Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids


SHe hardly looks like she's starving.

But anyway, all of this is because of a computer glitch, probably similar to the ones experienced by And the solution to the incompetence of a government agency is to increase their budget? On what planet? Why is the gov't paying for her food to begin with? Why aren't people contributiong to food banks, why aren't churches providing food as they did in the old days? It is because people expect Big Daddy Gummint is going to do all of that. And if anyone tries Big Daddy gets all butt hurt and finds a way to shut it down.
I'm sure the reason she is having problems is because we just don't spend enough to take care of people
who need to be taken care of.

SHe hardly looks like she's starving.

But anyway, all of this is because of a computer glitch, probably similar to the ones experienced by And the solution to the incompetence of a government agency is to increase their budget? On what planet? Why is the gov't paying for her food to begin with? Why aren't people contributiong to food banks, why aren't churches providing food as they did in the old days? It is because people expect Big Daddy Gummint is going to do all of that. And if anyone tries Big Daddy gets all butt hurt and finds a way to shut it down.
And they use the TAX CODE to scare away organizations that would be doing it. The Founders never intended for Government to become charity at the expense of the TAXPAYER. They expected grown ups to take care of themselves and their neighbors.

SHe hardly looks like she's starving.

But anyway, all of this is because of a computer glitch, probably similar to the ones experienced by And the solution to the incompetence of a government agency is to increase their budget? On what planet? Why is the gov't paying for her food to begin with? Why aren't people contributiong to food banks, why aren't churches providing food as they did in the old days? It is because people expect Big Daddy Gummint is going to do all of that. And if anyone tries Big Daddy gets all butt hurt and finds a way to shut it down.

They are. Dude they are. Have you been to the food banks? I have. They are stuffed.

Have you been to the Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio where they serve 4 full meals a day?

I have. They fix more than enough food, and end up throwing half of it away.

Here's the deal. You can go back through the history of charity, back to the Great Dayton Flood of 1913.

Back in that day, there was no government fix, no FEMA, no massive government sponsored relief efforts.

So much relief came to Dayton from companies, from farms, from individuals that simply hopped on trains, and came to Dayton to help the people there, that they had food they couldn't feed to people, and more laborers to rebuild homes, than could be employed. Churches sent untold millions of dollars worth of food and supplies, and water, that the train companies stopped trying to take counts.

Read up "7 Events that Made America" by Larry Schweikart.

But here's the key.... as government assumed more and more and more responsibility for charity and relief efforts, all those institutions shrank.

You are looking at the result of government taking over, and then complaining about it. When people think Government will provide food for people, fewer people donate food and supplies for charity.

Why should they give of what they have, when government steals their money and is supposedly giving it to people who need it?

So charities shrink away as a natural result of leftists pushing government programs, and then you complain bitterly that these charities are not feeding people?
MORAL of this story...and others like it? DON'T have children unless you plan to take care of them comfortably, can afford it, and DON'T expect everyone else to take care of it for you. It's a disservice to your neighbors, the country and more importantly? The children.
MORAL of this story...and others like it? DON'T have children unless you plan to take care of them comfortably, can afford it, and DON'T expect everyone else to take care of it for you. It's a disservice to your neighbors, the country and more importantly? The children.

Well.... I don't know about the "comfortably" and "afford" part.

If everyone waited only until they were wealthy enough to comfortably afford to have kids..... there likely wouldn't be many kids.

I disagree with that. They should wait until they can be comfortable and afford a house... but not kids.

Sadly we have things reversed in our common senseless society. People jump into a house they can't afford, and then wait 10 years to have kids.

And the fact is, a woman's clock ticks by much faster than you people think. People spend multiple tens of thousands on fertility treatment, because they were on the pill, and all their eggs are gone. She can't have kids anymore.

So you spend $40,000 on treatment, and you think that's comfortable and affordable on the budget?

They should have had kids when they were at their sexual peak, back when she was in her late teens, early twenties. At that age a married woman can hardly fall down, without ending up pregnant. And your chances of having complications are lower then.

That's much cheaper then waiting until you can't, and spending $40,000 on treatment.

