LAX Shooter's Note States He Was A "Pissed Off Patriot" And Made NWO References

The full note is still being hidden by police, but this new damning evidence shows the shooting may have been politically motivated.

The "NWO" catch phase has been a staple among Beck and other far right wing propaganda spreaders, as well as "pissed off patriot" is often stated among teaparty circles.

It will be interesting to see what the full note says, but it looks like this is another case of a moonbat that went over the edge from too much right wing propaganda brainwashing his mind.

Note may shed light on LAX gunman

Should it indeed be the case that the suspect was motivated by extreme, anti-government rightwing dogma, it must be noted that this individual is in no way representative of all conservatives, republicans, libertarians, members of the TPM, or other manifestations of the right.

It does, however, justify the concerns of security officials that there are those who are influenced by the harsh, paranoid, unfounded, delusional anti-government rhetoric expressed by many conservatives. Again, it does not mean conservatives or conservative dogma are responsible, but it does compel conservatives to nonetheless examine that dogma to understand why it motivates some rightists to commit criminal acts of violence.

Like the anti establishment rhetoric of the left in the 60s which was responsible for the riots?
Fear the Right Wing Terrorist

Their rhetoric of hate is taking hold

Meanwhile your buddy Obama and the Government have listed 72 normal everyday beliefs or practices that make one a terrorist, the Democrats in Congress and else where have called repeatedly that the tea party are criminals terrorists and insurrectionists and not a peep from the likes of you. Obama has made numerous references to hating republicans wishing them dead waging a war on them and raising an army to do so. Again not a peep from you.
The full note is still being hidden by police, but this new damning evidence shows the shooting may have been politically motivated.

The "NWO" catch phase has been a staple among Beck and other far right wing propaganda spreaders, as well as "pissed off patriot" is often stated among teaparty circles.

It will be interesting to see what the full note says, but it looks like this is another case of a moonbat that went over the edge from too much right wing propaganda brainwashing his mind.

Note may shed light on LAX gunman

What 'catch phrase' are you talking about. I didn't see any in the article. I did see THIS, though:

In recent days, one of the officials said, the New Jersey family of the alleged shooter had become worried about his emotional state and called local police, who relayed their concerns to Los Angeles authorities. The official said Los Angeles police reportedly were in contact with the alleged shooter's roommates, who indicated that he appeared to be OK.

Likely just another schizophrenic.
Fear the Right Wing Terrorist

Their rhetoric of hate is taking hold

what rhetoric caused this guy to want to commit suicide by cop? what rhetoric caused this guy to want to shoot people?

be specific and cite your sources.

Government is evil
TSA is an affront on our Liberty

You know, the usual rightwing bullshit
Fear the Right Wing Terrorist

Their rhetoric of hate is taking hold

what rhetoric caused this guy to want to commit suicide by cop? what rhetoric caused this guy to want to shoot people?

be specific and cite your sources.

Government is evil
TSA is an affront on our Liberty

You know, the usual rightwing bullshit

As opposed to the 72 reasons normal people are now terrorists by the Obama admin? The fact the Military is telling its members their 1st Amendment right is null and void and not to belong to churches? Like that?
Fear the Right Wing Terrorist

Their rhetoric of hate is taking hold

I don't think this was a terrorist.

He was identified later by the FBI as Paul Anthony Ciancia, a 23-year-old from Los Angeles. He graduated in 2008 from Salesianum School, an all-boys Catholic school in Wilmington, Delaware, according to school President Brendan P. Kennealey.

The intelligence source said Ciancia's family became concerned in recent days after he sent his brother and father "angry, rambling" texts venting about the government, living in Los Angeles and his unhappiness generally.

FBI: 23-year-old L.A. man is suspect in airport shooting -

Somehow I just don't see an emotionally troubled 23 year old as a Taxed Enough Already member either. The age of onset of schizophrenia is mid teens to early 20s. He fits the bill as to age and mental status. Or he could have been using some kind of drugs. But there is no evidence that he was a member of a terrorist organization. And the Taxed Enough Already people are not terrorists. They merely feel like they have been Taxed Enough Already. And they have the right to say so.

There isn't much that could happen at LAX that wouldn't be an improvement. That place is the armpit of the universe.
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"Obama has made numerous references to hating republicans wishing them dead..."

Wow! There sure seems to a a whole lot of Obama speeches that I have missed since I canceled my cable subscription!
Fear the Right Wing Terrorist

Their rhetoric of hate is taking hold

what rhetoric caused this guy to want to commit suicide by cop? what rhetoric caused this guy to want to shoot people?

be specific and cite your sources.

Government is evil
TSA is an affront on our Liberty

You know, the usual rightwing bullshit

Like the government is evil leftwing bullshit of the 60s and 70s. Yeah, we know. Riots, free love, herpes, sex, drugs, rock and roll. :rolleyes:
Fear the Right Wing Terrorist

Their rhetoric of hate is taking hold

what rhetoric caused this guy to want to commit suicide by cop? what rhetoric caused this guy to want to shoot people?

be specific and cite your sources.

