Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

Why aren't those kids working? In the good old days, they would be changing spools of thread in the local textile mill.

Are you kidding? Pathetic parents these days, don't even make their kids clean up their room. Work? Crap, my parents had me shoveling snow, raking leaves, cutting grass, sweeping floors.

Today, you have kids showing up at a middle class school, and they haven't even taken a bath, or washed their hair.

Liberalism dude! You can't make your 15 year old even leave the XBox 360, without them thinking you are Adolf Hitler incarnate! Leftism man! No one works anymore! Working is for immigrants. We're Americans! If we have to lift even a finger for our IPhone 5 with nation wide coverage, just for making us do that, we're joining OWS, and we'll poop in a public park dude! We're not working?! Are you CRAZY?! This is Liberalism at it's finest! We're not doing jack for you, bubba!



Yeah, he was kidding. TMI dood. But you sure got some Hasty Generalization exercise in. :thup:

Yeah, because I was being completely serious. :eek: But at least I got some fairly accurate Generalizations in. :thup:
Pathetic doesn't begin to describe it. They even want their kids excused from taking tests at school because it stresses them out.
The most dysfunctional people I know call themselves Republicans. Family I know has FOX on all day and Rush on the radio.

The oldest is 25 now. Lives at mommys and has never had a job, a license or a girlfriend. The middle kid just had her first baby at 19. No job, black daddy with no job and they all live at Mommys house. The youngest is lost. If it wasn't for a friend of hers, I don't know what this young woman would do.

I guess follow in the footsteps of her siblings and her Republican Mom.

Yea, it sure is all Dems that don't do a very good job raising kids. One thing I do know, if the dumb bitch of a mom would turn off FOX and Rush, maybe she could help her kids up. Instead of down.
The most dysfunctional people I know call themselves Republicans. Family I know has FOX on all day and Rush on the radio.

The oldest is 25 now. Lives at mommys and has never had a job, a license or a girlfriend. The middle kid just had her first baby at 19. No job, black daddy with no job and they all live at Mommys house. The youngest is lost. If it wasn't for a friend of hers, I don't know what this young woman would do.

I guess follow in the footsteps of her siblings and her Republican Mom.

Yea, it sure is all Dems that don't do a very good job raising kids. One thing I do know, if the dumb bitch of a mom would turn off FOX and Rush, maybe she could help her kids up. Instead of down.
I guess you've never met the lovely Janette Simon and her 5 kids from different babydaddies.

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry
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The most dysfunctional people I know call themselves Republicans. Family I know has FOX on all day and Rush on the radio.

The oldest is 25 now. Lives at mommys and has never had a job, a license or a girlfriend. The middle kid just had her first baby at 19. No job, black daddy with no job and they all live at Mommys house. The youngest is lost. If it wasn't for a friend of hers, I don't know what this young woman would do.

I guess follow in the footsteps of her siblings and her Republican Mom.

Yea, it sure is all Dems that don't do a very good job raising kids. One thing I do know, if the dumb bitch of a mom would turn off FOX and Rush, maybe she could help her kids up. Instead of down.

Link or it didn't happen....
The most dysfunctional people I know call themselves Republicans. Family I know has FOX on all day and Rush on the radio.

The oldest is 25 now. Lives at mommys and has never had a job, a license or a girlfriend. The middle kid just had her first baby at 19. No job, black daddy with no job and they all live at Mommys house. The youngest is lost. If it wasn't for a friend of hers, I don't know what this young woman would do.

I guess follow in the footsteps of her siblings and her Republican Mom.

Yea, it sure is all Dems that don't do a very good job raising kids. One thing I do know, if the dumb bitch of a mom would turn off FOX and Rush, maybe she could help her kids up. Instead of down.

Link or it didn't happen....

A LINK to a family I know personally? That's not likely now is it? But no link does not change the fact I know this family and that the Mom is a staunch Republican and her family is as dysfunctional as any I have ever seen.

Link it up your ass.
The most dysfunctional people I know call themselves Republicans. Family I know has FOX on all day and Rush on the radio.

The oldest is 25 now. Lives at mommys and has never had a job, a license or a girlfriend. The middle kid just had her first baby at 19. No job, black daddy with no job and they all live at Mommys house. The youngest is lost. If it wasn't for a friend of hers, I don't know what this young woman would do.

I guess follow in the footsteps of her siblings and her Republican Mom.

Yea, it sure is all Dems that don't do a very good job raising kids. One thing I do know, if the dumb bitch of a mom would turn off FOX and Rush, maybe she could help her kids up. Instead of down.

Black daddy? Are you being racist?
The most dysfunctional people I know call themselves Republicans. Family I know has FOX on all day and Rush on the radio.

The oldest is 25 now. Lives at mommys and has never had a job, a license or a girlfriend. The middle kid just had her first baby at 19. No job, black daddy with no job and they all live at Mommys house. The youngest is lost. If it wasn't for a friend of hers, I don't know what this young woman would do.

