Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

If she went to a friend for help with a phone, why didn't she ask for food for her kids?

How do you know she didn't?

How do you know that friend didn't not only provide a phone but kept them fed in the transition? You don't.

I'm ready to condemn any woman who let's her kids go hungry. Do you think I wanted to sell my 1967 convertible mustang for less than 1/2 it's value? No, I had to feed my kids. Do you think I wanted to accept that Thanksgiving and Christmas basket from my friends church? No, I had to feed my kids. I cried, but I took that basket and was able to make several meals out of what was suppose to be just Thanksgiving dinner. Without my friend's and family, I would have been going door to door begging for food. I would have done anything to feed my kids and I believe all mothers should feel the same way. If they don't, they shouldn't be mothers. 3 years of hell but we made it, with the help of our friends and family and not one dime from the state with the exception of free medical care for my youngest autistic child. No I did not get ssi for him. We didn't qualify. He didn't get ssi until he was 19. My oldest, also autistic didn't get it until he was 21.

Now why on earth do you think this mother should get a pass on feeding her kids? Don't you think those kids deserve to have a full stomach? Why do you condemn them to live with a person who doesn't do what's best for them, but instead does what's best for her? Pride doesn't feed your kids. Get rid of it and feed you children, that's your job as a parent.

Where did I say "she should get a pass"?? WHERE?

I don't presume to know what she should get; I'm pointing out that there are a whole lot of assumptions going on in here that have no basis. And that's still true.

Just as you've now made an assumption about me -- with no basis whatsoever.

The difference is I'm honest enough to say I don't know enough to preach to either of these women my idea of what they "should" be doing on the basis of no info. That's bullshit.

The article says the kids are hungry. Is it safe to assume that they're hungry? Are you telling me that a friend gave her kids food and their still hungry and she's crying to the government for help? What the heck kind of person are you? Defending a woman who let's her kids go hungry then claiming you're not?

I cannot "defend" these women; I don't claim to know them. That's the difference-- you do.

Like 90 percent of my posts here Sheila, I'm not attacking or defending a topic here; I'm defending logic. Making assumptions one has no basis for is a fallacy I call Argumentum ad Bullshitium. I shoot fallacies, and this thread with its sexist and racist blanket generalizations is absolutely swimming in them.
How do you know she didn't?

How do you know that friend didn't not only provide a phone but kept them fed in the transition? You don't.

Where did I say "she should get a pass"?? WHERE?

I don't presume to know what she should get; I'm pointing out that there are a whole lot of assumptions going on in here that have no basis. And that's still true.

Just as you've now made an assumption about me -- with no basis whatsoever.

The difference is I'm honest enough to say I don't know enough to preach to either of these women my idea of what they "should" be doing on the basis of no info. That's bullshit.

The article says the kids are hungry. Is it safe to assume that they're hungry? Are you telling me that a friend gave her kids food and their still hungry and she's crying to the government for help? What the heck kind of person are you? Defending a woman who let's her kids go hungry then claiming you're not?

I cannot "defend" these women; I don't claim to know them. That's the difference-- you do.

Like 90 percent of my posts here Sheila, I'm not attacking or defending a topic here; I'm defending logic. Making assumptions one has no basis for is a fallacy I call Argumentum ad Bullshitium. I shoot fallacies, and this thread with its sexist and racist blanket generalizations is absolutely swimming in them.

I'm a mom, I'm attacking another mother who let's her kids go hungry. Perhaps, if you were a mom, you'd know better.
Maybe they even deserve someone who knows pure satire when they see it. Don't be so gullible.

What makes you think it's satire? What did she say that isn't true?

You're serious??

Why would anyone make a video like that and mean it straight? Think about it.

I give out lunches every week to the needy. One young girl is exactly like the one on youtube and she means it. Answer the question, what did she say that isn't true?
The article says the kids are hungry. Is it safe to assume that they're hungry? Are you telling me that a friend gave her kids food and their still hungry and she's crying to the government for help? What the heck kind of person are you? Defending a woman who let's her kids go hungry then claiming you're not?

I cannot "defend" these women; I don't claim to know them. That's the difference-- you do.

