Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

I didn't get the 'call' (the job assignment) because I didn't own a cell phone. Not because somebody else didn't. How would I get a call, on somebody else's phone? Do you read your own posts? What am I gonna do, ask somebody "can I borrow your phone, in case somebody calls you trying to get me?" :cuckoo:

Yes absolutely. I've done that before. I had a friend who was trying to get a job, and didn't have a phone. She gave them my number, and I loaned her my phone. They called... she had the phone.

You are seriously telling me that this concept is completely beyond your intellectual ability to grasp? That would reflect more on you, than me.

I really don't expect to read anything stupider than the above all weekend...

You're actually suggesting that people be prescient, know from nothing that they're going to get an unsolicited call, AND that the person calling will know to call some other person that I just happen to be with, in order to take the call.

Are you insane? Or do phones actually work that way on your planet?

Try this: call Joe Smith in Topeka right now. On the phone of somebody standing nearby. Let me know how long it takes to reach him.


So you are in fact admitting that this concept really is completely beyond your ability to comprehend. You have disqualified yourself from this conversation. If you are this dumb.... then nothing else you have to say can possibly be of value to anyone, including myself.

Thanks for stopping by. I am hereby choosing to talk to more intelligent people, who can grasp the most simple of concepts I post on here. You have excluded yourself from that group. Have a nice day.

I accept your concession. Try thinking it through next time.

No luck reaching that guy in Topeka I take it... :eusa_whistle:
Only in America...
Woman has 4 kids, all different fathers, not sure exactly who the fathers really are.
Dropped out of high school.
Had her first child at 17.
And is pregnant again.
In the liberal mindscape...she is blameless. It is societies fault. We owe her.

Could you quote that from the link? I read the whole thing...didn't see that part. :eusa_liar:

Did you see the part where there was a hungry father?
Democrats don't believe in fathers. They're irrelevant.
The bizarre thing about the way this thread is trending:

This isn't a story about either of these two families. It's about a state government computer crash and how that affects real people in the real world. Yet the thread immediately turned to the merits and demerits of welfare, the job market as seen from one's armchair, and the sex lives of black mothers.

The fact is that the food stamp program DOES exist, and it crashed. Where's the responsibility of the government to make good on ITS commitments? Hell with that, let's make up sexual fantasies about people none of us know.

Yeah, that's productive.

It's also the story about a mother who lets her kids go hungry rather than finding a way to feed them in a society where there are all kinds of ways to feed them, not just food stamps.

That seems to be your focus Sheila, but it's not the point of the story. Nor does it say they're "going hungry" as in starving; they describe how it becomes difficult and the sacrifices they're making in order to feed them. Those other resources are also referred to in the same story as a sideline, and they point out that they're overburdened -- which complicates their situation. Right there in the first case history it describes what little she DID get from the food bank.

It goes without saying that everybody must be prepared for loss of income including government subsidy income. An interruption like that requires finding other ways, which is what they're describing here. I don't see where it says they're throwing up their hands and starving until the government gets fixed. Ultimately it's a story about how dependent a welfare recipient can be, and where they land when that program doesn't work.

She slathers barbecue sauce on the chicken, slides the pan in the oven, and begins her nightly ritual of distracting her five children from hunger.
Why are we just focusing on the failures of the mother? Where is the father(s)? Why is no one attacking the other parent? Even if it was casual sex or she wasn't married, the man is no less responsible. He is responsible to use birth control, and he is responsible to take care of any children that result from his sexual activity.

I'm all for making the daddies pay. No matter how many there are.
In fact I'm all for locking the bastards up. You would think the chick would be smart enough to stop sleeping around knowing full well daddy wont be around to help.
Another black mark on african American culture.

Quit making it about race....there are plenty of white women, hispanic and whatever else that end up in that same predicament. So you can condemn the women all you want, but the children are innocent, you must not even have a heart.

It would be wonderful if everyone in the world was perfect, like you, and never make any mistakes, but hey, it isn't, and the children are not to blame. Lighten up, already.
Could you quote that from the link? I read the whole thing...didn't see that part. :eusa_liar:

Did you see the part where there was a hungry father?
Democrats don't believe in fathers. They're irrelevant.