I guess follow in the footsteps of her siblings and her Republican Mom.

Yea, it sure is all Dems that don't do a very good job raising kids. One thing I do know, if the dumb bitch of a mom would turn off FOX and Rush, maybe she could help her kids up. Instead of down.

Black daddy? Are you being racist?
I guess he was trying to stress how dysfunctional his family was, which is more than a bit racist. No child support on top of that.
The most dysfunctional people I know call themselves Republicans. Family I know has FOX on all day and Rush on the radio.

The oldest is 25 now. Lives at mommys and has never had a job, a license or a girlfriend. The middle kid just had her first baby at 19. No job, black daddy with no job and they all live at Mommys house. The youngest is lost. If it wasn't for a friend of hers, I don't know what this young woman would do.

I guess follow in the footsteps of her siblings and her Republican Mom.

Yea, it sure is all Dems that don't do a very good job raising kids. One thing I do know, if the dumb bitch of a mom would turn off FOX and Rush, maybe she could help her kids up. Instead of down.

Link or it didn't happen....

A LINK to a family I know personally? That's not likely now is it? But no link does not change the fact I know this family and that the Mom is a staunch Republican and her family is as dysfunctional as any I have ever seen.

Link it up your ass.

Damn...that was easy.:lol:
The most dysfunctional people I know call themselves Republicans. Family I know has FOX on all day and Rush on the radio.

The oldest is 25 now. Lives at mommys and has never had a job, a license or a girlfriend. The middle kid just had her first baby at 19. No job, black daddy with no job and they all live at Mommys house. The youngest is lost. If it wasn't for a friend of hers, I don't know what this young woman would do.

I guess follow in the footsteps of her siblings and her Republican Mom.

Yea, it sure is all Dems that don't do a very good job raising kids. One thing I do know, if the dumb bitch of a mom would turn off FOX and Rush, maybe she could help her kids up. Instead of down.
I guess you've never met the lovely Janette Simon and her 5 kids from different babydaddies.

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

Another thing about that article, it says the line outside the Catholic food pantry starts an hour before it opens. The line for our local foodbank starts 2 or 3 hours before it opens. The first in line get the best picks. Catholic charities here wouldn't help us when we were down and out even though my husband was baptized a Catholic. Because my kids and I weren't Catholic, they wouldn't help us at all. Made my friend mad because she's Catholic and told me to call them, certain they would help. Made me feel ashamed and embarrassed. They didn't even bother telling me where I could go for help, I had to find out on my own.

The more I see that article, the more mad I get. I've been through heck and managed to feed my kids, why are they letting theirs go hungry? There is no excuse, none at all.
Another thing about that article, it says the line outside the Catholic food pantry starts an hour before it opens. The line for our local foodbank starts 2 or 3 hours before it opens. The first in line get the best picks. Catholic charities here wouldn't help us when we were down and out even though my husband was baptized a Catholic. Because my kids and I weren't Catholic, they wouldn't help us at all. Made my friend mad because she's Catholic and told me to call them, certain they would help. Made me feel ashamed and embarrassed. They didn't even bother telling me where I could go for help, I had to find out on my own.

The more I see that article, the more mad I get. I've been through heck and managed to feed my kids, why are they letting theirs go hungry? There is no excuse, none at all.

And that is just wrong. Where is the compassion? I would have thought feeding hungry kids would be more important than the fact someone wasn't a Catholic.
The most dysfunctional people I know call themselves Republicans. Family I know has FOX on all day and Rush on the radio.

The oldest is 25 now. Lives at mommys and has never had a job, a license or a girlfriend. The middle kid just had her first baby at 19. No job, black daddy with no job and they all live at Mommys house. The youngest is lost. If it wasn't for a friend of hers, I don't know what this young woman would do.

I guess follow in the footsteps of her siblings and her Republican Mom.

Yea, it sure is all Dems that don't do a very good job raising kids. One thing I do know, if the dumb bitch of a mom would turn off FOX and Rush, maybe she could help her kids up. Instead of down.

Nice imagination.:cuckoo:
The most dysfunctional people I know call themselves Republicans. Family I know has FOX on all day and Rush on the radio.

The oldest is 25 now. Lives at mommys and has never had a job, a license or a girlfriend. The middle kid just had her first baby at 19. No job, black daddy with no job and they all live at Mommys house. The youngest is lost. If it wasn't for a friend of hers, I don't know what this young woman would do.

I guess follow in the footsteps of her siblings and her Republican Mom.

Yea, it sure is all Dems that don't do a very good job raising kids. One thing I do know, if the dumb bitch of a mom would turn off FOX and Rush, maybe she could help her kids up. Instead of down.