Now of course that only works when you actually MARRY, not screw around with some "boy friend" and giving him stupid pet names like "my significant other". You are asking for a ruined life doing that.

But people used the old tried and true method, for the first 200 years of this country. It does work. Get married. Get kids. Live your life.
I had to make use of the community food bank for a few days until the national Guard started handing out Meals Ready to Eat following Katrina. The day I went, they had all the sauerkraut a person could want. They also had lots of canned salsa and some green chili peppers. I was in welfare heaven!
By that standard, poorly paid employees should stock up on what THEY don't get enough of to begin with ($$$) just in case some asshole in payroll fucks up.

You are at least two degrees less sentient than sand. You know that, right?
Yeah Stocked up on a bag of beans, rice, pasta and some Ragu just like the rest of us do. Less than 10 bucks can feed those kids just not what they like to eat. They'll eat it if their hungry. The dollor store has a freezer section...NO REASON for anyone to miss a meal.
Seems the smartphone is more of a priority than feeding her own children...
Cry me a River...

you're even less sentient than staph.

well then, you're so giving raid you families food and give to her
put your caring where your mouth

it's not our fault she relies on the guberment and taxpayers...the guberment gives and the guberment can have glitches and take's away
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Reading through some of the more important points in this thread, I think I'm ready to share a few thoughts on this issue.

One of the main, lasting problems in our nation is the growing dependency of people upon their government. It's not unreasonable for one to feel our government is becoming too supporting and coddling of its citizens. In theory, if you give a wild animal a free meal routinely, chances are it's not going to feel the need to go out and work hard to continue catching its own food. I'm not saying these people are wild animals; my point is that our government is so willing to give so many benefits to people that, in turn, they start becoming dependent on the government. And comfortable. My own mother has grown dependent on food stamps, and wishes to continue reaping those benefits. There are no pretenses in my words.

The glitch was a problem upon a problem. A brief technical problem upon a generational problem within government. A nation should be mostly comprised of independent, self-reliant citizens... right? The more that is given, the more that's taken, and some people really, really like to give and take. Both feel good, and can make them feel like they're doing something right. Another problem, in my opinion, is that America is living in far too much excess. Even poor families have T.V.s, soft beds, refrigerators, cars, video games, and who knows what else. It almost feels as if America's "poor" isn't even poor itself. People be living in homes and owning many things and having the finest opportunities in their horizons on this planet... considering themselves poor. Poor is when you have or own virtually nothing. There is such a thing as having money, but making various unwise decisions in life, whether it be having children you cannot reasonably afford or buying foods and goods that you honestly don't need or are above your means. Maybe the real problem is that people in America do not lived at or beneath their means. They see airheads like the Kardashians on their T.V.s and think: "Oh, why can't I have even a fragment of that lifestyle?" And they go for it in spite of the paychecks they are earning.

Skills. People should learn some skills. Budgeting, for one. Avoiding debt, for another. Freely check out some books on frugality from the library. It's how I learned slow-cooking is one of the best ways to save money and time while cooking up satisfying dishes. If you have a yard and restless rugrats, why not plant a seed in the hearts of those little youngsters and have them plants rows of veggies? Huzzah! Children are usually captivated when they're exploring the insides of a raspberry patch... and taking their time enjoying it, if you know what I mean. Dad had a huge patch of raspberries and my God they were so good. With an efficiency freezer you can easily store away the produce you grow yourselves. It is so beneficial, and not to mention healthy. For example one year I bought a pack of acorn squash seeds for $0.40. Just one of those cute seedlings bore 25 delicious squash. A little grainy one the inside, but free, and ambrosial when cut in half and baked in the oven with butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon. What I'm trying to say is that if you really want to find ways to save money and be more financially secure, those paths which lead to that destination are certainly out there. Even if you don't have a green thumb you can buy cheaply good foods like carrots, celery, potatoes, rice, beans, lentils, oatmeal, etc. If you have land, wanna save money, and love tomaters, buy a pack, learn how to grow them, do it, and reap a huge amount of tomatoes. Barring exceptions, those who call themselves poor who do own their own homes with land can find ways to save heaps of money.

