Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

Another thing that I find strange about this story?
She said she has been out of work for five months. So why isn't she getting unemployment?
This tells me she was fired for good reason and they rejected her claim or she quit.
So which path did this outstanding member of society take?
The simple answer in this case, as every parent knows, is that it would cost more to hire a babysitter than what she would get paid working at McDonalds or any minimum wage job. By the time she pays for a sitter, has taxes taken out of her salary, arranges for transportation, etc.,, she has barely enough left over to pay a sitter. That is a fact that has been true for at least the past 30 years. Over those years I've known both single mothers and married women (who would have liked toearn more money for the family) who would have worked, but it wasn't worth it financially. You have to be able to earn a salary that well exceeds minimum wage in order to make paying a sitter while you work financially reasonable.

Don't they have laws for financial support from the fathers where she lives? Don't black men have any pride in themselves, or at least their children?

This isn't about black people. White people do this too. You've never heard the term 'dead beat dad'?

Of course it's about black people too. The men live a culture of no condoms and abandoning their children. Like it's some sort of status symbol to father as many children from as many different hoes as possible.
Sure there are dead beat white dads, but this is more like dean beat whole race of men.
From the generous minded Christian perspective, a woman with five children and no husband is a whore or is pumping out children in order to gain welfare payments. There is no other rationale for folks like HereWeGoAgain. No concrete, empirical evidence is needed.

Please, do not blame this on Christians.
I in no way blamed Christians on her situation. I did blame the judgmental attitude towards her position, and that of the poor in general, on some people who call themselves Christian but in no way manifest Christ's teachings about those in our society who are poor and/or who make mistakes. Christ would not whip (literally or figuratively) a poor woman with 5 kids for being poor and having 5 kids without a husband in sight. He wouldn't approve of anyone doing so in his name either. Not based on his teachings.

Perhaps if we are to talk Christians and their actions we should see what the scriptures say about the thread subject :

Bible Verses About Personal Responsibility
Bible verses related to Personal Responsibility from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance

1 Timothy 5:8 - But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

Galatians 6:5 - For every man shall bear his own burden.

2 Corinthians 5:10 - For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things [done] in [his] body, according to that he hath done, whether [it be] good or bad.

Proverbs 28:13 - He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh [them] shall have mercy.

Luke 10:27 - And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.

2 Peter 1:10 - Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:
Yeah, you Christians are the beacon of morality on Earth, right?

Pro-life Christians who cheer for unending war......
There is always an answer, but it takes some effort.


Perhaps the most notorious freegan strategy is what is commonly called “urban foraging” or “dumpster diving”. This technique involves rummaging through the garbage of retailers, residences, offices, and other facilities for useful goods. Despite our society’s sterotypes about garbage, the goods recovered by freegans are safe, useable, clean, and in perfect or near-perfect condition, a symptom of a throwaway culture that encourages us to constantly replace our older goods with newer ones, and where retailers plan high-volume product disposal as part of their economic model. Some urban foragers go at it alone, others dive in groups, but we always share the discoveries openly with one another and with anyone along the way who wants them. Groups like Food Not Bombs recover foods that would otherwise go to waste and use them to prepare meals to share in public places with anyone who wishes to partake.

OMG! You think she should rummage through dumpsters? That's a really reprehensible perspective on this. Very Marie Antoinette-ish.

I've done it. If I can do it, anyone can do it. There is an entire movement (evidence given) that CHOOSES to rummage through dumpsters as an alternative lifestyle. How reprehensible can it be?
Why doesn't this lady get a job? What's her excuse? McDonald's is ALWAYS hiring people
The simple answer in this case, as every parent knows, is that it would cost more to hire a babysitter than what she would get paid working at McDonalds or any minimum wage job. By the time she pays for a sitter, has taxes taken out of her salary, arranges for transportation, etc.,, she has barely enough left over to pay a sitter. That is a fact that has been true for at least the past 30 years. Over those years I've known both single mothers and married women (who would have liked toearn more money for the family) who would have worked, but it wasn't worth it financially. You have to be able to earn a salary that well exceeds minimum wage in order to make paying a sitter while you work financially reasonable.

You know.... years go by, and the same faulty arguments come right back, no matter how many times they are disproved.

Do you not get that we have all heard this before?

