Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

What "smart phone?" I didn't see that, either.

You DO know that with kids in school, its important to have a # where you can be reached? They (school nurse and such) aren't going to drive to the house or deploy a messenger pigeon in case of emergency. :asshole:

It's in her hand.

How did our mothers ever get along?

They had home phones.

And wtf? Some people have things left over from better days. I'm sure she's sorry as hell not to look like your narrow minded, bigoted opinion of a poor person.

You can still get home phones and they are cheaper.

Data service for a smart phone is more expensive than basic cell service.

And Obama phones are free.
I could go on

You make an interesting assumption; it's the same assumption all cons make, but you completely ignore the opposing view that had it not been for all of these programs, the poor in this country would actually be in much worse shape and we would have ghettos comparable to those in places like India.



Excellent point

*walks away shaking head*
I think dads should take some of the responsibility for their children. Don't you?
"just support yourself"

Man...why didnt anyone think of that?

Or, how about not having kids when you cant support them? My version leaves a safety net in place, its just one with conditions and requirements that you stop having more kids if you can't support one or yourself.

Or how about forcing absent daddy to either support the kid or work as if you are supporting the kid? Fathering a child should result in responsibility, and currently we just don't seem able to enforce that.

Wow, you're on a roll today

Wow, you're on a troll today.
Or, how about not having kids when you cant support them? My version leaves a safety net in place, its just one with conditions and requirements that you stop having more kids if you can't support one or yourself.

Or how about forcing absent daddy to either support the kid or work as if you are supporting the kid? Fathering a child should result in responsibility, and currently we just don't seem able to enforce that.

Wow, you're on a roll today

Wow, you're on a troll today.

Wow, you're on a foal today.
"just support yourself"

Man...why didnt anyone think of that?

Or, how about not having kids when you cant support them? My version leaves a safety net in place, its just one with conditions and requirements that you stop having more kids if you can't support one or yourself.

Or how about forcing absent daddy to either support the kid or work as if you are supporting the kid? Fathering a child should result in responsibility, and currently we just don't seem able to enforce that.

Wow, you're on a roll today

all you do is ignore reality.
If you want government not to be intrusive, be able to support yourself. People who can feed and clothe their own kids won't feel the governments influence on them at all.

Your preferred option of rewarding bad behavior is the feel good smarmy bullshit that leads to poverty cycles never being ended.

See, I would agree, if applied to a more monied population that insisted on less oversight, more rewards, and a bigger cushion.

Rewarding bad behavior indeed.

you tool.

I don't see some CEO wasting his life away on government handouts, or my taxes going to perpetuate said lifestyle. I perpetuate it by buying a product or service from his company and getting something of value out of it.

It's not generally pointed out in the nightly news.

This kind of comedy writes itself.

It just isn't funny.
I'm a bit curious what you guys think about this. :smiliehug:

If she owns even a little land, she can buy a pack of carrot seeds for $0.20. Each pack has over 100 seeds in it. If you care for your crops you can reap a good harvest and blanch/store the remainder in the freezer. Garden food is cheaper and healthier than much of the processed food you find in the store.

And what the hey. The latter part of the article with Camilla Lewis has her saying her son can't eat processed food because of a stomach disorder. SO, she keeps buying processed food... When I was dirt poor I'd buy super cheap bags of dried lentils, beans, and brown rice. Poor people in 3rd world countries like Africa would kill for what America's poor have. I saw a photo of a little African girl with just a rag around her little hips, a bloated, hungry belly, and neither hope nor opportunity for a good future.

We Americans need to count the many blessings we have, and be damned grateful for them. That, and buy healthy, cheap staples like beans and lentils. You don't need processed food and stuff like that to live. You'll feel better, too, with a nice bowl of simple brown rice with a little dash of pepper. People should tighten their belts and buy only what they need; live below your means as much as you can and save your money!

[MENTION=18990]Barb[/MENTION] [MENTION=23094]martybegan[/MENTION] [MENTION=25032]ClosedCaption[/MENTION] [MENTION=24535]jknowgood[/MENTION] [MENTION=12997]auditor0007[/MENTION] [MENTION][/MENTION] [MENTION=24610]iamwhatiseem[/MENTION] [MENTION=39530]AceRothstein[/MENTION]
Only in America...
Woman has 4 kids, all different fathers, not sure exactly who the fathers really are.
Dropped out of high school.
Had her first child at 17.
And is pregnant again.
In the liberal mindscape...she is blameless. It is societies fault. We owe her.

Why pile on lies?

