Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

Good to see that taxpayers got a break from having to feed this lazy black woman and her bastard kids for a few months. I'm sure she's missing all the steak and lobster every night because of this. Fuckin lazy people.

What bugs me is that no matter how many times those on the right say they are all for helping those in need, but would like more measures in place to encourage people to elevate and to limit the amount of fraud, waste and abuse, the left still acts like the right doesn't want to help people.

It's asinine and this is just another example of how they assume what people feel. If someone is going without, they automatically assume that the right will call them lazy, so the title reflects that flawed thinking.

No one denies help to those in need. Many do have a problem with young people being encouraged to go that route, thinking it'll be a good way to live. Allowing illegals to take welfare and allowing scammers, like the drug dealers, to take food stamps is just wrong. There could be more safeguards in place, but government is very bad at overseeing any of their programs. Look at the billions that are unaccounted for in the State Dept. And people should be expected to finish school and actively look for a job if they are able. It's not mean. It's all about really truly helping people by making their lives better in the long run rather than keeping them on the doles and at the mercy of government.

You're quite correct that blanket statements about entire political sides are bullshit. But within this thread, that kind of intolerance is EXACTLY what's going on. From the beginning several posters have jumped in with grand assumptions about these women they don't even know, right down to fabricated marriage histories and even sex lives. Fabrications they have absolutely no basis for.

And that's bullshit too.

So those that are here representing the right are feeding that very fallacy you're lamenting here. To the extent that the right gets blame for what you note above, you can thank these dishonest posters.

Yet you pass judgement on other posters in the same manner, stereotypical images all based on political sides ...

How about this statement :The woman is overwhelmed.
Can we agree on that??

How about this statement : Social services are last resort efforts meant to be used in times of dire need / emergency.
Can we agree on that??

So now we have a woman that is overwhelmed, has little if no chance of changing her situation without someone's help. The compassionate thing to do is feed her and the children, no qualms about that.

But are we really helping her?? Common sense says we as a society need to break her chains of dependency, did I or my constituents create these dependencies?? Well of course not, I would encourage individual advancement to break those chains of dependency.
How does that sit in your book?? Hard to get votes with honesty and the best interest of others in mind ... sometimes it takes being tough to get a person to a better place.

This story is about a broken system that is malfunctioning, no one even bothered with the truth of the matter, easier to sling mud and talk shit about the opposition. the system that she expected to take care of her and her kids, forced upon her by you left wingers. Now that there is a SNAFU, you think it is news?? Get a dose of reality, fix YOUR broken system, and teach the woman how to be self sufficient. Now if she is just not capable of that, then what do you suggest?? We take care of her for the rest of her life?? So if she is that incapable, do we take the children for their own good??

Wakeup folks, this woman and millions of others like her need help, she needs structure in her life, some schooling would be great, but most of all she needs to find some self respect and learn to prioritize.
What bugs me is that no matter how many times those on the right say they are all for helping those in need, but would like more measures in place to encourage people to elevate and to limit the amount of fraud, waste and abuse, the left still acts like the right doesn't want to help people.

It's asinine and this is just another example of how they assume what people feel. If someone is going without, they automatically assume that the right will call them lazy, so the title reflects that flawed thinking.

No one denies help to those in need. Many do have a problem with young people being encouraged to go that route, thinking it'll be a good way to live. Allowing illegals to take welfare and allowing scammers, like the drug dealers, to take food stamps is just wrong. There could be more safeguards in place, but government is very bad at overseeing any of their programs. Look at the billions that are unaccounted for in the State Dept. And people should be expected to finish school and actively look for a job if they are able. It's not mean. It's all about really truly helping people by making their lives better in the long run rather than keeping them on the doles and at the mercy of government.

You're quite correct that blanket statements about entire political sides are bullshit. But within this thread, that kind of intolerance is EXACTLY what's going on. From the beginning several posters have jumped in with grand assumptions about these women they don't even know, right down to fabricated marriage histories and even sex lives. Fabrications they have absolutely no basis for.

