Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

The woman is obviously unfit to be a mother. She is fat and too lazy to get off her ass to feed her kids.

Who looks after the kids while she is working? How much would it cost her in child care bills each day?

Sometimes you can't afford child care and so its better to stay home and collect welfare. Its sad, but its also a reality.

She should have thought of that before having five friggen kids. And since I never fucked her,why the hell should I have to pay for her kids?

This chick made bad decision after bad decision...when does she take responsibility for her actions?

And your link to those decisions is where?

.... exactly.
There is always an answer, but it takes some effort.


Perhaps the most notorious freegan strategy is what is commonly called “urban foraging” or “dumpster diving”. This technique involves rummaging through the garbage of retailers, residences, offices, and other facilities for useful goods. Despite our society’s sterotypes about garbage, the goods recovered by freegans are safe, useable, clean, and in perfect or near-perfect condition, a symptom of a throwaway culture that encourages us to constantly replace our older goods with newer ones, and where retailers plan high-volume product disposal as part of their economic model. Some urban foragers go at it alone, others dive in groups, but we always share the discoveries openly with one another and with anyone along the way who wants them. Groups like Food Not Bombs recover foods that would otherwise go to waste and use them to prepare meals to share in public places with anyone who wishes to partake.

You don't even have to rummage through the dumpsters. Just call the store, they will tell you when they pull the vegetables or meat. Show up and they will give it to you, if they haven't already agreed to give it to another gleaner. I was in a gleaning co-op the last time my husband was laid off. It worked really well until they let the Hispanics in. I know this sounds racist but this is what actually happened. See the rules were, you did your job, picking up at whatever place you were assigned, then you cleaned, tossing the stuff people couldn't eat into the pig buckets or the trash. We had pig farmers who would pick up those buckets. Then we shopped, but we were always suppose to leave some for other shoppers. IE, if we had 5 bell peppers, you took one, if we had 500 loaves of break, you pretty much took what you wanted, but when the Hispanics joined, they did their job, they wouldn't clean and when they shopped, if there were 5 bell peppers, they took them all and left nothing for the rest of us. After that, people started quitting and the co-op died. We had all races in that co-op, but it was the Mexicans that did us in. I have a feeling if we'd had Russians, they would have done the same, but the blacks, the whites, the Asians, we all worked together until the Hispanics came in. I don't know why the head of the organization didn't just ask them to leave. Maybe he was afraid of being accused of racism, so he just let the whole thing die instead. My friend still gleans from Lays, only now all the chips she gets goes to the Church to give out to the needy and to the old folks who need the extra help. When our co-op was alive, we also donated certain things to the needy, like when we got the salmon from the state, we would clean it and donate a certain amount to various groups and we would split up the rest.

No excuse today for letting your kids go hungry.
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Another thing that I find strange about this story?
She said she has been out of work for five months. So why isn't she getting unemployment?
This tells me she was fired for good reason and they rejected her claim or she quit.
So which path did this outstanding member of society take?

She might not be eligible for unemployment, especially if she was working as a temp/freelancer/independent contractor as has been increasingly common in the last couple of decades so as to avoid the expenses and commitments of hiring full time employees.

That's what happened to me a couple of years ago, even after working for the same people for about 20 years. Doesn't qualify.

But these are just inconvenient facts, let's just make up our own fantasies based on Numero Uno.

This thread is full of sociopaths.
Another thing that I find strange about this story?
She said she has been out of work for five months. So why isn't she getting unemployment?
This tells me she was fired for good reason and they rejected her claim or she quit.
So which path did this outstanding member of society take?

I'm pretty sure she is collecting unemployment. She's just also suppose to get food stamps from the government. What is she suppose to be getting $200 a month. In our state, $200 in maximum for one person, we have families that are collecting more than $1000 a month for food. My father in law, meanwhile, gets less than $25, it's based on your income. Apparently if you make $1000 a month, you get $25 but if you don't make anything and have 4 kids, you can get $1000 a month in food stamps, go figure.
There is always an answer, but it takes some effort.