Have any of the usual haters mentioned the photo with a refrigerator? How dare this woman have refrigerator, right?
I'm a bit curious what you guys think about this. :smiliehug:

If she owns even a little land, she can buy a pack of carrot seeds for $0.20. Each pack has over 100 seeds in it. If you care for your crops you can reap a good harvest and blanch/store the remainder in the freezer. Garden food is cheaper and healthier than much of the processed food you find in the store.

And what the hey. The latter part of the article with Camilla Lewis has her saying her son can't eat processed food because of a stomach disorder. SO, she keeps buying processed food... When I was dirt poor I'd buy super cheap bags of dried lentils, beans, and brown rice. Poor people in 3rd world countries like Africa would kill for what America's poor have. I saw a photo of a little African girl with just a rag around her little hips, a bloated, hungry belly, and neither hope nor opportunity for a good future.

We Americans need to count the many blessings we have, and be damned grateful for them. That, and buy healthy, cheap staples like beans and lentils. You don't need processed food and stuff like that to live. You'll feel better, too, with a nice bowl of simple brown rice with a little dash of pepper. People should tighten their belts and buy only what they need; live below your means as much as you can and save your money!

[MENTION=18990]Barb[/MENTION] [MENTION=23094]martybegan[/MENTION] [MENTION=25032]ClosedCaption[/MENTION] [MENTION=24535]jknowgood[/MENTION] [MENTION=12997]auditor0007[/MENTION] [MENTION][/MENTION] [MENTION=24610]iamwhatiseem[/MENTION] [MENTION=39530]AceRothstein[/MENTION]

FUCK YOU @ wake The kid can't eat processed food - 1 of 4 - and she had to stretch BE 4. BECAUSE there wasn't bennie and BECAUSE they fucked up, NOT BECAUSE she's the fucked up version of YOU.
See, I would agree, if applied to a more monied population that insisted on less oversight, more rewards, and a bigger cushion.

Rewarding bad behavior indeed.

you tool.

I don't see some CEO wasting his life away on government handouts, or my taxes going to perpetuate said lifestyle. I perpetuate it by buying a product or service from his company and getting something of value out of it.

It's not generally pointed out in the nightly news.

This kind of comedy writes itself.

It just isn't funny.

What do i get out of supporting a woman with 4 kids via my taxes besides the vague promise of said people not revolting?
Only in America...
Woman has 4 kids, all different fathers, not sure exactly who the fathers really are.
Dropped out of high school.
Had her first child at 17.
And is pregnant again.
In the liberal mindscape...she is blameless. It is societies fault. We owe her.

See, I understand that thinking. The problem is what happens to the kids? Do we abandon the kids because of the mother's poor choices? An awful lot of cons in this forum would be just fine with those kids starving to death because "it's the mother's fault".

They don't have to starve, but they don't have to remain with mommy either. Put them in institutions and have mommy AND Daddy work in mandatory programs until they can support the kids themselves.

Jeesus. You people aren't just nasty and ugly. You're just plain dumb.

You would waste all that money rather than feed the kids and educate the parents.

Bet you're a "christian".
Only in America...
Woman has 4 kids, all different fathers, not sure exactly who the fathers really are.
Dropped out of high school.
Had her first child at 17.
And is pregnant again.
In the liberal mindscape...she is blameless. It is societies fault. We owe her.

Why pile on lies?

Have any of the usual haters mentioned the photo with a refrigerator? How dare this woman have refrigerator, right?

Because how else would they justify callous and crude remarks?
It Saves Millions To Simply Give Homeless People A Place To Live | ThinkProgress

It is cheaper to give homeless people a home than it is to leave them on the streets.

That’s not just the opinion of advocates working to end homelessness, nor is it the opinion of homeless people themselves. It is a fact that has been borne out by studies across the country, from Florida to Colorado and beyond.

The latest analysis to back up this fact comes out of Charlotte, where researchers from the University of North Carolina Charlotte examined a recently constructed apartment complex that was oriented towards homeless people.

Moore Place opened in 2012 with 85 units. Each resident is required to contribute 30 percent of his or her income, which includes any benefits like disability, veterans, or Social Security, toward rent. The rest of the housing costs, which total approximately $14,000 per person annually, are covered by a mix of local and federal government grants, as well as private donors.

In the first year alone, researchers found that Moore Place saved taxpayers $1.8 million. These savings comes from improvements in two primary areas: health care and incarceration.

Residents of Moore Place collectively visited the emergency room, an expensive but not uncommon way homeless people access health care, 447 fewer times in the year after getting housing, the study discovered. Similarly, they spent far less time running afoul of the law, with the number of arrests dropping 78 percent.

Though opponents worried that homeless people would cause problems in the subsidized apartments, only 15 tenants have gotten in trouble and been asked to leave Moore Place.

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