Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

None of them look like they are starving.
She says she goes often without eating?
She's fat.
She has a nice looking refrigerator, a washer and a cell phone and nice cloths.
Five kids and no daddy to call in for some extra bucks. Not for any of them.

What do you expect with a culture that says that men are only to be sex machines and a woman can take care of everything alone...The honest truth is the children would be far better off with a strong man at home that gave a damn.

Our young men need to be taught self control and self respect.
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How much does that smart phone cost her per month?

What "smart phone?" I didn't see that, either.

You DO know that with kids in school, its important to have a # where you can be reached? They (school nurse and such) aren't going to drive to the house or deploy a messenger pigeon in case of emergency. :asshole:

It's in her hand.

How did our mothers ever get along?

They had home phones.

And wtf? Some people have things left over from better days. I'm sure she's sorry as hell not to look like your narrow minded, bigoted opinion of a poor person.
See, I understand that thinking. The problem is what happens to the kids? Do we abandon the kids because of the mother's poor choices? An awful lot of cons in this forum would be just fine with those kids starving to death because "it's the mother's fault".

They don't have to starve, but they don't have to remain with mommy either. Put them in institutions and have mommy AND Daddy work in mandatory programs until they can support the kids themselves.

Are you willing to pay for those institutions? And you do realize that orphanages have never provided a very good outcome for those kids raised in that type of environment, right?

Given a choice between handouts with no strings, and an institutionalized system that holds people accountable for their actions I'll take the latter. I'd also add that once a person is in the system and they have a kid being taken care of, a 2nd kid is a crime. I wouldn't force the mother to abort the kid, but she's gonna get a jail term out of it. same as dad if this is his second or more trip around the paternity pole.

and the outcomes we are getting with the current system are better how?
The nerve of some people.

They should really be exercising their second amendment rights, Organize a militia, overthrow the government, set up a guillotine for all the rich oppressors and commence with the head chopping.

Refresh the tree of liberty!

If there is anything I would like most to see, this is it. The war to finally divide the US and put liberals in their place.

You realize your side would almost certainly lose, right? The problem is that those of you on the far whacked out right who believe stupid shit like this are actually quite small in number. Sensible people who fall somewhere in between all the crazies are not going to side with lunatics like you.
Well, she should of stocked up if she's RELYING on the guberment to not have glitches

she didn't learn from OScamCareinsurance?

the people in this country are becoming hopeless...or at least that what the Hufferpufferpost wants you to believe...

By that standard, poorly paid employees should stock up on what THEY don't get enough of to begin with ($$$) just in case some asshole in payroll fucks up.

You are at least two degrees less sentient than sand. You know that, right?
Yeah Stocked up on a bag of beans, rice, pasta and some Ragu just like the rest of us do. Less than 10 bucks can feed those kids just not what they like to eat. They'll eat it if their hungry. The dollor store has a freezer section...NO REASON for anyone to miss a meal.
Seems the smartphone is more of a priority than feeding her own children...
Cry me a River...
See, I understand that thinking. The problem is what happens to the kids? Do we abandon the kids because of the mother's poor choices? An awful lot of cons in this forum would be just fine with those kids starving to death because "it's the mother's fault".

They don't have to starve, but they don't have to remain with mommy either. Put them in institutions and have mommy AND Daddy work in mandatory programs until they can support the kids themselves.

Are you willing to pay for those institutions? And you do realize that orphanages have never provided a very good outcome for those kids raised in that type of environment, right?

There are an awful lot of famous people who were raised in orphanages.
History's Famous Orphans - Yahoo Voices -
Only in America...
Woman has 4 kids, all different fathers, not sure exactly who the fathers really are.
Dropped out of high school.
Had her first child at 17.
And is pregnant again.
In the liberal mindscape...she is blameless. It is societies fault. We owe her.

See, I understand that thinking. The problem is what happens to the kids? Do we abandon the kids because of the mother's poor choices? An awful lot of cons in this forum would be just fine with those kids starving to death because "it's the mother's fault".

They don't have to starve, but they don't have to remain with mommy either. Put them in institutions and have mommy AND Daddy work in mandatory programs until they can support the kids themselves.

you SICK fuck
They don't have to starve, but they don't have to remain with mommy either. Put them in institutions and have mommy AND Daddy work in mandatory programs until they can support the kids themselves.

Are you willing to pay for those institutions? And you do realize that orphanages have never provided a very good outcome for those kids raised in that type of environment, right?

Given a choice between handouts with no strings, and an institutionalized system that holds people accountable for their actions I'll take the latter. I'd also add that once a person is in the system and they have a kid being taken care of, a 2nd kid is a crime. I wouldn't force the mother to abort the kid, but she's gonna get a jail term out of it. same as dad if this is his second or more trip around the paternity pole.

and the outcomes we are getting with the current system are better how?

here's your smaller, less intrusive government.
Could you quote that from the link? I read the whole thing...didn't see that part. :eusa_liar:

I wasn't referring to her specifically.
Leftist social policies is what lead to the horrific out-of-wedlock children rate in the black race.
In the article, there is no judgement, there is no consideration for her role in her own life, and her children. None.
No blame, just handouts. And if the handouts fail - our fault. Look at those poor children.
When in reality - they have no chance. Overwhelming chances are her daughters will be in her shoes in about 12 years. And her son will be dead or in jail.
But let's not think about that.

