Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

WAKE FOREST, N.C. -- Janette Simon has four chicken legs and five kids to feed.

Her freezer is bare. And her latest trip to the food pantry yielded little else for dinner this night: a bag of day-old croissants, a box of Corn Flakes, and some canned goods.

She slathers barbecue sauce on the chicken, slides the pan in the oven, and begins her nightly ritual of distracting her five children from hunger.

The 44-year-old single mother often skips dinner herself. She hides Ramen noodle packets in her closet to ration food. She tells her two youngest kids to play outside “so they ain’t thinking about eating.”

“That’s what I have to worry about,” she says. “I gotta look at these kids with their sad faces and no food.”

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

Good to see that taxpayers got a break from having to feed this lazy black woman and her bastard kids for a few months. I'm sure she's missing all the steak and lobster every night because of this. Fuckin lazy people.
Who has the responsibility to make sure these kids have food - her, or you?
Do you honestly think an article designed to elicit the bleeding of hearts is not going to be titled "Iraqi War Widow..."?

I despair the inability of critical thought. Hackneyed, I know, but it's not exactly rocket science.

Yea, I'm pretty sure it would have been mentioned. Still I was trying to give an example. You don't know that she had 5 kids by different fathers or that she wasn't married. She could be divorced, she could be widowed. Unless it says differently in the article, assuming doesn't help.

Yeah, that was the point, the bullshit logic assuming knowledge of some stranger's sexual history based on nothing. That's pure misogyny. Well maybe not 'pure'; considering some of the comments it could be racist too. I have to wonder if these arrogant misogynists would have come up with the same scenario if the woman was white. They seem to indicate they would not.

What we do know is that she had 5 kids and isn't feeding them. They are going hungry and that's wrong. Every parents job is to make sure their kids are healthy and well fed. I don't care how she has to do it, but it's her job to get those kids fed. The fact that she is failing is telling. You can't count on the government, anyone that does is an idiot. I don't think that woman is an idiot. I think she's too lazy to do what it takes to feed her kids. Like I said, churches, friends, families, even door to door, there are tons of ways to get help and if that fails, then she can whore herself. Whatever it takes to feed her kids, she's got to do it, that's her job as a mom.

OK but you're also making an assumption with "too lazy to do what it takes", since the article really doesn't go into what she's doing on that front. Sure there are other resources, at least one of them referenced and pictured in the article, but the fact that resources exist doesn't automatically mean they always work.

I'm not really sure that 'whoring herself' might be the best care of her children though.

If that's what it takes to feed the kids, that's what she needs to do. Last resort of course. And yes, if she's not doing what it takes to feed the kids, she's either lazy or heartless, take your pick.
Yea, I'm pretty sure it would have been mentioned. Still I was trying to give an example. You don't know that she had 5 kids by different fathers or that she wasn't married. She could be divorced, she could be widowed. Unless it says differently in the article, assuming doesn't help.

Yeah, that was the point, the bullshit logic assuming knowledge of some stranger's sexual history based on nothing. That's pure misogyny. Well maybe not 'pure'; considering some of the comments it could be racist too. I have to wonder if these arrogant misogynists would have come up with the same scenario if the woman was white. They seem to indicate they would not.

What we do know is that she had 5 kids and isn't feeding them. They are going hungry and that's wrong. Every parents job is to make sure their kids are healthy and well fed. I don't care how she has to do it, but it's her job to get those kids fed. The fact that she is failing is telling. You can't count on the government, anyone that does is an idiot. I don't think that woman is an idiot. I think she's too lazy to do what it takes to feed her kids. Like I said, churches, friends, families, even door to door, there are tons of ways to get help and if that fails, then she can whore herself. Whatever it takes to feed her kids, she's got to do it, that's her job as a mom.

OK but you're also making an assumption with "too lazy to do what it takes", since the article really doesn't go into what she's doing on that front. Sure there are other resources, at least one of them referenced and pictured in the article, but the fact that resources exist doesn't automatically mean they always work.

I'm not really sure that 'whoring herself' might be the best care of her children though.

If that's what it takes to feed the kids, that's what she needs to do. Last resort of course. And yes, if she's not doing what it takes to feed the kids, she's either lazy or heartless, take your pick.

This will freak out the Christians here..... but I have a higher view of prostitutes, doing what they do for their family, than these cheap girls that have sex with their boyfriend for free.