Like 90 percent of my posts here Sheila, I'm not attacking or defending a topic here; I'm defending logic. Making assumptions one has no basis for is a fallacy I call Argumentum ad Bullshitium. I shoot fallacies, and this thread with its sexist and racist blanket generalizations is absolutely swimming in them.

I'm a mom, I'm attacking another mother who let's her kids go hungry. Perhaps, if you were a mom, you'd know better.

I can read the story like anyone else, and I know what's there -- and what isn't.
What makes you think it's satire? What did she say that isn't true?

You're serious??

Why would anyone make a video like that and mean it straight? Think about it.

I give out lunches every week to the needy. One young girl is exactly like the one on youtube and she means it. Answer the question, what did she say that isn't true?

What she's saying, whether satire or serious, is opinion. Value judgments. Those by definition cannot be true or false.
The delivery is dripping with satire. Again, for what reason would anybody make such a video as other than a joke?
I cannot "defend" these women; I don't claim to know them. That's the difference-- you do.

Like 90 percent of my posts here Sheila, I'm not attacking or defending a topic here; I'm defending logic. Making assumptions one has no basis for is a fallacy I call Argumentum ad Bullshitium. I shoot fallacies, and this thread with its sexist and racist blanket generalizations is absolutely swimming in them.

I'm a mom, I'm attacking another mother who let's her kids go hungry. Perhaps, if you were a mom, you'd know better.

I can read the story like anyone else, and I know what's there -- and what isn't.

Then you know, she's a mother and she's letting her kids go hungry. Yet you defend the hell out of her. I don't get it. No mother should ever let her kids go hungry and I don't care what she has to do. You apparently have no feelings for the kids whatsoever, but all kinds of sympathy for the mother.
I'm a mom, I'm attacking another mother who let's her kids go hungry. Perhaps, if you were a mom, you'd know better.

I can read the story like anyone else, and I know what's there -- and what isn't.

Then you know, she's a mother and she's letting her kids go hungry. Yet you defend the hell out of her. I don't get it. No mother should ever let her kids go hungry and I don't care what she has to do. You apparently have no feelings for the kids whatsoever, but all kinds of sympathy for the mother.

I cannot have feelings of sympathy (or anyone else) for someone whose situation I'm in no position to know. Not possible.

I can however attack bad logic. And there's more than enough to chew on here. I don't profess to know what she's done or hasn't done. I just know that there's a lot of crapola brought in here about multiple fathers and sluts and condoms and even a thumb in the eye of linear time with "she should have thought of that before she had five kids". And that's a complete crock, and I'll continue to point out that it's a complete crock, thank you very much.
Yeah, that was the point, the bullshit logic assuming knowledge of some stranger's sexual history based on nothing. That's pure misogyny. Well maybe not 'pure'; considering some of the comments it could be racist too. I have to wonder if these arrogant misogynists would have come up with the same scenario if the woman was white. They seem to indicate they would not.

OK but you're also making an assumption with "too lazy to do what it takes", since the article really doesn't go into what she's doing on that front. Sure there are other resources, at least one of them referenced and pictured in the article, but the fact that resources exist doesn't automatically mean they always work.

I'm not really sure that 'whoring herself' might be the best care of her children though.

If that's what it takes to feed the kids, that's what she needs to do. Last resort of course. And yes, if she's not doing what it takes to feed the kids, she's either lazy or heartless, take your pick.

You're actually saying it's not possible to make an attempt at something, and fail?

Of course it is. If you make an attempt to be CEO of a company, you may fail to do that.

But if your saying it's not possible to buy a bucket, a mop, some towels, rags and cleaning soap, and go to the nearest realestate agent, and pass out a box of $10 business cards saying "Clean houses" Phone number, address, and your name.... you are crazy.

The only way you can fail at that, is because you just don't want to get your fat ass away from the TV, and would rather the tax payers pay for your big butt to sit on a couch somewhere.
The article says the kids are hungry. Is it safe to assume that they're hungry? Are you telling me that a friend gave her kids food and their still hungry and she's crying to the government for help? What the heck kind of person are you? Defending a woman who let's her kids go hungry then claiming you're not?

