Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

No wonder he mentioned lazy, black and bastard all in one sentence. He didnt want you to read this part

Of course the OP gets mad at some single mother trying to feed her kids and not about the outright corruption in the artcle.

I bet the OP could kick that bitches ass Amirite! Too bad he doesnt have the stones to go after a bigger opponent

The problem would be fix if she was working for a living like the rest of us.

Dont read the article or you'll find out she was working until she got fired a month ago like other people. The rest of your dribble assumes that there wouldnt be corruption if there wasnt socialism. Because there is a place with no socialism that has no corruption and that place is called *blank*

Fill in the blank for me

Obamacare strikes again...
Time for men to take responsibility and come back into the family. This utter lack of being there for your own family is just sad.

Both deserves refrigerators but they deserve the guy that knocked them up to be there even more.

people are removed from public housing if they commit a criminal act.

people in impoverished areas commit criminal acts to live...

we have more people in jail than any country in this world and poor blacks are arrested and convicted far more often than whites who do and sell as much drugs as anyone in the black community, probably more, statistically.

and you ask why the men aren't in the community?

Family is what I said...

I believe we should legalize some of the drugs as no one should be going to prison for it.

If armed robbery was legalized there would be even more that could be at home....
no wonder he mentioned lazy, black and bastard all in one sentence. He didnt want you to read this part

of course the op gets mad at some single mother trying to feed her kids and not about the outright corruption in the artcle.

I bet the op could kick that bitches ass amirite! Too bad he doesnt have the stones to go after a bigger opponent

the problem would be fix if she was working for a living like the rest of us.

If you don't need socialism..... Then inherently you don't have corruption. If we didn't have a multi-billion dollar socialist system running, there wouldn't be a need for any company, and thus no need to lobby for those contracts.

The people on the left, want to have a huge socialist system, but magically don't want corruption. Sorry, that's not possible. If you have government involved, there is going to be corruption. You can scream and yell about accenture, but as long as you have a system giving out money, there is going to be companies lobbying to get that money.

That's how government has always worked in every system, in every country, in every age. I'm not saying you are wrong, but i am saying you are wasting your time. If it wasn't them, it will be someone else.

what is she doing with her kids while she works?

Do you think a minimum wage job pays for her to feed those kids?

And where are they going to live when she takes that minimum wage job?

And where are the jobs when there are 6 applicants for every one job?

and knowing that what you're saying is absurd does not make anyone a socialist. so you should probably understand the terms you use.

No answer to anything I just said, changes my points.

There is no 6 applicants for every one job. That's a lie. A large portion of the jobs out there, are not listed.

Second, very few jobs are minimum wage. If you go and work at Wendy's even, just working full time will get you a wage over the minimum. If you work odd hours, you can earn more.

When I was in high school, I worked at Wendy's. There was a Romanian immigrant there that had a family of 4, and his wife didn't work. He was able to feed his entire family on a Wendy's wage. That was back when the minimum wage was $4.25. Now it's $7.25, and you are telling me a born American that knows English, and had the benefits of an education, can't possibly make it on almost double what he did?

And lastly, where is her family? Where is her husband? Where is extended family? Where is her church? Where are her friends?

If I had kids, there are dozens of people I could take them too, while I work on getting a better paying job. Family, friends, church, and so on.

If she said screw you to everyone in her life, her husband, her family, her church, her friends..... Why should I be forced to pay for her?

Not to mention there are dozens of free charities for exactly such a situation. Is she refusing to take charity help, so she can instead sit at home and soak the tax payer?

You people are full of excuses. Like I said, the left support irresponsibility. You have non-stop excuses, just like I bet this lady has for why she can't take care of her own kids. Excuses and irresponsibility go hand in hand, and you it up under the guise of "caring", when you yourself really don't care. You people never help the poor yourselves, but your real quick to try and make others do it.