If she really honestly can't possibly find a job, and she becomes a prostitute to feed her kids, I would actually view that positively. She knows she has enough value to charge, and is doing what she must to make ends meet.

Sacrifice and being an adult, go hand in hand.

Sitting on your ass, watching TV, and texting on your phone.... waiting for tax payers to bail out your kids...... no that's not sacrifice, or being an adult. That's being irresponsible.
Yea, I'm pretty sure it would have been mentioned. Still I was trying to give an example. You don't know that she had 5 kids by different fathers or that she wasn't married. She could be divorced, she could be widowed. Unless it says differently in the article, assuming doesn't help.

Yeah, that was the point, the bullshit logic assuming knowledge of some stranger's sexual history based on nothing. That's pure misogyny. Well maybe not 'pure'; considering some of the comments it could be racist too. I have to wonder if these arrogant misogynists would have come up with the same scenario if the woman was white. They seem to indicate they would not.

What we do know is that she had 5 kids and isn't feeding them. They are going hungry and that's wrong. Every parents job is to make sure their kids are healthy and well fed. I don't care how she has to do it, but it's her job to get those kids fed. The fact that she is failing is telling. You can't count on the government, anyone that does is an idiot. I don't think that woman is an idiot. I think she's too lazy to do what it takes to feed her kids. Like I said, churches, friends, families, even door to door, there are tons of ways to get help and if that fails, then she can whore herself. Whatever it takes to feed her kids, she's got to do it, that's her job as a mom.

OK but you're also making an assumption with "too lazy to do what it takes", since the article really doesn't go into what she's doing on that front. Sure there are other resources, at least one of them referenced and pictured in the article, but the fact that resources exist doesn't automatically mean they always work.

I'm not really sure that 'whoring herself' might be the best care of her children though.

If that's what it takes to feed the kids, that's what she needs to do. Last resort of course. And yes, if she's not doing what it takes to feed the kids, she's either lazy or heartless, take your pick.

You're actually saying it's not possible to make an attempt at something, and fail?
Yeah, that was the point, the bullshit logic assuming knowledge of some stranger's sexual history based on nothing. That's pure misogyny. Well maybe not 'pure'; considering some of the comments it could be racist too. I have to wonder if these arrogant misogynists would have come up with the same scenario if the woman was white. They seem to indicate they would not.

OK but you're also making an assumption with "too lazy to do what it takes", since the article really doesn't go into what she's doing on that front. Sure there are other resources, at least one of them referenced and pictured in the article, but the fact that resources exist doesn't automatically mean they always work.

I'm not really sure that 'whoring herself' might be the best care of her children though.

If that's what it takes to feed the kids, that's what she needs to do. Last resort of course. And yes, if she's not doing what it takes to feed the kids, she's either lazy or heartless, take your pick.

This will freak out the Christians here..... but I have a higher view of prostitutes, doing what they do for their family, than these cheap girls that have sex with their boyfriend for free.

If she really honestly can't possibly find a job, and she becomes a prostitute to feed her kids, I would actually view that positively. She knows she has enough value to charge, and is doing what she must to make ends meet.

Sacrifice and being an adult, go hand in hand.

Sitting on your ass, watching TV, and texting on your phone.... waiting for tax payers to bail out your kids...... no that's not sacrifice, or being an adult. That's being irresponsible.

No, that's a fiction you just made up from the comfort of your barcalounger. Talk about "irresponsible"... :rolleyes:
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Yeah, that was the point, the bullshit logic assuming knowledge of some stranger's sexual history based on nothing. That's pure misogyny. Well maybe not 'pure'; considering some of the comments it could be racist too. I have to wonder if these arrogant misogynists would have come up with the same scenario if the woman was white. They seem to indicate they would not.

OK but you're also making an assumption with "too lazy to do what it takes", since the article really doesn't go into what she's doing on that front. Sure there are other resources, at least one of them referenced and pictured in the article, but the fact that resources exist doesn't automatically mean they always work.

I'm not really sure that 'whoring herself' might be the best care of her children though.

If that's what it takes to feed the kids, that's what she needs to do. Last resort of course. And yes, if she's not doing what it takes to feed the kids, she's either lazy or heartless, take your pick.

You're actually saying it's not possible to make an attempt at something, and fail?