I cannot "defend" these women; I don't claim to know them. That's the difference-- you do.

Like 90 percent of my posts here Sheila, I'm not attacking or defending a topic here; I'm defending logic. Making assumptions one has no basis for is a fallacy I call Argumentum ad Bullshitium. I shoot fallacies, and this thread with its sexist and racist blanket generalizations is absolutely swimming in them.

I'm a mom, I'm attacking another mother who let's her kids go hungry. Perhaps, if you were a mom, you'd know better.

You see that post there? That's what a responsible mother sounds like.
If that's what it takes to feed the kids, that's what she needs to do. Last resort of course. And yes, if she's not doing what it takes to feed the kids, she's either lazy or heartless, take your pick.

You're actually saying it's not possible to make an attempt at something, and fail?

Of course it is. If you make an attempt to be CEO of a company, you may fail to do that.

Agreed. That's my point.

But if your saying it's not possible to buy a bucket, a mop, some towels, rags and cleaning soap, and go to the nearest realestate agent, and pass out a box of $10 business cards saying "Clean houses" Phone number, address, and your name.... you are crazy.

The only way you can fail at that, is because you just don't want to get your fat ass away from the TV, and would rather the tax payers pay for your big butt to sit on a couch somewhere.

No, I'm not saying that; I'm saying that scenario has just been made up on a message board out of thin air, hence that's exactly what it's worth.

I don't know that all of that didn't happen. But by the same token, none of you know that it did.

Why aren't those kids working? In the good old days, they would be changing spools of thread in the local textile mill.
[ame=]Chicago Riots EBT LInk Card Shut Down - YouTube[/ame]
You're actually saying it's not possible to make an attempt at something, and fail?

Of course it is. If you make an attempt to be CEO of a company, you may fail to do that.

Agreed. That's my point.

But if your saying it's not possible to buy a bucket, a mop, some towels, rags and cleaning soap, and go to the nearest realestate agent, and pass out a box of $10 business cards saying "Clean houses" Phone number, address, and your name.... you are crazy.

The only way you can fail at that, is because you just don't want to get your fat ass away from the TV, and would rather the tax payers pay for your big butt to sit on a couch somewhere.

No, I'm not saying that; I'm saying that scenario has just been made up on a message board out of thin air, hence that's exactly what it's worth.

I don't know that all of that didn't happen. But by the same token, none of you know that it did.


No, you fail. There is no possible way that this lady could fail if she was willing to do what is needed to feed her kids herself. Not possible. I just outlined something she could do in 5 minutes, that could earn an income needed to feed herself and her kids.

Here's the other side to this.... we already have illegal immigrants in this country, that come here, without the ability to speak english... and yet THEY can get a job, and feed there kids here. So much so, we have a huge illegal immigration problem.

So apparently the uneducated, non-english speaking, illegals who have to skirt the law.... can get jobs and feed there kids............ but the lady here with public education that speaks English and can work legally.... she can't and we have to support her.

I'm sorry.... there is no excuse for this. There is no rational, intelligent excuse you can come up with, that is valid. None. Zero.

The best you can say is that the socialized government funded public education is SO BAD, that now people with zero education have a better chance at getting a job?
Why aren't those kids working? In the good old days, they would be changing spools of thread in the local textile mill.

Are you kidding? Pathetic parents these days, don't even make their kids clean up their room. Work? Crap, my parents had me shoveling snow, raking leaves, cutting grass, sweeping floors.

Today, you have kids showing up at a middle class school, and they haven't even taken a bath, or washed their hair.

Liberalism dude! You can't make your 15 year old even leave the XBox 360, without them thinking you are Adolf Hitler incarnate! Leftism man! No one works anymore! Working is for immigrants. We're Americans! If we have to lift even a finger for our IPhone 5 with nation wide coverage, just for making us do that, we're joining OWS, and we'll poop in a public park dude! We're not working?! Are you CRAZY?! This is Liberalism at it's finest! We're not doing jack for you, bubba!


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Of course it is. If you make an attempt to be CEO of a company, you may fail to do that.

Agreed. That's my point.

