Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

Do you have evidence that this woman (whichever one you refer to, I suspect they all look alike anyway) is "not inclined to work or exertion" or "has made choices not to work"?


Did you go ahead and call her (them) "parasites" in spite of this ignorance?


Are you thus making empty rhetorical points off the misfortunes of others?

Not exactly. You're making them out of completely imaginary scenaria that you went ahead and made up about them in lieu of facts.

Doesn't matter. Maybe I have an illness that prevents me from eating meat. Perhaps I can't find meat near by. Perhaps someone is denying me the ability to have meat.

What you just said, is completely irrelevant to the point I made.

If I don't eat meat, regardless of the reason, I'm a vegetarian. Because that's the definition of vegetarian, someone who doesn't eat meat.

A parasite is a parasite, regardless of whether they have made that a choice or not.

Technically a person who is mentally and physically handicapped, that has no option but to live off of others, is a parasite.

But that type, is a type I accept and support, because they are in a situation I accept as being dependent.

That still doesn't change what they are. They are living off of the work of others.

Just like this lady, or any other, that is living off of others, is.... living off of others.

You are what you are, regardless of if you have a choice in the matter or not. Did I choose to have white skin? No. But if you call me a whitey.... I am. That's what I am. If you call me a Crout. What is a Crout? Crout is a racial slang for a German. I'm 100% German blood. I'm a Crout. I am what I am. Did choose to be a Crout? No. But I still am.

You are.... what you are. If can't change what you are, that doesn't mean you cease to be what you are. If you do have the ability to change what you are, then that's up to you.

But you are a parasite if you live off of the work of others, and nothing you said changes this.

Besides that, we've already been over this before. Everyone CAN work. Period. No excuses.


Nick Vujicic

Vujicic graduated from Griffith University at the age of 21 with a Bachelor of Commerce, with a double major in accountancy and financial planning.

Successful guy, bought and sold realestate, and written a book, and has a DVD series.

Now that's what a guy with no limbs can do. And you are telling me these people, can't possibly find a job, and must be a parasite living on others?

I could list you dozens of stories, about blind people, and people with mental handicaps, all successful and working for their living. Yet somehow a full functional, able bodied person, is just too hindered by the same society these other successful people are thriving in, to work for their own food? Well, you are wrong. Period.

It does matter. Everything you post is based on a grand fallacy of hasty generalization. You're lumping the particular women in the OP story in with your assumptions. That's a fallacy, and a pretty elementary one. As long as you continue to base your reasoning on it -- you're wrong. By definition.

Only in leftard land, does one cease to be a vegetarian because they have no choice of food.

Words have definitions.... and they don't magically change because you are too stupid to buy yourself a dictionary. Grow up child. Become an adult, or get off the forum.
Doesn't matter. Maybe I have an illness that prevents me from eating meat. Perhaps I can't find meat near by. Perhaps someone is denying me the ability to have meat.

What you just said, is completely irrelevant to the point I made.

If I don't eat meat, regardless of the reason, I'm a vegetarian. Because that's the definition of vegetarian, someone who doesn't eat meat.

A parasite is a parasite, regardless of whether they have made that a choice or not.

Technically a person who is mentally and physically handicapped, that has no option but to live off of others, is a parasite.

But that type, is a type I accept and support, because they are in a situation I accept as being dependent.

That still doesn't change what they are. They are living off of the work of others.

Just like this lady, or any other, that is living off of others, is.... living off of others.

You are what you are, regardless of if you have a choice in the matter or not. Did I choose to have white skin? No. But if you call me a whitey.... I am. That's what I am. If you call me a Crout. What is a Crout? Crout is a racial slang for a German. I'm 100% German blood. I'm a Crout. I am what I am. Did choose to be a Crout? No. But I still am.

You are.... what you are. If can't change what you are, that doesn't mean you cease to be what you are. If you do have the ability to change what you are, then that's up to you.

But you are a parasite if you live off of the work of others, and nothing you said changes this.

Besides that, we've already been over this before. Everyone CAN work. Period. No excuses.


Nick Vujicic

Vujicic graduated from Griffith University at the age of 21 with a Bachelor of Commerce, with a double major in accountancy and financial planning.

Successful guy, bought and sold realestate, and written a book, and has a DVD series.

Now that's what a guy with no limbs can do. And you are telling me these people, can't possibly find a job, and must be a parasite living on others?

I could list you dozens of stories, about blind people, and people with mental handicaps, all successful and working for their living. Yet somehow a full functional, able bodied person, is just too hindered by the same society these other successful people are thriving in, to work for their own food? Well, you are wrong. Period.