Nice imagination.:cuckoo:

Ask her for a link....:lol:
Another thing about that article, it says the line outside the Catholic food pantry starts an hour before it opens. The line for our local foodbank starts 2 or 3 hours before it opens. The first in line get the best picks. Catholic charities here wouldn't help us when we were down and out even though my husband was baptized a Catholic. Because my kids and I weren't Catholic, they wouldn't help us at all. Made my friend mad because she's Catholic and told me to call them, certain they would help. Made me feel ashamed and embarrassed. They didn't even bother telling me where I could go for help, I had to find out on my own.

The more I see that article, the more mad I get. I've been through heck and managed to feed my kids, why are they letting theirs go hungry? There is no excuse, none at all.

And that is just wrong. Where is the compassion? I would have thought feeding hungry kids would be more important than the fact someone wasn't a Catholic.

This is all speculation.... and I have no idea why they do what they do...

But let's theorize just for a moment.

Let's say you have a family of four, and you have $200 for food. Now it will be tight, but if you keep all the money reserved for just your family, you can all eat for the month.

But then someone comes and tells you they are starving, and have nothing to eat, and they need your limited resources of $200 to feed them.

Do you feed the stranger first, and let your kids and husband go hungry?

For most people, the answer is absolutely not. If you have extra left over, you might give them that, but you are going to feed your people first. And rightly so I might add.

The church I attend had a basketball court installed. They started a group that met on certain nights, played some games, had a prayer meeting, and then played games after prayer. They also opened the court to the public. A few people showed up and played, and that was great.

Pretty soon though, the court was completely over run with non-memebers, and the prayer group could never find an open court.

So they closed the court. Now members only are allowed on the court, without invitation.

Is that wrong?

I'm guessing that this Catholic charity has limited resources, like all charities. I would guess that they determined with limited resources, and plenty of Catholics in need of help, that they wanted to help their people first, instead of using up all the resources they have on non-catholics, and then having their own people turned away.

And honestly I think we all would do the same if the situations were reversed. If I only had a enough food for my family, I'm going to feed them first before a stranger. That's my duty has a husband.

Now again, this is all speculation. You can believe whatever you want. But that's my guess.

I have to admit, I don't understand this "entitlement to other's compassion" idea comes from. If you get compassion great. But it's not a right. If you ask for help, and someone says 'no', you have not been 'wronged'.

Quite frankly, I am in need of some help right now. I need $1000. Will you give me $1000? Or are you lacking compassion?
Another thing about that article, it says the line outside the Catholic food pantry starts an hour before it opens. The line for our local foodbank starts 2 or 3 hours before it opens. The first in line get the best picks. Catholic charities here wouldn't help us when we were down and out even though my husband was baptized a Catholic. Because my kids and I weren't Catholic, they wouldn't help us at all. Made my friend mad because she's Catholic and told me to call them, certain they would help. Made me feel ashamed and embarrassed. They didn't even bother telling me where I could go for help, I had to find out on my own.

The more I see that article, the more mad I get. I've been through heck and managed to feed my kids, why are they letting theirs go hungry? There is no excuse, none at all.

And that is just wrong. Where is the compassion? I would have thought feeding hungry kids would be more important than the fact someone wasn't a Catholic.

This is all speculation.... and I have no idea why they do what they do...

But let's theorize just for a moment.

Let's say you have a family of four, and you have $200 for food. Now it will be tight, but if you keep all the money reserved for just your family, you can all eat for the month.

But then someone comes and tells you they are starving, and have nothing to eat, and they need your limited resources of $200 to feed them.

Do you feed the stranger first, and let your kids and husband go hungry?

For most people, the answer is absolutely not. If you have extra left over, you might give them that, but you are going to feed your people first. And rightly so I might add.

The church I attend had a basketball court installed. They started a group that met on certain nights, played some games, had a prayer meeting, and then played games after prayer. They also opened the court to the public. A few people showed up and played, and that was great.

Pretty soon though, the court was completely over run with non-memebers, and the prayer group could never find an open court.

So they closed the court. Now members only are allowed on the court, without invitation.

Is that wrong?

I'm guessing that this Catholic charity has limited resources, like all charities. I would guess that they determined with limited resources, and plenty of Catholics in need of help, that they wanted to help their people first, instead of using up all the resources they have on non-catholics, and then having their own people turned away.

And honestly I think we all would do the same if the situations were reversed. If I only had a enough food for my family, I'm going to feed them first before a stranger. That's my duty has a husband.

Now again, this is all speculation. You can believe whatever you want. But that's my guess.

I have to admit, I don't understand this "entitlement to other's compassion" idea comes from. If you get compassion great. But it's not a right. If you ask for help, and someone says 'no', you have not been 'wronged'.

You're actually comparing hunger with choice of religion?? You're actually trying to make the case that somebody who's not of your chosen religion is less in need than one of your own faith who's equally hungry? You're actually comparing hunger with playing basketball?

Quite frankly, I am in need of some help right now. I need $1000. Will you give me $1000? Or are you lacking compassion?

If you're paid for this kind of logic, I can see why you're in a hole...


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