Back in the 1990s, we pushed for Welfare Reform in 1995. People said the same thing then that you are now. "They can't possibly afford it" and baby sitting this, and blaw blaw blaw that, and on and on and on.

In 1996, we ignored all you people, and kicked hundreds of thousands off welfare and food stamps, all while people were screaming about how it would cause people to starve and children would be dying in the streets.

Instead........ they got a job.

You are wrong. All your excuses, all your rationals, all your 'you got to earn more than whatever', none of it matters. We been there... we've done that... it works. People CAN get a job.

And by the way... back then the minimum wage was $5.25, now it's $7.25, and in most states higher.

So spare me this "they can't possibly...." Blaw blaw blaw blaw.... no you are wrong. We've done it before, and it worked. You kick people off the tax payers tits, and people get a job. They can make it. I get they don't want to.... I get it's harder to work 40 hours, than sit on the couch with your cell phone. But don't tell me they can't.... they *CAN*. No more bull sh!t please.
I in no way blamed Christians on her situation. I did blame the judgmental attitude towards her position, and that of the poor in general, on some people who call themselves Christian but in no way manifest Christ's teachings about those in our society who are poor and/or who make mistakes. Christ would not whip (literally or figuratively) a poor woman with 5 kids for being poor and having 5 kids without a husband in sight. He wouldn't approve of anyone doing so in his name either. Not based on his teachings.

I still say there is something wrong with a woman who lets her kids go hungry. And yes, I mean "lets". In today's society there are so many resources for food there is no excuse. If she has friends and family they can and should help. If she doesn't she should check out the churches. As a last resort, she can go door to door, but there is no way on God's green earth that I would have ever let my kids go hungry, and trust me, we were terribly poor at times.
Not everybody is very smart. There are food banks, which should be an obvious place to go. But maybe there aren't any in her area. She may not have relatives who can or want to help, or not have any relatives to depend on at all. No one is going to go begging door to door; this is not the Victorian age. Going to churches is no different for most people than going begging door to door, unless you are a church member. I've read this kind of story before. It was about a woman (white) living in the Ozarks. I've seen this kind of story on television documentaries. It is not as simple as you think.

Sorry, but you do whatever you have to do to feed your kids, even if it's whoring. Yes, that's what I said. Kids are the most important thing in your life. Even my mother said if she had to prostitute herself to feed us kids, she would. We never went hungry, my kids never went hungry and that does not mean we were wealthy. Heck, the first time I had a dress that belonged to me before it did someone else was when I started 4th grade. My mother bought 3 dresses on sale for $5.00 at Sears, and one of them was really ugly, but I wore it anyway. That's what you do when you are poor.

No kid goes hungry in my family, and that includes my extended family, my friend's families and my neighbors.
Why are we just focusing on the failures of the mother? Where is the father(s)? Why is no one attacking the other parent? Even if it was casual sex or she wasn't married, the man is no less responsible. He is responsible to use birth control, and he is responsible to take care of any children that result from his sexual activity.

Because the kids are in her custody, that makes them her responsibility. If she doesn't want that responsibility she can turn her kids over to the state and they will be put in foster homes where they will get enough to eat. You do not let your children go hungry. End of story.
Don't laugh, all you have to do is forget to take the pill once, and boom! another baby. My sister had 2 on the pill. Then her husband got a vasectomy.

Well I guess this lady did it five times.

The thing is, it is just as much the man's responsibility to make sure effective birth control is being used. The best thing for a man to do who doesn't want a child is to get a vasectomy. They are reversible, and getting one is easy, just a visit to your doctor's office. Heals in a few days. At the very least a man should make sure he wears a condom always, unless he is willing to chance having a child. It is not only the female's responsibility to make sure conception doesn't happen.

How she got the children is of no consequence here. The fact that they are going hungry is what this thread is about. No child should ever go hungry and there are all kinds of things a mother can do to feed her kids, including giving them up. You do not let your children go hungry. Even if there are no government programs, no charities, you must find a way to feed you kids, or you must give them up to someone who can make sure they are fed. It it the kids interest and health that should be the first priority of every mother. If your kids are going hungry, you are doing it wrong.
^^^But you have functional living skills. Your mother taught you to have these skills. Poor people are not always low level at living skills, but they very often are. I am not trying to present a sob story for women like this,who, btw, come from all races, and this behavior occurs around the world and has done so throughout time. It just is the way it is. There always has been and there always will be people who will need to be dependent on the rest of society. The only way to make a real, definitive change is through education. Countries with a high level of education do not have this problem. America, of all the modern, industrialized nations, places the least value on education.
Well I guess this lady did it five times.