I haven't had children yet because I have the understanding that I cannot plausibly afford them. It's not because I'm white, but because I'm not a fool. What was the last estimation that each child on average costs to raise from childhood to adulthood? Was it $300,000 on average to afford everything surrounding the raising of the child? If so, roughly having 5 children costs around $1,500,000. Assuming that's right, that's a lot. I don't think that includes universities, medical issues, etc. People should wait with having unprotected sex until they're able to afford the risks. They shouldn't be having sex at all, until they're old enough to be an adult and shoulder responsibilities like adults. If you didn't listen to your mother or father and you just thought they were stupid and weren't going to control your life, and then you go out and get pregnant or some young female pregnant, congratulations, you've messed up. I don't think it has anything to do with race, but everything to do with culture and upbringing. People should work very hard to not be dependent, but that becomes difficult when those who do lift themselves up out of poverty and into success are seemingly punished with heavier taxation.

And, yes, she should have thought about having 5 children beforehand. There are consequences to both one's actions and inactions. It's like someone buying 5 houses on credit, others complaining about the foolishness and burden, and still others complaining about those who complained about the person who so foolishly bought these things that were far above and beyond the means. Is it wise to have children when you can't afford it? I don't believe so. Let's not coddle the person and say it's going to be alright, while disparaging the "meanies" for calling the person out on such abject stupidity. Or is it that this woman didn't or couldn't understand the risks involved in having 5 children? I don't know. Instances like these make a person want to scream: "How could you be so stupid?!"
Only in America...
Woman has 4 kids, all different fathers, not sure exactly who the fathers really are.
Dropped out of high school.
Had her first child at 17.
And is pregnant again.
In the liberal mindscape...she is blameless. It is societies fault. We owe her.

Could you quote that from the link? I read the whole thing...didn't see that part. :eusa_liar:

I wasn't referring to her specifically.
Leftist social policies is what lead to the horrific out-of-wedlock children rate in the black race.
In the article, there is no judgement, there is no consideration for her role in her own life, and her children. None.
No blame, just handouts. And if the handouts fail - our fault. Look at those poor children.
When in reality - they have no chance. Overwhelming chances are her daughters will be in her shoes in about 12 years. And her son will be dead or in jail.
But let's not think about that.

So -- you made it up and got busted. You're lucky Barb got to you first. :lol:

Face it, neither you nor the OP know fuck-all about this woman's background. Hey, no need, just make it up.

To find a solution you must first define the causation. No one is willing to do that.
The leftist policies of the late 1950's-early 90's all but destroyed the black race. There is no argument to that. None.
And what are we doing about it today? We are going right back to the same policies that started it all in the first place. Government handouts with no strings attached.
Too much to type here...but generally speaking, nothing will fix the problem without addressing the causations...which are plenty.
1) Amoral culture
2) Feeling of entitlement
3) Lack of self responsibility
4) Dependency on others
5) Culture that glorifies violence and anti-social behavior
6) Short sided social policies

I could go on

Why not? You've already established yourself as a fiction writer... why stop now? :popcorn:
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None of them look like they are starving.
She says she goes often without eating?
She's fat.
She has a nice looking refrigerator, a washer and a cell phone and nice cloths.

"Fat" is not necessarily from overeating. Not at all. In many if not most of us it's a result of the ultra-processed and "fast" foods that comprise the limitations of someone living in poverty. But these are the choices left to the destitute.

To look at a fat person and conclude "excess" is just unfounded, especially today.
Well, she should of stocked up if she's RELYING on the guberment to not have glitches

she didn't learn from OScamCareinsurance?

the people in this country are becoming hopeless...or at least that what the Hufferpufferpost wants you to believe...

By that standard, poorly paid employees should stock up on what THEY don't get enough of to begin with ($$$) just in case some asshole in payroll fucks up.