Government is evil
TSA is an affront on our Liberty

You know, the usual rightwing bullshit

stop being a hysterical ninny. very, very few on the right fringe say government is evil. the right fringe has no more influence over people's lives than the far left fringe. did not actually cite how those supposed ideals caused him to commit this crime. you just make shit up as you go along and completely ignore the fact that he wanted to commit suicide. you further fail to realize that having an opinion against the government or TSA DOES NOT in anyway shape or form indicate VIOLENCE against the government.

you do know why incite to violence is not protected and other hate speech is....right?

i doubt you do given your above post.
Fear the Right Wing Terrorist

Their rhetoric of hate is taking hold

what rhetoric caused this guy to want to commit suicide by cop? what rhetoric caused this guy to want to shoot people?

be specific and cite your sources.

Government is evil
TSA is an affront on our Liberty

You know, the usual rightwing bullshit

The NWO and illuminati and reactionary gobbeldy gook. I see you use the mode of hypercritical assertion without the evidence you require from others.

These are your people Yurt until you disavow them.
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what rhetoric caused this guy to want to commit suicide by cop? what rhetoric caused this guy to want to shoot people?

be specific and cite your sources.

Government is evil
TSA is an affront on our Liberty

You know, the usual rightwing bullshit

The NWO and illuminati and reactionary gobbeldy gook. I see you use the mode of hypercritical assertion without the evidence you require from others.

These are your people Yurt until you disavow them.

sorry lying troll, you do not get to say who my people are or are not. you are nothing but a gnat whose opinion is worthless except to far lefties on this board. you are nothing and you know it.

now run along and troll someone else.
The full note is still being hidden by police, but this new damning evidence shows the shooting may have been politically motivated.

The "NWO" catch phase has been a staple among Beck and other far right wing propaganda spreaders, as well as "pissed off patriot" is often stated among teaparty circles.

It will be interesting to see what the full note says, but it looks like this is another case of a moonbat that went over the edge from too much right wing propaganda brainwashing his mind.

Note may shed light on LAX gunman
I bet he loved Hannity, Rush, Fox, tea baggers, republicans and honestly thinks Palin would be a great president.

Fucking nutters.
what rhetoric caused this guy to want to commit suicide by cop? what rhetoric caused this guy to want to shoot people?

be specific and cite your sources.

Government is evil
TSA is an affront on our Liberty

You know, the usual rightwing bullshit

Like the government is evil leftwing bullshit of the 60s and 70s. Yeah, we know. Riots, free love, herpes, sex, drugs, rock and roll. :rolleyes: the left wing 40-50 years ago

The Rightwing terrorist is with us today
The full note is still being hidden by police, but this new damning evidence shows the shooting may have been politically motivated.

The "NWO" catch phase has been a staple among Beck and other far right wing propaganda spreaders, as well as "pissed off patriot" is often stated among teaparty circles.

It will be interesting to see what the full note says, but it looks like this is another case of a moonbat that went over the edge from too much right wing propaganda brainwashing his mind.

Note may shed light on LAX gunman

More so George Noory, and Alex Jones and their ilk. This propaganda is actuley the same spread and propagated by Snowden worshippers. So pleas, don't go jizzing your pants you sick fuck.

George is a heavy duty die hard democrat. Don't you know that?

And Art, maximus democratic dude.

The Snooron is not only a die hard Democrat (even though he say the opposite) but he also uses fear to sell his bull shit vitmins and other crap. He, and Alex preech the same line about the govrenment trying to kill us, but not to fear ! Their water filters and cheesy crap will save us. As for Art Bell, I don't think he is a Democrat so much as a in the middle type that leaned left on some things. But one thing is for sure, he would never do what snooron and the fat man have done, which is peddle fear to sell shit.
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Fear the Right Wing Terrorist

Their rhetoric of hate is taking hold

You say this, yet posters like you, joeb, black lable are just giddy with joy every time one of thees happen. You just can't wait to post the shit you do. Never could understand that. Just sitting there for kids and woman to get shot to pieces on the news so you can post this crazy shiand your ilk disgust me. So go on, watch your news. Maybe a pre-k will get shot up so you got some news stuff to prattle on about.
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Fear the Right Wing Terrorist

Their rhetoric of hate is taking hold

You say this, yet posters like you, job, black lable are just giddy with joy every time one of thees happen. You just can't wait to post the shit you do. Never could understand that. Just sitting there for kids and woman to get shot to pieces on the news so you can post this crazy shiand your ilk disgust me. So go on, watch your news. Maybe a pre-k will get shot up so you got some news stuff to prattle on about.

You know,

You guys shovel shit day in day out. Government is your enemy, TSA is taking your liberty, New World Order

Some people take it for real
Government is evil
TSA is an affront on our Liberty

You know, the usual rightwing bullshit

Like the government is evil leftwing bullshit of the 60s and 70s. Yeah, we know. Riots, free love, herpes, sex, drugs, rock and roll. :rolleyes: the left wing 40-50 years ago

The Rightwing terrorist is with us today

so are leftwing terrorists

wake the frack up and stop being so partisan mr. i was a republican
Fear the Right Wing Terrorist

Their rhetoric of hate is taking hold

You say this, yet posters like you, job, black lable are just giddy with joy every time one of thees happen. You just can't wait to post the shit you do. Never could understand that. Just sitting there for kids and woman to get shot to pieces on the news so you can post this crazy shiand your ilk disgust me. So go on, watch your news. Maybe a pre-k will get shot up so you got some news stuff to prattle on about.

You know,

You guys shovel shit day in day out. Government is your enemy, TSA is taking your liberty, New World Order

Some people take it for real

nice to know you ignore facts

like incite to violence vs. opinion

keep quiet, you're out of your league here

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