The thing is, it is just as much the man's responsibility to make sure effective birth control is being used. The best thing for a man to do who doesn't want a child is to get a vasectomy. They are reversible, and getting one is easy, just a visit to your doctor's office. Heals in a few days. At the very least a man should make sure he wears a condom always, unless he is willing to chance having a child. It is not only the female's responsibility to make sure conception doesn't happen.

How she got the children is of no consequence here. The fact that they are going hungry is what this thread is about. No child should ever go hungry and there are all kinds of things a mother can do to feed her kids, including giving them up. You do not let your children go hungry. Even if there are no government programs, no charities, you must find a way to feed you kids, or you must give them up to someone who can make sure they are fed. It it the kids interest and health that should be the first priority of every mother. If your kids are going hungry, you are doing it wrong.

She was feeding them. It was a glitch in the system that didn't pay out the foodstamps for one month that happened, not an ongoing issue.
The not-so-bright strike again. The woman in the Huffington Post article is very real. A different poster - not the OP - suggested that this very real woman followed a pattern often associated with uneducated, poor, single mothers.

The fact exists and research bears out that welfare contributes to a multi-generational reliance on public assistance. Present welfare systems have shown that they contribute to the problem of poverty rather than alleviate it.

Seems to me that if we let more than a few of these welfare recipients go hungry, beg on the street or even die from hunger and lack of care, that a pretty powerful message could be delivered to those still on the system.

Get off welfare or die trying. Break the cycle of dependence of eating on the public's dime.

What you think, good idea or what?

That will never happen. Remember the French Revolution? Let them eat cake? If enough of our population is hungry, we will overthrow our government and our rich will be tossed out of their mansions the same way the French overthrew the aristocracy. Our government doesn't dare let them go hungry.
I didn't get the 'call' (the job assignment) because I didn't own a cell phone. Not because somebody else didn't. How would I get a call, on somebody else's phone? Do you read your own posts? What am I gonna do, ask somebody "can I borrow your phone, in case somebody calls you trying to get me?" :cuckoo:

Yes absolutely. I've done that before. I had a friend who was trying to get a job, and didn't have a phone. She gave them my number, and I loaned her my phone. They called... she had the phone.

You are seriously telling me that this concept is completely beyond your intellectual ability to grasp? That would reflect more on you, than me.

I really don't expect to read anything stupider than the above all weekend...

You're actually suggesting that people be prescient, know from nothing that they're going to get an unsolicited call, AND that the person calling will know to call some other person that I just happen to be with, in order to take the call.

Are you insane? Or do phones actually work that way on your planet?

Try this: call Joe Smith in Topeka right now. On the phone of somebody standing nearby. Let me know how long it takes to reach him.


"The moment you are laid off"??
It tells us right in the article that she was laid off in November. This is April. How are we defining the word "moment"? :cuckoo:

Then that would be another issue. I've never been laid off that long. Never. The only people I know that are laid off that long, are people who refuse to work, or they are a bad employee, and have a track record.

This is gonna come as a shock, I hope you're sitting down, but here's what you're not getting:

This isn't all about you. :eek: It's about what we call "somebody else".

I'll let that settle in. Yes Virginia, there are other people in the world beyond Numero Uno, and they have different stories, different circumstances, and different opportunities from Numero Uno. You must be like nineteen years old to be that self-absorbed ignorant.

I was reading this guy who was a high paid employee in the banking system when the system crashed.

Now he could have sat on his ass collecting unemployment and other government assistance. Instead he got himself a job..... at a fast food joint. So here this guy who was earning 6-figures, is now a burger flipper at (I think McDonald's, but I can't remember.)

The manager stopped him and said "What's your deal, your not like these others" referring to the fact he was ALWAYS on time.... ALWAYS doing his work.... NEVER on his cell phone.... NEVER screwing around.

He explained it all to him, and the manager sent in a request to McDonald's corporate, and got him a job earn just under 6-figures again.

"I was reading this guy" huh... :rofl: Yeah I was too. Dismissed.

Why doesn't this lady get a job? What's her excuse? McDonald's is ALWAYS hiring people.

