LAX Shooter's Note States He Was A "Pissed Off Patriot" And Made NWO References

what rhetoric caused this guy to want to commit suicide by cop? what rhetoric caused this guy to want to shoot people?

be specific and cite your sources.

Government is evil
TSA is an affront on our Liberty

You know, the usual rightwing bullshit

stop being a hysterical ninny. very, very few on the right fringe say government is evil. the right fringe has no more influence over people's lives than the far left fringe. did not actually cite how those supposed ideals caused him to commit this crime. you just make shit up as you go along and completely ignore the fact that he wanted to commit suicide. you further fail to realize that having an opinion against the government or TSA DOES NOT in anyway shape or form indicate VIOLENCE against the government.

you do know why incite to violence is not protected and other hate speech is....right?

i doubt you do given your above post.

bump so rightwinger can hopefully get an education
Government is evil
TSA is an affront on our Liberty

You know, the usual rightwing bullshit

The NWO and illuminati and reactionary gobbeldy gook. I see you use the mode of hypercritical assertion without the evidence you require from others.

These are your people Yurt until you disavow them.

sorry lying troll, you do not get to say who my people are or are not. you are nothing but a gnat whose opinion is worthless except to far lefties on this board. you are nothing and you know it.

now run along and troll someone else.

Ah, I see the Yurt troll trolls on. Your words make them your people. Yurt the HyperReactionary afraid to disavow the stupidity of the far right.
Government is evil
TSA is an affront on our Liberty

You know, the usual rightwing bullshit

stop being a hysterical ninny. very, very few on the right fringe say government is evil. the right fringe has no more influence over people's lives than the far left fringe. did not actually cite how those supposed ideals caused him to commit this crime. you just make shit up as you go along and completely ignore the fact that he wanted to commit suicide. you further fail to realize that having an opinion against the government or TSA DOES NOT in anyway shape or form indicate VIOLENCE against the government.

you do know why incite to violence is not protected and other hate speech is....right?

i doubt you do given your above post.

bump so rightwinger can hopefully get an education

When you preach hate.......Sometimes you reap what you sow

This is one of those times
is this thread a joke?

he wanted to commit suicide. he was mentally unstable. this has nothing to do with any political motivations no matter how badly lefties want to make it so. i can't believe lefties are still pulling this crap after the suicide thread.


He was mentally unstable, and found it easy to get his hands on a weapon of war. Hurrah for the NRA.
LAX suspect had 'patriot' movement propaganda on him, expert says - U.S. News

“Ciancia’s language and references seemed to put him squarely in the conspiracy-minded world of the antigovernment ‘Patriot’ movement,” Potok wrote. “The New World Order refers to a longstanding conspiracy theory that today, in its most popular iteration, claims that global elites are plotting to form a socialistic 'one-world government' that would crush American freedoms. Often, the root of the alleged conspiracy is traced to the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve and the adoption of fiat currency — paper money that is not backed by gold, as it was once was in the U.S.”
People associated with the patriot movement “see the DHS … as an enemy and even a collaborator in the New World Order conspiracy,” he added. The TSA is an agency of the DHS.

Sounds like a Ron Paul Supporter
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Fear the Right Wing Terrorist

Their rhetoric of hate is taking hold

You say this, yet posters like you, job, black lable are just giddy with joy every time one of thees happen. You just can't wait to post the shit you do. Never could understand that. Just sitting there for kids and woman to get shot to pieces on the news so you can post this crazy shiand your ilk disgust me. So go on, watch your news. Maybe a pre-k will get shot up so you got some news stuff to prattle on about.

You know,

You guys shovel shit day in day out. Government is your enemy, TSA is taking your liberty, New World Order

Some people take it for real

Other then saying how incredably stupid the govrenment is, pleas find one (1) refrence to the new world order in any post of mine. You won't. I have never said the government is anyones enemy. I certainly never advocated shooting anyone other then child molesters and drunk drivers. I have zero love for TSA. They have up until now only made news for theft rings, drug smuggleing, and rape convictions. Even so, I still don't think they should be shot for doing what they do. Now you guys, its almost like its orgasmic for you when there is a mass shooting. Like its a race be the first to either post that the perp is a.muslem extreamist, or a tea party extreamist. Its disgusting. So call me rabid righty, and Cecil can call me a libo fag and all is gooda for me. Let's me know.I'm some place in betwixt. Awesome.
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LAX suspect had 'patriot' movement propaganda on him, expert says - U.S. News

“Ciancia’s language and references seemed to put him squarely in the conspiracy-minded world of the antigovernment ‘Patriot’ movement,” Potok wrote. “The New World Order refers to a longstanding conspiracy theory that today, in its most popular iteration, claims that global elites are plotting to form a socialistic 'one-world government' that would crush American freedoms. Often, the root of the alleged conspiracy is traced to the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve and the adoption of fiat currency — paper money that is not backed by gold, as it was once was in the U.S.”
People associated with the patriot movement “see the DHS … as an enemy and even a collaborator in the New World Order conspiracy,” he added. The TSA is an agency of the DHS.