No more excuses. Down with leftists.
rightwingers don't want women to have birth control

they don't want women to have sex ed

they don't want women to have reproductive choice

they don't want to feed hungry kids

they don't want to pay for job training and daycare so the women can get jobs that pay a living wage or education for decent jobs.

and they whine....

and whine.....

and whine......

rightwingers don't want women to have birth controlWrong, just don't want to pay for it when it's the woman's choice.

they don't want women to have sex edWrong. Perhaps if women had sex ed, they'd understand the consequences of their choices.

they don't want women to have reproductive choice Again, wrong, let 'em choose...and live with the full costs of their choices.

they don't want to feed hungry kids Wrong, they just don't want the money filtered through government. If you're serious about feeding children, feel free to contribute.

they don't want to pay for job training and daycare so the women can get jobs that pay a living wage or education for decent jobs. Correct. I paid for mine, why should I pay for theirs?

and they whine....Yes, you seem to do that

and whine..... You do a whole lot of it.
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rightwingers don't want women to have birth control

they don't want women to have sex ed

they don't want women to have reproductive choice

they don't want to feed hungry kids

they don't want to pay for job training and daycare so the women can get jobs that pay a living wage or education for decent jobs.

and they whine....

and whine.....

and whine......

And the ones who say she should not have had them would be the first to stop her from aborting.

Murdering. Being irresponsible doesn't give you a pass to commit murder.

The problem isn't lack of murdering kids. The problem is irresponsibility.

The people on the left, not only encourage irresponsibility, funded by tax payer dollars, but then try and cover up their promotion of irresponsibility, by murdering innocent children.

Leftist are almost all inherently evil people.

But, let children go hungry.

THAT is evil.
the problem would be fix if she was working for a living like the rest of us.

If you don't need socialism..... Then inherently you don't have corruption. If we didn't have a multi-billion dollar socialist system running, there wouldn't be a need for any company, and thus no need to lobby for those contracts.

The people on the left, want to have a huge socialist system, but magically don't want corruption. Sorry, that's not possible. If you have government involved, there is going to be corruption. You can scream and yell about accenture, but as long as you have a system giving out money, there is going to be companies lobbying to get that money.

That's how government has always worked in every system, in every country, in every age. I'm not saying you are wrong, but i am saying you are wasting your time. If it wasn't them, it will be someone else.

what is she doing with her kids while she works?

Do you think a minimum wage job pays for her to feed those kids?

And where are they going to live when she takes that minimum wage job?

And where are the jobs when there are 6 applicants for every one job?

and knowing that what you're saying is absurd does not make anyone a socialist. so you should probably understand the terms you use.

No answer to anything I just said, changes my points.

There is no 6 applicants for every one job. That's a lie. A large portion of the jobs out there, are not listed.

Second, very few jobs are minimum wage. If you go and work at Wendy's even, just working full time will get you a wage over the minimum. If you work odd hours, you can earn more.

When I was in high school, I worked at Wendy's. There was a Romanian immigrant there that had a family of 4, and his wife didn't work. He was able to feed his entire family on a Wendy's wage. That was back when the minimum wage was $4.25. Now it's $7.25, and you are telling me a born American that knows English, and had the benefits of an education, can't possibly make it on almost double what he did?

And lastly, where is her family? Where is her husband? Where is extended family? Where is her church? Where are her friends?

If I had kids, there are dozens of people I could take them too, while I work on getting a better paying job. Family, friends, church, and so on.

If she said screw you to everyone in her life, her husband, her family, her church, her friends..... Why should I be forced to pay for her?

Not to mention there are dozens of free charities for exactly such a situation. Is she refusing to take charity help, so she can instead sit at home and soak the tax payer?

You people are full of excuses. Like I said, the left support irresponsibility. You have non-stop excuses, just like I bet this lady has for why she can't take care of her own kids. Excuses and irresponsibility go hand in hand, and you it up under the guise of "caring", when you yourself really don't care. You people never help the poor yourselves, but your real quick to try and make others do it.

No more excuses. Down with leftists.

Wow Androw, you expect alot.

I mean reading your post it's like you expect people to have personal responsibility.

Did you forget? Hope and Change put an end to that.
The problem would be fix if she was working for a living like the rest of us.

Dont read the article or you'll find out she was working until she got fired a month ago like other people. The rest of your dribble assumes that there wouldnt be corruption if there wasnt socialism. Because there is a place with no socialism that has no corruption and that place is called *blank*

Fill in the blank for me

Obamacare strikes again...

Might know you would say that.