And that's bullshit too.

So those that are here representing the right are feeding that very fallacy you're lamenting here. To the extent that the right gets blame for what you note above, you can thank these dishonest posters.

Yet you pass judgement on other posters in the same manner, stereotypical images all based on political sides ...

Do I really.

Show me.

Single-parent Families in Poverty
Jacqueline Kirby, M.S.
The Ohio State University

One of the most striking changes in family structure over the last twenty years has been the increase in single-parent families. In 1970, the number of single-parent families with children under the age of 18 was 3.8 million. By 1990, the number had more than doubled to 9.7 million. For the first time in history, children are more likely to reside in a single-parent family for reasons other than the death of a parent. One in four children are born to an unmarried mother, many of whom are teenagers. Another 40 percent of children under 18 will experience parental breakup.

Ninety percent of single-parent families are headed by females. Not surprisingly, single mothers with dependent children have the highest rate of poverty across all demographic groups (Olson & Banyard, 1993). Approximately 60 percent of U.S. children living in mother-only families are impoverished, compared with only 11 percent of two-parent families. The rate of poverty is even higher in African-American single-parent families, in which two out of every three children are poor.

Effects on Children

Past research has indicated that children from single-parent families are more likely to experience less healthy lives, on the average, than children from intact families. For instance, children growing up with only one parent are more likely to drop out of school, bear children out of wedlock, and have trouble keeping jobs as young adults. Other consequences include risks to psychological development, social behavior, and sex-role identification.

However, recent reviews criticize the methodology of many of these studies which support the "deviant" model of single-family structures. Confounding variables, such as income and social class, explain a large portion of the negative findings. When income is considered, substantially fewer differences arise between the intellectual development, academic achievement, and behavior of children in single-parent and two-parent families. Lack of income has been identified as the single most important factor in accounting for the differences in children from various family forms (Casion, 1982; Lindblad-Goldberg, 1989; Amato & Keith, 1991).


Mother-only families are more likely to be poor because of the lower earning capacity of women, inadequate public assistance and child care subsidies, and lack of enforced child support from nonresidential fathers. The median annual income for female-headed households with children under six years old is roughly one-fourth that of two-parent families. However, the number of children per family unit is generally comparable, approximately two per household.

Child Care Costs

One of the major expenditures of single parents is child care. On average, a poor mother spends 32 percent of her total weekly income on child care. This percentage nearly doubles when more than one child needs care. For this reason, 65 percent of single parents are turning to informal, unpaid arrangements--such as extended family or neighbors--as alternatives to formal day care (Schmottroth, 1994). Although this form of child care may allow the single parent's limited income to be distributed across a greater set of needs (i.e., housing, clothing, food), quality of care may be sacrificed.

Poor, single, working parents often are forced to choose between quality and flexibility of child care arrangements. Many jobs offering adequate pay require long and/or irregular hours. For many single parents, this may mean using less well-trained or experienced child care providers who are working long hours or supervising too many children.

Approximately 53 percent of single mothers are not in the work force because they are unable to find affordable, quality, child care. The majority of these mothers have no high school diploma, leaving them with few job opportunities or jobs that pay only the minimum wage. Parents with two or more children often have little money left after paying taxes and child care. As a result, single parents are forced to stay home and apply for public assistance to ensure adequate housing, food, and medical coverage for their children.

African-American single mothers and their children may experience the most adverse consequences of unemployment because their earnings constitute a greater percentage of their total family income. The reasons cited for this disparity are that African-American mothers are less likely to awarded child support payments, to receive child support payments, or to have a second wage earner living in the household (Grossman & Hayghe,1982). Long-term unemployment markedly increases the likelihood of poverty, receipt of public assistance, negative life changes, and exposure to chronic, stressful conditions, such as inadequate housing and poor neighborhoods.

Poverty's Effects on Parenting

Income loss appears to affect the well-being of children indirectly through negative impact on family relations and parenting. Single parents experience a variety of stressors related to poverty (i.e., financial, emotional, social). The link between economic stress and mental health has been documented in various studies. Single mothers must obtain sufficient money to cover the most basic needs, such as food, shelter, and clothing.