Perhaps the most notorious freegan strategy is what is commonly called “urban foraging” or “dumpster diving”. This technique involves rummaging through the garbage of retailers, residences, offices, and other facilities for useful goods. Despite our society’s sterotypes about garbage, the goods recovered by freegans are safe, useable, clean, and in perfect or near-perfect condition, a symptom of a throwaway culture that encourages us to constantly replace our older goods with newer ones, and where retailers plan high-volume product disposal as part of their economic model. Some urban foragers go at it alone, others dive in groups, but we always share the discoveries openly with one another and with anyone along the way who wants them. Groups like Food Not Bombs recover foods that would otherwise go to waste and use them to prepare meals to share in public places with anyone who wishes to partake.

OMG! You think she should rummage through dumpsters? That's a really reprehensible perspective on this. Very Marie Antoinette-ish.

I've done it. If I can do it, anyone can do it. There is an entire movement (evidence given) that CHOOSES to rummage through dumpsters as an alternative lifestyle. How reprehensible can it be?

This is the same poster who advocates that pot smokers should be shot in the face, so consider the source.
^^^But you have functional living skills. Your mother taught you to have these skills. Poor people are not always low level at living skills, but they very often are. I am not trying to present a sob story for women like this,who, btw, come from all races, and this behavior occurs around the world and has done so throughout time. It just is the way it is. There always has been and there always will be people who will need to be dependent on the rest of society. The only way to make a real, definitive change is through education. Countries with a high level of education do not have this problem. America, of all the modern, industrialized nations, places the least value on education.

Necessity is the mother of invention. I don't care how she was raised, how she got to this point. You do not let you children go hungry.

And yes, I agree, college, in this country, should be available to everyone who wants to go and keeps up their grades. If you flunk out you should not be able to attend again for 5 years. Maybe by then you will have wised up. I also agree that minimum wage should be a living wage. None of that, however, has anything to do with this case. Here is a mother that is letting her kids go hungry. They are her responsibility and any mother that lets her kids go hungry should lose those kids. If she can't or won't or just doesn't know how to feed them, then she shouldn't be raising them.
Seems to me that if we let more than a few of these welfare recipients go hungry, beg on the street or even die from hunger and lack of care, that a pretty powerful message could be delivered to those still on the system.

Get off welfare or die trying. Break the cycle of dependence of eating on the public's dime.

What you think, good idea or what?

I do believe that workfare beats welfare in providing an incentive to get off public assistance. Some say that workfare is wrong because it is demeaning to ask people to do menial labor. However if you add child care (if needed) and the offer of educational training to the mix, I believe we have something that can begin to produce better results.


I've always felt that single parents on welfare should not be given their own apartments, etc. They should be living in dorms, one family to each room. A central kitchen that it stocked by us, with staff to teach the parents how to cook, how to budget, how to shop. They take turns doing the cooking and taking care of each others kids while the rest go out to look for work or take general classes in home ec and classes designed to help them get work. If you are living in a situation like that, you want to get out. I know, we lived in a dorm for awhile on base when we first moved to Washington state. My parents couldn't wait to get a house. Life on base is no picnic for the kids either. I remember one girl that wouldn't talk to me because I didn't know what rank my father was, her's was a colonel. When she found out my dad was a Major, all of a sudden she wanted to be friends. By then, I wanted nothing to do with her. Thankfully, we lived off base most of my childhood.

That's a fine idea. I'd vote for you.

Matter of fact I think Congress should work the same way. Lock 'em up in a dorm with free meals and no salary, and they're not allowed contact with anyone but their own constituents. Give 'em a taste of what "public service" actually means. We'd be rid of most career politicians, and those who chose to stay with it would truly be there for the serivice.
Who looks after the kids while she is working? How much would it cost her in child care bills each day?