It does matter. Everything you post is based on a grand fallacy of hasty generalization. You're lumping the particular women in the OP story in with your assumptions. That's a fallacy, and a pretty elementary one. As long as you continue to base your reasoning on it -- you're wrong. By definition.

Only in leftard land, does one cease to be a vegetarian because they have no choice of food.

Words have definitions.... and they don't magically change because you are too stupid to buy yourself a dictionary. Grow up child. Become an adult, or get off the forum.

Listen up, NOOB, you don't get to disinvite anyone here - you weren't here to invite them. Negged for your prior ignorant assed post.
Doesn't matter. Maybe I have an illness that prevents me from eating meat. Perhaps I can't find meat near by. Perhaps someone is denying me the ability to have meat.

What you just said, is completely irrelevant to the point I made.

If I don't eat meat, regardless of the reason, I'm a vegetarian. Because that's the definition of vegetarian, someone who doesn't eat meat.

A parasite is a parasite, regardless of whether they have made that a choice or not.

Technically a person who is mentally and physically handicapped, that has no option but to live off of others, is a parasite.

But that type, is a type I accept and support, because they are in a situation I accept as being dependent.

That still doesn't change what they are. They are living off of the work of others.

Just like this lady, or any other, that is living off of others, is.... living off of others.

You are what you are, regardless of if you have a choice in the matter or not. Did I choose to have white skin? No. But if you call me a whitey.... I am. That's what I am. If you call me a Crout. What is a Crout? Crout is a racial slang for a German. I'm 100% German blood. I'm a Crout. I am what I am. Did choose to be a Crout? No. But I still am.

You are.... what you are. If can't change what you are, that doesn't mean you cease to be what you are. If you do have the ability to change what you are, then that's up to you.

But you are a parasite if you live off of the work of others, and nothing you said changes this.

Besides that, we've already been over this before. Everyone CAN work. Period. No excuses.


Nick Vujicic

Vujicic graduated from Griffith University at the age of 21 with a Bachelor of Commerce, with a double major in accountancy and financial planning.

Successful guy, bought and sold realestate, and written a book, and has a DVD series.

Now that's what a guy with no limbs can do. And you are telling me these people, can't possibly find a job, and must be a parasite living on others?

I could list you dozens of stories, about blind people, and people with mental handicaps, all successful and working for their living. Yet somehow a full functional, able bodied person, is just too hindered by the same society these other successful people are thriving in, to work for their own food? Well, you are wrong. Period.

It does matter. Everything you post is based on a grand fallacy of hasty generalization. You're lumping the particular women in the OP story in with your assumptions. That's a fallacy, and a pretty elementary one. As long as you continue to base your reasoning on it -- you're wrong. By definition.

Only in leftard land, does one cease to be a vegetarian because they have no choice of food.

Words have definitions.... and they don't magically change because you are too stupid to buy yourself a dictionary. Grow up child. Become an adult, or get off the forum.

^^ posts a continuous string of the same fallacy, gets called on it, and then goes "oh yeah, well get the fuck out!" and "become an adult".

S .... M ... H ....
Only in leftard land, does one cease to be a vegetarian because they have no choice of food.

Words have definitions.... and they don't magically change because you are too stupid to buy yourself a dictionary. Grow up child. Become an adult, or get off the forum.

Listen up, NOOB, you don't get to disinvite anyone here - you weren't here to invite them. Negged for your prior ignorant assed post.

LOL. Are you implying that I care at all what you think? OH NO!! A Libtard doesn't like me! NOOOOO!!!!


Yeah.... When people like you, try to insult people like me.... it's more amusing, than insulting really.
It does matter. Everything you post is based on a grand fallacy of hasty generalization. You're lumping the particular women in the OP story in with your assumptions. That's a fallacy, and a pretty elementary one. As long as you continue to base your reasoning on it -- you're wrong. By definition.

Only in leftard land, does one cease to be a vegetarian because they have no choice of food.

Words have definitions.... and they don't magically change because you are too stupid to buy yourself a dictionary. Grow up child. Become an adult, or get off the forum.

^^ posts a continuous string of the same fallacy, gets called on it, and then goes "oh yeah, well get the fuck out!" and "become an adult".

S .... M ... H ....

Sorry, you need to grow up and learn to read a dictionary, before I care what you say anymore.
No, little boy, I was explaining to you your place in the greater scheme of things.
If I say Barb and Pogo are idiots, that a considered opinion. If I say the woman in the OP is a parasite, that's a fact.

That's reasonable.
If I say Barb and Pogo are idiots, that a considered opinion. If I say the woman in the OP is a parasite, that's a fact.

That's reasonable.

So how often do you visit this woman ---- from the Czech Republic -- that you would know?