Financial strain is one of the strongest predictors of depression in single parents. Higher levels of depression is predictive of more punitive disciplinary practices and decreased parental nurturance, support, and satisfaction with the parenting role (McLoyd et al., 1994). The chronic strains of poverty combined with task overload significantly increases vulnerability to new life stressors. Poor single mothers often experience a cycle of hopelessness and despair which is detrimental to both themselves and their children.

Overcoming Difficult Circumstances

Despite the seemingly insurmountable challenges facing poor single parents, many families have increasingly demonstrated themselves to be viable, well-adjusted, alternative family forms (Lindbald-Goldberg, 1989). Many are able to function well and to promote education, resourcefulness, and responsibility in their children. Successful single parent families have adopted more adaptive functioning styles including: 1) more available personal resources, which enhances their coping effectiveness; 2) better family organization, which balances household responsibilities and decreases task overload; 3) a positive family concept, which values loyalty, home-centeredness, consideration, communication, and closeness; 4) an ability to highlight positive events and place less emphasis on negative aspects of stressful events; and 5) possessing less stress-producing, supportive social networks.

For example, adaptive mothers demonstrated strong personal authority by controlling their schedules to allow more time for relaxing activities (i.e., dating, going to the movies, talking with friends, etc.). Adaptive families possessed a sense of control over their own destiny and perceived themselves as effectively dealing with the outside world. In addition, well-functioning families had less frequent contact with relatives and experienced more reciprocity within these support systems than did the less adaptive families.

Implications for Family Life Educators

While encouraging marriage is important, recognizing that women are increasingly raising children alone and are at a disproportionate risk for poverty is equally important. For many, especially those in abusive relationships, marriage or remarriage is not a viable solution. Policies are needed which will work to ensure the future health and well-being of single parents and their children.

Many opportunities exist for Family Life Educators to address these issues through proactive programming. The University of Wisconsin's Center for Families Studies (1993) outlines various ways to: 1) promote strong, stable, two-parent families and improve the quality of marriage through premarital education programs which focus on self-assessment and teaching skills for strengthening relationships (i.e., effective communication); 2) provide parenting education in elementary schools, colleges, churches, and court-mandated classes for divorcing parents; 3) advocate child support enforcement, children's allowances, welfare reform, and quality child care; 4) encourage job training and financial management education for teenagers and young adults; 5) provide educational programming to employers about workplace reforms which allow single parents to balance the competing demands of work and family; 6) educate and train local leaders to positively influence family-related legislation.

I know this will be a difficult read for most ...
I'm guessing you missed the highlight that was in #741, should be self explanatory.
That one is your post that I highlighted, isn't it??

I'm guessing reading comprehension is not high on your list of achievements.

What Clementine's saying is she's complaining about blanket generalizations. And she's right to make that complaint, and I said so. And I then proceeded to point out others doing the same thing. It's something I don't tolerate. and it's why I've been countering this bullshit as long as I've been in this thread. Specifically, one by one, calling out the poster who posted the bullshit.

So what exactly is your point again?
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I do not think it is nice to label the unfortunate lazy or parasites. I have been taught to respect all people.

Um... you are.... what you are..... whether someone tells you that or not.

If I fit pipes together, people call me a plumber. Why? Because I'm doing plumbing.

Well that's not nice!!!...... doesn't matter. That is what I am.

If I don't eat meat.... ever... I'm a vegetarian.

But I don't like that label! It's not nice to label people!

Doesn't matter. I am, what I am. If I don't want to be called a vegetarian anymore, the solution is simple. Go to the nearest steakhouse, and eat the biggest steak I can. I am now, no longer a vegetarian.

The only other option, is to sit around bitter because everyone is calling me what I am. That would make me look rather dumb and pathetic.

Stop calling me a vegetarian just because I never eat meat! I hate that!

See? Really dumb.