That's the main problem with some conservatives.....they make everything about race or about political party. Did you know that there are many "white" people in Appalachia that are on welfare? Did you know that most of them vote Republican?

You don't change people's mentality (people who end up on welfare because they don't manage their life well) by cutting them off and letting them die, you try and help them and provide programs for them to better themselves.....but you've accepted that type of mentality, that it is better for you to let those kind of people starve to death because they deserve it, rather than try to change that behavior....and you denounce any program or help toward this goal....and all because you think that is better for you, that somehow you are going to end up with more money in your pocket by cutting off all help.

It is better for the country if people are healthy, educated, and long as there are people in need being ignored, the country will face other types of problems....but trying to get some of you greedy people's mentality is yet another challenge.
Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

Why doesn't she just sell her body? She probably does it for crack anyways. That's how she got all them kids.
Has the Red Cross stopped paying for blood donations. My dad did that from time to time when it got really tough.
Has the Red Cross stopped paying for blood donations. My dad did that from time to time when it got really tough.

I don't think the Red Cross has ever paid for blood donations, though they certainly charge the hospitals enough for their services. There are other blood banks that do pay.
Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

Why doesn't she just sell her body? She probably does it for crack anyways. That's how she got all them kids.

Link to how you concluded these?

Nope, didn't think so.

tick... tick... tick...
Has the Red Cross stopped paying for blood donations. My dad did that from time to time when it got really tough.

I don't think the Red Cross has ever paid for blood donations, though they certainly charge the hospitals enough for their services. There are other blood banks that do pay.

Yeah, you can sell your plasma. I've done that and it wasn't Red Cross.
As I recall you make enough for ... well, probably a whole carton of ramen noodles.
How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

WAKE FOREST, N.C. -- Janette Simon has four chicken legs and five kids to feed.

Her freezer is bare. And her latest trip to the food pantry yielded little else for dinner this night: a bag of day-old croissants, a box of Corn Flakes, and some canned goods.

She slathers barbecue sauce on the chicken, slides the pan in the oven, and begins her nightly ritual of distracting her five children from hunger.

The 44-year-old single mother often skips dinner herself. She hides Ramen noodle packets in her closet to ration food. She tells her two youngest kids to play outside “so they ain’t thinking about eating.”

“That’s what I have to worry about,” she says. “I gotta look at these kids with their sad faces and no food.”

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

Good to see that taxpayers got a break from having to feed this lazy black woman and her bastard kids for a few months. I'm sure she's missing all the steak and lobster every night because of this. Fuckin lazy people.

What about when government glitches cause people to end up with huge medical bills or have no health care? Any thoughts on that? Why is it that your sympathy is strictly reserved for those who likely vote Democrat?

You make big assumptions that people will be happy to hear families are going without, but that shows what a gigantic ass you are. Here's a newsflash: most don't think the way you do. There is a big problem with people scamming the system and there needs to be more oversight and more people actively working to improve their situation, but no one wants people to starve. That is a liberal myth designed to vilify tax payers who complain about the ever-growing burden on them.
Has the Red Cross stopped paying for blood donations. My dad did that from time to time when it got really tough.

I don't think the Red Cross has ever paid for blood donations, though they certainly charge the hospitals enough for their services. There are other blood banks that do pay.

Yeah, you can sell your plasma. I've done that and it wasn't Red Cross.
As I recall you make enough for ... well, probably a whole carton of ramen noodles.

Don't knock it, food is food. Yeah, vitamins and nutrition are important, so is filling an empty belly.
^^^But you have functional living skills. Your mother taught you to have these skills. Poor people are not always low level at living skills, but they very often are. I am not trying to present a sob story for women like this,who, btw, come from all races, and this behavior occurs around the world and has done so throughout time. It just is the way it is. There always has been and there always will be people who will need to be dependent on the rest of society. The only way to make a real, definitive change is through education. Countries with a high level of education do not have this problem. America, of all the modern, industrialized nations, places the least value on education.