But if your saying it's not possible to buy a bucket, a mop, some towels, rags and cleaning soap, and go to the nearest realestate agent, and pass out a box of $10 business cards saying "Clean houses" Phone number, address, and your name.... you are crazy.

The only way you can fail at that, is because you just don't want to get your fat ass away from the TV, and would rather the tax payers pay for your big butt to sit on a couch somewhere.

No, I'm not saying that; I'm saying that scenario has just been made up on a message board out of thin air, hence that's exactly what it's worth.

I don't know that all of that didn't happen. But by the same token, none of you know that it did.


No, you fail. There is no possible way that this lady could fail if she was willing to do what is needed to feed her kids herself. Not possible. I just outlined something she could do in 5 minutes, that could earn an income needed to feed herself and her kids.

Your failure's in bold right there. Appeal to Incredulity (assumption). I don't think you're God with knowledge of everything. If you are, how come you can't spell "Andrew"?

You self-delusionoids sure are dense. Keep on committing the same fallacy over and over and expect different results. :cuckoo:

Here's the other side to this.... we already have illegal immigrants in this country, that come here, without the ability to speak english... and yet THEY can get a job, and feed there kids here. So much so, we have a huge illegal immigration problem.

Again -- fabricated generalization. Which is put there to set up:

So apparently the uneducated, non-english speaking, illegals who have to skirt the law.... can get jobs and feed there kids............ but the lady here with public education that speaks English and can work legally.... she can't and we have to support her.

a Strawman.

I'm sorry.... there is no excuse for this. There is no rational, intelligent excuse you can come up with, that is valid. None. Zero.

Correction: there's no excuse for your strawman, that you know. But since you're not God, you'll just have to dine on humble pie.

The best you can say is that the socialized government funded public education is SO BAD, that now people with zero education have a better chance at getting a job?

Red herring, based on your own strawman. Education isn't part of the story.

Here's a handy list. There must be one or two you haven't tried yet.
Why aren't those kids working? In the good old days, they would be changing spools of thread in the local textile mill.

Are you kidding? Pathetic parents these days, don't even make their kids clean up their room. Work? Crap, my parents had me shoveling snow, raking leaves, cutting grass, sweeping floors.

Today, you have kids showing up at a middle class school, and they haven't even taken a bath, or washed their hair.

Liberalism dude! You can't make your 15 year old even leave the XBox 360, without them thinking you are Adolf Hitler incarnate! Leftism man! No one works anymore! Working is for immigrants. We're Americans! If we have to lift even a finger for our IPhone 5 with nation wide coverage, just for making us do that, we're joining OWS, and we'll poop in a public park dude! We're not working?! Are you CRAZY?! This is Liberalism at it's finest! We're not doing jack for you, bubba!



Yeah, he was kidding. TMI dood. But you sure got some Hasty Generalization exercise in. :thup:
Agreed. That's my point.

No, I'm not saying that; I'm saying that scenario has just been made up on a message board out of thin air, hence that's exactly what it's worth.

I don't know that all of that didn't happen. But by the same token, none of you know that it did.


No, you fail. There is no possible way that this lady could fail if she was willing to do what is needed to feed her kids herself. Not possible. I just outlined something she could do in 5 minutes, that could earn an income needed to feed herself and her kids.

Your failure's in bold right there. Appeal to Incredulity (assumption). I don't think you're God with knowledge of everything. If you are, how come you can't spell "Andrew"?

You self-delusionoids sure are dense. Keep on committing the same fallacy over and over and expect different results. :cuckoo:

Again -- fabricated generalization. Which is put there to set up:

a Strawman.

I'm sorry.... there is no excuse for this. There is no rational, intelligent excuse you can come up with, that is valid. None. Zero.

Correction: there's no excuse for your strawman, that you know. But since you're not God, you'll just have to dine on humble pie.

The best you can say is that the socialized government funded public education is SO BAD, that now people with zero education have a better chance at getting a job?

Red herring, based on your own strawman. Education isn't part of the story.

Here's a handy list. There must be one or two you haven't tried yet.

I'm sorry but you didn't actually say anything of value. Thanks for stopping by.

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