So let's see.... Lazy. "not inclined to work or exertion". Someone that can, but chooses not to.

So if you see someone who most obviously can work, but has made choices not to, what is that person? Does it matter if they don't like the 'label'?

Parasite. "a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others. "

So what is a person who receives support from tax payers without giving any useful or proper return? Does it matter that they don't like the 'label'?

You want to ditch those labels? GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND WORK, AND STOP BEING A PARASITE.

The moment you stop being those things, people will stop labeling you those things. It's as simple as that.
I do not think it is nice to label the unfortunate lazy or parasites. I have been taught to respect all people.

Um... you are.... what you are..... whether someone tells you that or not.

If I fit pipes together, people call me a plumber. Why? Because I'm doing plumbing.

Well that's not nice!!!...... doesn't matter. That is what I am.

If I don't eat meat.... ever... I'm a vegetarian.

But I don't like that label! It's not nice to label people!

Doesn't matter. I am, what I am. If I don't want to be called a vegetarian anymore, the solution is simple. Go to the nearest steakhouse, and eat the biggest steak I can. I am now, no longer a vegetarian.

The only other option, is to sit around bitter because everyone is calling me what I am. That would make me look rather dumb and pathetic.

Stop calling me a vegetarian just because I never eat meat! I hate that!

See? Really dumb.

So let's see.... Lazy. "not inclined to work or exertion". Someone that can, but chooses not to.

So if you see someone who most obviously can work, but has made choices not to, what is that person? Does it matter if they don't like the 'label'?

Parasite. "a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others. "

So what is a person who receives support from tax payers without giving any useful or proper return? Does it matter that they don't like the 'label'?

You want to ditch those labels? GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND WORK, AND STOP BEING A PARASITE.

The moment you stop being those things, people will stop labeling you those things. It's as simple as that.

See this Dr.? This is exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about. Poster comes in with vague unbased allegations of "parasite" on two women he's never met, whose story he doesn't know. Painting specific people with his broad generalization brush. This is exactly the kind of rhetorical horseshit I've been calling out here.

It's all summed up perfectly here, where poster appoints himself private investigator, judge and jury of an entire imaginary class:
The moment you stop being those things, people will stop labeling you those things

Get it?
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I do not think it is nice to label the unfortunate lazy or parasites. I have been taught to respect all people.

Um... you are.... what you are..... whether someone tells you that or not.

If I fit pipes together, people call me a plumber. Why? Because I'm doing plumbing.

Well that's not nice!!!...... doesn't matter. That is what I am.

If I don't eat meat.... ever... I'm a vegetarian.

But I don't like that label! It's not nice to label people!

Doesn't matter. I am, what I am. If I don't want to be called a vegetarian anymore, the solution is simple. Go to the nearest steakhouse, and eat the biggest steak I can. I am now, no longer a vegetarian.

The only other option, is to sit around bitter because everyone is calling me what I am. That would make me look rather dumb and pathetic.

Stop calling me a vegetarian just because I never eat meat! I hate that!

See? Really dumb.

So let's see.... Lazy. "not inclined to work or exertion". Someone that can, but chooses not to.

So if you see someone who most obviously can work, but has made choices not to, what is that person? Does it matter if they don't like the 'label'?

Parasite. "a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others. "

So what is a person who receives support from tax payers without giving any useful or proper return? Does it matter that they don't like the 'label'?

You want to ditch those labels? GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND WORK, AND STOP BEING A PARASITE.

The moment you stop being those things, people will stop labeling you those things. It's as simple as that.

See this Dr.? This is exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about. Poster comes in with vague unbased allegations of "parasite" on two women he's never met, whose story he doesn't know. Painting specific people with his broad generalization brush. This is exactly the kind of rhetorical horseshit I've been calling out here.

It's all summed up perfectly here, where poster appoints himself private investigator, judge and jury of an entire imaginary class:
The moment you stop being those things, people will stop labeling you those things

Get it?