"McDonald's" and "job" in the same sentence? I think somebody else already addressed this, so what Esmeralda said.

I have no skills, no education, no degrees, no training, yet I'm employed, and have been able to find a job every single time I needed one. Am I super man? No. I'm just an average person. But this lady can't? I don't buy it.

I tend to believe the "no skills" bit, certainly no people skills, but you left out something else you don't have: empathy. Again, this ain't about Numero Uno. What your onanistic fantasy 'buys' is irrelevant.

"rainy day, rainy day" -- again, five months have gone by. Who are you to say she didn't do that? Who?

I have never been unemployed for 5 months. NEVER. If you work hard, and look hard, you can ALWAYS find a job. In 2008, I was laid off. I had a new job in under 2 weeks. No skills, no education, no degrees, no training. I was laid off from that job 6 months later. I had another job in 3 weeks. When that job ended, I had another in a week. That job was miserable. After working there 18 months, I decided to find another job. I found another job in under a month, and turned in my two weeks notice.

Over and over, I have been able to find a job, and within a month. I have no skills..... no education.... no degrees.... no talents or abilities of any kind.

Believable-- you seem to lose a lot of jobs. Wassup wit dat?

Why can I find a job whenever I need to, throughout all the years of this horrible economy.... and yet this lady can't? You explain that too me, and I'll agree I'm being too harsh. Until then, I'm dead on right, and you know it.

I can't describe what her story over the last five months has been, because unlike you I'm not willing either to make up a bunch of shit I don't know, nor to assume in my self-absorbed wankland that everybody else has the same circumstances and opportunities that I do. Nor do I have five kids, nor I suspect do you.

The short version of all this:
Get over yourself.
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The not-so-bright strike again. The woman in the Huffington Post article is very real. A different poster - not the OP - suggested that this very real woman followed a pattern often associated with uneducated, poor, single mothers.

The fact exists and research bears out that welfare contributes to a multi-generational reliance on public assistance. Present welfare systems have shown that they contribute to the problem of poverty rather than alleviate it.

Seems to me that if we let more than a few of these welfare recipients go hungry, beg on the street or even die from hunger and lack of care, that a pretty powerful message could be delivered to those still on the system.

Get off welfare or die trying. Break the cycle of dependence of eating on the public's dime.

What you think, good idea or what?

I do believe that workfare beats welfare in providing an incentive to get off public assistance. Some say that workfare is wrong because it is demeaning to ask people to do menial labor. However if you add child care (if needed) and the offer of educational training to the mix, I believe we have something that can begin to produce better results.


I've always felt that single parents on welfare should not be given their own apartments, etc. They should be living in dorms, one family to each room. A central kitchen that it stocked by us, with staff to teach the parents how to cook, how to budget, how to shop. They take turns doing the cooking and taking care of each others kids while the rest go out to look for work or take general classes in home ec and classes designed to help them get work. If you are living in a situation like that, you want to get out. I know, we lived in a dorm for awhile on base when we first moved to Washington state. My parents couldn't wait to get a house. Life on base is no picnic for the kids either. I remember one girl that wouldn't talk to me because I didn't know what rank my father was, her's was a colonel. When she found out my dad was a Major, all of a sudden she wanted to be friends. By then, I wanted nothing to do with her. Thankfully, we lived off base most of my childhood.
I didn't get the 'call' (the job assignment) because I didn't own a cell phone. Not because somebody else didn't. How would I get a call, on somebody else's phone? Do you read your own posts? What am I gonna do, ask somebody "can I borrow your phone, in case somebody calls you trying to get me?" :cuckoo:

Yes absolutely. I've done that before. I had a friend who was trying to get a job, and didn't have a phone. She gave them my number, and I loaned her my phone. They called... she had the phone.

You are seriously telling me that this concept is completely beyond your intellectual ability to grasp? That would reflect more on you, than me.

"The moment you are laid off"??
It tells us right in the article that she was laid off in November. This is April. How are we defining the word "moment"? :cuckoo:

Then that would be another issue. I've never been laid off that long. Never. The only people I know that are laid off that long, are people who refuse to work, or they are a bad employee, and have a track record.

I was reading this guy who was a high paid employee in the banking system when the system crashed.

Now he could have sat on his ass collecting unemployment and other government assistance. Instead he got himself a job..... at a fast food joint. So here this guy who was earning 6-figures, is now a burger flipper at (I think McDonald's, but I can't remember.)