Sometimes you can't afford child care and so its better to stay home and collect welfare. Its sad, but its also a reality.
A glitch in a system caused late support payments and this woman allows her kids to starve rather than getting off her fat ass and finding some way of feeding them. FFS, have American mothers come to that?! It is downright disgusting.

That's not what the article says. Learn to read.

In places such as Southern California, finding a job close to home is sometimes hard to do. Bus system not that great I'm here to say. To get only 8 miles away from home used to take my father in law a couple of hours or more each way. Takes 3 buses and much walking. I live in a working class neighborhood and have known people that can't take jobs offered from job banks, unemployment office etc. because of transportation problems and a lot of the job offers are temporary and some not even for an eight hour day and the jobs offered are sometimes much further than the 8 mile example I gave.
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The thing is, it is just as much the man's responsibility to make sure effective birth control is being used. The best thing for a man to do who doesn't want a child is to get a vasectomy. They are reversible, and getting one is easy, just a visit to your doctor's office. Heals in a few days. At the very least a man should make sure he wears a condom always, unless he is willing to chance having a child. It is not only the female's responsibility to make sure conception doesn't happen.

How she got the children is of no consequence here. The fact that they are going hungry is what this thread is about. No child should ever go hungry and there are all kinds of things a mother can do to feed her kids, including giving them up. You do not let your children go hungry. Even if there are no government programs, no charities, you must find a way to feed you kids, or you must give them up to someone who can make sure they are fed. It it the kids interest and health that should be the first priority of every mother. If your kids are going hungry, you are doing it wrong.

She was feeding them. It was a glitch in the system that didn't pay out the foodstamps for one month that happened, not an ongoing issue.

The article says her kids are going hungry. She claims to be hiding "ramen" noodles so they will have something to eat later. What the heck is wrong with her. If she was working 5 months ago, why doesn't she have food in the house? Flour salt sugar, rice, all that stuff are staples that you should have on had enough for months if not year. Ramen noodles are about the cheapest thing in the world, if you are hiding them, there is something wrong.
Another thing that I find strange about this story?
She said she has been out of work for five months. So why isn't she getting unemployment?
This tells me she was fired for good reason and they rejected her claim or she quit.
So which path did this outstanding member of society take?

I'm pretty sure she is collecting unemployment. She's just also suppose to get food stamps from the government. What is she suppose to be getting $200 a month. In our state, $200 in maximum for one person, we have families that are collecting more than $1000 a month for food. My father in law, meanwhile, gets less than $25, it's based on your income. Apparently if you make $1000 a month, you get $25 but if you don't make anything and have 4 kids, you can get $1000 a month in food stamps, go figure.

Yeah I wasn't sure if one can be eligible for both at the same time. But again, the poster assumed that one can't. Again with the ass-umptions.. :rolleyes:
I do believe that workfare beats welfare in providing an incentive to get off public assistance. Some say that workfare is wrong because it is demeaning to ask people to do menial labor. However if you add child care (if needed) and the offer of educational training to the mix, I believe we have something that can begin to produce better results.


I've always felt that single parents on welfare should not be given their own apartments, etc. They should be living in dorms, one family to each room. A central kitchen that it stocked by us, with staff to teach the parents how to cook, how to budget, how to shop. They take turns doing the cooking and taking care of each others kids while the rest go out to look for work or take general classes in home ec and classes designed to help them get work. If you are living in a situation like that, you want to get out. I know, we lived in a dorm for awhile on base when we first moved to Washington state. My parents couldn't wait to get a house. Life on base is no picnic for the kids either. I remember one girl that wouldn't talk to me because I didn't know what rank my father was, her's was a colonel. When she found out my dad was a Major, all of a sudden she wanted to be friends. By then, I wanted nothing to do with her. Thankfully, we lived off base most of my childhood.

That's a fine idea. I'd vote for you.

