Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

No reason for the poor little tykes to suffer...surely some bleeding heart liberals will come to their rescue financially... Lol

Don't look for help to come from Republicans and/or christians because the last thing they give a flying fuck about is hungry children. That's obvious from the posts here.
The word "responsibility" should be removed from the dictionary. No one is ever responsible and keeping the word around only creates hurt feelings and confuses the weak-minded.

Friggin pathetic.


rightwingers don't want women to have birth control

they don't want women to have sex ed

they don't want women to have reproductive choice

they don't want to feed hungry kids

they don't want to pay for job training and daycare so the women can get jobs that pay a living wage or education for decent jobs.

and they whine....

and whine.....

and whine......

Quit being whores and having 5 kids with 5 different thugs and we would not have to whine about supporting your lazy ass.

Quit lying about this woman.

And, even if your lies were true, why should children pay for the mistakes made by adults?
Irrefutable elephant in the room....the elephant that leftist do everything to ignore:

The "no strings attached" social programs of the 50's-early 90's....HAD DISASTROUS RESULTS.
There is no argument. We have irrefutable piles and piles of evidence to point to the obvious - never ending entitlements has the exact opposite result than intended.
So....therefore...this is not the answer and never will be.

You state this as though its fact and then post nothing to back up your opinion.

And, then you state, "there is no argument"??

Irrefutable elephant in the room....the elephant that leftist do everything to ignore:

The "no strings attached" social programs of the 50's-early 90's....HAD DISASTROUS RESULTS.
There is no argument. We have irrefutable piles and piles of evidence to point to the obvious - never ending entitlements has the exact opposite result than intended.
So....therefore...this is not the answer and never will be.

You state this as though its fact and then post nothing to back up your opinion.

And, then you state, "there is no argument"??


Such a juvenile, sophomoric - yet typical answer from someone like you.
Someone states an obvious fact that contradicts your opinion - "oh so you hate poor children"....what a weak, tired and wore out response.

You - "poor people need everything given to them for free because the poor children"
Opposing view - "we did that for 40 years and it was a disaster"
You - "you hate poor people" :cuckoo:
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No reason for the poor little tykes to suffer...surely some bleeding heart liberals will come to their rescue financially... Lol

Don't look for help to come from Republicans and/or christians because the last thing they give a flying fuck about is hungry children. That's obvious from the posts here.

What a bold face lie, we care about hungry children, that is not the issue. The responsibilities of this mother, the lack of fore thought before having 5 children as a single parent, the expectation of our society having to assume the responsibility of taking care of her but her 5 children for at least 18 yr / child, the failure to hold the fathers accountable for their actions and finally even people like you for being an enabler .... that is what has us mad as hell.

Then we get some sniveling bitch like you who wants to come in and paint us out to be the villains, get a dose of reality, learn to accept responsibilities for one's actions, learn to prioritize life's needs and finally get some self respect for ones self so that you do not feel like a burden on society ... wait most of you have no conscious and could give a shit about anyone but themselves and some poor unwanted baby that will eventually end up being victimized by this same loving and caring society.
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This just highlights how inept government is at overseeing their programs. While one family is let down due to stupidity, a drug dealer reaps the rewards from gaming the system. The inconsistency in which welfare is distributed is disturbing. Too many unqualified people are hired to do the job, just like Michelle's college bud being handed millions to fuck up a website. This is what happens when politicians hire their cronies.

The entire welfare system needs to be overhauled to ensure that those truly in need are helped and those gaming the system are kicked to the curb.

When will you Rightwingers get it through your skulls that food stamps fraud is RARE. Is it rare because people wouldn't want to mooch? No it's rare for two very important reasons.

1) The enrollment process is very thorough. Every asset a person signing up has must be accounted for. Above all else your income is thoroughly validated.

2) Theree really isn't much incentive to. If you make a comfortable living, the risk of being caught is no where near the benefits. These people get less than 150.00 a month. Anyone who tries to scam this program is an idiot for multiple reasons.

Food Stamp Fraud: Beneficiaries Illegally Sell EBT Cards On Craigslist, Social Media Sites
November 3, 2013 11:45 PM

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (CBS13) - It’s a welfare fraud scheme costing U.S. taxpayers $750 million a year. People are illegally selling their electronic food stamp cards on Craigslist and other social media sites for cash.

CBS13 found two people here in Sacramento, both with the same idea, using Craigslist as free advertising to blatantly and illegally sell their state benefits.

Our hidden cameras were rolling as a woman, who we’ll call Lorie, told our undercover producer about her brilliant idea to game the system for a quick buck.

“Everyone said I was crazy, but I thought they’d say, ‘that’s freaking brilliant, man,’ ” she said.

Another man, who we’ll call Joe, rolled up on a skateboard. He showed us his CalFresh card he illegally put up for sale on Craigslist.

“See, right now it still has $116 on it,” he told our undercover producer.

Rather than use that money for food like he’s supposed to, Joe offered to sell us the card for just $60 cash.

“I just need the money right now,” said Joe. “I moved back in with my mom.”

He promised to give us his pin number so we could use the card to buy groceries in any store that accepts EBT cards.

Joe said stores don’t check for any identification. He freely admits he’s done this before for family and friends. He told us not to worry, because we won’t get caught.

Lorie doesn’t even think what she’s doing is wrong.

“I feel justified in what I’m saying and what I’m doing,” she said.

