LAX Shooter's Note States He Was A "Pissed Off Patriot" And Made NWO References

The full note is still being hidden by police, but this new damning evidence shows the shooting may have been politically motivated.

The "NWO" catch phase has been a staple among Beck and other far right wing propaganda spreaders, as well as "pissed off patriot" is often stated among teaparty circles.

It will be interesting to see what the full note says, but it looks like this is another case of a moonbat that went over the edge from too much right wing propaganda brainwashing his mind.

Note may shed light on LAX gunman

So does this mean that now we get to see dozens of threads on USMB about how all "Right Wingers" are like this, even though even many Libturds know that is not the case?

My guess: Yes.
Lil Glenny Beck must be so proud.

rw's are controlled by Beck, Limbaugh and mostly, the Muslim Arab who controls Fox's programming and this is the only possible result of their blind allegiance to traitors.

Its not an accident that mass shootings have been steadily escalating.

^ yet another lefty who comes in their pantys when ever there is a mass shooting.
The LAX shooter was warned every day about socialism. So he took action against government.

He was successfully manipulated by the rightwing to believe that his country had been stolen.

So he blamed who he was manipulated to blame.
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Ron Paul agenda

New World Order
Federal Reserve

Sounds like a Paulite to me

Nerp. Ron Paul picked up from Alex Jones in an attempt to.get the votes of the wackos who follow Jones. This is a huge reason why Paul did not run in his district. The challenger was not crazy, and.had his shit together monitarely to embarass the hell out of Paul, so Paul gracefully stepped asid and dint run. Now he just rides the.moonbat train for a liveing.
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The LAX shooter was warned every day about socialism. So he took action against government.

He was successfully manipulated by the rightwing to believe that his country had been stolen.

So he took action.

^libo has tired of cheering Gosnell typ killers on, so now takes great joy in the fact thees people were shot. Best change your panties to sicko.
Lil Glenny Beck must be so proud.

rw's are controlled by Beck, Limbaugh and mostly, the Muslim Arab who controls Fox's programming and this is the only possible result of their blind allegiance to traitors.

Its not an accident that mass shootings have been steadily escalating.

Meanwhile the President just made 72 perfectly legal actions a precursor for declaring his political enemies terrorists. He ordered the Military to warn its troops that active participation in an organized religion he does not like is illegal. You know a violation of the 1st Amendment.

As for escalating they have not escalated. They have held pretty steady for years now. Well unless you change the criteria to suit your agenda.
The full note is still being hidden by police, but this new damning evidence shows the shooting may have been politically motivated.

The "NWO" catch phase has been a staple among Beck and other far right wing propaganda spreaders, as well as "pissed off patriot" is often stated among teaparty circles.

It will be interesting to see what the full note says, but it looks like this is another case of a moonbat that went over the edge from too much right wing propaganda brainwashing his mind.

Note may shed light on LAX gunman

So does this mean that now we get to see dozens of threads on USMB about how all "Right Wingers" are like this, even though even many Libturds know that is not the case?

My guess: Yes.

Yes. They don't know anything but talking points from their sources on cable news. Independent thought is beyond them. Besides, they love this shit.
Fear the Right Wing Terrorist

Their rhetoric of hate is taking hold

You say this, yet posters like you, joeb, black lable are just giddy with joy every time one of thees happen. You just can't wait to post the shit you do. Never could understand that. Just sitting there for kids and woman to get shot to pieces on the news so you can post this crazy shiand your ilk disgust me. So go on, watch your news. Maybe a pre-k will get shot up so you got some news stuff to prattle on about.

Yeah and don't forget them telling me I'm not dying fast enough. That is a pretty routine statement from the left. No hate in that! Nah. Not one bit! LMAO. They fool only themselves.

Fuck them. They are the party ( here anyway) of hate. They should do the world a favor and drink bleach.
Lil Glenny Beck must be so proud.

rw's are controlled by Beck, Limbaugh and mostly, the Muslim Arab who controls Fox's programming and this is the only possible result of their blind allegiance to traitors.

Its not an accident that mass shootings have been steadily escalating.

Yes, that's it you idiot. I'm controlled by Beck even though I can't even remember the last time I watched him!

There used to bea time losers like you denounced civil rights abuses and the police state, but when you got the magic negro in charge everything was just perfect, because the magic negro can walk on water, and make water into an EBT card, and the TSA never do ANYTHING wrong!
You could argue that the Navy Yard killer was a patriot. He served in the Military. I guess he was "pissed off" about something but apparently he was a democrat so he is off the hook.
The LAX shooter was warned every day about socialism. So he took action against government.

He was successfully manipulated by the rightwing to believe that his country had been stolen.

So he blamed who he was manipulated to blame.

Whether right or left, this is exactly true.
You say this, yet posters like you, joeb, black lable are just giddy with joy every time one of thees happen. You just can't wait to post the shit you do. Never could understand that. Just sitting there for kids and woman to get shot to pieces on the news so you can post this crazy shiand your ilk disgust me. So go on, watch your news. Maybe a pre-k will get shot up so you got some news stuff to prattle on about.

Yeah and don't forget them telling me I'm not dying fast enough. That is a pretty routine statement from the left. No hate in that! Nah. Not one bit! LMAO. They fool only themselves.

Fuck them. They are the party ( here anyway) of hate. They should do the world a favor and drink bleach.

Zyclon B might be more effective for your purge. Might makes right comrade.
I am a patriot. I am a different kind of a patriot. I think my opinions are far more consistent with a love of my country than a guy who wants America to go to war with them there Iraqi bastards. I really hope we can stage an intervention to put America back on track. Right now, I'm worried about her.

Confessions of a Liberal Patriot | Listology
Chris Dorner said he too was a patriot
He also was an obama supporter.
A white right winger male did the shooting. I am for racial profiling now.
Sunshine wrote, "This guy doesn't fit the profile, Jake."

What profile? Yelling about terrorism and the NWO? The evidence of what he did at the LAX scene is clear: he was a crazy righty terrorist.

The Boston bombers were crazy leftist terrorists.

Anybody who thinks sanity is necessary for terrorism is very wrong.

Look at the loonies right and left on this thread.
A white right winger male did the shooting. I am for racial profiling now.

^One more.for dead people. So tell us, do you get off on all mass shootings, or do you enjoy the sandy hook/ colombine types more ?
"NWO" is more from the lexicon of the fringe conspiracy nutters who believe Bush was behind 9/11 than the Tea Party, though a slice may overlap a bit.
Those that believe the government was behind 9/11, want the people responsible brought to justice, they do not think we should secede from the union via armed insurrection, as many freaks on the right are inferring.

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