Matter of fact I think Congress should work the same way. Lock 'em up in a dorm with free meals and no salary, and they're not allowed contact with anyone but their own constituents. Give 'em a taste of what "public service" actually means. We'd be rid of most career politicians, and those who chose to stay with it would truly be there for the serivice.

I agree with all but the "no salary" part. I say, when they get out give them a modest retirement salary, enough to live on, but not enough to be extravagant.
I do believe that workfare beats welfare in providing an incentive to get off public assistance. Some say that workfare is wrong because it is demeaning to ask people to do menial labor. However if you add child care (if needed) and the offer of educational training to the mix, I believe we have something that can begin to produce better results.


I've always felt that single parents on welfare should not be given their own apartments, etc. They should be living in dorms, one family to each room. A central kitchen that it stocked by us, with staff to teach the parents how to cook, how to budget, how to shop. They take turns doing the cooking and taking care of each others kids while the rest go out to look for work or take general classes in home ec and classes designed to help them get work. If you are living in a situation like that, you want to get out. I know, we lived in a dorm for awhile on base when we first moved to Washington state. My parents couldn't wait to get a house. Life on base is no picnic for the kids either. I remember one girl that wouldn't talk to me because I didn't know what rank my father was, her's was a colonel. When she found out my dad was a Major, all of a sudden she wanted to be friends. By then, I wanted nothing to do with her. Thankfully, we lived off base most of my childhood.

That's a fine idea. I'd vote for you.

Matter of fact I think Congress should work the same way. Lock 'em up in a dorm with free meals and no salary, and they're not allowed contact with anyone but their own constituents. Give 'em a taste of what "public service" actually means. We'd be rid of most career politicians, and those who chose to stay with it would truly be there for the serivice.

And no health insurance and periodic lie detector tests also. Got my vote.
How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

WAKE FOREST, N.C. -- Janette Simon has four chicken legs and five kids to feed.

Her freezer is bare. And her latest trip to the food pantry yielded little else for dinner this night: a bag of day-old croissants, a box of Corn Flakes, and some canned goods.

She slathers barbecue sauce on the chicken, slides the pan in the oven, and begins her nightly ritual of distracting her five children from hunger.

The 44-year-old single mother often skips dinner herself. She hides Ramen noodle packets in her closet to ration food. She tells her two youngest kids to play outside “so they ain’t thinking about eating.”

“That’s what I have to worry about,” she says. “I gotta look at these kids with their sad faces and no food.”

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

Good to see that taxpayers got a break from having to feed this lazy black woman and her bastard kids for a few months. I'm sure she's missing all the steak and lobster every night because of this. Fuckin lazy people.

I assume you are just as ready to end Corporate Welfare as well?

End All Federal Tax Payer Dollars (Subsidies) to Oil Companies?
The bizarre thing about the way this thread is trending:

This isn't a story about either of these two families. It's about a state government computer crash and how that affects real people in the real world. Yet the thread immediately turned to the merits and demerits of welfare, the job market as seen from one's armchair, and the sex lives of black mothers.

The fact is that the food stamp program DOES exist, and it crashed. Where's the responsibility of the government to make good on ITS commitments? Hell with that, let's make up sexual fantasies about people none of us know.

Yeah, that's productive.
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The funny thing is the op wants thgovt to do everything for us, but gives another exa,ple, why we shouldnt rely on it.

sorry guys, if youre waiting for the govt to be perfect, its gonna be a loooong one
I've always felt that single parents on welfare should not be given their own apartments, etc. They should be living in dorms, one family to each room. A central kitchen that it stocked by us, with staff to teach the parents how to cook, how to budget, how to shop. They take turns doing the cooking and taking care of each others kids while the rest go out to look for work or take general classes in home ec and classes designed to help them get work. If you are living in a situation like that, you want to get out. I know, we lived in a dorm for awhile on base when we first moved to Washington state. My parents couldn't wait to get a house. Life on base is no picnic for the kids either. I remember one girl that wouldn't talk to me because I didn't know what rank my father was, her's was a colonel. When she found out my dad was a Major, all of a sudden she wanted to be friends. By then, I wanted nothing to do with her. Thankfully, we lived off base most of my childhood.