Sounds like a Ron Paul Supporter

And this is why Paul did not run again. In reality, this shit comes from Alex Jones and the likes of George Noory of Coast to Coast AM. I will make any wager you want you will hear " builderbergs, Bohemian grove, and militarey industrial complex here soon, as well as Alex Jones saying something along the lines of."It was Govt mind control".
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Ron Paul agenda

New World Order
Federal Reserve

Sounds like a Paulite to me
The full note is still being hidden by police, but this new damning evidence shows the shooting may have been politically motivated.

The "NWO" catch phase has been a staple among Beck and other far right wing propaganda spreaders, as well as "pissed off patriot" is often stated among teaparty circles.

It will be interesting to see what the full note says, but it looks like this is another case of a moonbat that went over the edge from too much right wing propaganda brainwashing his mind.

Note may shed light on LAX gunman

Three words in an alleged note by a nutcase causes the radical left tinfoil hats to grab their pitchforks and go after Glenn Beck? What a bunch of hate filled a-holes.
stop being a hysterical ninny. very, very few on the right fringe say government is evil. the right fringe has no more influence over people's lives than the far left fringe. did not actually cite how those supposed ideals caused him to commit this crime. you just make shit up as you go along and completely ignore the fact that he wanted to commit suicide. you further fail to realize that having an opinion against the government or TSA DOES NOT in anyway shape or form indicate VIOLENCE against the government.

you do know why incite to violence is not protected and other hate speech is....right?

i doubt you do given your above post.

bump so rightwinger can hopefully get an education

When you preach hate.......Sometimes you reap what you sow

This is one of those times

But of course declaring 72 legal and normal practices as being terrorists is not hate speech and having the Military warn their troops that belonging to an organized religion is illegal is not against the 1st Amendment right?
Government is evil
TSA is an affront on our Liberty

You know, the usual rightwing bullshit

Like the government is evil leftwing bullshit of the 60s and 70s. Yeah, we know. Riots, free love, herpes, sex, drugs, rock and roll. :rolleyes: the left wing 40-50 years ago

The Rightwing terrorist is with us today

I don't think this 23 year old was a terrorist. His family had been concerned about his mental state. He sounds like a garden variety schizophrenic.
Fear the Right Wing Terrorist

Their rhetoric of hate is taking hold

You say this, yet posters like you, joeb, black lable are just giddy with joy every time one of thees happen. You just can't wait to post the shit you do. Never could understand that. Just sitting there for kids and woman to get shot to pieces on the news so you can post this crazy shiand your ilk disgust me. So go on, watch your news. Maybe a pre-k will get shot up so you got some news stuff to prattle on about.

Yeah and don't forget them telling me I'm not dying fast enough. That is a pretty routine statement from the left. No hate in that! Nah. Not one bit! LMAO. They fool only themselves.
Not all terrorists are stable, Sunshine.

This guy doesn't fit the profile, Jake. Name all the right wing terrorist killings. (You might want to review my thread on that first, though.) Going to the little brown church in the vale, singing Onward Christian Soldiers, and studying Bible prophecy, and having dinner on the ground does not a terrorist make. But the left on this forum is the quickest bunch I have ever seen to label someone a 'right wing terrorist.' And they get proven wrong 100% of the time. Just like they were with that guy who shot Gabby Giffords. Schizophrenic.

But their silence on the Boston bomber who WAS a terrorist is deafening.
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The 'right wing terrorist' is a non entity fabricated by the terrorist in chief Barack Hussein Obama to take the heat off his cronies.
The TSA never does anything wrong! Thank God for the TSA! They keep us safe from terrorists by feeling us up! Next, they'll get guns and that will be even better! I feel so safe I just can't handle myself.
Lil Glenny Beck must be so proud.

rw's are controlled by Beck, Limbaugh and mostly, the Muslim Arab who controls Fox's programming and this is the only possible result of their blind allegiance to traitors.

Its not an accident that mass shootings have been steadily escalating.
He could be the next William Ayers

Ayers never killed anyone.

bill ayers's group's bombs killed three fellow terrorists and have been linked to the murder of a San Francisco police officer.

and this is a FACT !! he is a murderer :up:

Completely false.

Here are the facts.

1) Three Weather Underground members accidentally killed themselves while making bombs in New York City in 1970. Ayers was not involved.

2) In 1981 two police officers and a security guard were killed when Kathy Boudin, Judith Alice Clark, and David Gilbert committed an armed robbery. Bill Ayers had left the Weather Underground a year earlier. He was not charged for murder.

3) The bomb that killed the San Francisco policeman was attributed to the Black Liberation Army not Ayers.

Ayers has never been charged with murder. You might disagree with his opposition to the slaughter in Vietnam (where innocent American soldiers were fed into a civil war that had no bearing on American national security). I respect your disagreement. I wish the student opposition to the war had been more intelligent. For my part, I can't imagine what it would have been like to get drafted as men like Bush, Clinton and Chaney used their connections to avoid combat.

Lies were spread about Ayers because he served on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge with Obama.

Here is the school project that Ayers and Obama were on along with virtually the entire Chicago community. Read about it. The goal was to increase the quality of education in poor urban areas. Of course, the Republicans lied about the whole thing.
Chicago Annenberg Challenge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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