Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

You cons have this warped idea in your heads that ANYONE can get a decent paying job. America isn't what it used to be. Since the recession there has been a significant increase in low wage jobs and a decrease of higher wage jobs. Saying laziness is the route of the issue is just moronic. You want to think that because it makes you feel superior. In reality you people are so dense.

shut up...didn't you just get subsidized by taxpayers for OscamCare?
you aren't some hero who is giving and caring about others...only on a message board most of you CARE and beat your chest like apes how, YOU CARE MORE

Good god Steph you make this shit so personal lol. You don't even know me. Grow up for Chrissakes

you don't know any of us either yet you go around calling them cons...You're the one who put your life on the board about, you grow up and save your high and mighty sermons
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when your logic is faulty go for the throat..another republican way
Isn't that what you are doing? You're labeling Republicans as being the same and if they don't agree that tax dollars should be spent on abortions or birth control they are hypocritical. The broadbrushing is wrong as is your conclusion. What happened to personal responsibility and how big is too big for government? Should they take over all private sector endevours or just 90%? 80% The bigger it is the smaller the private sector gets and the less money there will be to spread around. Eventually you run out of other people's money.
because marty that is just pennywise and pound foolish

i mean isnt the conservative way to figure out the less cost with the most benefit?

free birth control is much cheaper than abortions or aid to dependent isnt it?

just think for ......hell i realize suddenly i have no clue how much birth control pills are?

could someone toss that figure in..but i am sure 12 months of birth control pills are much cheaper than having more kids on medicare etc and so forth...

The government isn't there to help you get your rocks off, just as it isn't there to pay for your poor life choices.
because marty that is just pennywise and pound foolish

i mean isnt the conservative way to figure out the less cost with the most benefit?

free birth control is much cheaper than abortions or aid to dependent isnt it?

just think for ......hell i realize suddenly i have no clue how much birth control pills are?

could someone toss that figure in..but i am sure 12 months of birth control pills are much cheaper than having more kids on medicare etc and so forth...

But but but strolling, if we gave out free birth control and poorer people used it and had less kids that needed to be fed and clothed. Well what would Rethugs bitch about if there was a reduction in SNAP and abortions.

Their lives (Republicans) would be worthless without poor, pregnant women to rant about.
You know poor women with children are the root of all evil don't cha?
Remember when Republicans tried to sell everybody that bullshit about being "compassionate conservatives". What a con game that was.
because marty that is just pennywise and pound foolish

i mean isnt the conservative way to figure out the less cost with the most benefit?

free birth control is much cheaper than abortions or aid to dependent isnt it?

just think for ......hell i realize suddenly i have no clue how much birth control pills are?

could someone toss that figure in..but i am sure 12 months of birth control pills are much cheaper than having more kids on medicare etc and so forth...

But but but strolling, if we gave out free birth control and poorer people used it and had less kids that needed to be fed and clothed. Well what would Rethugs bitch about if there was a reduction in SNAP and abortions.

Their lives (Republicans) would be worthless without poor, pregnant women to rant about.
You know poor women with children are the root of all evil don't cha?

Groups can give out free birth control all they want. Its just not a function of government.
because marty that is just pennywise and pound foolish

i mean isnt the conservative way to figure out the less cost with the most benefit?

free birth control is much cheaper than abortions or aid to dependent isnt it?

just think for ......hell i realize suddenly i have no clue how much birth control pills are?

could someone toss that figure in..but i am sure 12 months of birth control pills are much cheaper than having more kids on medicare etc and so forth...

But but but strolling, if we gave out free birth control and poorer people used it and had less kids that needed to be fed and clothed. Well what would Rethugs bitch about if there was a reduction in SNAP and abortions.

Their lives (Republicans) would be worthless without poor, pregnant women to rant about.
You know poor women with children are the root of all evil don't cha?

Groups can give out free birth control all they want. Its just not a function of government.

One of the very best activities that the government could be involved in is the reduction of unwanted pregnancies and abortions.

But that wouldn't be in the countries interest.

Why is that? Is it because it would take away one of the greatest bitches the Republican party has; abortions and food stamps.

No don't cut those (abortions and SNAP) activities back, I need to bitch about them some more.

Is that what you are saying?
But really marty. Do you want to cut abortions and the number of kids on SNAP or not? Simple question.
But but but strolling, if we gave out free birth control and poorer people used it and had less kids that needed to be fed and clothed. Well what would Rethugs bitch about if there was a reduction in SNAP and abortions.

Their lives (Republicans) would be worthless without poor, pregnant women to rant about.
You know poor women with children are the root of all evil don't cha?

Groups can give out free birth control all they want. Its just not a function of government.

One of the very best activities that the government could be involved in is the reduction of unwanted pregnancies and abortions.

But that wouldn't be in the countries interest.

Why is that? Is it because it would take away one of the greatest bitches the Republican party has; abortions and food stamps.

No don't cut those (abortions and SNAP) activities back, I need to bitch about them some more.

Is that what you are saying?

Removing the 4th amendment would be in the police's/governments best interest, lets do that!!!!

Limited government is supposed to be just that. Limited.
i see nothing wrong with voluntary sterilization but that just becomes a slippery slope....but damn there are some out there who just dont deserve reproductive rights....
Irrefutable elephant in the room....the elephant that leftist do everything to ignore:

The "no strings attached" social programs of the 50's-early 90's....HAD DISASTROUS RESULTS.
There is no argument. We have irrefutable piles and piles of evidence to point to the obvious - never ending entitlements has the exact opposite result than intended.
So....therefore...this is not the answer and never will be.
But really marty. Do you want to cut abortions and the number of kids on SNAP or not? Simple question.