You know, I would agree this particular poster is a very confused individual, but please don't make generalizations based solely on his actions ...
Um... you are.... what you are..... whether someone tells you that or not.

If I fit pipes together, people call me a plumber. Why? Because I'm doing plumbing.

Well that's not nice!!!...... doesn't matter. That is what I am.

If I don't eat meat.... ever... I'm a vegetarian.

But I don't like that label! It's not nice to label people!

Doesn't matter. I am, what I am. If I don't want to be called a vegetarian anymore, the solution is simple. Go to the nearest steakhouse, and eat the biggest steak I can. I am now, no longer a vegetarian.

The only other option, is to sit around bitter because everyone is calling me what I am. That would make me look rather dumb and pathetic.

Stop calling me a vegetarian just because I never eat meat! I hate that!

See? Really dumb.

So let's see.... Lazy. "not inclined to work or exertion". Someone that can, but chooses not to.

So if you see someone who most obviously can work, but has made choices not to, what is that person? Does it matter if they don't like the 'label'?

Parasite. "a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others. "

So what is a person who receives support from tax payers without giving any useful or proper return? Does it matter that they don't like the 'label'?

You want to ditch those labels? GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND WORK, AND STOP BEING A PARASITE.

The moment you stop being those things, people will stop labeling you those things. It's as simple as that.

See this Dr.? This is exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about. Poster comes in with vague unbased allegations of "parasite" on two women he's never met, whose story he doesn't know. Painting specific people with his broad generalization brush. This is exactly the kind of rhetorical horseshit I've been calling out here.

It's all summed up perfectly here, where poster appoints himself private investigator, judge and jury of an entire imaginary class:
The moment you stop being those things, people will stop labeling you those things

Get it?

You know, I would agree this particular poster is a very confused individual, but please don't make generalizations based solely on his actions ...


OK we're going all caps now -- maybe that will sink in...


Right back to where we started. SMH..
I do not think it is nice to label the unfortunate lazy or parasites. I have been taught to respect all people.

Um... you are.... what you are..... whether someone tells you that or not.

If I fit pipes together, people call me a plumber. Why? Because I'm doing plumbing.

Well that's not nice!!!...... doesn't matter. That is what I am.

If I don't eat meat.... ever... I'm a vegetarian.

But I don't like that label! It's not nice to label people!

Doesn't matter. I am, what I am. If I don't want to be called a vegetarian anymore, the solution is simple. Go to the nearest steakhouse, and eat the biggest steak I can. I am now, no longer a vegetarian.

The only other option, is to sit around bitter because everyone is calling me what I am. That would make me look rather dumb and pathetic.

Stop calling me a vegetarian just because I never eat meat! I hate that!

See? Really dumb.

So let's see.... Lazy. "not inclined to work or exertion". Someone that can, but chooses not to.

So if you see someone who most obviously can work, but has made choices not to, what is that person? Does it matter if they don't like the 'label'?

Parasite. "a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others. "

So what is a person who receives support from tax payers without giving any useful or proper return? Does it matter that they don't like the 'label'?

You want to ditch those labels? GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND WORK, AND STOP BEING A PARASITE.

The moment you stop being those things, people will stop labeling you those things. It's as simple as that.

See this Dr.? This is exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about. Poster comes in with vague unbased allegations of "parasite" on two women he's never met, whose story he doesn't know. Painting specific people with his broad generalization brush. This is exactly the kind of rhetorical horseshit I've been calling out here.

It's all summed up perfectly here, where poster appoints himself private investigator, judge and jury of an entire imaginary class:
The moment you stop being those things, people will stop labeling you those things

Get it?

Parasite. "a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others."

If you don't want to be labeled a parasite, then don't fit that description.
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Um... you are.... what you are..... whether someone tells you that or not.

If I fit pipes together, people call me a plumber. Why? Because I'm doing plumbing.

Well that's not nice!!!...... doesn't matter. That is what I am.

If I don't eat meat.... ever... I'm a vegetarian.

But I don't like that label! It's not nice to label people!

