, so I won't post them. But you libs might want to consider the historical language he uses. And it doesn't take a republican to think that NWO stuff. A lot of democrats think that as well.
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Sunshine wrote, "This guy doesn't fit the profile, Jake."

What profile? Yelling about terrorism and the NWO? The evidence of what he did at the LAX scene is clear: he was a crazy righty terrorist.

The Boston bombers were crazy leftist terrorists.

Anybody who thinks sanity is necessary for terrorism is very wrong.

Look at the loonies right and left on this thread.

Perhaps his use of 'pigs' and his participation in OWS and PETA would afford a clue about that.
Nope I just hate your fucking guts, and what evidence do you have that the LAX is right wing? Did it come from the same people that always attaches this kind of shit to the right wing, but later have to deflect or just forget about their lie?
We know for a fact Dorner was a obama supporter Loughner was a democrat

The shooter called himself a "pissed off patriot" which is common in the teabagger circles, the same as the NWO reference which is often parroted by Beck and other right wing propaganda masters.

Also Loughner was a right winger, he shot a democratic politician in the head and killed numerous of her democratic supporters.
Who told you this? the same ones who has called every shooting in the country right wing involved but later to find out it was was someone who was left wing?
We know Dorner was an obama supporter what facts do you have to support your position?

No one credible told him that. Loughner was a registered Independent.
Sunshine wrote, "This guy doesn't fit the profile, Jake."

What profile? Yelling about terrorism and the NWO? The evidence of what he did at the LAX scene is clear: he was a crazy righty terrorist.

The Boston bombers were crazy leftist terrorists.

Anybody who thinks sanity is necessary for terrorism is very wrong.

Look at the loonies right and left on this thread.

cite where he was "yelling" about terrorism and the NWO.

cite specifically what "evidence" show he is a righty terrorist.

i won't hold my breath because you never back up your claims.
The shooter called himself a "pissed off patriot" which is common in the teabagger circles, the same as the NWO reference which is often parroted by Beck and other right wing propaganda masters.

Also Loughner was a right winger, he shot a democratic politician in the head and killed numerous of her democratic supporters.
Who told you this? the same ones who has called every shooting in the country right wing involved but later to find out it was was someone who was left wing?
We know Dorner was an obama supporter what facts do you have to support your position?

Read the link in the OP,..Holy shit are you stupid,...:cuckoo:

Who told you the media the one who always ends up wrong about shooters?

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