Layoffs due to Trump Tariffs


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2017
'Jane Hardy, the chief executive of a company that makes lawn-care equipment, says she had to lay off 75 employees this summer because of President Trump’s trade war. As she fights to keep her southern Indiana business going, Hardy is one of several manufacturers warning the White House that, unless they see relief from the tariffs soon, job losses will mount and factory closures are likely.'

'Hardy’s company, Brinly-Hardy, has been in business since 1839. It survived recessions and the Civil War, but it might not survive a prolonged trade war. Hardy buys steel from U.S. companies, but Trump’s tariffs on foreign steel have caused domestic prices to rise, as well. Steel costs have jumped 33 percent since the start of the year, and Hardy says her costs are up even more. She was hit again by Trump’s first round of tariffs on Chinese products that went into effect in early July, another hefty cost eating into her bottom line. Other products she imports and says she can’t get domestically are on a list for a second round of tariffs on China likely to go into effect later this summer.'

“We are collateral damage in this effort,” Hardy said. “We’re going to be in the same situation as the farmers of needing to save U.S. manufacturing.”

This is simple economics. Small and medium size businesses do not have the ability to amortize the higher cost or even the inability to get the steel and aluminum they need. The only way to cut costs is to layoff workers. More workers will be laid off as this continues. There are millions more workers who work in steel using industries than in steel producing industries. I would rather see employment increase in steel using industries rather than steel producing industries.

Layoffs from Trump tariffs are piling up. So are calls for more bailouts.
Construction is in a bind over wood and steel tariffs cost. Reinforcing steel for foundations has really gone up and nails and brackets too! People are cancelling building until the prices come down.
Construction is in a bind over wood and steel tariffs cost. Reinforcing steel for foundations has really gone up and nails and brackets too! People are cancelling building until the prices come down.


The only bind we're facing lately is that all the wet backs are running scarred and labor is harder to come by.

Too many millenials believed they needed to go to college rather than learn a trade and are siting around mom and dad's house with degrees in Gender Studies waiting for someone to call them and beg them to take a $100K a year job somewhere.
Finding good laborers is not difficult in today's world. This generation of young Americans is talented and is as hard working as anytime in our history.
Jeffersonville Indiana is less than 60 miles from both Nucor Steel and North American Stainless in Ghent Kentucky. Nucor is America's number one steel producer.

Millenium Forge is 12 miles away in Louisville, Ky. They cast steel parts.

So why the is Brinly&Hrardy having their steel and parts shipped halfway around the world to be assembled in the US?

Because Chinese labor makes $2 a day and American Steel Workers make $40 an hour!

This should underscore the need for Trump's crackdown.


Want to rebuild the middle class? We need more $40 an hour jobs and less $10 an hour jobs assembling parts made in China for pennies and assembled because assembled they couldn't fit enough in a shipping container.

Now we're outsourcing chicken processing to China...because it is cheaper to raise the chickens here, freeze them, ship them to China, thaw them, process them, freeze them again and ship them back!

Outsourcing Chicken Slaughtering To China Could Come With Safety Risks, Experts Say

What makes it cheaper? There's more freezing, more transportation costs, it's more time consuming...but it's cheaper...because Chinese workers can subsist on so much less than America workers...and there's no OSHA, no Unions, no Workman's Comp...

If liberals really cared about American workers, they would applaud Trump's efforts.

And trust me when I say Conservatives are no better when it comes to sabotaging initiatives that they would wholeheartedly agree with if their own party instituted it...but IMO, this is ridiculous.

Be happy that a President is attempting to bring off-shored jobs back to the USA. Just imagine for one minute that Obama was doing it. Would you be criticizing or supporting Obama tariffs designed to bring high paying middle class jobs back America?
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