Doesn't matter. I am, what I am. If I don't want to be called a vegetarian anymore, the solution is simple. Go to the nearest steakhouse, and eat the biggest steak I can. I am now, no longer a vegetarian.

The only other option, is to sit around bitter because everyone is calling me what I am. That would make me look rather dumb and pathetic.

Stop calling me a vegetarian just because I never eat meat! I hate that!

See? Really dumb.

So let's see.... Lazy. "not inclined to work or exertion". Someone that can, but chooses not to.

So if you see someone who most obviously can work, but has made choices not to, what is that person? Does it matter if they don't like the 'label'?

Parasite. "a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others. "

So what is a person who receives support from tax payers without giving any useful or proper return? Does it matter that they don't like the 'label'?

You want to ditch those labels? GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND WORK, AND STOP BEING A PARASITE.

The moment you stop being those things, people will stop labeling you those things. It's as simple as that.

See this Dr.? This is exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about. Poster comes in with vague unbased allegations of "parasite" on two women he's never met, whose story he doesn't know. Painting specific people with his broad generalization brush. This is exactly the kind of rhetorical horseshit I've been calling out here.

It's all summed up perfectly here, where poster appoints himself private investigator, judge and jury of an entire imaginary class:
The moment you stop being those things, people will stop labeling you those things

Get it?

Is she living off the work of others? Yes or no.

Do you have evidence that this woman (whichever one you refer to, I suspect they all look alike anyway) is "not inclined to work or exertion" or "has made choices not to work"?


Did you go ahead and call her (them) "parasites" in spite of this ignorance?


Are you thus making empty rhetorical points off the misfortunes of others?

Not exactly. You're making them out of completely imaginary scenaria that you went ahead and made up about them in lieu of facts.
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See this Dr.? This is exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about. Poster comes in with vague unbased allegations of "parasite" on two women he's never met, whose story he doesn't know. Painting specific people with his broad generalization brush. This is exactly the kind of rhetorical horseshit I've been calling out here.

It's all summed up perfectly here, where poster appoints himself private investigator, judge and jury of an entire imaginary class:

Get it?

Is she living off the work of others? Yes or no.

Do you have evidence that this woman (whichever one you refer to, I suspect they all look alike anyway) is "not inclined to work or exertion" or "has made choices not to work"?


Did you go ahead and call her (them) "parasites" in spite of this ignorance?


Are you thus making empty rhetorical points off the misfortunes of others?

Not exactly. You're making them out of completely imaginary scenaria that you went ahead and made up about them in lieu of facts.

Doesn't matter. Maybe I have an illness that prevents me from eating meat. Perhaps I can't find meat near by. Perhaps someone is denying me the ability to have meat.

What you just said, is completely irrelevant to the point I made.

If I don't eat meat, regardless of the reason, I'm a vegetarian. Because that's the definition of vegetarian, someone who doesn't eat meat.

A parasite is a parasite, regardless of whether they have made that a choice or not.

Technically a person who is mentally and physically handicapped, that has no option but to live off of others, is a parasite.

But that type, is a type I accept and support, because they are in a situation I accept as being dependent.

That still doesn't change what they are. They are living off of the work of others.

Just like this lady, or any other, that is living off of others, is.... living off of others.

You are what you are, regardless of if you have a choice in the matter or not. Did I choose to have white skin? No. But if you call me a whitey.... I am. That's what I am. If you call me a Crout. What is a Crout? Crout is a racial slang for a German. I'm 100% German blood. I'm a Crout. I am what I am. Did choose to be a Crout? No. But I still am.

You are.... what you are. If can't change what you are, that doesn't mean you cease to be what you are. If you do have the ability to change what you are, then that's up to you.

But you are a parasite if you live off of the work of others, and nothing you said changes this.

Besides that, we've already been over this before. Everyone CAN work. Period. No excuses.


Nick Vujicic

Vujicic graduated from Griffith University at the age of 21 with a Bachelor of Commerce, with a double major in accountancy and financial planning.