You are at least two degrees less sentient than sand. You know that, right?
Yeah Stocked up on a bag of beans, rice, pasta and some Ragu just like the rest of us do. Less than 10 bucks can feed those kids just not what they like to eat. They'll eat it if their hungry. The dollor store has a freezer section...NO REASON for anyone to miss a meal.
Seems the smartphone is more of a priority than feeding her own children...
Cry me a River...

Ragu is full of sugar, pasta and rice are simple starches. And there's your fat.
Well, she should of stocked up if she's RELYING on the guberment to not have glitches

she didn't learn from OScamCareinsurance?

the people in this country are becoming hopeless...or at least that what the Hufferpufferpost wants you to believe...

Interesting you should mention that -- from the article is this passage:

North Carolina officials blame the food stamp delays partly on Obamacare. Under the health care law, states were required to update their aging computer systems to accept Medicaid applications by Oct. 1 of last year.

North Carolina chose to combine food stamp, Medicaid and other welfare programs into a single computer system. When state officials updated the software in July to comply with the law, they did not have time to properly test the system and ran into glitches that created the food stamp delays, according to Julie Henry, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Health and Human Services.

But the USDA has dismissed the state’s explanation, noting in a January letter that many other states complied with the federal health care law “without the dramatic impacts” on food stamp processing that occurred in North Carolina.​

Interesting that when the O'bamacare website tanked it was all Obama's fault. Now in this case it's the recipient's fault.

Having it both ways: Priceless.
This just highlights how inept government is at overseeing their programs. While one family is let down due to stupidity, a drug dealer reaps the rewards from gaming the system. The inconsistency in which welfare is distributed is disturbing. Too many unqualified people are hired to do the job, just like Michelle's college bud being handed millions to fuck up a website. This is what happens when politicians hire their cronies.

The entire welfare system needs to be overhauled to ensure that those truly in need are helped and those gaming the system are kicked to the curb.
This just highlights how inept government is at overseeing their programs. While one family is let down due to stupidity, a drug dealer reaps the rewards from gaming the system. The inconsistency in which welfare is distributed is disturbing. Too many unqualified people are hired to do the job, just like Michelle's college bud being handed millions to fuck up a website. This is what happens when politicians hire their cronies.

The entire welfare system needs to be overhauled to ensure that those truly in need are helped and those gaming the system are kicked to the curb.

like that's going to happen, we have Democrats caught in gun running, fraud, cheating the system and us, Harry Reid ripping off us taxpayers and giving it to his granddaughter to sell her jewelry she makes, etc
but call for cutting them down to size and you get beat over the head as, not caring for others, the poor, the childreeeen, etc
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The woman who cuts our hair, manages the salon, also works cleaning houses on her days off, single mother of three, ex doesn't pay child support, has no choice but to go to the food pantry before the end of the month.

Bet she has a refrigerator too.
So a woman that is working three jobs and keeping three kids alive while doing it? I would help her out.

That's the kind of person I would help open her own salon or home cleaning company and help her make ends meet until she can exceed her expenses and start saving.

A little fucking effort here, we aren't asking that much. Sitting your fat ass on the couch with your iPhone complaining you only have four chicken legs doesn't get me motivated to help.

I would also help her go after the ex and make his life a living hell.

And not a single government agency needed to do it.
This just highlights how inept government is at overseeing their programs. While one family is let down due to stupidity, a drug dealer reaps the rewards from gaming the system. The inconsistency in which welfare is distributed is disturbing. Too many unqualified people are hired to do the job, just like Michelle's college bud being handed millions to fuck up a website. This is what happens when politicians hire their cronies.

The entire welfare system needs to be overhauled to ensure that those truly in need are helped and those gaming the system are kicked to the curb.

When will you Rightwingers get it through your skulls that food stamps fraud is RARE. Is it rare because people wouldn't want to mooch? No it's rare for two very important reasons.

1) The enrollment process is very thorough. Every asset a person signing up has must be accounted for. Above all else your income is thoroughly validated.

2) Theree really isn't much incentive to. If you make a comfortable living, the risk of being caught is no where near the benefits. These people get less than 150.00 a month. Anyone who tries to scam this program is an idiot for multiple reasons.
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