Not when it comes to keeping your kids fed. If you fail at that, you give them to someone who can feed them.
If that's what it takes to feed the kids, that's what she needs to do. Last resort of course. And yes, if she's not doing what it takes to feed the kids, she's either lazy or heartless, take your pick.

This will freak out the Christians here..... but I have a higher view of prostitutes, doing what they do for their family, than these cheap girls that have sex with their boyfriend for free.

If she really honestly can't possibly find a job, and she becomes a prostitute to feed her kids, I would actually view that positively. She knows she has enough value to charge, and is doing what she must to make ends meet.

Sacrifice and being an adult, go hand in hand.

Sitting on your ass, watching TV, and texting on your phone.... waiting for tax payers to bail out your kids...... no that's not sacrifice, or being an adult. That's being irresponsible.

No, that's a fiction you just made up from the comfort of your barcalounger. Talk about "irresponsible"... :rolleyes:

In the picture, she's sitting on her ass, texting on her smart phone, complaining about hungry kids. I'm sure she could sell that smart phone and make enough to feed them a few meals, at least.
This will freak out the Christians here..... but I have a higher view of prostitutes, doing what they do for their family, than these cheap girls that have sex with their boyfriend for free.

If she really honestly can't possibly find a job, and she becomes a prostitute to feed her kids, I would actually view that positively. She knows she has enough value to charge, and is doing what she must to make ends meet.

Sacrifice and being an adult, go hand in hand.

Sitting on your ass, watching TV, and texting on your phone.... waiting for tax payers to bail out your kids...... no that's not sacrifice, or being an adult. That's being irresponsible.

No, that's a fiction you just made up from the comfort of your barcalounger. Talk about "irresponsible"... :rolleyes:

In the picture, she's sitting on her ass, texting on her smart phone, complaining about hungry kids. I'm sure she could sell that smart phone and make enough to feed them a few meals, at least.

That's the second woman. And I'm sure that picture represents reality 24/7. And how do we know she's texting? Or even what time of day it is, or what day it is? For all we know it's Sunday night. For that matter how do we know she's paying for the phone -- as opposed to, say, the result of having gone to a friend for help per your ideas previously posted?

See what I mean about the word "assume"?

Can't win with some people. You're determined to condemn this woman (or these women) on the basis of what we don't know. Might want to ponder that.
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No, that's a fiction you just made up from the comfort of your barcalounger. Talk about "irresponsible"... :rolleyes:

In the picture, she's sitting on her ass, texting on her smart phone, complaining about hungry kids. I'm sure she could sell that smart phone and make enough to feed them a few meals, at least.

That's the second woman. And I'm sure that picture represents reality 24/7. And how do we know she's texting? Or even what time of day it is, or what day it is? For all we know it's Sunday night. For that matter how do we know she's paying for the phone -- as opposed to, say, the result of having gone to a friend for help per your ideas previously posted?

See what I mean about the word "assume"?

Can't win with some people. You're determined to condemn this woman (or these women) on the basis of what we don't know. Might want to ponder that.

If she went to a friend for help with a phone, why didn't she ask for food for her kids? I'm ready to condemn any woman who let's her kids go hungry. Do you think I wanted to sell my 1967 convertible mustang for less than 1/2 it's value? No, I had to feed my kids. Do you think I wanted to accept that Thanksgiving and Christmas basket from my friends church? No, I had to feed my kids. I cried, but I took that basket and was able to make several meals out of what was suppose to be just Thanksgiving dinner. Without my friend's and family, I would have been going door to door begging for food. I would have done anything to feed my kids and I believe all mothers should feel the same way. If they don't, they shouldn't be mothers. 3 years of hell but we made it, with the help of our friends and family and not one dime from the state with the exception of free medical care for my youngest autistic child. No I did not get ssi for him. We didn't qualify. He didn't get ssi until he was 19. My oldest, also autistic didn't get it until he was 21.

Now why on earth do you think this mother should get a pass on feeding her kids? Don't you think those kids deserve to have a full stomach? Why do you condemn them to live with a person who doesn't do what's best for them, but instead does what's best for her? Pride doesn't feed your kids. Get rid of it and feed you children, that's your job as a parent.
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In the picture, she's sitting on her ass, texting on her smart phone, complaining about hungry kids. I'm sure she could sell that smart phone and make enough to feed them a few meals, at least.