The manager stopped him and said "What's your deal, your not like these others" referring to the fact he was ALWAYS on time.... ALWAYS doing his work.... NEVER on his cell phone.... NEVER screwing around.

He explained it all to him, and the manager sent in a request to McDonald's corporate, and got him a job earn just under 6-figures again.

Why doesn't this lady get a job? What's her excuse? McDonald's is ALWAYS hiring people.

I have no skills, no education, no degrees, no training, yet I'm employed, and have been able to find a job every single time I needed one. Am I super man? No. I'm just an average person. But this lady can't? I don't buy it.

"rainy day, rainy day" -- again, five months have gone by. Who are you to say she didn't do that? Who?

I have never been unemployed for 5 months. NEVER. If you work hard, and look hard, you can ALWAYS find a job. In 2008, I was laid off. I had a new job in under 2 weeks. No skills, no education, no degrees, no training. I was laid off from that job 6 months later. I had another job in 3 weeks. When that job ended, I had another in a week. That job was miserable. After working there 18 months, I decided to find another job. I found another job in under a month, and turned in my two weeks notice.

Over and over, I have been able to find a job, and within a month. I have no skills..... no education.... no degrees.... no talents or abilities of any kind.

Why can I find a job whenever I need to, throughout all the years of this horrible economy.... and yet this lady can't? You explain that too me, and I'll agree I'm being too harsh. Until then, I'm dead on right, and you know it.

The last time my husband was laid off, it took me more than a year to find a job. That's never happened to me before. Times are tough, jobs are scarce. Yes, there are a few that will find jobs immediately, but the older you get the harder it is to find a job.
The woman is obviously unfit to be a mother. She is fat and too lazy to get off her ass to feed her kids.

Who looks after the kids while she is working? How much would it cost her in child care bills each day?

Sometimes you can't afford child care and so its better to stay home and collect welfare. Its sad, but its also a reality.
A glitch in a system caused late support payments and this woman allows her kids to starve rather than getting off her fat ass and finding some way of feeding them. FFS, have American mothers come to that?! It is downright disgusting.

That's not what the article says. Learn to read.
I do know she has five kids,no job or husband,she's obviously not starving,she has a smart phone,she's feeding her kids bags of chips.
And thats just what we know from this story.

As far as her growing food goes...? No way in hell could she pull that off,way to much work involved. And yes even with poor soil it can be done.

And if she's worked all her life and this being unemployed is new to her? Then where the hell are her savings?
Pissed away on the female equivalent of $2000 dollar rims I'm sure.

No you don't know that. We know "single mother" from the story -- that's it. You don't know what her employment is because there's no reference to it. Nor do you know why she's single; could be a dead or departed husband. Nor do you know what she's feeding the kids on the basis of a single photo. Nor do you know jack shit about her savings, or "the female equivalent of rims".

Once again, the word ass-ume. A cheap rhetorical wank because you're too lazy to think with any creativity.

I've never seen so much hatred for someone down on their luck....and some of them call themselves "compassionate conservatives".......hmmmmmm.

I'm not hateful of someone who is down on her luck. I am disgusted with a mother who will let her children go hungry. There is no excuse in today's day and age. None whatsoever.
Why are we just focusing on the failures of the mother? Where is the father(s)? Why is no one attacking the other parent?

Doncha know that its her fault for spreading her filthy legs! The man didn't give birth to those kids therefore he is not to blame!!!

Exactly. There's a whole lotta misogyny going on here. We don't know the circumstances of the father. For all we know she may be a widow.
Don't laugh, all you have to do is forget to take the pill once, and boom! another baby. My sister had 2 on the pill. Then her husband got a vasectomy.

Well I guess this lady did it five times.

The thing is, it is just as much the man's responsibility to make sure effective birth control is being used. The best thing for a man to do who doesn't want a child is to get a vasectomy. They are reversible, and getting one is easy, just a visit to your doctor's office. Heals in a few days. At the very least a man should make sure he wears a condom always, unless he is willing to chance having a child. It is not only the female's responsibility to make sure conception doesn't happen.

Again, spot on. The female takes on all the biological investment. That's why it's always male chasing female; the male has nothing to lose.
Matter of fact, for that reason I'd say the male bears far more responsibility for that birth control than does the female.
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