So what is your realistic solution to the problem?

To find a solution you must first define the causation. No one is willing to do that.
The leftist policies of the late 1950's-early 90's all but destroyed the black race. There is no argument to that. None.
And what are we doing about it today? We are going right back to the same policies that started it all in the first place. Government handouts with no strings attached.
Too much to type here...but generally speaking, nothing will fix the problem without addressing the causations...which are plenty.
1) Amoral culture
2) Feeling of entitlement
3) Lack of self responsibility
4) Dependency on others
5) Culture that glorifies violence and anti-social behavior
6) Short sided social policies

I could go on
The nerve of some people.

They should really be exercising their second amendment rights, Organize a militia, overthrow the government, set up a guillotine for all the rich oppressors and commence with the head chopping.

Refresh the tree of liberty!

If there is anything I would like most to see, this is it. The war to finally divide the US and put liberals in their place.

Thank you for you're schaudenfreuda.
Well, she should of stocked up if she's RELYING on the guberment to not have glitches

she didn't learn from OScamCareinsurance?

the people in this country are becoming hopeless...or at least that what the Hufferpufferpost wants you to believe...

By that standard, poorly paid employees should stock up on what THEY don't get enough of to begin with ($$$) just in case some asshole in payroll fucks up.

You are at least two degrees less sentient than sand. You know that, right?
Yeah Stocked up on a bag of beans, rice, pasta and some Ragu just like the rest of us do. Less than 10 bucks can feed those kids just not what they like to eat. They'll eat it if their hungry. The dollor store has a freezer section...NO REASON for anyone to miss a meal.
Seems the smartphone is more of a priority than feeding her own children...
Cry me a River...

you're even less sentient than staph.
Only in America...
Woman has 4 kids, all different fathers, not sure exactly who the fathers really are.
Dropped out of high school.
Had her first child at 17.
And is pregnant again.
In the liberal mindscape...she is blameless. It is societies fault. We owe her.

Could you quote that from the link? I read the whole thing...didn't see that part. :eusa_liar:

I wasn't referring to her specifically.

See, I understand that thinking. The problem is what happens to the kids? Do we abandon the kids because of the mother's poor choices? An awful lot of cons in this forum would be just fine with those kids starving to death because "it's the mother's fault".

They don't have to starve, but they don't have to remain with mommy either. Put them in institutions and have mommy AND Daddy work in mandatory programs until they can support the kids themselves.

you SICK fuck

How is that sick? If you are going to have kids, be able to support them. If you can't, the state will, but you will work for it/be trained to support yourself. And your kids will be looked out for by the state until you can.
If they lived close to me, I'd feed the kids, I've done it before and I am blessed, I like to pass it forward....
I wasn't referring to her specifically.
Leftist social policies is what lead to the horrific out-of-wedlock children rate in the black race.
In the article, there is no judgement, there is no consideration for her role in her own life, and her children. None.
No blame, just handouts. And if the handouts fail - our fault. Look at those poor children.
When in reality - they have no chance. Overwhelming chances are her daughters will be in her shoes in about 12 years. And her son will be dead or in jail.
But let's not think about that.

So what is your realistic solution to the problem?

To find a solution you must first define the causation. No one is willing to do that.
The leftist policies of the late 1950's-early 90's all but destroyed the black race. There is no argument to that. None.

There is no correlation to that. None.

Also at the same time the increase in the downfall of whites happened too. Was it because of welfare too or were whites trying to out do the blacks?
Are you willing to pay for those institutions? And you do realize that orphanages have never provided a very good outcome for those kids raised in that type of environment, right?

Given a choice between handouts with no strings, and an institutionalized system that holds people accountable for their actions I'll take the latter. I'd also add that once a person is in the system and they have a kid being taken care of, a 2nd kid is a crime. I wouldn't force the mother to abort the kid, but she's gonna get a jail term out of it. same as dad if this is his second or more trip around the paternity pole.

and the outcomes we are getting with the current system are better how?

here's your smaller, less intrusive government.

If you want government not to be intrusive, be able to support yourself. People who can feed and clothe their own kids won't feel the governments influence on them at all.

Your preferred option of rewarding bad behavior is the feel good smarmy bullshit that leads to poverty cycles never being ended.
Given a choice between handouts with no strings, and an institutionalized system that holds people accountable for their actions I'll take the latter. I'd also add that once a person is in the system and they have a kid being taken care of, a 2nd kid is a crime. I wouldn't force the mother to abort the kid, but she's gonna get a jail term out of it. same as dad if this is his second or more trip around the paternity pole.

and the outcomes we are getting with the current system are better how?

here's your smaller, less intrusive government.

If you want government not to be intrusive, be able to support yourself. People who can feed and clothe their own kids won't feel the governments influence on them at all.

Your preferred option of rewarding bad behavior is the feel good smarmy bullshit that leads to poverty cycles never being ended.

“Poverty is an anomaly to the rich. They cannot understand why the poor when hungry do not simply ring the bell”

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