That's a fine idea. I'd vote for you.

Matter of fact I think Congress should work the same way. Lock 'em up in a dorm with free meals and no salary, and they're not allowed contact with anyone but their own constituents. Give 'em a taste of what "public service" actually means. We'd be rid of most career politicians, and those who chose to stay with it would truly be there for the serivice.

I agree with all but the "no salary" part. I say, when they get out give them a modest retirement salary, enough to live on, but not enough to be extravagant.

Okay, okay. Let 'em go home with fifty bucks. That oughta get 'em through the day, and then according to Androw they can get another job by 9 the next morning.
The bizarre thing about the way this thread is trending:

This isn't a story about either of these two families. It's about a state government computer crash and how that affects real people in the real world. Yet the thread immediately turned to the merits and demerits of welfare, the job market as seen from one's armchair, and the sex lives of black mothers.

The fact is that the food stamp program DOES exist, and it crashed. Where's the responsibility of the government to make good on ITS commitments? Hell with that, let's make up sexual fantasies about people none of us know.

Yeah, that's productive.

It's also the story about a mother who lets her kids go hungry rather than finding a way to feed them in a society where there are all kinds of ways to feed them, not just food stamps.

Again, everyone should have a minimum of 3 months of food stashed in their homes. A years worth of food would be better. There are always things that happen that you should be prepared for. Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, messed up government, be prepared.
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The bizarre thing about the way this thread is trending:

This isn't a story about either of these two families. It's about a state government computer crash and how that affects real people in the real world. Yet the thread immediately turned to the merits and demerits of welfare, the job market as seen from one's armchair, and the sex lives of black mothers.

The fact is that the food stamp program DOES exist, and it crashed. Where's the responsibility of the government to make good on ITS commitments? Hell with that, let's make up sexual fantasies about people none of us know.

Yeah, that's productive.

It's also the story about a mother who lets her kids go hungry rather than finding a way to feed them in a society where there are all kinds of ways to feed them, not just food stamps.

That seems to be your focus Sheila, but it's not the point of the story. Nor does it say they're "going hungry" as in starving; they describe how it becomes difficult and the sacrifices they're making in order to feed them. Those other resources are also referred to in the same story as a sideline, and they point out that they're overburdened -- which complicates their situation. Right there in the first case history it describes what little she DID get from the food bank.

It goes without saying that everybody must be prepared for loss of income including government subsidy income. An interruption like that requires finding other ways, which is what they're describing here. I don't see where it says they're throwing up their hands and starving until the government gets fixed. Ultimately it's a story about how dependent a welfare recipient can be, and where they land when that program doesn't work.
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Only in America...
Woman has 4 kids, all different fathers, not sure exactly who the fathers really are.
Dropped out of high school.
Had her first child at 17.
And is pregnant again.
In the liberal mindscape...she is blameless. It is societies fault. We owe her.

Could you quote that from the link? I read the whole thing...didn't see that part. :eusa_liar:

Did you see the part where there was a hungry father?
Yes absolutely. I've done that before. I had a friend who was trying to get a job, and didn't have a phone. She gave them my number, and I loaned her my phone. They called... she had the phone.

You are seriously telling me that this concept is completely beyond your intellectual ability to grasp? That would reflect more on you, than me.

You're actually suggesting that people be prescient, know from nothing that they're going to get an unsolicited call, AND that the person calling will know to call some other person that I just happen to be with, in order to take the call.

So you are in fact admitting that this concept really is completely beyond your ability to comprehend. You have disqualified yourself from this conversation. If you are this dumb.... then nothing else you have to say can possibly be of value to anyone, including myself.

Thanks for stopping by. I am hereby choosing to talk to more intelligent people, who can grasp the most simple of concepts I post on here. You have excluded yourself from that group. Have a nice day.

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