And how much is the toll on that bridge? :ack-1:

Btw there are two women in the article. Odd that you can't even read that far, yet you know all about this woman's life. Whichever one you're talking about...

Anyway-- a meathead calling others "idiots" is a double negative. They cancel out.
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If I say Barb and Pogo are idiots, that a considered opinion. If I say the woman in the OP is a parasite, that's a fact.

That's reasonable.

Did someone help you with that? They left you on your own for the middle part, didn't they? No worries, the end caps weren't that much better. :itsok:
If I say Barb and Pogo are idiots, that a considered opinion. If I say the woman in the OP is a parasite, that's a fact.

That's reasonable.

So how often do you visit this woman ---- from the Czech Republic -- that you would know?

And how much is the toll on that bridge? :ack-1:

Btw there are two women in the article. Odd that you can't even read that far, yet you know all about this woman's life. Whichever one you're talking about...

Anyway-- a meathead calling others "idiots" is a double negative. They cancel out.
Pogo, I've never visited you or Barbie, but I strongly suspect I would be right anyway. Never visited the women in the OP, but I know I am right.

I've also never met Obama, but I know he's a terrible president. See how it works?
If I say Barb and Pogo are idiots, that a considered opinion. If I say the woman in the OP is a parasite, that's a fact.

That's reasonable.

So how often do you visit this woman ---- from the Czech Republic -- that you would know?

And how much is the toll on that bridge? :ack-1:

Btw there are two women in the article. Odd that you can't even read that far, yet you know all about this woman's life. Whichever one you're talking about...

Anyway-- a meathead calling others "idiots" is a double negative. They cancel out.
Pogo, I've never visited you or Barbie, but I strongly suspect I would be right anyway. Never visited the women in the OP, but I know I am right.

I've also never met Obama, but I know he's a terrible president. See how it works?

You can suspect to your heart's content; that's what opinion is. Fair enough. But without direct experience you don't know.

See how it works?

You don't have to visit a President to form an opinion on how he does his job. But that's not what you're doing with the woman (whichever woman); you're assessing her character and abilities --- neither of which can possibly be gleaned from a short article.

Now, if you knew this woman was employed on quality control for a product, and you kept receiving products that were defective, then you'd have actual evidence on which to base a conclusion.
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So how often do you visit this woman ---- from the Czech Republic -- that you would know?

And how much is the toll on that bridge? :ack-1:

Btw there are two women in the article. Odd that you can't even read that far, yet you know all about this woman's life. Whichever one you're talking about...

Anyway-- a meathead calling others "idiots" is a double negative. They cancel out.
Pogo, I've never visited you or Barbie, but I strongly suspect I would be right anyway. Never visited the women in the OP, but I know I am right.

I've also never met Obama, but I know he's a terrible president. See how it works?

You can suspect to your heart's content; that's what opinion is. Fair enough. But without direct experience you don't know.

See how it works?
I know. It's called cognition. If, or when you grow up you will understand.
If I say Barb and Pogo are idiots, that a considered opinion. If I say the woman in the OP is a parasite, that's a fact.

That's reasonable.

So how often do you visit this woman ---- from the Czech Republic -- that you would know?

And how much is the toll on that bridge? :ack-1:

Btw there are two women in the article. Odd that you can't even read that far, yet you know all about this woman's life. Whichever one you're talking about...

Anyway-- a meathead calling others "idiots" is a double negative. They cancel out.

Still doesn't matter.

The definition of a parasite is this:

"a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return"

I don't need to visit her. No one does. All we need to know, is if the she lives in such a way as to fit the definition above.

The fact you are too childish to figure this out, just reflects on you. Grow up. Get off the forum, or be an adult. If you are so immature you can't figure this out, then you are too immature to talk to adults.
Pogo, I've never visited you or Barbie, but I strongly suspect I would be right anyway. Never visited the women in the OP, but I know I am right.

I've also never met Obama, but I know he's a terrible president. See how it works?

You can suspect to your heart's content; that's what opinion is. Fair enough. But without direct experience you don't know.

See how it works?
I know. It's called cognition. If, or when you grow up you will understand.

No, it's called logic, and you both just flunked it. Again. Thanks for playin', better luck next time.
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You can suspect to your heart's content; that's what opinion is. Fair enough. But without direct experience you don't know.

See how it works?
I know. It's called cognition. If, or when you grow up you will understand.

No, it's called logic, and you just flunked it. Again. Thanks for playin', better luck next time.

From someone who can't figure out how to read a dictionary. Thanks for playin' Forest Gump. Maybe you'll grow up next time. (not that anyone hold much hope for that)

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