Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

you're even less sentient than staph.

well then, you're so giving raid you families food and give to her
put your caring where your mouth

it's not our fault she relies on the guberment and taxpayers...the guberment gives and the guberment can have glitches and take's away

My second job is per diem at a permanent housing facility for the homeless. They also have a food bank, clothing room, and put out a meal every day. The need grows, and resources dwindle.

I always have a personal surplus of dairy products, cheese and fresh milk, but not one food bank will accept my donations. Not one. Fresh dairy, some of the best stuff on the planet, and not ONE food bank or pantry will accept a donation. Not fresh meat, either. Go figure...
In 1967, my newly-widowed 45 year-old mother with 7 kids also had no food. We all went rot-gut hungry in a hurry. For the ensuing seven years. It was fucking hell.

Yet here I am. And here we are. Pain, suffering, hunger, hopelessness, desperation and deprivation are great character-builders.

Well, for Republicans anyway.

You Liberals can go ahead and wallow in your self-pity. I got no time for that shit.

I am sorry to hear that you had it hard...I believe we as a nation today can do far better for our people. This shouldn't never happened!

Why? H obviously learned how to take care of himself but you think he shouldn't have? He should have just got a free ride from the government to what end?
How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

WAKE FOREST, N.C. -- Janette Simon has four chicken legs and five kids to feed.

Her freezer is bare. And her latest trip to the food pantry yielded little else for dinner this night: a bag of day-old croissants, a box of Corn Flakes, and some canned goods.

She slathers barbecue sauce on the chicken, slides the pan in the oven, and begins her nightly ritual of distracting her five children from hunger.

The 44-year-old single mother often skips dinner herself. She hides Ramen noodle packets in her closet to ration food. She tells her two youngest kids to play outside “so they ain’t thinking about eating.”

“That’s what I have to worry about,” she says. “I gotta look at these kids with their sad faces and no food.”

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

Good to see that taxpayers got a break from having to feed this lazy black woman and her bastard kids for a few months. I'm sure she's missing all the steak and lobster every night because of this. Fuckin lazy people.

yeah, sure... it's obvious that she's made some poor choices in her life...

but calling her "lazy" is totally unfair...

'n fuck you for having said it...
well then, you're so giving raid you families food and give to her
put your caring where your mouth

it's not our fault she relies on the guberment and taxpayers...the guberment gives and the guberment can have glitches and take's away

My second job is per diem at a permanent housing facility for the homeless. They also have a food bank, clothing room, and put out a meal every day. The need grows, and resources dwindle.

I always have a personal surplus of dairy products, cheese and fresh milk, but not one food bank will accept my donations. Not one. Fresh dairy, some of the best stuff on the planet, and not ONE food bank or pantry will accept a donation. Not fresh meat, either. Go figure...

Our place does, and gratefully. They put a meal out every weekday.
In 1967, my newly-widowed 45 year-old mother with 7 kids also had no food. We all went rot-gut hungry in a hurry. For the ensuing seven years. It was fucking hell.

Yet here I am. And here we are. Pain, suffering, hunger, hopelessness, desperation and deprivation are great character-builders.

Well, for Republicans anyway.

You Liberals can go ahead and wallow in your self-pity. I got no time for that shit.

I am sorry to hear that you had it hard...I believe we as a nation today can do far better for our people. This shouldn't never happened!

Why? H obviously learned how to take care of himself but you think he shouldn't have? He should have just got a free ride from the government to what end?

Yeah it was a heartbreaking experience. Were there public assistance programs back in the ought-70's? I don't know. If there were, mom was obviously too fucking proud to use them. Our veteran's survivor benefits went to pay bills.

And to top it all off, she sought solace in the bottom of a liquor bottle. I was too young to have a driver's license, yet she sent me motoring off to the liquor store ( calling in advance that her minor son would be making the purchase) and bingo- I made it back home with a gallon of Early Times.

Butt fuck that- it's not the point. The point is, we were a family of Republicans and we didn't bitch and moan and bellyache to the world about our government due.

We just fucking suffered in silence, we scraped by, and time and history saved us from the depths of our disgrace. Jews shooting Arabs in 1973. Bless those bastards.

God may have made a farmer, but God sure as fuck shit the American oil producer from His ass end.

And if you look at Obama's budget you will see that he is out to fuck us all over again just like Carter did.

Democrats- the whores of the Republic.
Guarantee before the end of the first page of responses one of the resident brainiancs will say she should have thought about that before having 5 children.

Well......she should have. And where are the baby daddies? Odds are they aren't from the same one.

good ole Hufferpufferpost

all the news fit for dummies

Tru dat.

How much does that smart phone cost her per month?

Smart phone or regular, odds are she has one.

The next GOP plank:

Sterilize the poor.

Nah the Dems in Kalifornia already tried that.
The word "responsibility" should be removed from the dictionary. No one is ever responsible and keeping the word around only creates hurt feelings and confuses the weak-minded.

Friggin pathetic.


rightwingers don't want women to have birth control

they don't want women to have sex ed

they don't want women to have reproductive choice

they don't want to feed hungry kids

they don't want to pay for job training and daycare so the women can get jobs that pay a living wage or education for decent jobs.

and they whine....

and whine.....

and whine......

And the ones who say she should not have had them would be the first to stop her from aborting.

exactly. and it's not about them being "pro life" because they are the first to beat the drums for war. it is about punishing harlots. listen to the language with which they talk about women and how they intend to humiliate women with their legislation.
Tell me rightwingers, why should the children pay for their parents' irresponsibility?
No, let's reward the parents instead. Let those who are responsible pay for upbringing the children of irresponsible parent's children as well as there own. The really cool part is irresponsibility perpetuates itself so following generations will have to do exactly the same.
Guarantee before the end of the first page of responses one of the resident brainiancs will say she should have thought about that before having 5 children.

Yup. She sure as hell should have thought of that before having five illigitimate kids.

Oh wait. I forgot. She was depending on the taxpayers of America to bankroll her life for her.

Never mind.
rightwingers don't want women to have birth control

they don't want women to have sex ed

they don't want women to have reproductive choice

they don't want to feed hungry kids

they don't want to pay for job training and daycare so the women can get jobs that pay a living wage or education for decent jobs.

and they whine....

and whine.....

and whine......

And the ones who say she should not have had them would be the first to stop her from aborting.

exactly. and it's not about them being "pro life" because they are the first to beat the drums for war. it is about punishing harlots. listen to the language with which they talk about women and how they intend to humiliate women with their legislation.

It's also about creating and keeping a permanent underclass, one that is starving and desperate for work, any work, no matter the pay or conditions. When women control the # of children they have, as well as when they start having them, the whole family benefits economically.
The average household receiving SNAP has gross income of $744 a MONTH.

The average SNAP recipient receives $133.00 a MONTH.

76% of households on SNAP have at least one dependent living in the household.

SNAP (Food Stamps): Facts, Myths and Realities

When will you Rightwingers put facts into perspective?

What is the point?
If anything this makes the opposite point than you are trying to make.

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