Look here esmeralda. No one taught me a damn thing growing up. My father was on the road during the NBA season and both my parents were drunks. I cant tell you how many times I came home to find my mother passed out on the floor drunk when I was ten years old and I was on my own.
So fuck you and the sob stories. It's hard for a lot of people growing up.
And I find it hard to take anything you say seriously since you called me a racist for standing up for myself when assleper called me a cave ape.
Fuck you and your racist bias.
The thing is, it is just as much the man's responsibility to make sure effective birth control is being used. The best thing for a man to do who doesn't want a child is to get a vasectomy. They are reversible, and getting one is easy, just a visit to your doctor's office. Heals in a few days. At the very least a man should make sure he wears a condom always, unless he is willing to chance having a child. It is not only the female's responsibility to make sure conception doesn't happen.

How she got the children is of no consequence here. The fact that they are going hungry is what this thread is about. No child should ever go hungry and there are all kinds of things a mother can do to feed her kids, including giving them up. You do not let your children go hungry. Even if there are no government programs, no charities, you must find a way to feed you kids, or you must give them up to someone who can make sure they are fed. It it the kids interest and health that should be the first priority of every mother. If your kids are going hungry, you are doing it wrong.

She was feeding them. It was a glitch in the system that didn't pay out the foodstamps for one month that happened, not an ongoing issue.

No she wasn't feeding them,I was feeding them,along with all the other tax payers.
I'm getting sick of the half truth's. Tell the truth for a damn change.
I don't think the Red Cross has ever paid for blood donations, though they certainly charge the hospitals enough for their services. There are other blood banks that do pay.

Yeah, you can sell your plasma. I've done that and it wasn't Red Cross.
As I recall you make enough for ... well, probably a whole carton of ramen noodles.

Don't knock it, food is food. Yeah, vitamins and nutrition are important, so is filling an empty belly.

Ain't knockin' it, I like ramen. Or I would if it wasn't fattening. Just pointing out you don't get far selling plasma. It's worth about as much as that McDonald's job somebody brought up.
Who looks after the kids while she is working? How much would it cost her in child care bills each day?

Sometimes you can't afford child care and so its better to stay home and collect welfare. Its sad, but its also a reality.

She should have thought of that before having five friggen kids. And since I never fucked her,why the hell should I have to pay for her kids?

This chick made bad decision after bad decision...when does she take responsibility for her actions?

And your link to those decisions is where?

.... exactly.

She has five kids and no daddy. You need to STFU until you can respond in a truthful way. If you think five illegitimate kids is A Okay then we really have nothing else to discuss. Because your moral compass is so fucked you'll never see the problem.
How she got the children is of no consequence here. The fact that they are going hungry is what this thread is about. No child should ever go hungry and there are all kinds of things a mother can do to feed her kids, including giving them up. You do not let your children go hungry. Even if there are no government programs, no charities, you must find a way to feed you kids, or you must give them up to someone who can make sure they are fed. It it the kids interest and health that should be the first priority of every mother. If your kids are going hungry, you are doing it wrong.

She was feeding them. It was a glitch in the system that didn't pay out the foodstamps for one month that happened, not an ongoing issue.

No she wasn't feeding them,I was feeding them,along with all the other tax payers.
I'm getting sick of the half truth's. Tell the truth for a damn change.

This from the same hypocrite who posted:
And if she's worked all her life and this being unemployed is new to her? Then where the hell are her savings?
Pissed away on the female equivalent of $2000 dollar rims I'm sure.


Five fucken kids and no daddy around. She's either sport fucken without protection or trying to pad her bank account. Either way.....

Just to name two.

Can't make this shit up.

[EDIT] hang on, this just in...
If you think five illegitimate kids is A Okay

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Another thing that I find strange about this story?
She said she has been out of work for five months. So why isn't she getting unemployment?
This tells me she was fired for good reason and they rejected her claim or she quit.
So which path did this outstanding member of society take?

She might not be eligible for unemployment, especially if she was working as a temp/freelancer/independent contractor as has been increasingly common in the last couple of decades so as to avoid the expenses and commitments of hiring full time employees.

That's what happened to me a couple of years ago, even after working for the same people for about 20 years. Doesn't qualify.

But these are just inconvenient facts, let's just make up our own fantasies based on Numero Uno.

This thread is full of sociopaths.

No....this thread is full of people just like me and everyone else who went through hard times and didn't need government assistance of any kind.
I lived poor when I was young,so dont get all self righteous with me,I've been there.
I lived through an abusive step dad till I finally got big enough to defend myself.

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