I have no dog in the abortion fight, as long as government does not pay for elective ones.

And I don't see the need to pay for contraception of private citizens out of government coffers. Considering how freely it is available now and how much it isn't used already by the population we would target, I fail to see if efficacy. Why would some dude suddenly want to use a condom, considering we aren't holding him responsible for his progeny anyway?

Why would women suddenly start using contraception when even if they screw up and have a kid, the State will support them over and over and over again?
The word "responsibility" should be removed from the dictionary. No one is ever responsible and keeping the word around only creates hurt feelings and confuses the weak-minded.

Friggin pathetic.


rightwingers don't want women to have birth control

they don't want women to have sex ed

they don't want women to have reproductive choice

they don't want to feed hungry kids

they don't want to pay for job training and daycare so the women can get jobs that pay a living wage or education for decent jobs.

and they whine....

and whine.....

and whine......

Quit being whores and having 5 kids with 5 different thugs and we would not have to whine about supporting your lazy ass.
No wonder he mentioned lazy, black and bastard all in one sentence. He didnt want you to read this part

The food stamp delays can be traced to troubles with a computer system designed by Accenture, one of the world’s largest consulting firms. The company is among a small group of politically connected technology contractors that receive government business across the country despite previous criticism of their work.

Accenture won the North Carolina contract after spending thousands of dollars on political contributions and lobbying in the state. North Carolina hired Accenture even though at least six other states -- Colorado, Florida, Wyoming, Kansas, Wisconsin and Texas -- have canceled contracts with the company in the past decade over problems with its computer systems.

The glitches in North Carolina mark another example of government technology gone awry, turning a program created to sustain millions of people through hard times into a new aggravation.

Of course the OP gets mad at some single mother trying to feed her kids and not about the outright corruption in the artcle.

I bet the OP could kick that bitches ass Amirite! Too bad he doesnt have the stones to go after a bigger opponent

You're right, we should be outraged that some inept, incompetent firm receives preferential treatment when it comes to government doling out contracts. But then, inept and incompetent seem to be the hallmarks of this administration, from the top on down. But I'm betting you equally correct that this woman is the epitome of an obama-voter who is now reaping what she's sown.

Except this is on a state level....jesus, you must even dream of Obama
This just highlights how inept government is at overseeing their programs. While one family is let down due to stupidity, a drug dealer reaps the rewards from gaming the system. The inconsistency in which welfare is distributed is disturbing. Too many unqualified people are hired to do the job, just like Michelle's college bud being handed millions to fuck up a website. This is what happens when politicians hire their cronies.

The entire welfare system needs to be overhauled to ensure that those truly in need are helped and those gaming the system are kicked to the curb.

When will you Rightwingers get it through your skulls that food stamps fraud is RARE. Is it rare because people wouldn't want to mooch? No it's rare for two very important reasons.

1) The enrollment process is very thorough. Every asset a person signing up has must be accounted for. Above all else your income is thoroughly validated.

2) Theree really isn't much incentive to. If you make a comfortable living, the risk of being caught is no where near the benefits. These people get less than 150.00 a month. Anyone who tries to scam this program is an idiot for multiple reasons.

Food Stamp Fraud: Beneficiaries Illegally Sell EBT Cards On Craigslist, Social Media Sites
November 3, 2013 11:45 PM

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (CBS13) - It’s a welfare fraud scheme costing U.S. taxpayers $750 million a year. People are illegally selling their electronic food stamp cards on Craigslist and other social media sites for cash.

CBS13 found two people here in Sacramento, both with the same idea, using Craigslist as free advertising to blatantly and illegally sell their state benefits.

Our hidden cameras were rolling as a woman, who we’ll call Lorie, told our undercover producer about her brilliant idea to game the system for a quick buck.

“Everyone said I was crazy, but I thought they’d say, ‘that’s freaking brilliant, man,’ ” she said.

Another man, who we’ll call Joe, rolled up on a skateboard. He showed us his CalFresh card he illegally put up for sale on Craigslist.

“See, right now it still has $116 on it,” he told our undercover producer.

Rather than use that money for food like he’s supposed to, Joe offered to sell us the card for just $60 cash.

“I just need the money right now,” said Joe. “I moved back in with my mom.”

He promised to give us his pin number so we could use the card to buy groceries in any store that accepts EBT cards.

Joe said stores don’t check for any identification. He freely admits he’s done this before for family and friends. He told us not to worry, because we won’t get caught.

Lorie doesn’t even think what she’s doing is wrong.

“I feel justified in what I’m saying and what I’m doing,” she said.

She would use the cash for a car to get to work.

“I figure it this way, they’re already giving me the money, OK. I’m not making a profit. I’m not burning them. I’m not stealing from them,” Lorie said.

Not by a long shot, says Michael Weston with the California Department of Social Services.

“It’s against the law,” he said.

The CalFresh program is funded by taxpayers and serves more than four million Californians.

The annual cost of food stamp fraud nationwide, is three-quarters of a billion dollars. People attempting to buy or sell food stamps are breaking the law.
Food Stamp Fraud: Beneficiaries Illegally Sell EBT Cards On Craigslist, Social Media Sites « CBS Sacramento

Yep I bought into every word of your lies....

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