Successful guy, bought and sold realestate, and written a book, and has a DVD series.

Now that's what a guy with no limbs can do. And you are telling me these people, can't possibly find a job, and must be a parasite living on others?

I could list you dozens of stories, about blind people, and people with mental handicaps, all successful and working for their living. Yet somehow a full functional, able bodied person, is just too hindered by the same society these other successful people are thriving in, to work for their own food? Well, you are wrong. Period.
I could list you dozens of stories, about blind people, and people with mental handicaps, all successful and working for their living. Yet somehow a full functional, able bodied person, is just too hindered by the same society these other successful people are thriving in, to work for their own food? Well, you are wrong. Period.

there are six applicants for every job right now.

your lack of understanding of that fact is beyond comprehension. And when you have kids you can't just go off and start a business.... with what? capital? funding?


only to rightwing extremists who are just peachy keen with subsidizing a gubmint hating thief who stole over a million dollars worth of grazing rights.

now THAT is a parasite.

and why does anyone give a rat's patoot about the picture and anecdote you posted.
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well you love peoples misfortune? I'll jump in with my own then!!Cannot wait for a tornado to wipe out a bunch entire white trash trailer parks, as the trash who should have provided a safer place for their family and kids to live. And its the season now or that, and when they beg for disaster relief , just tell em to take responsibility or their own families and we hope they learn their lesson for next time.

So, in your peabrain you equate natural disasters with continuing to have children you cannot afford to feed?
I could list you dozens of stories, about blind people, and people with mental handicaps, all successful and working for their living. Yet somehow a full functional, able bodied person, is just too hindered by the same society these other successful people are thriving in, to work for their own food? Well, you are wrong. Period.

there are six applicants for every job right now.

your lack of understanding of that fact is beyond comprehension. And when you have kids you can't just go off and start a business.... with what? capital? funding?


only to rightwing extremists who are just peachy keen with subsidizing a gubmint hating thief who stole over a million dollars worth of grazing rights.

now THAT is a parasite.

and why does anyone give a rat's patoot about the picture and anecdote you posted.

Shouldn't you be off chasing ambulances Ms. Faux Lawyer?

Is she living off the work of others? Yes or no.

Do you have evidence that this woman (whichever one you refer to, I suspect they all look alike anyway) is "not inclined to work or exertion" or "has made choices not to work"?


Did you go ahead and call her (them) "parasites" in spite of this ignorance?


Are you thus making empty rhetorical points off the misfortunes of others?

Not exactly. You're making them out of completely imaginary scenaria that you went ahead and made up about them in lieu of facts.

Doesn't matter. Maybe I have an illness that prevents me from eating meat. Perhaps I can't find meat near by. Perhaps someone is denying me the ability to have meat.

What you just said, is completely irrelevant to the point I made.

If I don't eat meat, regardless of the reason, I'm a vegetarian. Because that's the definition of vegetarian, someone who doesn't eat meat.

A parasite is a parasite, regardless of whether they have made that a choice or not.

Technically a person who is mentally and physically handicapped, that has no option but to live off of others, is a parasite.

But that type, is a type I accept and support, because they are in a situation I accept as being dependent.

That still doesn't change what they are. They are living off of the work of others.

Just like this lady, or any other, that is living off of others, is.... living off of others.

You are what you are, regardless of if you have a choice in the matter or not. Did I choose to have white skin? No. But if you call me a whitey.... I am. That's what I am. If you call me a Crout. What is a Crout? Crout is a racial slang for a German. I'm 100% German blood. I'm a Crout. I am what I am. Did choose to be a Crout? No. But I still am.

You are.... what you are. If can't change what you are, that doesn't mean you cease to be what you are. If you do have the ability to change what you are, then that's up to you.

But you are a parasite if you live off of the work of others, and nothing you said changes this.

Besides that, we've already been over this before. Everyone CAN work. Period. No excuses.


Nick Vujicic

Vujicic graduated from Griffith University at the age of 21 with a Bachelor of Commerce, with a double major in accountancy and financial planning.