What we need in this world is a lot less damn christians celebrating hungry children.
Sure but that doesnt make the hunger pangs go away. You cant eat grateful

A cheap bag of healthy staples like brown rice, lentils, and beans can be very filling. I lived on that when dirt poor, and it helped greatly. It may not be flavorful and salty like processed food, but it's good for you, and your wallet.

How 'bout if I take over for [MENTION=18990]Barb[/MENTION] and say -

Fuck you.

Read the article.

Live in the real world.


There, feel better?

Do tell why she can afford to buy chicken nuggets and not good old fashioned oatmeal, beans, lentils, brown rice, etc.

From the article:

Doctors diagnosed her 2-year-old son, Jamarri, with a digestive illness and told her not to feed him processed food. But without food stamps, her only options were low-priced items like chicken nuggets and instant mashed potatoes, she said.

There is no reason why he cant eat a fresh bowl of whole grain oats and fresh made beans, etc. those items are cheaper, last longer and a heck of a lot healthier. Its nothing but an excuse to say she HAS to feed her kid processed garbage when she CAN buy chicken nuggets frozen or otherwise.
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Dont read the article or you'll find out she was working until she got fired a month ago like other people. The rest of your dribble assumes that there wouldnt be corruption if there wasnt socialism. Because there is a place with no socialism that has no corruption and that place is called *blank*

Fill in the blank for me

Obamacare strikes again...

Might know you would say that.

What we need in this world is a lot less damn christians celebrating hungry children.

What the world needs is LESS RELIGION all together and more logical thinking. ;) Religion seems to bring out the worse in people.
CaféAuLait;8867315 said:
A cheap bag of healthy staples like brown rice, lentils, and beans can be very filling. I lived on that when dirt poor, and it helped greatly. It may not be flavorful and salty like processed food, but it's good for you, and your wallet.

How 'bout if I take over for [MENTION=18990]Barb[/MENTION] and say -

Fuck you.

Read the article.

Live in the real world.


There, feel better?

Do tell why she can afford to buy chicken nuggets and not good old fashioned oatmeal, beans, lentils, brown rice, etc.

From the article:

Doctors diagnosed her 2-year-old son, Jamarri, with a digestive illness and told her not to feed him processed food. But without food stamps, her only options were low-priced items like chicken nuggets and instant mashed potatoes, she said.

There is no reason why he cant eat a fresh bowl of whole grain oats and fresh made beans, etc.

Please sir. More porridge?
Dont read the article or you'll find out she was working until she got fired a month ago like other people. The rest of your dribble assumes that there wouldnt be corruption if there wasnt socialism. Because there is a place with no socialism that has no corruption and that place is called *blank*

Fill in the blank for me

Obamacare strikes again...

Might know you would say that.

What we need in this world is a lot less damn christians celebrating hungry children.

And they all dance around maypoles while doing that.
What an idiotic statement.
Dont read the article or you'll find out she was working until she got fired a month ago like other people. The rest of your dribble assumes that there wouldnt be corruption if there wasnt socialism. Because there is a place with no socialism that has no corruption and that place is called *blank*

Fill in the blank for me

Obamacare strikes again...

Might know you would say that.

What we need in this world is a lot less damn christians celebrating hungry children.

Many churches run food pantries for people in their area. The people who fill those food pantries are the same people you are damning. What do you do to help hungry children?
Obamacare strikes again...

Might know you would say that.

What we need in this world is a lot less damn christians celebrating hungry children.

Many churches run food pantries for people in their area. The people who fill those food pantries are the same people you are damning. What do you do to help hungry children?

Well, good for those churches, but they can't do 5% of what the government does for people.
No wonder he mentioned lazy, black and bastard all in one sentence. He didnt want you to read this part

Of course the OP gets mad at some single mother trying to feed her kids and not about the outright corruption in the artcle.

I bet the OP could kick that bitches ass Amirite! Too bad he doesnt have the stones to go after a bigger opponent

The problem would be fix if she was working for a living like the rest of us.

Dont read the article or you'll find out she was working until she got fired a month ago like other people. The rest of your dribble assumes that there wouldnt be corruption if there wasnt socialism. Because there is a place with no socialism that has no corruption and that place is called *blank*

Fill in the blank for me


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