That's the second woman. And I'm sure that picture represents reality 24/7. And how do we know she's texting? Or even what time of day it is, or what day it is? For all we know it's Sunday night. For that matter how do we know she's paying for the phone -- as opposed to, say, the result of having gone to a friend for help per your ideas previously posted?

See what I mean about the word "assume"?

Can't win with some people. You're determined to condemn this woman (or these women) on the basis of what we don't know. Might want to ponder that.

If she went to a friend for help with a phone, why didn't she ask for food for her kids?

How do you know she didn't?

How do you know that friend didn't not only provide a phone but kept them fed in the transition? You don't.

I'm ready to condemn any woman who let's her kids go hungry. Do you think I wanted to sell my 1967 convertible mustang for less than 1/2 it's value? No, I had to feed my kids. Do you think I wanted to accept that Thanksgiving and Christmas basket from my friends church? No, I had to feed my kids. I cried, but I took that basket and was able to make several meals out of what was suppose to be just Thanksgiving dinner. Without my friend's and family, I would have been going door to door begging for food. I would have done anything to feed my kids and I believe all mothers should feel the same way. If they don't, they shouldn't be mothers. 3 years of hell but we made it, with the help of our friends and family and not one dime from the state with the exception of free medical care for my youngest autistic child. No I did not get ssi for him. We didn't qualify. He didn't get ssi until he was 19. My oldest, also autistic didn't get it until he was 21.

Now why on earth do you think this mother should get a pass on feeding her kids? Don't you think those kids deserve to have a full stomach? Why do you condemn them to live with a person who doesn't do what's best for them, but instead does what's best for her? Pride doesn't feed your kids. Get rid of it and feed you children, that's your job as a parent.

Where did I say "she should get a pass"?? WHERE?

I don't presume to know what she should get; I'm pointing out that there are a whole lot of assumptions going on in here that have no basis. And that's still true.

Just as you've now made an assumption about me -- with no basis whatsoever.

The difference is I'm honest enough to say I don't know enough to preach to either of these women my idea of what they "should" be doing on the basis of no info. That's bullshit.
That's the second woman. And I'm sure that picture represents reality 24/7. And how do we know she's texting? Or even what time of day it is, or what day it is? For all we know it's Sunday night. For that matter how do we know she's paying for the phone -- as opposed to, say, the result of having gone to a friend for help per your ideas previously posted?

See what I mean about the word "assume"?

Can't win with some people. You're determined to condemn this woman (or these women) on the basis of what we don't know. Might want to ponder that.

If she went to a friend for help with a phone, why didn't she ask for food for her kids?

How do you know she didn't?

How do you know that friend didn't not only provide a phone but kept them fed in the transition? You don't.

I'm ready to condemn any woman who let's her kids go hungry. Do you think I wanted to sell my 1967 convertible mustang for less than 1/2 it's value? No, I had to feed my kids. Do you think I wanted to accept that Thanksgiving and Christmas basket from my friends church? No, I had to feed my kids. I cried, but I took that basket and was able to make several meals out of what was suppose to be just Thanksgiving dinner. Without my friend's and family, I would have been going door to door begging for food. I would have done anything to feed my kids and I believe all mothers should feel the same way. If they don't, they shouldn't be mothers. 3 years of hell but we made it, with the help of our friends and family and not one dime from the state with the exception of free medical care for my youngest autistic child. No I did not get ssi for him. We didn't qualify. He didn't get ssi until he was 19. My oldest, also autistic didn't get it until he was 21.

Now why on earth do you think this mother should get a pass on feeding her kids? Don't you think those kids deserve to have a full stomach? Why do you condemn them to live with a person who doesn't do what's best for them, but instead does what's best for her? Pride doesn't feed your kids. Get rid of it and feed you children, that's your job as a parent.

Where did I say "she should get a pass"?? WHERE?

I don't presume to know what she should get; I'm pointing out that there are a whole lot of assumptions going on in here that have no basis. And that's still true.

Just as you've now made an assumption about me -- with no basis whatsoever.

The difference is I'm honest enough to say I don't know enough to preach to either of these women my idea of what they "should" be doing on the basis of no info. That's bullshit.

The article says the kids are hungry. Is it safe to assume that they're hungry? Are you telling me that a friend gave her kids food and their still hungry and she's crying to the government for help? What the heck kind of person are you? Defending a woman who let's her kids go hungry then claiming you're not?

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