She would use the cash for a car to get to work.

“I figure it this way, they’re already giving me the money, OK. I’m not making a profit. I’m not burning them. I’m not stealing from them,” Lorie said.

Not by a long shot, says Michael Weston with the California Department of Social Services.

“It’s against the law,” he said.

The CalFresh program is funded by taxpayers and serves more than four million Californians.

The annual cost of food stamp fraud nationwide, is three-quarters of a billion dollars. People attempting to buy or sell food stamps are breaking the law.
Food Stamp Fraud: Beneficiaries Illegally Sell EBT Cards On Craigslist, Social Media Sites « CBS Sacramento

Yep I bought into every word of your lies....

You people are so thick. I never said food stamps fraud never happened. I said it was rare. You citing an example accomplishes nothing. Nothing you have here discredits what I said.
The next GOP plank:

Sterilize the poor.

Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood. In Her Own Words "The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."

Margaret was so special to Hillary Clinton that she wrote her thesis on her. Don't EVER try to put Abortion and sterilize the poor on the GOP as we all know who started it and Why.
It was Margaret Sanger and the democrats that wanted to kill Black Babies.
Educate yourself idiot......
Tell me rightwingers, why should the children pay for their parents' irresponsibility?

I doubt you will get an answer from them.

Who do you think stocks those food kitchens & helps the needy?? It's Christians Not D & R.
But since most dems don't believe in god it's pretty much left up to conservatives.
You libs are always so willing to give away other peoples stuff. Only thing you support and give to is Planned Parenthood........
Food stamps should be ended, stupid mother should take more jobs or should have thought twice before creating such as a big, expensive family. Now, the average taxpayer can pay for it.
rightwingers don't want women to have birth control

they don't want women to have sex ed

they don't want women to have reproductive choice

they don't want to feed hungry kids

they don't want to pay for job training and daycare so the women can get jobs that pay a living wage or education for decent jobs.

and they whine....

and whine.....

and whine......

Quit being whores and having 5 kids with 5 different thugs and we would not have to whine about supporting your lazy ass.

Quit lying about this woman.

And, even if your lies were true, why should children pay for the mistakes made by adults?

They shouldnt, they should take away her kids because she is a unfit mother whore
The nerve of some people.

They should really be exercising their second amendment rights, Organize a militia, overthrow the government, set up a guillotine for all the rich oppressors and commence with the head chopping.

Refresh the tree of liberty!

If there is anything I would like most to see, this is it. The war to finally divide the US and put liberals in their place.

You realize your side would almost certainly lose, right? The problem is that those of you on the far whacked out right who believe stupid shit like this are actually quite small in number. Sensible people who fall somewhere in between all the crazies are not going to side with lunatics like you.

Does this number mean anything to you.....3% ?
Quit being whores and having 5 kids with 5 different thugs and we would not have to whine about supporting your lazy ass.

Quit lying about this woman.

And, even if your lies were true, why should children pay for the mistakes made by adults?

They shouldnt, they should take away her kids because she is a unfit mother whore

I musta blinked, I missed the part that qualifies you to judge the sex life of a woman you don't even know. Could you review that for me? TIA.
Quit lying about this woman.

And, even if your lies were true, why should children pay for the mistakes made by adults?

They shouldnt, they should take away her kids because she is a unfit mother whore

I musta blinked, I missed the part that qualifies you to judge the sex life of a woman you don't even know. Could you review that for me? TIA.

or what makes her unfit.... but he's a typical misogynist rightie.

which is why normal people don't vote for them.
She probably couldnt afford the first kid, nonetheless subjecting the rest of her litter to poverty and the care of the state....all because someone else ignored their responsibility to provide her with her right to free contraception...worthless maggot
They shouldnt, they should take away her kids because she is a unfit mother whore

I musta blinked, I missed the part that qualifies you to judge the sex life of a woman you don't even know. Could you review that for me? TIA.

or what makes her unfit.... but he's a typical misogynist rightie.

which is why normal people don't vote for them.

One can have all the kids and all the sex one wants, provided one can take care of said kids and take care of said sex life without the State and therefore the taxpayers paying for it.

And that goes for the daddies as well. Government should not be considered a Stepfather.
She probably couldnt afford the first kid, nonetheless subjecting the rest of her litter to poverty and the care of the state....all because someone else ignored their responsibility to provide her with her right to free contraception...worthless maggot

and... link to how you know that? Musta blinked again.

To paraphrase Jerry Lee Lewis -- Whole lotta assssssssssssuming goin' on.
In case you just came to this thread...and don't want to read all of the threads to catch up.
Most of the thread can be summarized to this:

Side A) People need to take responsibility for themselves, never-ending social programs are not the answer.
Side B) See? - Side A hates the poor.

That's it.
i love the conservative attitude of abortions are bad but damn you for having 5 kids....

yall need to pick a fucking side and stay on it....

could you imagine the poverty and welfare roles if all those abortions did not occur?

Fact of the matter is? Abortion is legal.

and unavailable or extraordinarily difficult to obtain in about 23 states.
i love the conservative attitude of abortions are bad but damn you for having 5 kids....

yall need to pick a fucking side and stay on it....

could you imagine the poverty and welfare roles if all those abortions did not occur?

Fact of the matter is? Abortion is legal.

and unavailable or extraordinarily difficult to obtain in about 23 states.

Bummer right...killing off the innocent is hard to come by in some states

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