Successful guy, bought and sold realestate, and written a book, and has a DVD series.

Now that's what a guy with no limbs can do. And you are telling me these people, can't possibly find a job, and must be a parasite living on others?

I could list you dozens of stories, about blind people, and people with mental handicaps, all successful and working for their living. Yet somehow a full functional, able bodied person, is just too hindered by the same society these other successful people are thriving in, to work for their own food? Well, you are wrong. Period.

It does matter. Everything you post is based on a grand fallacy of hasty generalization. You're lumping the particular women in the OP story in with your assumptions. That's a fallacy, and a pretty elementary one. As long as you continue to base your reasoning on it -- you're wrong. By definition.
well you love peoples misfortune? I'll jump in with my own then!!Cannot wait for a tornado to wipe out a bunch entire white trash trailer parks, as the trash who should have provided a safer place for their family and kids to live. And its the season now or that, and when they beg for disaster relief , just tell em to take responsibility or their own families and we hope they learn their lesson for next time.

So, in your peabrain you equate natural disasters with continuing to have children you cannot afford to feed?

If you cant feed em,dont breed em.
I could list you dozens of stories, about blind people, and people with mental handicaps, all successful and working for their living. Yet somehow a full functional, able bodied person, is just too hindered by the same society these other successful people are thriving in, to work for their own food? Well, you are wrong. Period.

there are six applicants for every job right now.

your lack of understanding of that fact is beyond comprehension. And when you have kids you can't just go off and start a business.... with what? capital? funding?


only to rightwing extremists who are just peachy keen with subsidizing a gubmint hating thief who stole over a million dollars worth of grazing rights.

now THAT is a parasite.

and why does anyone give a rat's patoot about the picture and anecdote you posted.


Ok, stop for a second.... let me get this straight....

I just posted the story of a guy born without any arms.... or legs... and yet is successful and productive citizen of society....

Yet that does not prove that this fully capable able bodied lady in the original story is equally capable of working, and that she really is stuck and unable to work.


Who is really a parasite is this Cliven Bundy, who has worked his whole life, as a rancher.

So the lady collecting tax payer money sitting on her couch with a cell phone, she's not a parasite.... but the dude working dawn till dusk, seven days a week, in 100º heat.... he's a parasite, not by collecting other people's money... no no, he's not doing that.... he's simply not paying 'grazing fees'.... and thus he's a parasite?

Really? That makes sense in your world?

The guy with no arms and legs, can work for a living, but the able bodied lady can not, and she's not a parasite for sitting there collecting our money, but the guy who works his whole life as a rancher, he's the parasite...............


Two things:

First, I disagree with the way Cliven Bundy is going about this, but at the same time, he has a point. I know of no place in the Constitution that allows the Federal government to own land, and charge it's citizens for usage.

The Nevada lands should have been turned over completely to the states, when they were created. Our Federal Government has no business leasing land to us the citizens. We're not supposed to be a fiefdom.

You want to talk about Monopoly of the corporations... have you looked at how boxed in the Federal Government has people like Cliven in Nevada?


See all that red? That's Federally owned land. Look at Nevada. The Federal Government has all the ranchers like Cliven, boxed in on a land monopoly. Cliven is right.

Lastly, about that "six applicants for every job" BS has been proven wrong numerous times.

There are thousands of jobs that are not posted. And many companies report difficulty in finding workers.

Why Companies Can't Find the Employees They Need -
The staffing company ManpowerGroup, for instance, reports that 52% of U.S. employers surveyed say they have difficulty filling positions

That's one of dozens. If there really were all these people fighting over each job, then why are more than half of all companies finding it difficult to find people? It's simply not true.

And we've heard this absolute crap before. In 1995 when they cut welfare and food stamps, the leftists said the same thing... "They can't find a job! There's 20 people for every job opening!".... 1996 came, and what a shock.... everyone found jobs. They didn't starve in the streets. They found work, and provided for themselves.

Do it again, and the same thing will happen.

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